Bill No. CS/HB 1213
Amendment No. 242353
Senate House

1Representative Taylor offered the following:
3     Amendment (with title amendment)
4     Between lines 132 and 133, insert:
5     Section 4.  The Department of Corrections and the
6Department of Management Services are authorized to enter into a
7master lease purchase agreement to finance the acquisition,
8construction and equipping of work release beds and workcamp
9beds in the event the authority for the design, building and
10operation of such facilities is granted to the Department of
11Corrections. Payments under the master lease purchase agreement
12may commence prior to completion of the facilities.
T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T
16     Remove line 19 and insert:
17compensation purposes; authorizing the Department of Corrections
18and the Department of Management Services to enter into a master
19lease purchase agreement to finance the acquisition,
20construction and equipping of specified facilities in certain
21circumstances; providing for payments; providing an effective

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.