1 | Representative Pickens offered the following: |
2 |
3 | Amendment to Amendment (547097) |
4 | Remove lines 770-887 and insert: |
5 | Section 26. Section 1012.315, Florida Statutes, is created |
6 | to read: |
7 | 1012.315 Disqualification from employment.--A person is |
8 | ineligible for educator certification, and instructional |
9 | personnel and school administrators, as defined in s. 1012.01, |
10 | are ineligible for employment in any position that requires |
11 | direct contact with students in a district school system, |
12 | charter school, or private school that accepts scholarship |
13 | students under s. 220.187 or s. 1002.39, if the person, |
14 | instructional personnel, or school administrator has been |
15 | convicted of: |
16 | (1) Any felony offense prohibited under any of the |
17 | following statutes: |
18 | (a) Section 393.135, relating to sexual misconduct with |
19 | certain developmentally disabled clients and reporting of such |
20 | sexual misconduct. |
21 | (b) Section 394.4593, relating to sexual misconduct with |
22 | certain mental health patients and reporting of such sexual |
23 | misconduct. |
24 | (c) Section 415.111, relating to adult abuse, neglect, or |
25 | exploitation of aged persons or disabled adults. |
26 | (d) Section 782.04, relating to murder. |
27 | (e) Section 782.07, relating to manslaughter, aggravated |
28 | manslaughter of an elderly person or disabled adult, aggravated |
29 | manslaughter of a child, or aggravated manslaughter of an |
30 | officer, a firefighter, an emergency medical technician, or a |
31 | paramedic. |
32 | (f) Section 782.09, relating to killing of an unborn quick |
33 | child by injury to the mother. |
34 | (g) Section 784.021, relating to aggravated assault. |
35 | (h) Section 784.045, relating to aggravated battery. |
36 | (i) Section 784.075, relating to battery on a detention or |
37 | commitment facility staff member or a juvenile probation |
38 | officer. |
39 | (j) Section 787.01, relating to kidnapping. |
40 | (k) Section 787.02, relating to false imprisonment. |
41 | (l) Section 787.025, relating to luring or enticing a |
42 | child. |
43 | (m) Section 787.04(2), relating to leading, taking, |
44 | enticing, or removing a minor beyond the state limits, or |
45 | concealing the location of a minor, with criminal intent pending |
46 | custody proceedings. |
47 | (n) Section 787.04(3), relating to leading, taking, |
48 | enticing, or removing a minor beyond the state limits, or |
49 | concealing the location of a minor, with criminal intent pending |
50 | dependency proceedings or proceedings concerning alleged abuse |
51 | or neglect of a minor. |
52 | (o) Section 790.115(1), relating to exhibiting firearms or |
53 | weapons at a school-sponsored event, on school property, or |
54 | within 1,000 feet of a school. |
55 | (p) Section 790.115(2)(b), relating to possessing an |
56 | electric weapon or device, destructive device, or other weapon |
57 | at a school-sponsored event or on school property. |
58 | (q) Section 794.011, relating to sexual battery. |
59 | (r) Former s. 794.041, relating to sexual activity with or |
60 | solicitation of a child by a person in familial or custodial |
61 | authority. |
62 | (s) Section 794.05, relating to unlawful sexual activity |
63 | with certain minors. |
64 | (t) Section 794.08, relating to female genital mutilation. |
65 | (u) Chapter 796, relating to prostitution. |
66 | (v) Chapter 800, relating to lewdness and indecent |
67 | exposure. |
68 | (w) Section 806.01, relating to arson. |
69 | (x) Section 810.14, relating to voyeurism. |
70 | (y) Section 810.145, relating to video voyeurism. |
71 | (z) Section 812.014(6), relating to coordinating the |
72 | commission of theft in excess of $3,000. |
73 | (aa) Section 812.0145, relating to theft from persons 65 |
74 | years of age or older. |
75 | (bb) Section 812.019, relating to dealing in stolen |
76 | property. |
77 | (cc) Section 812.13, relating to robbery. |
78 | (dd) Section 812.131, relating to robbery by sudden |
79 | snatching. |
80 | (ee) Section 812.133, relating to carjacking. |
81 | (ff) Section 812.135, relating to home-invasion robbery. |
82 | (gg) Section 817.563, relating to fraudulent sale of |
83 | controlled substances. |
84 | (hh) Section 825.102, relating to abuse, aggravated abuse, |
85 | or neglect of an elderly person or disabled adult. |
86 | (ii) Section 825.103, relating to exploitation of an |
87 | elderly person or disabled adult. |
88 | (jj) Section 825.1025, relating to lewd or lascivious |
89 | offenses committed upon or in the presence of an elderly person |
90 | or disabled person. |
91 | (kk) Section 826.04, relating to incest. |
92 | (ll) Section 827.03, relating to child abuse, aggravated |
93 | child abuse, or neglect of a child. |
94 | (mm) Section 827.04, relating to contributing to the |
95 | delinquency or dependency of a child. |
96 | (nn) Section 827.071, relating to sexual performance by a |
97 | child. |
98 | (oo) Section 843.01, relating to resisting arrest with |
99 | violence. |
100 | (pp) Chapter 847, relating to obscenity. |
101 | (qq) Section 874.05, relating to causing, encouraging, |
102 | soliciting, or recruiting another to join a criminal street |
103 | gang. |
104 | (rr) Chapter 893, relating to drug abuse prevention and |
105 | control, if the offense was a felony of the second degree or |
106 | greater severity. |
107 | (ss) Section 916.1075, relating to sexual misconduct with |
108 | certain forensic clients and reporting of such sexual |
109 | misconduct. |
110 | (tt) Section 944.47, relating to introduction, removal, or |
111 | possession of contraband at a correctional facility. |
112 | (uu) Section 985.701, relating to sexual misconduct in |
113 | juvenile justice programs. |
114 | (vv) Section 985.711, relating to introduction, removal, |
115 | or possession of contraband at a juvenile detention facility or |
116 | commitment program. |
117 | (2) Any misdemeanor offense prohibited under any of the |
118 | following statutes: |
119 | (a) Section 784.03, relating to battery, if the victim of |
120 | the offense was a minor. |
121 | (b) Section 787.025, relating to luring or enticing a |
122 | child. |
123 | (3) Any criminal act committed in another state or under |
124 | federal law which, if committed in this state, constitutes an |
125 | offense prohibited under any statute listed in subsection (1) or |
126 | subsection (2). |
127 | (4) Any delinquent act committed in this state or any |
128 | delinquent or criminal act committed in another state or under |
129 | federal law which, if committed in this state, qualifies an |
130 | individual for inclusion on the Registered Juvenile Sex Offender |
131 | List under s. 943.0435(1)(a)1.d. |
132 | List under s. 943.0435(1)(a)1.d. |