Bill No. CS/SB 1908
Amendment No. 825251
Senate House

1Representative Sachs offered the following:
3     Amendment to Amendment (440113) (with directory and title
5     Between lines 1360 and 1361, insert:
6     (5)(4)  MASTERY OF SUBJECT AREA KNOWLEDGE.--Acceptable
7means of demonstrating mastery of subject area knowledge are:
8     (a)  Achievement of passing scores on subject area
9examinations required by state board rule, which may include,
10but need not be limited to, world languages in Arabic, Chinese,
11Farsi, French, German, Greek, Haitian Creole, Hebrew, Hindi,
12Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish;
13     (b)  Completion of a bachelor's degree or higher and
14verification of the attainment of an oral proficiency interview
15score above the intermediate level and a written proficiency
16score above the intermediate level on a test administered by the
17American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages for which
18there is no Florida-developed examination;
19     (c)(b)  Completion of the subject area specialization
20requirements specified in state board rule and verification of
21the attainment of the essential subject matter competencies by
22the district school superintendent of the employing school
23district or chief administrative officer of the employing state-
24supported or private school for a subject area for which a
25subject area examination has not been developed and required by
26state board rule;
27     (d)(c)  Completion of the subject area specialization
28requirements specified in state board rule for a subject
29coverage requiring a master's or higher degree and achievement
30of a passing score on the subject area examination specified in
31state board rule;
32     (e)(d)  A valid professional standard teaching certificate
33issued by another state; or
34     (f)(e)  A valid certificate issued by the National Board
35for Professional Teaching Standards or a national educator
36credentialing board approved by the State Board of Education.
38School districts are encouraged to provide mechanisms for those
39middle school teachers holding only a K-6 teaching certificate
40to obtain a subject area coverage for middle grades through
41postsecondary coursework or district add-on certification.
D I R E C T O R Y  A M E N D M E N T
45     Remove lines 1351-1354 and insert:
46     Section 25.  Subsection (4) of section 1012.56, Florida
47Statutes, is renumbered as subsection (5) and amended, present
48subsections (5) through (16) are renumbered as subsections (6)
49through (17), respectively, and a new subsection (4) is added to
50that section, to read:
T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T
55     Remove line 1631 and insert:
56Generation Sunshine State Standards; revising provisions
57relating to the means for demonstrating mastery of subject area
58knowledge; specifying world languages for which subject area
59examinations may be required by State Board of Education rule;
60authorizing degree completion and attainment of foreign language
61proficiency on specified national tests; amending ss. 1012.57

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.