1 | Representative H. Gibson offered the following: |
2 |
3 | Amendment (with title amendment) |
4 | Remove everything after the enacting clause and insert: |
5 | Section 1. Subsection (4) of section 322.142, Florida |
6 | Statutes, is amended to read: |
7 | 322.142 Color photographic or digital imaged licenses.-- |
8 | (4) The department may maintain a film negative or print |
9 | file. The department shall maintain a record of the digital |
10 | image and signature of the licensees, together with other data |
11 | required by the department for identification and retrieval. |
12 | Reproductions from the file or digital record are exempt from |
13 | the provisions of s. 119.07(1) and shall be made and issued only |
14 | for departmental administrative purposes; for the issuance of |
15 | duplicate licenses; in response to law enforcement agency |
16 | requests; to the Department of State pursuant to an interagency |
17 | agreement to facilitate determinations of eligibility of voter |
18 | registration applicants and registered voters in accordance with |
19 | ss. 98.045 and 98.075; to the Department of Revenue pursuant to |
20 | an interagency agreement for use in establishing paternity and |
21 | establishing, modifying, or enforcing support obligations in |
22 | Title IV-D cases; to the Department of Children and Family |
23 | Services pursuant to an interagency agreement to conduct |
24 | protective investigations under chapter 415; or to the |
25 | Department of Financial Services pursuant to an interagency |
26 | agreement to facilitate the location of owners of unclaimed |
27 | property, the validation of unclaimed property claims, and the |
28 | identification of fraudulent or false claims, and are exempt |
29 | from the provisions of s. 119.07(1). |
30 | Section 2. Subsection (2) of section 415.103, Florida |
31 | Statutes, is amended to read: |
32 | 415.103 Central abuse hotline.-- |
33 | (2) Upon receiving an oral or written report of known or |
34 | suspected abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a vulnerable adult, |
35 | the central abuse hotline shall must determine if the report |
36 | requires an immediate onsite protective investigation. |
37 | (a) For reports requiring an immediate onsite protective |
38 | investigation, the central abuse hotline must immediately notify |
39 | the department's designated protective investigative district |
40 | staff responsible for protective investigations to ensure prompt |
41 | initiation of an onsite investigation. |
42 | (b) For reports not requiring an immediate onsite |
43 | protective investigation, the central abuse hotline must notify |
44 | the department's designated protective investigative district |
45 | staff responsible for protective investigations in sufficient |
46 | time to allow for an investigation to be commenced within 24 |
47 | hours. At the time of notification of district staff with |
48 | respect to the report, the central abuse hotline must also |
49 | provide any known information on any previous reports report |
50 | concerning the a subject of the present report or any pertinent |
51 | information relative to the present report or any noted earlier |
52 | reports. |
53 | (c) If the report is of known or suspected abuse of a |
54 | vulnerable adult by someone other than a relative, caregiver, or |
55 | household member, the report shall be immediately transferred to |
56 | the appropriate county sheriff's office. |
57 | Section 3. Paragraph (e) of subsection (1) and paragraph |
58 | (g) of subsection (2) of section 415.1051, Florida Statutes, are |
59 | amended to read: |
60 | 415.1051 Protective services interventions when capacity |
61 | to consent is lacking; nonemergencies; emergencies; orders; |
62 | limitations.-- |
64 | the department has reasonable cause to believe that a vulnerable |
65 | adult or a vulnerable adult in need of services is being abused, |
66 | neglected, or exploited and is in need of protective services |
67 | but lacks the capacity to consent to protective services, the |
68 | department shall petition the court for an order authorizing the |
69 | provision of protective services. |
70 | (e) Continued protective services.-- |
71 | 1. Within No more than 60 days after the date of the order |
72 | authorizing the provision of protective services, the department |
73 | shall petition the court to determine whether: |
74 | a. Protective services are to will be continued with the |
75 | consent of the vulnerable adult pursuant to this subsection; |
76 | b. Protective services are to will be continued for the |
77 | vulnerable adult who lacks capacity; |
78 | c. Protective services are to will be discontinued; or |
79 | d. A petition for guardianship shall should be filed |
80 | pursuant to chapter 744. |
81 | 2. If the court determines that a petition for |
82 | guardianship shall should be filed pursuant to chapter 744, the |
83 | court, for good cause shown, may order continued protective |
84 | services until it makes a determination regarding capacity. |
85 | 3. If the department has a good faith belief that the |
86 | vulnerable adult lacks capacity, the petition to determine |
87 | incapacity under s. 744.3201 may be filed by the department. |
88 | Once the petition is filed, the department may not be appointed |
89 | guardian and may not provide legal counsel for the guardian. |
91 | department has reasonable cause to believe that a vulnerable |
92 | adult is suffering from abuse or neglect that presents a risk of |
93 | death or serious physical injury to the vulnerable adult and |
94 | that the vulnerable adult lacks the capacity to consent to |
95 | emergency protective services, the department may take action |
96 | under this subsection. If the vulnerable adult has the capacity |
97 | to consent and refuses consent to emergency protective services, |
98 | emergency protective services may not be provided. |
99 | (g) Continued emergency protective services.-- |
100 | 1. Within Not more than 60 days after the date of the |
101 | order authorizing the provision of emergency protective |
102 | services, the department shall petition the court to determine |
103 | whether: |
104 | a. Emergency protective services are to will be continued |
105 | with the consent of the vulnerable adult; |
106 | b. Emergency protective services are to will be continued |
107 | for the vulnerable adult who lacks capacity; |
108 | c. Emergency protective services are to will be |
109 | discontinued; or |
110 | d. A petition shall should be filed under chapter 744. |
111 | 2. If it is decided to file a petition under chapter 744, |
112 | for good cause shown, the court may order continued emergency |
113 | protective services until a determination is made by the court. |
114 | 3. If the department has a good faith belief that the |
115 | vulnerable adult lacks capacity, the petition to determine |
116 | incapacity under s. 744.3201 may be filed by the department. |
117 | Once the petition is filed, the department may not be appointed |
118 | guardian and may not provide legal counsel for the guardian. |
119 | Section 4. Section 415.112, Florida Statutes, is amended |
120 | to read: |
121 | 415.112 Specific rulemaking authority Rules for |
122 | implementation of ss. 415.101-415.113.--The department shall |
123 | adopt promulgate rules to administer this chapter, including, |
124 | but not limited to: for the implementation of ss. 415.101- |
125 | 415.113. |
126 | (1) Background screening of department employees and |
127 | applicants for employment, which shall include a criminal |
128 | records check and drug testing of adult protective investigators |
129 | and adult protective investigator supervisors. |
130 | (2) Reporting of adult abuse, neglect, and exploitation; |
131 | reporting of a vulnerable adult in need of services; false |
132 | reporting; and adult protective investigations. |
133 | (3) Confidentiality and retention of department records, |
134 | access to records, and record requests. |
135 | (4) Injunctions and other protective orders. |
136 | (5) The provision of emergency and nonemergency protective |
137 | services intervention. |
138 | (6) Agreements with law enforcement and other state |
139 | agencies. |
140 | (7) Legal and casework procedures, including, but not |
141 | limited to, diligent search, petitions, emergency removals, |
142 | capacity to consent, and adult protection teams. |
143 | (8) Legal and casework management of cases involving |
144 | protective supervision, protective orders, judicial reviews, |
145 | administrative reviews, case plans, and documentation |
146 | requirements. |
147 | (9) The coordination of casework with the following |
148 | agencies as appropriate to the individual situation: the Agency |
149 | for Health Care Administration, the Department of Elderly |
150 | Affairs, the area agency on aging, the Nursing Home Diversion or |
151 | Medicaid waiver program provider, the Florida Senior Care |
152 | provider, and other relevant agencies or organizations, to |
153 | develop a plan that improves the prospects for safety of |
154 | affected residents and, if necessary, identifies alternative |
155 | living arrangements such as facilities licensed under part II of |
156 | chapter 400 or chapter 429. |
157 | Section 5. Paragraphs (k) and (l) of subsection (1), |
158 | subsection (2), and paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section |
159 | 429.28, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: |
160 | 429.28 Resident bill of rights.-- |
161 | (1) No resident of a facility shall be deprived of any |
162 | civil or legal rights, benefits, or privileges guaranteed by |
163 | law, the Constitution of the State of Florida, or the |
164 | Constitution of the United States as a resident of a facility. |
165 | Every resident of a facility shall have the right to: |
166 | (k) Receive at least 45 days' written notice of relocation |
167 | or termination of residency from the licensee as provided in s. |
168 | 429.285, unless the relocation or termination of residency is |
169 | initiated by the resident or the resident designee; facility |
170 | unless, for medical reasons, the resident is certified by a |
171 | physician to require an emergency relocation to a facility |
172 | providing a more skilled level of care; or the resident engages |
173 | in a pattern of conduct that is harmful or offensive to other |
174 | residents. In the case of a resident who has been adjudicated |
175 | mentally incapacitated, the guardian shall be given at least 45 |
176 | days' notice of a nonemergency relocation or residency |
177 | termination. Reasons for relocation shall be set forth in |
178 | writing. In order for a licensee facility to terminate the |
179 | residency of an individual without notice as provided in this |
180 | paragraph herein, the licensee facility shall show good cause in |
181 | a court of competent jurisdiction. Admission to a facility |
182 | licensed under this part may not be conditioned upon a waiver of |
183 | such right, and any document or provision in a document that |
184 | purports to waive or preclude such right is void and |
185 | unenforceable. |
186 | (l) Present grievances and recommend changes in policies, |
187 | procedures, and services to the staff of the facility, governing |
188 | officials, or any other person without restraint, interference, |
189 | coercion, discrimination, or reprisal. Each licensee facility |
190 | shall establish a written grievance procedure to facilitate the |
191 | residents' exercise of this right. This right includes access to |
192 | ombudsman volunteers and advocates and the right to be a member |
193 | of, to be active in, and to associate with advocacy or special |
194 | interest groups. Each licensee shall maintain a written log of |
195 | grievances that shall be available for inspection and shall be |
196 | maintained for at least 2 years. Residents may provide verbal or |
197 | written grievances. |
198 | (2) The administrator of a facility shall ensure that a |
199 | written notice of the rights, obligations, and prohibitions set |
200 | forth in this part is posted in a prominent place in each |
201 | facility and read or explained to residents who cannot read. |
202 | This notice shall include the name, address, and telephone |
203 | numbers of the local ombudsman council and central abuse hotline |
204 | and, when applicable, the Advocacy Center for Persons with |
205 | Disabilities, Inc., and the Florida local advocacy council, |
206 | where complaints may be lodged. The licensee facility must |
207 | ensure a resident's access to a telephone to call the local |
208 | ombudsman council, central abuse hotline, Advocacy Center for |
209 | Persons with Disabilities, Inc., and the Florida local advocacy |
210 | council. |
211 | (3) |
212 | (b) In order to determine whether the licensee facility is |
213 | adequately protecting residents' rights, the biennial survey |
214 | shall include private informal conversations with a sample of |
215 | residents and consultation with the ombudsman council in the |
216 | planning and service area in which the facility is located to |
217 | discuss residents' experiences within the facility. |
218 | Section 6. Section 429.285, Florida Statutes, is created |
219 | to read: |
220 | 429.285 Resident relocation or termination of residency; |
221 | requirements and procedures.-- |
222 | (1) A facility licensed under this part must permit a |
223 | resident to remain in the facility. Relocation or termination of |
224 | residency of a resident may not occur unless: |
225 | (a) The relocation or termination of residency is |
226 | necessary for the resident's welfare and the resident's needs |
227 | cannot be met in the facility; |
228 | (b) The relocation or termination of residency is |
229 | appropriate because the resident's health has improved |
230 | sufficiently so that the resident no longer needs the services |
231 | provided by the facility; |
232 | (c) The health and safety of other residents or facility |
233 | employees would be endangered; |
234 | (d) The resident has failed, after at least 30 days' |
235 | notice, to provide payment for his or her stay in the facility; |
236 | (e) The facility ceases to operate; |
237 | (f) There is a documented pattern of harmful and offensive |
238 | behavior by the resident; or |
239 | (g) The contract provided for under s. 429.24(1) between |
240 | the licensee and the resident expires on its own terms. |
241 | (2) When a relocation or termination of residency is |
242 | initiated by the licensee, the administrator that is relocating |
243 | the resident or terminating residency, or an individual employed |
244 | by the facility who is designated by the administrator to act on |
245 | behalf of the administration, must sign the notice of relocation |
246 | or termination of residency. Any notice indicating a medical |
247 | reason for relocation or termination of residency must be signed |
248 | by the resident's physician or include an attached physician's |
249 | written order for the relocation or termination of residency. |
250 | (3) At least 45 days prior to a proposed relocation or |
251 | termination of residency, a licensee must provide by certified |
252 | mail advance written notice of the proposed relocation or |
253 | termination of residency to the resident and, if known, to a |
254 | family member or the resident's legal guardian or |
255 | representative. |
256 | (4) The notice must be in writing and contain all |
257 | information required by state and federal laws, rules, and |
258 | regulations. A copy of the notice must be placed in the |
259 | resident's file. The agency shall develop a standard form to be |
260 | used by all facilities licensed under this part for purposes of |
261 | notifying residents of a relocation or termination of residency. |
262 | In addition to any other pertinent information included, the |
263 | form shall: |
264 | (a) Specify the reason allowed under state law justifying |
265 | the relocation or termination of the residency, with an |
266 | explanation to support this action. |
267 | (b) State the effective date of the relocation or |
268 | termination of residency and the location to which the resident |
269 | is being relocated. |
270 | (c) Include the right and means to request the local long- |
271 | term care ombudsman council to review the notice of relocation |
272 | or termination of residency. |
273 | (5) A relocation or termination of residency notice |
274 | initiated by a licensee must be reported to the Office of State |
275 | Long-Term Care Ombudsman by mail, electronic mail, or facsimile |
276 | within 5 business days after a resident's receipt of a notice to |
277 | relocate or terminate residency. The Office of State Long-Term |
278 | Care Ombudsman shall compile and publish the information |
279 | collected from such notices in the annual report required by s. |
280 | 400.0065(2)(i). A resident may request that the local long-term |
281 | care ombudsman council review any notice of relocation or |
282 | termination of residency given to the resident. When requested |
283 | by a resident to review such notice, the local long-term care |
284 | ombudsman council shall do so within 5 business days after |
285 | receipt of the request. |
286 | (6) In the event of an emergency relocation or termination |
287 | of residency, as provided under s. 429.28(1)(k), notice shall be |
288 | provided to the resident, the resident's legal guardian or |
289 | representative, and the local long-term care ombudsman council |
290 | by telephone or in person. The written notice shall be given |
291 | before the relocation or termination of residency, if possible, |
292 | and no later than 5 business days after the relocation or |
293 | termination of residency. A local long-term care ombudsman |
294 | council conducting a review under this section shall do so |
295 | within 2 business days after receipt of the request. The |
296 | resident's file must include documentation indicating who was |
297 | contacted, whether the contact was by telephone or in person, |
298 | and the date and time of the contact. |
299 | (7) After receipt of a notice required under this section, |
300 | the local long-term care ombudsman council may request a private |
301 | informal conversation with a resident to whom the notice is |
302 | directed, and, if known, a family member or the resident's legal |
303 | guardian or representative, to ensure that the licensee is |
304 | proceeding with the relocation or termination of residency in |
305 | accordance with the requirements of this section. |
306 | (8) The agency may adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) |
307 | and 120.54 to administer this section. |
308 | Section 7. Paragraphs (b) and (c) of subsection (3) of |
309 | section 429.07, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: |
310 | 429.07 License required; fee.-- |
311 | (3) In addition to the requirements of s. 408.806, each |
312 | license granted by the agency must state the type of care for |
313 | which the license is granted. Licenses shall be issued for one |
314 | or more of the following categories of care: standard, extended |
315 | congregate care, limited nursing services, or limited mental |
316 | health. |
317 | (b) An extended congregate care license shall be issued to |
318 | facilities providing, directly or through contract, services |
319 | beyond those authorized in paragraph (a), including acts |
320 | performed pursuant to part I of chapter 464 by persons licensed |
321 | thereunder, and supportive services defined by rule to persons |
322 | who otherwise would be disqualified from continued residence in |
323 | a facility licensed under this part. |
324 | 1. In order for extended congregate care services to be |
325 | provided in a facility licensed under this part, the agency must |
326 | first determine that all requirements established in law and |
327 | rule are met and must specifically designate, on the facility's |
328 | license, that such services may be provided and whether the |
329 | designation applies to all or part of a facility. Such |
330 | designation may be made at the time of initial licensure or |
331 | relicensure, or upon request in writing by a licensee under this |
332 | part and part II of chapter 408. Notification of approval or |
333 | denial of such request shall be made in accordance with part II |
334 | of chapter 408. Existing facilities qualifying to provide |
335 | extended congregate care services must have maintained a |
336 | standard license and may not have been subject to administrative |
337 | sanctions during the previous 2 years, or since initial |
338 | licensure if the facility has been licensed for less than 2 |
339 | years, for any of the following reasons: |
340 | a. A class I or class II violation; |
341 | b. Three or more repeat or recurring class III violations |
342 | of identical or similar resident care standards as specified in |
343 | rule from which a pattern of noncompliance is found by the |
344 | agency; |
345 | c. Three or more class III violations that were not |
346 | corrected in accordance with the corrective action plan approved |
347 | by the agency; |
348 | d. Violation of resident care standards resulting in a |
349 | requirement to employ the services of a consultant pharmacist or |
350 | consultant dietitian; |
351 | e. Denial, suspension, or revocation of a license for |
352 | another facility under this part in which the applicant for an |
353 | extended congregate care license has at least 25 percent |
354 | ownership interest; or |
355 | f. Imposition of a moratorium pursuant to this part or |
356 | part II of chapter 408 or initiation of injunctive proceedings. |
357 | 2. Facilities that are licensed to provide extended |
358 | congregate care services shall maintain a written progress |
359 | report on each person who receives such services, which report |
360 | describes the type, amount, duration, scope, and outcome of |
361 | services that are rendered and the general status of the |
362 | resident's health. A registered nurse, or appropriate designee, |
363 | representing the agency shall visit such facilities at least |
364 | quarterly to monitor residents who are receiving extended |
365 | congregate care services and to determine if the facility is in |
366 | compliance with this part, part II of chapter 408, and rules |
367 | that relate to extended congregate care. One of these visits may |
368 | be in conjunction with the regular survey. The monitoring visits |
369 | may be provided through contractual arrangements with |
370 | appropriate community agencies. A registered nurse shall serve |
371 | as part of the team that inspects such facility. The agency may |
372 | waive one of the required yearly monitoring visits for a |
373 | facility that has been licensed for at least 24 months to |
374 | provide extended congregate care services, if, during the |
375 | inspection, the registered nurse determines that extended |
376 | congregate care services are being provided appropriately, and |
377 | if the facility has no class I or class II violations and no |
378 | uncorrected class III violations. Before such decision is made, |
379 | the agency shall consult with the long-term care ombudsman |
380 | council for the area in which the facility is located to |
381 | determine if any complaints have been made and substantiated |
382 | about the quality of services or care. The agency may not waive |
383 | one of the required yearly monitoring visits if complaints have |
384 | been made and substantiated. |
385 | 3. Facilities that are licensed to provide extended |
386 | congregate care services shall: |
387 | a. Demonstrate the capability to meet unanticipated |
388 | resident service needs. |
389 | b. Offer a physical environment that promotes a homelike |
390 | setting, provides for resident privacy, promotes resident |
391 | independence, and allows sufficient congregate space as defined |
392 | by rule. |
393 | c. Have sufficient staff available, taking into account |
394 | the physical plant and firesafety features of the building, to |
395 | assist with the evacuation of residents in an emergency, as |
396 | necessary. |
397 | d. Adopt and follow policies and procedures that maximize |
398 | resident independence, dignity, choice, and decisionmaking to |
399 | permit residents to age in place to the extent possible, so that |
400 | moves due to changes in functional status are minimized or |
401 | avoided. |
402 | e. Allow residents or, if applicable, a resident's |
403 | representative, designee, surrogate, guardian, or attorney in |
404 | fact to make a variety of personal choices, participate in |
405 | developing service plans, and share responsibility in |
406 | decisionmaking. |
407 | f. Implement the concept of managed risk. |
408 | g. Provide, either directly or through contract, the |
409 | services of a person licensed pursuant to part I of chapter 464. |
410 | h. In addition to the training mandated in s. 429.52, |
411 | provide specialized training as defined by rule for facility |
412 | staff. |
413 | 4. Facilities licensed to provide extended congregate care |
414 | services are exempt from the criteria for continued residency as |
415 | set forth in rules adopted under s. 429.41. Facilities so |
416 | licensed shall adopt their own requirements within guidelines |
417 | for continued residency set forth by rule. However, such |
418 | facilities may not serve residents who require 24-hour nursing |
419 | supervision. Facilities licensed to provide extended congregate |
420 | care services shall provide each resident with a written copy of |
421 | facility policies governing admission and retention. |
422 | 5. The primary purpose of extended congregate care |
423 | services is to allow residents, as they become more impaired, |
424 | the option of remaining in a familiar setting from which they |
425 | would otherwise be disqualified for continued residency. A |
426 | facility licensed to provide extended congregate care services |
427 | may also admit an individual who exceeds the admission criteria |
428 | for a facility with a standard license, if the individual is |
429 | determined appropriate for admission to the extended congregate |
430 | care facility. |
431 | 6. Before admission of an individual to a facility |
432 | licensed to provide extended congregate care services, the |
433 | individual must undergo a medical examination as provided in s. |
434 | 429.26(4) and the facility must develop a preliminary service |
435 | plan for the individual. |
436 | 7. When a facility can no longer provide or arrange for |
437 | services in accordance with the resident's service plan and |
438 | needs and the facility's policy, the facility shall make |
439 | arrangements for relocating the person in accordance with s. |
440 | 429.285 429.28(1)(k). |
441 | 8. Failure to provide extended congregate care services |
442 | may result in denial of extended congregate care license |
443 | renewal. |
444 | 9. No later than January 1 of each year, the department, |
445 | in consultation with the agency, shall prepare and submit to the |
446 | Governor, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House |
447 | of Representatives, and the chairs of appropriate legislative |
448 | committees, a report on the status of, and recommendations |
449 | related to, extended congregate care services. The status report |
450 | must include, but need not be limited to, the following |
451 | information: |
452 | a. A description of the facilities licensed to provide |
453 | such services, including total number of beds licensed under |
454 | this part. |
455 | b. The number and characteristics of residents receiving |
456 | such services. |
457 | c. The types of services rendered that could not be |
458 | provided through a standard license. |
459 | d. An analysis of deficiencies cited during licensure |
460 | inspections. |
461 | e. The number of residents who required extended |
462 | congregate care services at admission and the source of |
463 | admission. |
464 | f. Recommendations for statutory or regulatory changes. |
465 | g. The availability of extended congregate care to state |
466 | clients residing in facilities licensed under this part and in |
467 | need of additional services, and recommendations for |
468 | appropriations to subsidize extended congregate care services |
469 | for such persons. |
470 | h. Such other information as the department considers |
471 | appropriate. |
472 | (c) A limited nursing services license shall be issued to |
473 | a facility that provides services beyond those authorized in |
474 | paragraph (a) and as specified in this paragraph. |
475 | 1. In order for limited nursing services to be provided in |
476 | a facility licensed under this part, the agency must first |
477 | determine that all requirements established in law and rule are |
478 | met and must specifically designate, on the facility's license, |
479 | that such services may be provided. Such designation may be made |
480 | at the time of initial licensure or relicensure, or upon request |
481 | in writing by a licensee under this part and part II of chapter |
482 | 408. Notification of approval or denial of such request shall be |
483 | made in accordance with part II of chapter 408. Existing |
484 | facilities qualifying to provide limited nursing services shall |
485 | have maintained a standard license and may not have been subject |
486 | to administrative sanctions that affect the health, safety, and |
487 | welfare of residents for the previous 2 years or since initial |
488 | licensure if the facility has been licensed for less than 2 |
489 | years. |
490 | 2. Facilities that are licensed to provide limited nursing |
491 | services shall maintain a written progress report on each person |
492 | who receives such nursing services, which report describes the |
493 | type, amount, duration, scope, and outcome of services that are |
494 | rendered and the general status of the resident's health. A |
495 | registered nurse representing the agency shall visit such |
496 | facilities at least twice a year to monitor residents who are |
497 | receiving limited nursing services and to determine if the |
498 | facility is in compliance with applicable provisions of this |
499 | part, part II of chapter 408, and related rules. The monitoring |
500 | visits may be provided through contractual arrangements with |
501 | appropriate community agencies. A registered nurse shall also |
502 | serve as part of the team that inspects such facility. |
503 | 3. A person who receives limited nursing services under |
504 | this part must meet the admission criteria established by the |
505 | agency for assisted living facilities. When a resident no longer |
506 | meets the admission criteria for a facility licensed under this |
507 | part, arrangements for relocating the person shall be made in |
508 | accordance with s. 429.285 429.28(1)(k), unless the facility is |
509 | licensed to provide extended congregate care services. |
510 | Section 8. Subsection (1) of section 429.31, Florida |
511 | Statutes, is amended to read: |
512 | 429.31 Closing of facility; notice; penalty.-- |
513 | (1) In addition to the requirements of part II of chapter |
514 | 408, the facility shall inform each resident or the next of kin, |
515 | legal representative, or agency acting on each resident's |
516 | behalf, of the fact and the proposed time of discontinuance of |
517 | operation, following the notification requirements provided in |
518 | s. 429.285 429.28(1)(k). In the event a resident has no person |
519 | to represent him or her, the facility shall be responsible for |
520 | referral to an appropriate social service agency for placement. |
521 | Section 9. This act shall take effect October 1, 2008. |
522 |
523 |
524 | ----------------------------------------------------- |
525 | T I T L E A M E N D M E N T |
526 | Remove the entire title and insert: |
527 | A bill to be entitled |
528 | An act relating to adult protection and care; amending s. |
529 | 322.142, F.S.; authorizing the Department of Children and |
530 | Family Services to obtain copies of driver's license files |
531 | maintained by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor |
532 | Vehicles for the purpose of conducting protective |
533 | investigations; amending s. 415.103, F.S.; requiring that |
534 | reports to the central abuse hotline relating to |
535 | vulnerable adults be transferred to the county sheriff's |
536 | office under certain circumstances; amending s. 415.1051, |
537 | F.S.; authorizing the Department of Children and Family |
538 | Services to file a petition within 60 days to determine |
539 | incapacity in adult protection proceedings; prohibiting |
540 | the department from serving as the guardian or providing |
541 | legal counsel to the guardian under certain circumstances; |
542 | amending s. 415.112, F.S.; providing authority and |
543 | requirements for department rules; amending s. 429.28, |
544 | F.S.; revising and specifying certain conditions in an |
545 | assisted living facility's resident bill of rights for a |
546 | resident's relocation or termination of residency; |
547 | creating s. 429.285, F.S.; prohibiting resident relocation |
548 | or termination of residency in the absence of certain |
549 | specified conditions; requiring the administrator or |
550 | employee of a facility to sign a notice of relocation or |
551 | termination of residency and requiring a physician's |
552 | signature under certain circumstances; requiring a |
553 | licensee to provide advance written notice to the resident |
554 | and other specified persons regarding relocation or |
555 | termination of residency; providing that the notice |
556 | contain certain information; providing for the creation of |
557 | a form to submit relocation or termination of residency |
558 | information and specifying information to be included |
559 | therein; requiring a licensee to report relocation or |
560 | termination of residency to the Office of State Long-term |
561 | Care Ombudsman within a certain timeframe; permitting |
562 | residents to seek the assistance of the local long-term |
563 | care ombudsmen council in reviewing a notice of relocation |
564 | or termination of residency; providing for emergency |
565 | relocation and termination of residency; permitting the |
566 | local long-term care ombudsmen council to request private |
567 | informal contact with a resident upon receipt of a notice |
568 | of relocation or termination of residency; authorizing the |
569 | agency to adopt rules; amending ss. 429.07 and 429.31, |
570 | F.S.; conforming cross-references; providing an effective |
571 | date. |