Senator(s) Fasano and Webster moved the following amendment:
Section: 06 On Page: 265
Spec App: 2233
| EXPLANATION: This amendment reduces $3,415,486 from the Early Learning Information System (ELIS) implementation and increases Early Learning services $2.5 million from non-recurring trust funds and increases State Aid to Libraries $915,486 from recurring General Revenue. AWI is provided $500,000, from non-recurring trust funds to document minimum requirements, to development a business case, and to calculate a cost/benefit for the ELIS project.
NET IMPACT ON: Total Funds General Revenue Trust Funds
Recurring - (3,000,000) 0 (3,000,000)
Non-Recurring - 3,000,000 0 3,000,000
Positions & Amounts Positions & Amounts
Early Learning
Early Learning Services 75900100
In Section 06 On Page 265
2233 Special Categories 103114
Grants And Aids - School Readiness
Services IOEB
2648 From Special Employment Security 5,000,000 7,500,000
Administration Trust Fund
CA 2,500,000 FSI2NR 2,500,000
In Section 06 On Page 266
2238 Qualified Expenditure Category 200010
Early Learning Info System Development
(Elis) IOEA
1000 From General Revenue Fund 915,486 0
CA -915,486 FSI1 -915,486
2648 From Special Employment Security 3,000,000 500,000
Administration Trust Fund
997004 Log:0010 MMB/MMB 04/08/08 08:06:22 PM Senate Page: 1
CA -2,500,000 FSI1 -3,000,000 FSI1NR 500,000
Immediately following Specific Appropriation 2238, DELETE:
Funds provided in Specific Appropriation 2238 are contingent upon the
agency completing an updated project plan that refocuses on the original
project scope to replace the functionality of the Enhanced Fields System
and develop solutions for attendance tracking and provider payment
processing and related financial management capabilities.
Immediately following Specific Appropriation 2238, INSERT:
Funds provided in Specific Appropriation 2238 shall be used only (1) to
specify and document the minimum requirements for an Internet-based
Early Learning Information System (ELIS) that replaces the functionality
of the Enhanced Fields System, enhances attendance tracking, and
improves provider payment processing and related financial management
capabilities, (2) to develop a business case describing, at a minimum,
how existing coalition and agency processes for attendance, provider
payments, and funds management can be streamlined using electronic means
of tracking and reporting to reduce paperwork and workload, and (3) to
calculate a cost-benefit analysis that quantifies operational cost
reductions and other tangible benefits that can be objectively realized
to justify the cost of the ELIS project. The requirements
specifications must clearly and unambiguously define all business rules,
interfaces, and known customer and system needs at a level sufficient to
enable system design and development.
Program: Library And Information Services
Library, Archives And Information
Services 45400100
In Section 06 On Page 348
3174 Aid To Local Governments 050792
Grants And Aids - Library Grants IOEB
1000 From General Revenue Fund 29,270,281 30,185,767
CA 915,486 FSI1 915,486
Line item amendments are accepted as part of the amendatory process. However, due to the necessity of using computerized systems this may entail a different placement within a budget entity or the renumbering of the specific appropriation items. Items printed in italics are computer codes and are not a part of the official text of this amendment. |
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