CS/HB 5057

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to the Insurance Capital Build-Up
3Incentive Program; amending s. 215.5595, F.S.; revising
4legislative findings; providing for an appropriation of
5state funds in exchange for surplus notes issued by
6residential property insurers under the program; revising
7the conditions and requirements for providing funds to
8insurers under the program; requiring a commitment by the
9insurer to meet minimum premium-to-surplus writing ratios
10for residential property insurance and for taking policies
11out of Citizens Property Insurance Corporation; requiring
12insurers to commit to maintaining certain levels of
13surplus and reinsurance; authorizing the State Board of
14Administration to charge a fee for late payments;
15providing for payment of costs and fees incurred by the
16board in administering the program from funds appropriated
17to the program, subject to a specified limit; requiring
18the board to submit an annual report to the Legislature on
19the program and insurer compliance with certain
20requirements; providing that amendments made by the act do
21not affect the terms of surplus notes approved prior to a
22specified date; authorizing the State Board of
23Administration and an insurer to renegotiate such terms
24consistent with such amendments; requiring Citizens
25Property Insurance Corporation to transfer certain funds
26to the General Revenue Fund if the combined surplus of
27certain accounts exceeds $1 billion; requiring the
28corporation to make certain reasonable estimates of such
29surplus funds; requiring the board to make quarterly
30transfers of funds to the corporation under certain
31circumstances; requiring the corporation to credit certain
32accounts for funds removed to make certain transfers;
33prohibiting Citizens Property Insurance Corporation from
34using certain statutory changes or authorized transfers of
35funds as justification or cause to seek any rate or
36assessment increase; providing an effective date.
38Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
40     Section 1.  Section 215.5595, Florida Statutes, is amended
41to read:
42     215.5595  Insurance Capital Build-Up Incentive Program.--
43     (1)  Upon entering the 2008 2006 hurricane season, the
44Legislature finds that:
45     (a)  The losses in this state Florida from eight hurricanes
46in 2004 and 2005 have seriously strained the resources of both
47the voluntary insurance market and the public sector mechanisms
48of Citizens Property Insurance Corporation and the Florida
49Hurricane Catastrophe Fund.
50     (b)  Private reinsurance is much less available and at a
51significantly greater cost to residential property insurers as
52compared to 1 year ago, particularly for amounts below the
53insurer's retention or retained losses that must be paid before
54reimbursement is provided by the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe
56     (c)  The Office of Insurance Regulation has reported that
57the insolvency of certain insurers may be imminent.
58     (d)  Hurricane forecast experts predict that the 2006
59hurricane season will be an active hurricane season and that the
60Atlantic and Gulf Coast regions face an active hurricane cycle
61of 10 to 20 years or longer.
62     (b)(e)  Citizens Property Insurance Corporation has over
631.2 million policies in force and has the largest market share
64of any insurer writing residential property insurance in this
65state, and faces the threat of a catastrophic loss that The
66number of cancellations or nonrenewals of residential property
67insurance policies is expected to increase and the number of new
68residential policies written in the voluntary market are likely
69to decrease, causing increased policy growth and exposure to the
70state insurer of last resort, Citizens Property Insurance
71Corporation, and threatening to increase the deficit of the
72corporation, currently estimated to be over $1.7 billion. This
73deficit must be funded by assessments against insurers and
74policyholders, unless otherwise funded by the state. The program
75has a substantial positive effect on the depopulation efforts of
76Citizens Property Insurance Corporation since companies
77participating in the program have removed over 199,000 policies
78from the corporation. Companies participating in the program
79have issued a significant number of new policies, thereby
80keeping an estimated 480,000 new policies out of the
82     (c)(f)  Policyholders are subject to high increased
83premiums and assessments that are increasingly making such
84coverage unaffordable and that may force policyholders to sell
85their homes and even leave the state.
86     (d)(g)  The increased risk to the public sector and private
87sector continues to pose poses a serious threat to the economy
88of this state, particularly the building and financing of
89residential structures, and existing mortgages may be placed in
91     (h)  The losses from 2004 and 2005, combined with the
92expectation that the increase in hurricane activity will
93continue for the foreseeable future, have caused both insurers
94and reinsurers to limit the capital they are willing to commit
95to covering the hurricane risk in Florida; attracting new
96capital to the Florida market is a critical priority; and
97providing a low-cost source of capital would enable insurers to
98write additional residential property insurance coverage and act
99to mitigate premium increases.
100     (e)(i)  Appropriating state funds to be exchanged for used
101as surplus notes issued by for residential property insurers,
102under conditions requiring the insurer to contribute additional
103private sector capital and to write a minimum level of premiums
104for residential hurricane coverage, is a valid and important
105public purpose.
106     (f)  Extending the program will provide an incentive for
107investors to commit additional capital to the residential
108insurance market in this state.
109     (2)  The purpose of this section is to provide funds in
110exchange for surplus notes to be issued by new or existing
111authorized residential property insurers under the Insurance
112Capital Build-Up Incentive Program administered by the State
113Board of Administration, under the following conditions:
114     (a)  The amount of state funds provided in exchange for a
115the surplus note to for any insurer or insurer group, other than
116an insurer writing only manufactured housing policies, may not
117exceed $25 million or 20 percent of the total amount of funds
118appropriated for available under the program, whichever is
119greater. The amount of the surplus note for any insurer or
120insurer group writing residential property insurance covering
121only manufactured housing may not exceed $7 million.
122     (b)  The insurer must contribute an amount of new capital
123to its surplus which is at least equal to the amount of the
124surplus note and must apply to the board by September 1, 2008
125July 1, 2006. If an insurer applies after September 1, 2008 July
1261, 2006, but before June 1, 2009 2007, the amount of the surplus
127note is limited to one-half of the new capital that the insurer
128contributes to its surplus, except that an insurer writing only
129manufactured housing policies is eligible to receive a surplus
130note of up to $7 million. For purposes of this section, new
131capital must be in the form of cash or cash equivalents as
132specified in s. 625.012(1).
133     (c)  The insurer's surplus, new capital, and the surplus
134note must total at least $50 million, except for insurers
135writing residential property insurance covering only
136manufactured housing. The insurer's surplus, new capital, and
137the surplus note must total at least $14 million for insurers
138writing only residential property insurance covering
139manufactured housing policies as provided in paragraph (a).
140     (d)  The insurer must commit to increase its writings of
141residential property insurance, including the peril of wind, and
142to meet meeting a minimum writing ratio of net written premium
143to surplus of at least 1:1 for the first calendar year after
144receiving the state funds or renegotiation of the surplus note,
1451.5:1 for the second calendar year, and 2:1 for the remaining
146term of the surplus note. Alternatively, the insurer must meet a
147minimum writing ratio of gross written premium to surplus of at
148least 3:1 for the first calendar year after receiving the state
149funds or renegotiation of the surplus note, 4.5:1 for the second
150calendar year, and 6:1 for the remaining term of the surplus
151note. The writing ratios, which shall be determined by the
152Office of Insurance Regulation and certified quarterly to the
153board. For this purpose, the term "net written premium" means
154net written premium for residential property insurance in this
155state Florida, including the peril of wind, and "surplus" means
156the new capital and surplus note refers to the entire surplus of
157the insurer. An insurer who makes an initial application after
158July 1, 2008, must also commit to writing at least 15 percent of
159its net or gross written premium for new policies, not including
160renewal premiums, for policies taken out of Citizens Property
161Insurance Corporation, during each of the first 3 years after
162receiving the state funds in exchange for the surplus note,
163which shall be determined by the Office of Insurance Regulation
164and certified annually to the board. The office may determine
165that an insurer meets the requirement for taking policies out of
166the corporation, by written notice to the board, upon a finding
167that the insurer made offers of coverage to policyholders of the
168corporation which would have resulted in meeting this
169requirement had the policyholders accepted the offer. The
170insurer must also commit to maintaining a level of surplus and
171reinsurance sufficient to cover in excess of its 1-in-100 years
172probable maximum loss, as determined by a hurricane loss model
173accepted by the Florida Commission on Hurricane Loss Projection
174Methodology, which shall be determined by the Office of
175Insurance Regulation and certified annually to the board. If the
176board determines that the insurer has failed to meet any of the
177requirements of this paragraph If the required ratio is not
178maintained during the term of the surplus note, the board may
179increase the interest rate, accelerate the repayment of interest
180and principal, or shorten the term of the surplus note, subject
181to approval by the Commissioner of Insurance of payments by the
182insurer of principal and interest as provided in paragraph (f).
183     (e)  If the requirements of this section are met, the board
184may approve an application by an insurer for funds in exchange
185for issuance of a surplus note, unless the board determines that
186the financial condition of the insurer and its business plan for
187writing residential property insurance in Florida places an
188unreasonably high level of financial risk to the state of
189nonpayment in full of the interest and principal. The board
190shall consult with the Office of Insurance Regulation and may
191contract with independent financial and insurance consultants in
192making this determination.
193     (f)  The surplus note must be repayable to the state with a
194term of 20 years. The surplus note shall accrue interest on the
195unpaid principal balance at a rate equivalent to the 10-year
196U.S. Treasury Bond rate, require the payment only of interest
197during the first 3 years, and include such other terms as
198approved by the board. The board may charge late fees up to 5
199percent for late payments or other late remittances. Payment of
200principal, or interest, or late fees by the insurer on the
201surplus note must be approved by the Commissioner of Insurance,
202who shall approve such payment unless the commissioner
203determines that such payment will substantially impair the
204financial condition of the insurer. If such a determination is
205made, the commissioner shall approve such payment that will not
206substantially impair the financial condition of the insurer.
207     (g)  The total amount of funds available for the program is
208limited to the amount appropriated by the Legislature for this
209purpose. If the amount of surplus notes requested by insurers
210exceeds the amount of funds available, the board may prioritize
211insurers that are eligible and approved, with priority for
212funding given to insurers writing only manufactured housing
213policies, regardless of the date of application, based on the
214financial strength of the insurer, the viability of its proposed
215business plan for writing additional residential property
216insurance in the state, and the effect on competition in the
217residential property insurance market. Between insurers writing
218residential property insurance covering manufactured housing,
219priority shall be given to the insurer writing the highest
220percentage of its policies covering manufactured housing.
221     (h)  The board may allocate portions of the funds available
222for the program and establish dates for insurers to apply for
223surplus notes from such allocation which are earlier than the
224dates established in paragraph (b).
225     (h)(i)  Notwithstanding paragraph (d), a newly formed
226manufactured housing insurer that is eligible for a surplus note
227under this section shall meet the premium to surplus ratio
228provisions of s. 624.4095.
229     (i)(j)  As used in this section, "an insurer writing only
230manufactured housing policies" includes:
231     1.  A Florida domiciled insurer that begins writing
232personal lines residential manufactured housing policies in
233Florida after March 1, 2007, and that removes a minimum of
23450,000 policies from Citizens Property Insurance Corporation
235without accepting a bonus, provided at least 25 percent of its
236policies cover manufactured housing. Such an insurer may count
237any funds above the minimum capital and surplus requirement that
238were contributed into the insurer after March 1, 2007, as new
239capital under this section.
240     2.  A Florida domiciled insurer that writes at least 40
241percent of its policies covering manufactured housing in
243     (3)  As used in this section, the term:
244     (a)  "Board" means the State Board of Administration.
245     (b)  "Program" means the Insurance Capital Build-Up
246Incentive Program established by this section.
247     (4)  The state funds provided to the insurer in exchange
248for the A surplus note provided to an insurer pursuant to this
249section are is considered borrowed surplus an asset of the
250insurer pursuant to s. 628.401 625.012.
251     (5)  If an insurer that receives funds in exchange for the
252issuance of a surplus note pursuant to this section is rendered
253insolvent, the state is a class 3 creditor pursuant to s.
254631.271 for the unpaid principal and interest on the surplus
256     (6)  The board shall adopt rules prescribing the
257procedures, administration, and criteria for approving the
258applications of insurers to receive funds in exchange for
259issuance of surplus notes pursuant to this section, which may be
260adopted pursuant to the procedures for emergency rules of
261chapter 120. Otherwise, actions and determinations by the board
262pursuant to this section are exempt from chapter 120.
263     (7)  The board shall invest and reinvest the funds
264appropriated for the program in accordance with s. 215.47 and
265consistent with board policy.
266     (8)  Costs and fees incurred by the board in administering
267this program, including fees for investment services, shall be
268paid from funds appropriated by the Legislature for this
269program, but are limited to 1 percent of the amount
271     (9)  The board shall submit a report to the President of
272the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives by
273February 1 of each year as to the results of the program and
274each insurer's compliance with the terms of its surplus note.
275     (10)  The amendments to this section enacted in 2008 do not
276affect the terms or conditions of surplus notes that were
277approved prior to January 1, 2008. However, the board may
278renegotiate the terms of any surplus note issued by an insurer
279prior to January 2008 under this program, upon the agreement of
280the insurer and the board, consistent with the requirements of
281this section as amended in 2008.
282     (11)  By December 15, 2008, Citizens Property Insurance
283Corporation shall transfer $250 million to the General Revenue
284Fund if the combined surplus of each account as defined in s.
285627.351(6) exceeds $1 billion. The board of governors of the
286corporation shall make a reasonable estimate of such surplus on
287or after December 1, 2008, and no later than December 14, 2008,
288using generally accepted actuarial and accounting practices,
289recognizing that audited financial statements will not yet be
291     (12)  Beginning July 1, 2009, the board shall make
292quarterly transfers of any interest earned prior to the issuance
293of any surplus notes, interest paid, and principal repaid to the
294state for any surplus notes issued by the program after December
2951, 2008, to Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, provided
296such surplus notes were funded exclusively by an appropriation
297to the program by the Legislature for the 2008-2009 fiscal year.
298The corporation shall credit each account as defined in s.
299627.351(6) in a pro rata manner for the funds removed from each
300account to make the transfer required by subsection (11).
301     Section 2.  Citizens Property Insurance Corporation may not
302use any amendments made to s. 215.5595, Florida Statutes, by
303this act or any transfer of funds authorized by this act as
304justification or cause in seeking any rate or assessment
306     Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2008.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.