Bill No. HB 5085
Amendment No. 733991
Senate House

1Representative Galvano offered the following:
3     Amendment (with directory and title amendments)
4     Remove lines 317-343 and insert:
5     (c)  For 2 fiscal years beginning July 1, 2008, and ending
6June 30, 2010, the Agency for Health Care Administration may not
7shall adjust a hospital's current inpatient per diem rate to
8reflect the cost of serving the Medicaid population at that
9institution if:
10     1.  The hospital experiences an increase in Medicaid
11caseload by more than 25 percent in any year, primarily
12resulting from the closure of a hospital in the same service
13area occurring after July 1, 1995;
14     2.  The hospital's Medicaid per diem rate is at least 25
15percent below the Medicaid per patient cost for that year; or
16     3.  The hospital is located in a county that has five or
17fewer hospitals, began offering obstetrical services on or after
18September 1999, and has submitted a request in writing to the
19agency for a rate adjustment after July 1, 2000, but before
20September 30, 2000, in which case such hospital's Medicaid
21inpatient per diem rate shall be adjusted to cost, effective
22July 1, 2002.
24No later than October 1 of each year, the agency must provide
25estimated costs for any adjustment in a hospital inpatient per
26diem pursuant to this paragraph to the Executive Office of the
27Governor, the House of Representatives General Appropriations
28Committee, and the Senate Appropriations Committee. Before the
29agency implements a change in a hospital's inpatient per diem
30rate pursuant to this paragraph, the Legislature must have
31specifically appropriated sufficient funds in the General
32Appropriations Act to support the increase in cost as estimated
33by the agency.
D I R E C T O R Y  A M E N D M E N T
37     Remove lines 290-293 and insert:
38     Section 4.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (5) of section
39409.905, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T
44     Remove lines 21-22 and insert:
45409.905, F.S.; prohibiting payment for certain hospital
46inpatient per diem rate adjustment for 2 fiscal years; amending
47s. 409.906,

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.