HB 605

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to exploited children; amending s. 92.56,
3F.S.; providing specified protections to victims in any
4civil or criminal proceeding involving the production,
5possession, or promotion of child pornography where the
6victim depicted in the image or images is a party to the
7case or a witness in the case; permitting use of a
8pseudonym to designate the victim of a crime involving a
9victim of production, possession, or promotion of child
10pornography; revising provisions concerning use of victim
11pseudonyms to specify that they may be used in civil and
12criminal proceedings; amending s. 800.04, F.S., relating
13to lewd or lascivious exhibition, to conform to changes
14made by the act; creating s. 847.002, F.S.; requiring law
15enforcement officers submitting a case for prosecution
16that involves the creation, possession, or promotion of
17child pornography to provide specified information to
18prosecutors; requiring prosecutors to pursue prosecutions
19regarding images of child pornography wherein a known
20victim from within this state is depicted; requiring
21prosecutors to enter specified information in a database
22maintained by the Attorney General; creating s. 847.01355,
23F.S., relating to lewd and lascivious exhibition on a
24computer; providing an exception; providing penalties;
25creating s. 847.01357, F.S.; providing a civil remedy for
26any person who is a victim of a listed sexual abuse crime
27wherein any portion of that abuse was used in the
28production of child pornography and who suffers personal
29or psychological injury as a result of the production,
30promotion, or possession of such images; specifying
31damages to persons who are further exploited following a
32recovery under this section; providing for limitation of
33actions; providing for confidential pseudonyms to
34specified claimants; precluding a defense to certain civil
35actions; permitting the Attorney General to pursue cases
36on behalf of victims; providing for disposition of damages
37and attorney's fees; amending s. 960.03, F.S.; including
38crimes that result in psychological injury or trauma as
39compensable crimes for purposes of victims compensation;
40expanding the definition of "victim" for purposes of
41victim compensation to include any minor who has suffered
42physical or psychological injury as a result of online
43sexual solicitation and including any person who, while a
44child, was depicted in an image of child pornography;
45amending ss. 90.404, 92.565, 394.912, 409.2355, 775.082,
46775.084, 775.15, 775.21, 784.048, 787.01, 787.02, 787.025,
47794.065, 914.16, 921.0022, 921.244, 938.10, 943.0435,
48943.04354, 943.0585, 943.059, 944.606, 944.607, 947.1405,
49948.013, 948.03, 948.06, 948.101, 948.30, 948.31, and
50948.32, F.S.; conforming provisions to changes made by the
51act; providing an effective date.
53     WHEREAS, children who are sexually abused and then
54exploited by the creation of permanent images of that sexual
55abuse through child pornography are further harmed by the
56continued possession, promotion, and distribution of those
57images on the Internet, and
58     WHEREAS, the possession of child pornography is not a
59victimless crime, and over 1,200 victims of child pornography
60are known by law enforcement, over 30 of whom were citizens of
61this state at the time of their abuse, and
62     WHEREAS, victims of child pornography suffer repeated
63unending abuse not only as children, but throughout their lives,
64by those individuals who engage in the collection and
65distribution of the image of the victim's sexual abuse and
66exploitation, and
67     WHEREAS, victims of child pornography currently do not
68receive notice, consideration, compensation, or any other rights
69assured to crime victims in this state pursuant to chapter 960,
70F.S., and
71     WHEREAS, victims of child pornography are entitled to be
72heard and considered in any case involving the production,
73possession, and promotion of an image of their sexual-abuse, and
74these victims are due all the rights and protections afforded
75every other crime victim in this state, NOW, THEREFORE,
77Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
79     Section 1.  Subsections (1) and (3) of section 92.56,
80Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
81     92.56  Judicial proceedings and court records involving
82sexual offenses.--
83     (1)(a)  All court records, including testimony from
84witnesses, that reveal the photograph, name, or address of the
85victim of an alleged offense described in chapter 794 or chapter
86800, or act of child abuse, aggravated child abuse, or sexual
87performance by a child as described in chapter 827, are
88confidential and exempt from the provisions of s. 24(a), Art. I
89of the State Constitution and may not be made public if, upon a
90showing to the trial court with jurisdiction over the alleged
91offense, the state or the victim demonstrates that:
92     1.(a)  The identity of the victim is not already known in
93the community;
94     2.(b)  The victim has not voluntarily called public
95attention to the offense;
96     3.(c)  The identity of the victim has not otherwise become
97a reasonable subject of public concern;
98     4.(d)  The disclosure of the victim's identity would be
99offensive to a reasonable person; and
100     5.(e)  The disclosure of the victim's identity would:
101     a.1.  Endanger the victim because the assailant has not
102been apprehended and is not otherwise known to the victim;
103     b.2.  Endanger the victim because of the likelihood of
104retaliation, harassment, or intimidation;
105     c.3.  Cause severe emotional or mental harm to the victim;
106     d.4.  Make the victim unwilling to testify as a witness; or
107     e.5.  Be inappropriate for other good cause shown.
108     (b)  In any civil or criminal proceeding involving the
109production, possession, or promotion of child pornography where
110the victim depicted in the image or images is a party to the
111case or a witness in the case, the showing required in
112subparagraph (a)1. is waived and all the protections under this
113section will apply to protect the victim's privacy.
114     (3)  The state may use a pseudonym instead of the victim's
115name to designate the victim of a crime described in chapter 794
116or chapter 800, or of child abuse, aggravated child abuse, or
117sexual performance by a child as described in chapter 827, or
118any crime involving a victim of production, possession, or
119promotion of child pornography as described in chapter 827 or
120chapter 847, in all court records and records of court
121proceedings, both civil and criminal.
122     Section 2.  Subsection (7) of section 800.04, Florida
123Statutes, is amended, and paragraph (b) of that subsection is
124renumbered as s. 847.01355, Florida Statutes, and amended, to
126     800.04  Lewd or lascivious offenses committed upon or in
127the presence of persons less than 16 years of age.--
129     (a)  A person who:
130     1.  Intentionally masturbates;
131     2.  Intentionally exposes the genitals in a lewd or
132lascivious manner; or
133     3.  Intentionally commits any other sexual act that does
134not involve actual physical or sexual contact with the victim,
135including, but not limited to, sadomasochistic abuse, sexual
136bestiality, or the simulation of any act involving sexual
139in the presence of a victim who is less than 16 years of age,
140commits lewd or lascivious exhibition.
141     (b)(c)  An offender 18 years of age or older who commits a
142lewd or lascivious exhibition commits a felony of the second
143degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s.
145     (c)(d)  An offender less than 18 years of age who commits a
146lewd or lascivious exhibition commits a felony of the third
147degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s.
149     847.01355  Lewd or lascivious exhibition using a
151     (1)(b)  A person who:
152     (a)1.  Intentionally masturbates;
153     (b)2.  Intentionally exposes the genitals in a lewd or
154lascivious manner; or
155     (c)3.  Intentionally commits any other sexual act that does
156not involve actual physical or sexual contact with the victim,
157including, but not limited to, sadomasochistic abuse, sexual
158bestiality, or the simulation of any act involving sexual
161live over a computer online service, Internet service, or local
162bulletin board service and who knows or should know or has
163reason to believe that the transmission is viewed on a computer
164or television monitor by a victim in this state who is less than
16516 years of age, commits lewd or lascivious exhibition in
166violation of this section. The fact that an undercover operative
167or law enforcement officer was involved in the detection and
168investigation of an offense under this section paragraph shall
169not constitute a defense to a prosecution under this section
171     (2)  An offender 18 years of age or older who commits a
172lewd or lascivious exhibition using a computer commits a felony
173of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s.
174775.083, or s. 775.084.
175     (3)  An offender less than 18 years of age who commits a
176lewd or lascivious exhibition using a computer commits a felony
177of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s.
178775.083, or s. 775.084.
179     (4)  A mother's breastfeeding of her baby does not under
180any circumstance constitute a violation of this section.
181     Section 3.  Section 847.002, Florida Statutes, is created
182to read:
183     847.002  Child pornography prosecutions.--
184     (1)  Any law enforcement officer in this state submitting a
185case for prosecution that involves the creation, possession, or
186promotion of child pornography shall provide to the designated
187prosecutor, within 30 days of arrest of a person charged with
188the creation, possession, or promotion such child pornography a
189detailed list of all images involved in the case which contain
190the depiction of a known victim of child pornography as defined
191in s. 960.03. In addition, the arresting officer shall include
192the law enforcement contact information provided for that victim
193by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children's
194Child Victim Identification Program.
195     (2)  The state attorneys and the statewide prosecutor must,
196whenever possible, pursue prosecution of those involved in the
197creation, possession, or promotion of images of child
198pornography described in subsection (1) in which a known victim
199from within this state is depicted. Further, the prosecuting
200agency must, in every filed case involving child pornography,
201enter the following information into the Victims in Child
202Pornography Tracking Repeat Exploitation database maintained by
203the Office of the Attorney General:
204     (a)  The case number and agency file number.
205     (b)  The named defendant.
206     (c)  The circuit court division and county.
207     (d)  Current court dates and the status of the case.
208     (e)  Contact information for the prosecutor assigned.
209     (f)  Verification that the prosecutor is or is not in
210possession of a victim impact statement and will use the
211statement in sentencing.
212     Section 4.  Section 847.01357, Florida Statutes, is created
213to read:
214     847.01357  Exploited children's civil remedy.--
215     (1)  Any person who is a victim of a sexual abuse crime
216listed in chapter 794, chapter 800, chapter 827, or chapter 847
217wherein any portion of that abuse was used in the production of
218images of child sexual abuse, otherwise known as child
219pornography, and who suffers personal or psychological injury as
220a result of the production, promotion, or possession of such
221images, regardless of whether the sexual abuse occurred while
222such person was a minor, may bring an action in any appropriate
223state court and shall recover the actual damages such person
224sustains and the cost of the suit, including reasonable
225attorney's fees. Any victim as described in this subsection who
226is awarded damages under this subsection and who is thereafter
227exploited by the further production, possession, or promotion of
228pornographic images of his or her own victimization shall be
229deemed to have sustained damages of no less than $150,000 in
230value in any instance of the further production, possession, or
231promotion of such an image.
232     (2)  Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, any
233action commenced under this section must be filed within 3 years
234of the later of:
235     (a)  The conclusion of a related criminal case;
236     (b)  The notification to the victim by a member of law
237enforcement of the creation, possession, or promotion of
238pornographic images; or
239     (c)  In the case of a person under the age of 18, within 3
240years after the person reaches the age of 18.
241     (3)  Any victim who has a bona fide claim under this
242section shall, upon request, be provided a confidential
243pseudonym, pursuant to s. 92.56(1)(b), which shall be issued and
244maintained by the Department of Legal Affairs for use in all
245legal pleadings. This identifier shall be fully recognized in
246all courts in this state as a valid legal identity.
247     (4)  It is not a defense to a civil cause of action under
248this section that the respondent did not know the complainant or
249commit the abuse depicted in any image of child pornography.
250     (5)  To prevent the further exploitation of victims for
251monetary gain by any other person, the Office of the Attorney
252General shall be designated to pursue cases on behalf of any
253victim under this section. All damages obtained in such cases
254shall go to the victims and the Office of the Attorney General
255may seek reasonable attorney's fees and costs for itself under
256this section.
257     Section 5.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of section
258960.03, Florida Statutes, is amended, subsections (10) through
259(13) of that section are renumbered as subsections (11) through
260(14), respectively, a new subsection (10) is added to that
261section, and present subsection (13) of that section is amended,
262to read:
263     960.03  Definitions; ss. 960.01-960.28.--As used in ss.
264960.01-960.28, unless the context otherwise requires, the term:
265     (3)  "Crime" means:
266     (a)  A felony or misdemeanor offense committed by either an
267adult or a juvenile which results in psychological injury or
268trauma, physical injury, or death. The term also includes any
269such criminal act which is committed within this state but which
270falls exclusively within federal jurisdiction.
271     (10)  "Known victim of child pornography" means any person
272who, while under the age of 18, was depicted in any image of
273child pornography and who has been identified through a report
274generated by a member of law enforcement and provided to the
275National Center for Missing and Exploited Children's Child
276Victim Identification Program.
277     (14)(13)  "Victim" means:
278     (a)  A person who suffers personal physical injury or death
279as a direct result of a crime;
280     (b)  A person less than 16 years of age who was present at
281the scene of a crime, saw or heard the crime, and suffered a
282psychiatric or psychological injury because of the crime, but
283who was not physically injured; or
284     (c)  A person against whom a forcible felony was committed
285and who suffers a psychiatric or psychological injury as a
286direct result of that crime but who does not otherwise sustain a
287personal physical injury or death;.
288     (d)  A child less than 18 years of age who is a victim of
289online sexual exploitation under any provision of s. 827.071, s.
290847.0135, s. 847.0137, or s. 847.0138 and who suffers
291psychiatric or psychological injury as a direct result of that
292crime, but who does not otherwise sustain a personal physical
293injury or death; or
294     (e)  Any resident of this state of any age who, while under
295the age of 18, was depicted in any image or video, regardless of
296length, of child pornography as defined in s. 847.001 and who
297has been identified by law enforcement and the National Center
298for Missing and Exploited Children as a known victim of child
299pornography, which image or video is recovered by a law
300enforcement investigation or is related to a criminal
302     Section 6.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of section
30390.404, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
304     90.404  Character evidence; when admissible.--
306     (b)1.  In a criminal case in which the defendant is charged
307with a crime involving child molestation, evidence of the
308defendant's commission of other crimes, wrongs, or acts of child
309molestation is admissible, and may be considered for its bearing
310on any matter to which it is relevant.
311     2.  For the purposes of this paragraph, the term "child
312molestation" means conduct proscribed by s. 794.011, or s.
313800.04, or s. 847.01355 when committed against a person 16 years
314of age or younger.
315     Section 7.  Subsection (2) of section 92.565, Florida
316Statutes, is amended to read:
317     92.565  Admissibility of confession in sexual abuse
319     (2)  In any criminal action in which the defendant is
320charged with a crime against a victim under s. 794.011; s.
321794.05; s. 800.04; s. 826.04; s. 827.03, involving sexual abuse;
322s. 827.04, involving sexual abuse; or s. 827.071; or s.
323847.01355, or any other crime involving sexual abuse of another,
324or with any attempt, solicitation, or conspiracy to commit any
325of these crimes, the defendant's memorialized confession or
326admission is admissible during trial without the state having to
327prove a corpus delicti of the crime if the court finds in a
328hearing conducted outside the presence of the jury that the
329state is unable to show the existence of each element of the
330crime, and having so found, further finds that the defendant's
331confession or admission is trustworthy. Factors which may be
332relevant in determining whether the state is unable to show the
333existence of each element of the crime include, but are not
334limited to, the fact that, at the time the crime was committed,
335the victim was:
336     (a)  Physically helpless, mentally incapacitated, or
337mentally defective, as those terms are defined in s. 794.011;
338     (b)  Physically incapacitated due to age, infirmity, or any
339other cause; or
340     (c)  Less than 12 years of age.
341     Section 8.  Paragraph (e) of subsection (9) of section
342394.912, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
343     394.912  Definitions.--As used in this part, the term:
344     (9)  "Sexually violent offense" means:
345     (e)  Lewd, lascivious, or indecent assault or act upon or
346in presence of the child in violation of s. 800.04 or s.
348     Section 9.  Section 409.2355, Florida Statutes, is amended
349to read:
350     409.2355  Programs for prosecution of males over age 21 who
351commit certain offenses involving girls under age 16.--Subject
352to specific appropriated funds, the Department of Children and
353Family Services is directed to establish a program by which
354local communities, through the state attorney's office of each
355judicial circuit, may apply for grants to fund innovative
356programs for the prosecution of males over the age of 21 who
357victimize girls under the age of 16 in violation of s. 794.011,
358s. 794.05, s. 800.04, or s. 827.04(3), or s. 847.01355.
359     Section 10.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (9) of section
360775.082, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
361     775.082  Penalties; applicability of sentencing structures;
362mandatory minimum sentences for certain reoffenders previously
363released from prison.--
364     (9)(a)1.  "Prison releasee reoffender" means any defendant
365who commits, or attempts to commit:
366     a.  Treason;
367     b.  Murder;
368     c.  Manslaughter;
369     d.  Sexual battery;
370     e.  Carjacking;
371     f.  Home-invasion robbery;
372     g.  Robbery;
373     h.  Arson;
374     i.  Kidnapping;
375     j.  Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon;
376     k.  Aggravated battery;
377     l.  Aggravated stalking;
378     m.  Aircraft piracy;
379     n.  Unlawful throwing, placing, or discharging of a
380destructive device or bomb;
381     o.  Any felony that involves the use or threat of physical
382force or violence against an individual;
383     p.  Armed burglary;
384     q.  Burglary of a dwelling or burglary of an occupied
385structure; or
386     r.  Any felony violation of s. 790.07, s. 800.04, s.
387827.03, or s. 827.071, or s. 847.01355;
389within 3 years after being released from a state correctional
390facility operated by the Department of Corrections or a private
391vendor or within 3 years after being released from a
392correctional institution of another state, the District of
393Columbia, the United States, any possession or territory of the
394United States, or any foreign jurisdiction, following
395incarceration for an offense for which the sentence is
396punishable by more than 1 year in this state.
397     2.  "Prison releasee reoffender" also means any defendant
398who commits or attempts to commit any offense listed in sub-
399subparagraphs (a)1.a.-r. while the defendant was serving a
400prison sentence or on escape status from a state correctional
401facility operated by the Department of Corrections or a private
402vendor or while the defendant was on escape status from a
403correctional institution of another state, the District of
404Columbia, the United States, any possession or territory of the
405United States, or any foreign jurisdiction, following
406incarceration for an offense for which the sentence is
407punishable by more than 1 year in this state.
408     3.  If the state attorney determines that a defendant is a
409prison releasee reoffender as defined in subparagraph 1., the
410state attorney may seek to have the court sentence the defendant
411as a prison releasee reoffender. Upon proof from the state
412attorney that establishes by a preponderance of the evidence
413that a defendant is a prison releasee reoffender as defined in
414this section, such defendant is not eligible for sentencing
415under the sentencing guidelines and must be sentenced as
417     a.  For a felony punishable by life, by a term of
418imprisonment for life;
419     b.  For a felony of the first degree, by a term of
420imprisonment of 30 years;
421     c.  For a felony of the second degree, by a term of
422imprisonment of 15 years; and
423     d.  For a felony of the third degree, by a term of
424imprisonment of 5 years.
425     Section 11.  Paragraph (d) of subsection (1) of section
426775.084, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
427     775.084  Violent career criminals; habitual felony
428offenders and habitual violent felony offenders; three-time
429violent felony offenders; definitions; procedure; enhanced
430penalties or mandatory minimum prison terms.--
431     (1)  As used in this act:
432     (d)  "Violent career criminal" means a defendant for whom
433the court must impose imprisonment pursuant to paragraph (4)(d),
434if it finds that:
435     1.  The defendant has previously been convicted as an adult
436three or more times for an offense in this state or other
437qualified offense that is:
438     a.  Any forcible felony, as described in s. 776.08;
439     b.  Aggravated stalking, as described in s. 784.048(3) and
441     c.  Aggravated child abuse, as described in s. 827.03(2);
442     d.  Aggravated abuse of an elderly person or disabled
443adult, as described in s. 825.102(2);
444     e.  Lewd or lascivious battery, lewd or lascivious
445molestation, lewd or lascivious conduct, or lewd or lascivious
446exhibition, as described in s. 800.04 or s. 847.01355;
447     f.  Escape, as described in s. 944.40; or
448     g.  A felony violation of chapter 790 involving the use or
449possession of a firearm.
450     2.  The defendant has been incarcerated in a state prison
451or a federal prison.
452     3.  The primary felony offense for which the defendant is
453to be sentenced is a felony enumerated in subparagraph 1. and
454was committed on or after October 1, 1995, and:
455     a.  While the defendant was serving a prison sentence or
456other sentence, or court-ordered or lawfully imposed supervision
457that is imposed as a result of a prior conviction for an
458enumerated felony; or
459     b.  Within 5 years after the conviction of the last prior
460enumerated felony, or within 5 years after the defendant's
461release from a prison sentence, probation, community control,
462control release, conditional release, parole, or court-ordered
463or lawfully imposed supervision or other sentence that is
464imposed as a result of a prior conviction for an enumerated
465felony, whichever is later.
466     4.  The defendant has not received a pardon for any felony
467or other qualified offense that is necessary for the operation
468of this paragraph.
469     5.  A conviction of a felony or other qualified offense
470necessary to the operation of this paragraph has not been set
471aside in any postconviction proceeding.
472     Section 12.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (13) and paragraph
473(a) of subsection (16) of section 775.15, Florida Statutes, are
474amended to read:
475     775.15  Time limitations; general time limitations;
477     (13)(a)  If the victim of a violation of s. 794.011, former
478s. 794.05, Florida Statutes 1995, s. 800.04, or s. 826.04, or s.
479847.01355 is under the age of 18, the applicable period of
480limitation, if any, does not begin to run until the victim has
481reached the age of 18 or the violation is reported to a law
482enforcement agency or other governmental agency, whichever
483occurs earlier. Such law enforcement agency or other
484governmental agency shall promptly report such allegation to the
485state attorney for the judicial circuit in which the alleged
486violation occurred. If the offense is a first or second degree
487felony violation of s. 794.011, and the offense is reported
488within 72 hours after its commission, the prosecution for such
489offense may be commenced at any time. This paragraph applies to
490any such offense except an offense the prosecution of which
491would have been barred by subsection (2) on or before December
49231, 1984.
493     (16)(a)  In addition to the time periods prescribed in this
494section, a prosecution for any of the following offenses may be
495commenced at any time after the date on which the identity of
496the accused is established, or should have been established by
497the exercise of due diligence, through the analysis of
498deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) evidence, if a sufficient portion of
499the evidence collected at the time of the original investigation
500and tested for DNA is preserved and available for testing by the
502     1.  Aggravated battery or any felony battery offense under
503chapter 784.
504     2.  Kidnapping under s. 787.01 or false imprisonment under
505s. 787.02.
506     3.  An offense of sexual battery under chapter 794.
507     4.  A lewd or lascivious offense under s. 800.04, or s.
508825.1025, or s. 847.01355.
509     5.  A burglary offense under s. 810.02.
510     6.  A robbery offense under s. 812.13, s. 812.131, or s.
512     7.  Carjacking under s. 812.133.
513     8.  Aggravated child abuse under s. 827.03.
514     Section 13.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (4) and paragraph
515(b) of subsection (10) of section 775.21, Florida Statutes, are
516amended to read:
517     775.21  The Florida Sexual Predators Act.--
519     (a)  For a current offense committed on or after October 1,
5201993, upon conviction, an offender shall be designated as a
521"sexual predator" under subsection (5), and subject to
522registration under subsection (6) and community and public
523notification under subsection (7) if:
524     1.  The felony is:
525     a.  A capital, life, or first-degree felony violation, or
526any attempt thereof, of s. 787.01 or s. 787.02, where the victim
527is a minor and the defendant is not the victim's parent or
528guardian, or s. 794.011, s. 800.04, s. 847.01355, or s.
529847.0145, or a violation of a similar law of another
530jurisdiction; or
531     b.  Any felony violation, or any attempt thereof, of s.
532787.01, s. 787.02, or s. 787.025(2)(c), where the victim is a
533minor and the defendant is not the victim's parent or guardian;
534s. 794.011, excluding s. 794.011(10); s. 794.05; s. 796.03; s.
535796.035; s. 800.04; s. 825.1025(2)(b); s. 827.071; s. 847.01355;
536s. 847.0145; or s. 985.701(1); or a violation of a similar law
537of another jurisdiction, and the offender has previously been
538convicted of or found to have committed, or has pled nolo
539contendere or guilty to, regardless of adjudication, any
540violation of s. 787.01, s. 787.02, or s. 787.025(2)(c), where
541the victim is a minor and the defendant is not the victim's
542parent or guardian; s. 794.011, excluding s. 794.011(10); s.
543794.05; s. 796.03; s. 796.035; s. 800.04; s. 825.1025; s.
544827.071; s. 847.0133; s. 847.0135, excluding s. 847.0135(4); s.
545847.01355; s. 847.0145; or s. 985.701(1); or a violation of a
546similar law of another jurisdiction;
547     2.  The offender has not received a pardon for any felony
548or similar law of another jurisdiction that is necessary for the
549operation of this paragraph; and
550     3.  A conviction of a felony or similar law of another
551jurisdiction necessary to the operation of this paragraph has
552not been set aside in any postconviction proceeding.
553     (10)  PENALTIES.--
554     (b)  A sexual predator who has been convicted of or found
555to have committed, or has pled nolo contendere or guilty to,
556regardless of adjudication, any violation, or attempted
557violation, of s. 787.01, s. 787.02, or s. 787.025(2)(c), where
558the victim is a minor and the defendant is not the victim's
559parent or guardian; s. 794.011, excluding s. 794.011(10); s.
560794.05; s. 796.03; s. 796.035; s. 800.04; s. 827.071; s.
561847.0133; s. 847.01355; s. 847.0145; or s. 985.701(1); or a
562violation of a similar law of another jurisdiction when the
563victim of the offense was a minor, and who works, whether for
564compensation or as a volunteer, at any business, school, day
565care center, park, playground, or other place where children
566regularly congregate, commits a felony of the third degree,
567punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
568     Section 14.  Subsections (7) and (8) of section 784.048,
569Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
570     784.048  Stalking; definitions; penalties.--
571     (7)  Any person who, after having been sentenced for a
572violation of s. 794.011, or s. 800.04, or s. 847.01355 and
573prohibited from contacting the victim of the offense under s.
574921.244, willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follows,
575harasses, or cyberstalks the victim commits the offense of
576aggravated stalking, a felony of the third degree, punishable as
577provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
578     (8)  The punishment imposed under this section shall run
579consecutive to any former sentence imposed for a conviction for
580any offense under s. 794.011, or s. 800.04, or s. 847.01355.
581     Section 15.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of section
582787.01, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
583     787.01  Kidnapping; kidnapping of child under age 13,
584aggravating circumstances.--
585     (3)(a)  A person who commits the offense of kidnapping upon
586a child under the age of 13 and who, in the course of committing
587the offense, commits one or more of the following:
588     1.  Aggravated child abuse, as defined in s. 827.03;
589     2.  Sexual battery, as defined in chapter 794, against the
591     3.  Lewd or lascivious battery, lewd or lascivious
592molestation, lewd or lascivious conduct, or lewd or lascivious
593exhibition, in violation of s. 800.04 or s. 847.01355;
594     4.  A violation of s. 796.03 or s. 796.04, relating to
595prostitution, upon the child; or
596     5.  Exploitation of the child or allowing the child to be
597exploited, in violation of s. 450.151,
599commits a life felony, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s.
600775.083, or s. 775.084.
601     Section 16.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of section
602787.02, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
603     787.02  False imprisonment; false imprisonment of child
604under age 13, aggravating circumstances.--
605     (3)(a)  A person who commits the offense of false
606imprisonment upon a child under the age of 13 and who, in the
607course of committing the offense, commits any offense enumerated
608in subparagraphs 1.-5., commits a felony of the first degree,
609punishable by imprisonment for a term of years not exceeding
610life or as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
611     1.  Aggravated child abuse, as defined in s. 827.03;
612     2.  Sexual battery, as defined in chapter 794, against the
614     3.  Lewd or lascivious battery, lewd or lascivious
615molestation, lewd or lascivious conduct, or lewd or lascivious
616exhibition, in violation of s. 800.04 or s. 847.01355;
617     4.  A violation of s. 796.03 or s. 796.04, relating to
618prostitution, upon the child; or
619     5.  Exploitation of the child or allowing the child to be
620exploited, in violation of s. 450.151.
621     Section 17.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section
622787.025, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
623     787.025  Luring or enticing a child.--
624     (2)
625     (c)  A person 18 years of age or older who, having been
626previously convicted of a violation of chapter 794, or s.
627800.04, or s. 847.01355, or a violation of a similar law of
628another jurisdiction, intentionally lures or entices, or
629attempts to lure or entice, a child under the age of 12 into a
630structure, dwelling, or conveyance for other than a lawful
631purpose commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as
632provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
633     Section 18.  Section 794.065, Florida Statutes, is amended
634to read:
635     794.065  Unlawful place of residence for persons convicted
636of certain sex offenses.--
637     (1)  It is unlawful for any person who has been convicted
638of a violation of s. 794.011, s. 800.04, s. 827.071, s.
639847.01355, or s. 847.0145, regardless of whether adjudication
640has been withheld, in which the victim of the offense was less
641than 16 years of age, to reside within 1,000 feet of any school,
642day care center, park, or playground. A person who violates this
643section and whose conviction under s. 794.011, s. 800.04, s.
644827.071, s. 847.01355, or s. 847.0145 was classified as a felony
645of the first degree or higher commits a felony of the third
646degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. A
647person who violates this section and whose conviction under s.
648794.011, s. 800.04, s. 827.071, s. 847.01355, or s. 847.0145 was
649classified as a felony of the second or third degree commits a
650misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s.
651775.082 or s. 775.083.
652     (2)  This section applies to any person convicted of a
653violation of s. 794.011, s. 800.04, s. 827.071, s. 847.01355, or
654s. 847.0145 for offenses that occur on or after October 1, 2004.
655     Section 19.  Section 914.16, Florida Statutes, is amended
656to read:
657     914.16  Child abuse and sexual abuse of victims under age
65816 or persons with mental retardation; limits on
659interviews.--The chief judge of each judicial circuit, after
660consultation with the state attorney and the public defender for
661the judicial circuit, the appropriate chief law enforcement
662officer, and any other person deemed appropriate by the chief
663judge, shall provide by order reasonable limits on the number of
664interviews that a victim of a violation of s. 794.011, s.
665800.04, or s. 827.03, or s. 847.01355 who is under 16 years of
666age or a victim of a violation of s. 794.011, s. 800.02, s.
667800.03, or s. 825.102 who is a person with mental retardation as
668defined in s. 393.063 must submit to for law enforcement or
669discovery purposes. The order shall, to the extent possible,
670protect the victim from the psychological damage of repeated
671interrogations while preserving the rights of the public, the
672victim, and the person charged with the violation.
673     Section 20.  Paragraphs (d) and (e) of subsection (3) of
674section 921.0022, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
675     921.0022  Criminal Punishment Code; offense severity
676ranking chart.--
678     (d)  LEVEL 4
316.1935(3)(a)2ndDriving at high speed or with wanton disregard for safety while fleeing or attempting to elude law enforcement officer who is in a patrol vehicle with siren and lights activated.
499.0051(1)3rdFailure to maintain or deliver pedigree papers.
499.0051(2)3rdFailure to authenticate pedigree papers.
499.0051(6)2ndSale or delivery, or possession with intent to sell, contraband legend drugs.
784.07(2)(b)3rdBattery of law enforcement officer, firefighter, intake officer, etc.
784.074(1)(c)3rdBattery of sexually violent predators facility staff.
784.0753rdBattery on detention or commitment facility staff.
784.0783rdBattery of facility employee by throwing, tossing, or expelling certain fluids or materials.
784.08(2)(c)3rdBattery on a person 65 years of age or older.
784.081(3)3rdBattery on specified official or employee.
784.082(3)3rdBattery by detained person on visitor or other detainee.
784.083(3)3rdBattery on code inspector.
784.0853rdBattery of child by throwing, tossing, projecting, or expelling certain fluids or materials.
787.03(1)3rdInterference with custody; wrongly takes minor from appointed guardian.
787.04(2)3rdTake, entice, or remove child beyond state limits with criminal intent pending custody proceedings.
787.04(3)3rdCarrying child beyond state lines with criminal intent to avoid producing child at custody hearing or delivering to designated person.
790.115(1)3rdExhibiting firearm or weapon within 1,000 feet of a school.
790.115(2)(b)3rdPossessing electric weapon or device, destructive device, or other weapon on school property.
790.115(2)(c)3rdPossessing firearm on school property.
800.04(7)(c)(d)3rdLewd or lascivious exhibition; offender less than 18 years.
810.02(4)(a)3rdBurglary, or attempted burglary, of an unoccupied structure; unarmed; no assault or battery.
810.02(4)(b)3rdBurglary, or attempted burglary, of an unoccupied conveyance; unarmed; no assault or battery.
810.063rdBurglary; possession of tools.
810.08(2)(c)3rdTrespass on property, armed with firearm or dangerous weapon.
812.014(2)(c)3.3rdGrand theft, 3rd degree $10,000 or more but less than $20,000.
812.014(2)(c)4.-10.3rdGrand theft, 3rd degree, a will, firearm, motor vehicle, livestock, etc.
812.0195(2)3rdDealing in stolen property by use of the Internet; property stolen $300 or more.
817.563(1)3rdSell or deliver substance other than controlled substance agreed upon, excluding s. 893.03(5) drugs.
817.568(2)(a)3rdFraudulent use of personal identification information.
817.625(2)(a)3rdFraudulent use of scanning device or reencoder.
828.125(1)2ndKill, maim, or cause great bodily harm or permanent breeding disability to any registered horse or cattle.
837.02(1)3rdPerjury in official proceedings.
837.021(1)3rdMake contradictory statements in official proceedings.
838.0223rdOfficial misconduct.
839.13(2)(a)3rdFalsifying records of an individual in the care and custody of a state agency.
839.13(2)(c)3rdFalsifying records of the Department of Children and Family Services.
843.0213rdPossession of a concealed handcuff key by a person in custody.
843.0253rdDeprive law enforcement, correctional, or correctional probation officer of means of protection or communication.
843.15(1)(a)3rdFailure to appear while on bail for felony (bond estreature or bond jumping).
847.01355(3)3rdLewd or lascivious exhibition using computer; offender less than 18 years.
874.05(1)3rdEncouraging or recruiting another to join a criminal street gang.
893.13(2)(a)1.2ndPurchase of cocaine (or other s. 893.03(1)(a), (b), or (d), (2)(a), (2)(b), or (2)(c)4. drugs).
914.14(2)3rdWitnesses accepting bribes.
914.22(1)3rdForce, threaten, etc., witness, victim, or informant.
914.23(2)3rdRetaliation against a witness, victim, or informant, no bodily injury.
918.123rdTampering with jurors.
934.2153rdUse of two-way communications device to facilitate commission of a crime.
728     (e)  LEVEL 5
316.027(1)(a)3rdAccidents involving personal injuries, failure to stop; leaving scene.
316.1935(4)(a)2ndAggravated fleeing or eluding.
322.34(6)3rdCareless operation of motor vehicle with suspended license, resulting in death or serious bodily injury.
327.30(5)3rdVessel accidents involving personal injury; leaving scene.
381.0041(11)(b)3rdDonate blood, plasma, or organs knowing HIV positive.
440.10(1)(g)2ndFailure to obtain workers' compensation coverage.
440.105(5)2ndUnlawful solicitation for the purpose of making workers' compensation claims.
440.381(2)2ndSubmission of false, misleading, or incomplete information with the purpose of avoiding or reducing workers' compensation premiums.
624.401(4)(b)2.2ndTransacting insurance without a certificate or authority; premium collected $20,000 or more but less than $100,000.
626.902(1)(c)2ndRepresenting an unauthorized insurer; repeat offender.
790.01(2)3rdCarrying a concealed firearm.
790.1622ndThreat to throw or discharge destructive device.
790.163(1)2ndFalse report of deadly explosive or weapon of mass destruction.
790.221(1)2ndPossession of short-barreled shotgun or machine gun.
790.232ndFelons in possession of firearms, ammunition, or electronic weapons or devices.
800.04(6)(c)3rdLewd or lascivious conduct; offender less than 18 years.
800.04(7)(b)(c)2ndLewd or lascivious exhibition; offender 18 years or older.
806.111(1)3rdPossess, manufacture, or dispense fire bomb with intent to damage any structure or property.
812.0145(2)(b)2ndTheft from person 65 years of age or older; $10,000 or more but less than $50,000.
812.015(8)3rdRetail theft; property stolen is valued at $300 or more and one or more specified acts.
812.019(1)2ndStolen property; dealing in or trafficking in.
812.131(2)(b)3rdRobbery by sudden snatching.
812.16(2)3rdOwning, operating, or conducting a chop shop.
817.034(4)(a)2.2ndCommunications fraud, value $20,000 to $50,000.
817.234(11)(b)2ndInsurance fraud; property value $20,000 or more but less than $100,000.
817.2341(1),(2)(a)&(3)(a)3rdFiling false financial statements, making false entries of material fact or false statements regarding property values relating to the solvency of an insuring entity.
817.568(2)(b)2ndFraudulent use of personal identification information; value of benefit, services received, payment avoided, or amount of injury or fraud, $5,000 or more or use of personal identification information of 10 or more individuals.
817.625(2)(b)2ndSecond or subsequent fraudulent use of scanning device or reencoder.
825.1025(4)3rdLewd or lascivious exhibition in the presence of an elderly person or disabled adult.
827.071(4)2ndPossess with intent to promote any photographic material, motion picture, etc., which includes sexual conduct by a child.
827.071(5)3rdPossess any photographic material, motion picture, etc., which includes sexual conduct by a child.
839.13(2)(b)2ndFalsifying records of an individual in the care and custody of a state agency involving great bodily harm or death.
843.013rdResist officer with violence to person; resist arrest with violence.
847.01355(2)2ndLewd or lascivious exhibition using computer; offender 18 years or older.
847.0137(2)&(3)3rdTransmission of pornography by electronic device or equipment.
847.0138(2)&(3)3rdTransmission of material harmful to minors to a minor by electronic device or equipment.
874.05(2)2ndEncouraging or recruiting another to join a criminal street gang; second or subsequent offense.
893.13(1)(a)1.2ndSell, manufacture, or deliver cocaine (or other s. 893.03(1)(a), (1)(b), (1)(d), (2)(a), (2)(b), or (2)(c)4. drugs).
893.13(1)(c)2.2ndSell, manufacture, or deliver cannabis (or other s. 893.03(1)(c), (2)(c)1., (2)(c)2., (2)(c)3., (2)(c)5., (2)(c)6., (2)(c)7., (2)(c)8., (2)(c)9., (3), or (4) drugs) within 1,000 feet of a child care facility, school, or state, county, or municipal park or publicly owned recreational facility or community center.
893.13(1)(d)1.1stSell, manufacture, or deliver cocaine (or other s. 893.03(1)(a), (1)(b), (1)(d), (2)(a), (2)(b), or (2)(c)4. drugs) within 1,000 feet of university.
893.13(1)(e)2.2ndSell, manufacture, or deliver cannabis or other drug prohibited under s. 893.03(1)(c), (2)(c)1., (2)(c)2., (2)(c)3., (2)(c)5., (2)(c)6., (2)(c)7., (2)(c)8., (2)(c)9., (3), or (4) within 1,000 feet of property used for religious services or a specified business site.
893.13(1)(f)1.1stSell, manufacture, or deliver cocaine (or other s. 893.03(1)(a), (1)(b), (1)(d), or (2)(a), (2)(b), or (2)(c)4. drugs) within 1,000 feet of public housing facility.
893.13(4)(b)2ndDeliver to minor cannabis (or other s. 893.03(1)(c), (2)(c)1., (2)(c)2., (2)(c)3., (2)(c)5., (2)(c)6., (2)(c)7., (2)(c)8., (2)(c)9., (3), or (4) drugs).
774     Section 21.  Subsections (1) and (3) of section 921.244,
775Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
776     921.244  Order of no contact; penalties.--
777     (1)  At the time of sentencing an offender convicted of a
778violation of s. 794.011, or s. 800.04, or s. 847.01355, the
779court shall order that the offender be prohibited from having
780any contact with the victim, directly or indirectly, including
781through a third person, for the duration of the sentence
782imposed. The court may reconsider the order upon the request of
783the victim if the request is made at any time after the victim
784has attained 18 years of age. In considering the request, the
785court shall conduct an evidentiary hearing to determine whether
786a change of circumstances has occurred which warrants a change
787in the court order prohibiting contact and whether it is in the
788best interest of the victim that the court order be modified or
790     (3)  The punishment imposed under this section shall run
791consecutive to any former sentence imposed for a conviction for
792any offense under s. 794.011, or s. 800.04, or s. 847.01355.
793     Section 22.  Subsection (1) of section 938.10, Florida
794Statutes, is amended to read:
795     938.10  Additional court cost imposed in cases of certain
796crimes against minors.--
797     (1)  If a person pleads guilty or nolo contendere to, or is
798found guilty of, regardless of adjudication, any offense against
799a minor in violation of s. 784.085, chapter 787, chapter 794, s.
800796.03, s. 800.04, chapter 827, s. 847.01355, s. 847.0145, or s.
801985.701, the court shall impose a court cost of $101 against the
802offender in addition to any other cost or penalty required by
804     Section 23.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section
805943.0435, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
806     943.0435  Sexual offenders required to register with the
807department; penalty.--
808     (1)  As used in this section, the term:
809     (a)1.  "Sexual offender" means a person who meets the
810criteria in sub-subparagraph a., sub-subparagraph b., sub-
811subparagraph c., or sub-subparagraph d., as follows:
812     a.(I)  Has been convicted of committing, or attempting,
813soliciting, or conspiring to commit, any of the criminal
814offenses proscribed in the following statutes in this state or
815similar offenses in another jurisdiction: s. 787.01, s. 787.02,
816or s. 787.025(2)(c), where the victim is a minor and the
817defendant is not the victim's parent or guardian; s. 794.011,
818excluding s. 794.011(10); s. 794.05; s. 796.03; s. 796.035; s.
819800.04; s. 825.1025; s. 827.071; s. 847.0133; s. 847.0135,
820excluding s. 847.0135(4); s. 847.01355; s. 847.0137; s.
821847.0138; s. 847.0145; or s. 985.701(1); or any similar offense
822committed in this state which has been redesignated from a
823former statute number to one of those listed in this sub-sub-
824subparagraph; and
825     (II)  Has been released on or after October 1, 1997, from
826the sanction imposed for any conviction of an offense described
827in sub-sub-subparagraph (I). For purposes of sub-sub-
828subparagraph (I), a sanction imposed in this state or in any
829other jurisdiction includes, but is not limited to, a fine,
830probation, community control, parole, conditional release,
831control release, or incarceration in a state prison, federal
832prison, private correctional facility, or local detention
834     b.  Establishes or maintains a residence in this state and
835who has not been designated as a sexual predator by a court of
836this state but who has been designated as a sexual predator, as
837a sexually violent predator, or by another sexual offender
838designation in another state or jurisdiction and was, as a
839result of such designation, subjected to registration or
840community or public notification, or both, or would be if the
841person were a resident of that state or jurisdiction, without
842regard to whether the person otherwise meets the criteria for
843registration as a sexual offender;
844     c.  Establishes or maintains a residence in this state who
845is in the custody or control of, or under the supervision of,
846any other state or jurisdiction as a result of a conviction for
847committing, or attempting, soliciting, or conspiring to commit,
848any of the criminal offenses proscribed in the following
849statutes or similar offense in another jurisdiction: s. 787.01,
850s. 787.02, or s. 787.025(2)(c), where the victim is a minor and
851the defendant is not the victim's parent or guardian; s.
852794.011, excluding s. 794.011(10); s. 794.05; s. 796.03; s.
853796.035; s. 800.04; s. 825.1025; s. 827.071; s. 847.0133; s.
854847.0135, excluding s. 847.0135(4); s. 847.01355; s. 847.0137;
855s. 847.0138; s. 847.0145; or s. 985.701(1); or any similar
856offense committed in this state which has been redesignated from
857a former statute number to one of those listed in this sub-
858subparagraph; or
859     d.  On or after July 1, 2007, has been adjudicated
860delinquent for committing, or attempting, soliciting, or
861conspiring to commit, any of the criminal offenses proscribed in
862the following statutes in this state or similar offenses in
863another jurisdiction when the juvenile was 14 years of age or
864older at the time of the offense:
865     (I)  Section 794.011, excluding s. 794.011(10);
866     (II)  Section 800.04(4)(b) where the victim is under 12
867years of age or where the court finds sexual activity by the use
868of force or coercion;
869     (III)  Section 800.04(5)(c)1. where the court finds
870molestation involving unclothed genitals; or
871     (IV)  Section 800.04(5)(d) where the court finds the use of
872force or coercion and unclothed genitals.
873     2.  For all qualifying offenses listed in sub-subparagraph
874(1)(a)1.d., the court shall make a written finding of the age of
875the offender at the time of the offense.
877For each violation of a qualifying offense listed in this
878subsection, the court shall make a written finding of the age of
879the victim at the time of the offense. For a violation of s.
880800.04(4), the court shall additionally make a written finding
881indicating that the offense did or did not involve sexual
882activity and indicating that the offense did or did not involve
883force or coercion. For a violation of s. 800.04(5), the court
884shall additionally make a written finding that the offense did
885or did not involve unclothed genitals or genital area and that
886the offense did or did not involve the use of force or coercion.
887     Section 24.  Subsections (1), (2), and (4) of section
888943.04354, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
889     943.04354  Removal of the requirement to register as a
890sexual offender or sexual predator in special circumstances.--
891     (1)  For purposes of this section, a person shall be
892considered for removal of the requirement to register as a
893sexual offender or sexual predator only if the person:
894     (a)  Was or will be convicted or adjudicated delinquent of
895a violation of s. 794.011, or s. 800.04, or s. 847.01355 or the
896person committed a violation of s. 794.011, or s. 800.04, or s.
897847.01355 for which adjudication of guilt was or will be
898withheld, and the person does not have any other conviction,
899adjudication of delinquency, or withhold of adjudication of
900guilt for a violation of s. 794.011, or s. 800.04, or s.
902     (b)  Is required to register as a sexual offender or sexual
903predator solely on the basis of this violation; and
904     (c)  Is not more than 4 years older than the victim of this
905violation who was 14 years of age or older but not more than 17
906years of age at the time the person committed this violation.
907     (2)  If a person meets the criteria in subsection (1) and
908the violation of s. 794.011, or s. 800.04, or s. 847.01355 was
909committed on or after July 1, 2007, the person may move the
910court that will sentence or dispose of this violation to remove
911the requirement that the person register as a sexual offender or
912sexual predator. The person must allege in the motion that he or
913she meets the criteria in subsection (1) and that removal of the
914registration requirement will not conflict with federal law. The
915state attorney must be given notice of the motion at least 21
916days before the date of sentencing or disposition of this
917violation and may present evidence in opposition to the
918requested relief or may otherwise demonstrate why the motion
919should be denied. At sentencing or disposition of this
920violation, the court shall rule on this motion and, if the court
921determines the person meets the criteria in subsection (1) and
922the removal of the registration requirement will not conflict
923with federal law, it may grant the motion and order the removal
924of the registration requirement. If the court denies the motion,
925the person is not authorized under this section to petition for
926removal of the registration requirement.
927     (4)  If a person provides to the Department of Law
928Enforcement a certified copy of the court's order removing the
929requirement that the person register as a sexual offender or
930sexual predator for the violation of s. 794.011, or s. 800.04,
931or s. 847.01355, the registration requirement will not apply to
932the person and the department shall remove all information about
933the person from the public registry of sexual offenders and
934sexual predators maintained by the department. However, the
935removal of this information from the public registry does not
936mean that the public is denied access to information about the
937person's criminal history or record that is otherwise available
938as a public record.
939     Section 25.  Section 943.0585, Florida Statutes, is amended
940to read:
941     943.0585  Court-ordered expunction of criminal history
942records.--The courts of this state have jurisdiction over their
943own procedures, including the maintenance, expunction, and
944correction of judicial records containing criminal history
945information to the extent such procedures are not inconsistent
946with the conditions, responsibilities, and duties established by
947this section. Any court of competent jurisdiction may order a
948criminal justice agency to expunge the criminal history record
949of a minor or an adult who complies with the requirements of
950this section. The court shall not order a criminal justice
951agency to expunge a criminal history record until the person
952seeking to expunge a criminal history record has applied for and
953received a certificate of eligibility for expunction pursuant to
954subsection (2). A criminal history record that relates to a
955violation of s. 393.135, s. 394.4593, s. 787.025, chapter 794,
956s. 796.03, s. 800.04, s. 810.14, s. 817.034, s. 825.1025, s.
957827.071, chapter 839, s. 847.0133, s. 847.0135, s. 847.01355, s.
958847.0145, s. 893.135, s. 916.1075, a violation enumerated in s.
959907.041, or any violation specified as a predicate offense for
960registration as a sexual predator pursuant to s. 775.21, without
961regard to whether that offense alone is sufficient to require
962such registration, or for registration as a sexual offender
963pursuant to s. 943.0435, may not be expunged, without regard to
964whether adjudication was withheld, if the defendant was found
965guilty of or pled guilty or nolo contendere to the offense, or
966if the defendant, as a minor, was found to have committed, or
967pled guilty or nolo contendere to committing, the offense as a
968delinquent act. The court may only order expunction of a
969criminal history record pertaining to one arrest or one incident
970of alleged criminal activity, except as provided in this
971section. The court may, at its sole discretion, order the
972expunction of a criminal history record pertaining to more than
973one arrest if the additional arrests directly relate to the
974original arrest. If the court intends to order the expunction of
975records pertaining to such additional arrests, such intent must
976be specified in the order. A criminal justice agency may not
977expunge any record pertaining to such additional arrests if the
978order to expunge does not articulate the intention of the court
979to expunge a record pertaining to more than one arrest. This
980section does not prevent the court from ordering the expunction
981of only a portion of a criminal history record pertaining to one
982arrest or one incident of alleged criminal activity.
983Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, a criminal justice
984agency may comply with laws, court orders, and official requests
985of other jurisdictions relating to expunction, correction, or
986confidential handling of criminal history records or information
987derived therefrom. This section does not confer any right to the
988expunction of any criminal history record, and any request for
989expunction of a criminal history record may be denied at the
990sole discretion of the court.
992petition to a court to expunge a criminal history record is
993complete only when accompanied by:
994     (a)  A valid certificate of eligibility for expunction
995issued by the department pursuant to subsection (2).
996     (b)  The petitioner's sworn statement attesting that the
998     1.  Has never, prior to the date on which the petition is
999filed, been adjudicated guilty of a criminal offense or
1000comparable ordinance violation, or been adjudicated delinquent
1001for committing any felony or a misdemeanor specified in s.
1003     2.  Has not been adjudicated guilty of, or adjudicated
1004delinquent for committing, any of the acts stemming from the
1005arrest or alleged criminal activity to which the petition
1007     3.  Has never secured a prior sealing or expunction of a
1008criminal history record under this section, former s. 893.14,
1009former s. 901.33, or former s. 943.058, or from any jurisdiction
1010outside the state, unless expunction is sought of a criminal
1011history record previously sealed for 10 years pursuant to
1012paragraph (2)(h) and the record is otherwise eligible for
1014     4.  Is eligible for such an expunction to the best of his
1015or her knowledge or belief and does not have any other petition
1016to expunge or any petition to seal pending before any court.
1018Any person who knowingly provides false information on such
1019sworn statement to the court commits a felony of the third
1020degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s.
1023petitioning the court to expunge a criminal history record, a
1024person seeking to expunge a criminal history record shall apply
1025to the department for a certificate of eligibility for
1026expunction. The department shall, by rule adopted pursuant to
1027chapter 120, establish procedures pertaining to the application
1028for and issuance of certificates of eligibility for expunction.
1029A certificate of eligibility for expunction is valid for 12
1030months after the date stamped on the certificate when issued by
1031the department. After that time, the petitioner must reapply to
1032the department for a new certificate of eligibility. Eligibility
1033for a renewed certification of eligibility must be based on the
1034status of the applicant and the law in effect at the time of the
1035renewal application. The department shall issue a certificate of
1036eligibility for expunction to a person who is the subject of a
1037criminal history record if that person:
1038     (a)  Has obtained, and submitted to the department, a
1039written, certified statement from the appropriate state attorney
1040or statewide prosecutor which indicates:
1041     1.  That an indictment, information, or other charging
1042document was not filed or issued in the case.
1043     2.  That an indictment, information, or other charging
1044document, if filed or issued in the case, was dismissed or nolle
1045prosequi by the state attorney or statewide prosecutor, or was
1046dismissed by a court of competent jurisdiction, and that none of
1047the charges related to the arrest or alleged criminal activity
1048to which the petition to expunge pertains resulted in a trial,
1049without regard to whether the outcome of the trial was other
1050than an adjudication of guilt.
1051     3.  That the criminal history record does not relate to a
1052violation of s. 393.135, s. 394.4593, s. 787.025, chapter 794,
1053s. 796.03, s. 800.04, s. 810.14, s. 817.034, s. 825.1025, s.
1054827.071, chapter 839, s. 847.0133, s. 847.0135, s. 847.01355, s.
1055847.0145, s. 893.135, s. 916.1075, a violation enumerated in s.
1056907.041, or any violation specified as a predicate offense for
1057registration as a sexual predator pursuant to s. 775.21, without
1058regard to whether that offense alone is sufficient to require
1059such registration, or for registration as a sexual offender
1060pursuant to s. 943.0435, where the defendant was found guilty
1061of, or pled guilty or nolo contendere to any such offense, or
1062that the defendant, as a minor, was found to have committed, or
1063pled guilty or nolo contendere to committing, such an offense as
1064a delinquent act, without regard to whether adjudication was
1066     (b)  Remits a $75 processing fee to the department for
1067placement in the Department of Law Enforcement Operating Trust
1068Fund, unless such fee is waived by the executive director.
1069     (c)  Has submitted to the department a certified copy of
1070the disposition of the charge to which the petition to expunge
1072     (d)  Has never, prior to the date on which the application
1073for a certificate of eligibility is filed, been adjudicated
1074guilty of a criminal offense or comparable ordinance violation,
1075or been adjudicated delinquent for committing any felony or a
1076misdemeanor specified in s. 943.051(3)(b).
1077     (e)  Has not been adjudicated guilty of, or adjudicated
1078delinquent for committing, any of the acts stemming from the
1079arrest or alleged criminal activity to which the petition to
1080expunge pertains.
1081     (f)  Has never secured a prior sealing or expunction of a
1082criminal history record under this section, former s. 893.14,
1083former s. 901.33, or former s. 943.058, unless expunction is
1084sought of a criminal history record previously sealed for 10
1085years pursuant to paragraph (h) and the record is otherwise
1086eligible for expunction.
1087     (g)  Is no longer under court supervision applicable to the
1088disposition of the arrest or alleged criminal activity to which
1089the petition to expunge pertains.
1090     (h)  Has previously obtained a court order sealing the
1091record under this section, former s. 893.14, former s. 901.33,
1092or former s. 943.058 for a minimum of 10 years because
1093adjudication was withheld or because all charges related to the
1094arrest or alleged criminal activity to which the petition to
1095expunge pertains were not dismissed prior to trial, without
1096regard to whether the outcome of the trial was other than an
1097adjudication of guilt. The requirement for the record to have
1098previously been sealed for a minimum of 10 years does not apply
1099when a plea was not entered or all charges related to the arrest
1100or alleged criminal activity to which the petition to expunge
1101pertains were dismissed prior to trial.
1103     (a)  In judicial proceedings under this section, a copy of
1104the completed petition to expunge shall be served upon the
1105appropriate state attorney or the statewide prosecutor and upon
1106the arresting agency; however, it is not necessary to make any
1107agency other than the state a party. The appropriate state
1108attorney or the statewide prosecutor and the arresting agency
1109may respond to the court regarding the completed petition to
1111     (b)  If relief is granted by the court, the clerk of the
1112court shall certify copies of the order to the appropriate state
1113attorney or the statewide prosecutor and the arresting agency.
1114The arresting agency is responsible for forwarding the order to
1115any other agency to which the arresting agency disseminated the
1116criminal history record information to which the order pertains.
1117The department shall forward the order to expunge to the Federal
1118Bureau of Investigation. The clerk of the court shall certify a
1119copy of the order to any other agency which the records of the
1120court reflect has received the criminal history record from the
1122     (c)  For an order to expunge entered by a court prior to
1123July 1, 1992, the department shall notify the appropriate state
1124attorney or statewide prosecutor of an order to expunge which is
1125contrary to law because the person who is the subject of the
1126record has previously been convicted of a crime or comparable
1127ordinance violation or has had a prior criminal history record
1128sealed or expunged. Upon receipt of such notice, the appropriate
1129state attorney or statewide prosecutor shall take action, within
113060 days, to correct the record and petition the court to void
1131the order to expunge. The department shall seal the record until
1132such time as the order is voided by the court.
1133     (d)  On or after July 1, 1992, the department or any other
1134criminal justice agency is not required to act on an order to
1135expunge entered by a court when such order does not comply with
1136the requirements of this section. Upon receipt of such an order,
1137the department must notify the issuing court, the appropriate
1138state attorney or statewide prosecutor, the petitioner or the
1139petitioner's attorney, and the arresting agency of the reason
1140for noncompliance. The appropriate state attorney or statewide
1141prosecutor shall take action within 60 days to correct the
1142record and petition the court to void the order. No cause of
1143action, including contempt of court, shall arise against any
1144criminal justice agency for failure to comply with an order to
1145expunge when the petitioner for such order failed to obtain the
1146certificate of eligibility as required by this section or such
1147order does not otherwise comply with the requirements of this
1150criminal history record of a minor or an adult which is ordered
1151expunged by a court of competent jurisdiction pursuant to this
1152section must be physically destroyed or obliterated by any
1153criminal justice agency having custody of such record; except
1154that any criminal history record in the custody of the
1155department must be retained in all cases. A criminal history
1156record ordered expunged that is retained by the department is
1157confidential and exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1) and
1158s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution and not available to
1159any person or entity except upon order of a court of competent
1160jurisdiction. A criminal justice agency may retain a notation
1161indicating compliance with an order to expunge.
1162     (a)  The person who is the subject of a criminal history
1163record that is expunged under this section or under other
1164provisions of law, including former s. 893.14, former s. 901.33,
1165and former s. 943.058, may lawfully deny or fail to acknowledge
1166the arrests covered by the expunged record, except when the
1167subject of the record:
1168     1.  Is a candidate for employment with a criminal justice
1170     2.  Is a defendant in a criminal prosecution;
1171     3.  Concurrently or subsequently petitions for relief under
1172this section or s. 943.059;
1173     4.  Is a candidate for admission to The Florida Bar;
1174     5.  Is seeking to be employed or licensed by or to contract
1175with the Department of Children and Family Services or the
1176Department of Juvenile Justice or to be employed or used by such
1177contractor or licensee in a sensitive position having direct
1178contact with children, the developmentally disabled, the aged,
1179or the elderly as provided in s. 110.1127(3), s. 393.063, s.
1180394.4572(1), s. 397.451, s. 402.302(3), s. 402.313(3), s.
1181409.175(2)(i), s. 415.102(4), chapter 916, s. 985.644, chapter
1182400, or chapter 429;
1183     6.  Is seeking to be employed or licensed by the Department
1184of Education, any district school board, any university
1185laboratory school, any charter school, any private or parochial
1186school, or any local governmental entity that licenses child
1187care facilities; or
1188     7.  Is seeking authorization from a Florida seaport
1189identified in s. 311.09 for employment within or access to one
1190or more of such seaports pursuant to s. 311.12 or s. 311.125.
1191     (b)  Subject to the exceptions in paragraph (a), a person
1192who has been granted an expunction under this section, former s.
1193893.14, former s. 901.33, or former s. 943.058 may not be held
1194under any provision of law of this state to commit perjury or to
1195be otherwise liable for giving a false statement by reason of
1196such person's failure to recite or acknowledge an expunged
1197criminal history record.
1198     (c)  Information relating to the existence of an expunged
1199criminal history record which is provided in accordance with
1200paragraph (a) is confidential and exempt from the provisions of
1201s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution,
1202except that the department shall disclose the existence of a
1203criminal history record ordered expunged to the entities set
1204forth in subparagraphs (a)1., 4., 5., 6., and 7. for their
1205respective licensing, access authorization, and employment
1206purposes, and to criminal justice agencies for their respective
1207criminal justice purposes. It is unlawful for any employee of an
1208entity set forth in subparagraph (a)1., subparagraph (a)4.,
1209subparagraph (a)5., subparagraph (a)6., or subparagraph (a)7. to
1210disclose information relating to the existence of an expunged
1211criminal history record of a person seeking employment, access
1212authorization, or licensure with such entity or contractor,
1213except to the person to whom the criminal history record relates
1214or to persons having direct responsibility for employment,
1215access authorization, or licensure decisions. Any person who
1216violates this paragraph commits a misdemeanor of the first
1217degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
1218     (5)  STATUTORY REFERENCES.--Any reference to any other
1219chapter, section, or subdivision of the Florida Statutes in this
1220section constitutes a general reference under the doctrine of
1221incorporation by reference.
1222     Section 26.  Section 943.059, Florida Statutes, is amended
1223to read:
1224     943.059  Court-ordered sealing of criminal history
1225records.--The courts of this state shall continue to have
1226jurisdiction over their own procedures, including the
1227maintenance, sealing, and correction of judicial records
1228containing criminal history information to the extent such
1229procedures are not inconsistent with the conditions,
1230responsibilities, and duties established by this section. Any
1231court of competent jurisdiction may order a criminal justice
1232agency to seal the criminal history record of a minor or an
1233adult who complies with the requirements of this section. The
1234court shall not order a criminal justice agency to seal a
1235criminal history record until the person seeking to seal a
1236criminal history record has applied for and received a
1237certificate of eligibility for sealing pursuant to subsection
1238(2). A criminal history record that relates to a violation of s.
1239393.135, s. 394.4593, s. 787.025, chapter 794, s. 796.03, s.
1240800.04, s. 810.14, s. 817.034, s. 825.1025, s. 827.071, chapter
1241839, s. 847.0133, s. 847.0135, s. 847.01355, s. 847.0145, s.
1242893.135, s. 916.1075, a violation enumerated in s. 907.041, or
1243any violation specified as a predicate offense for registration
1244as a sexual predator pursuant to s. 775.21, without regard to
1245whether that offense alone is sufficient to require such
1246registration, or for registration as a sexual offender pursuant
1247to s. 943.0435, may not be sealed, without regard to whether
1248adjudication was withheld, if the defendant was found guilty of
1249or pled guilty or nolo contendere to the offense, or if the
1250defendant, as a minor, was found to have committed or pled
1251guilty or nolo contendere to committing the offense as a
1252delinquent act. The court may only order sealing of a criminal
1253history record pertaining to one arrest or one incident of
1254alleged criminal activity, except as provided in this section.
1255The court may, at its sole discretion, order the sealing of a
1256criminal history record pertaining to more than one arrest if
1257the additional arrests directly relate to the original arrest.
1258If the court intends to order the sealing of records pertaining
1259to such additional arrests, such intent must be specified in the
1260order. A criminal justice agency may not seal any record
1261pertaining to such additional arrests if the order to seal does
1262not articulate the intention of the court to seal records
1263pertaining to more than one arrest. This section does not
1264prevent the court from ordering the sealing of only a portion of
1265a criminal history record pertaining to one arrest or one
1266incident of alleged criminal activity. Notwithstanding any law
1267to the contrary, a criminal justice agency may comply with laws,
1268court orders, and official requests of other jurisdictions
1269relating to sealing, correction, or confidential handling of
1270criminal history records or information derived therefrom. This
1271section does not confer any right to the sealing of any criminal
1272history record, and any request for sealing a criminal history
1273record may be denied at the sole discretion of the court.
1275petition to a court to seal a criminal history record is
1276complete only when accompanied by:
1277     (a)  A valid certificate of eligibility for sealing issued
1278by the department pursuant to subsection (2).
1279     (b)  The petitioner's sworn statement attesting that the
1281     1.  Has never, prior to the date on which the petition is
1282filed, been adjudicated guilty of a criminal offense or
1283comparable ordinance violation, or been adjudicated delinquent
1284for committing any felony or a misdemeanor specified in s.
1286     2.  Has not been adjudicated guilty of or adjudicated
1287delinquent for committing any of the acts stemming from the
1288arrest or alleged criminal activity to which the petition to
1289seal pertains.
1290     3.  Has never secured a prior sealing or expunction of a
1291criminal history record under this section, former s. 893.14,
1292former s. 901.33, former s. 943.058, or from any jurisdiction
1293outside the state.
1294     4.  Is eligible for such a sealing to the best of his or
1295her knowledge or belief and does not have any other petition to
1296seal or any petition to expunge pending before any court.
1298Any person who knowingly provides false information on such
1299sworn statement to the court commits a felony of the third
1300degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s.
1303petitioning the court to seal a criminal history record, a
1304person seeking to seal a criminal history record shall apply to
1305the department for a certificate of eligibility for sealing. The
1306department shall, by rule adopted pursuant to chapter 120,
1307establish procedures pertaining to the application for and
1308issuance of certificates of eligibility for sealing. A
1309certificate of eligibility for sealing is valid for 12 months
1310after the date stamped on the certificate when issued by the
1311department. After that time, the petitioner must reapply to the
1312department for a new certificate of eligibility. Eligibility for
1313a renewed certification of eligibility must be based on the
1314status of the applicant and the law in effect at the time of the
1315renewal application. The department shall issue a certificate of
1316eligibility for sealing to a person who is the subject of a
1317criminal history record provided that such person:
1318     (a)  Has submitted to the department a certified copy of
1319the disposition of the charge to which the petition to seal
1321     (b)  Remits a $75 processing fee to the department for
1322placement in the Department of Law Enforcement Operating Trust
1323Fund, unless such fee is waived by the executive director.
1324     (c)  Has never, prior to the date on which the application
1325for a certificate of eligibility is filed, been adjudicated
1326guilty of a criminal offense or comparable ordinance violation,
1327or been adjudicated delinquent for committing any felony or a
1328misdemeanor specified in s. 943.051(3)(b).
1329     (d)  Has not been adjudicated guilty of or adjudicated
1330delinquent for committing any of the acts stemming from the
1331arrest or alleged criminal activity to which the petition to
1332seal pertains.
1333     (e)  Has never secured a prior sealing or expunction of a
1334criminal history record under this section, former s. 893.14,
1335former s. 901.33, or former s. 943.058.
1336     (f)  Is no longer under court supervision applicable to the
1337disposition of the arrest or alleged criminal activity to which
1338the petition to seal pertains.
1340     (a)  In judicial proceedings under this section, a copy of
1341the completed petition to seal shall be served upon the
1342appropriate state attorney or the statewide prosecutor and upon
1343the arresting agency; however, it is not necessary to make any
1344agency other than the state a party. The appropriate state
1345attorney or the statewide prosecutor and the arresting agency
1346may respond to the court regarding the completed petition to
1348     (b)  If relief is granted by the court, the clerk of the
1349court shall certify copies of the order to the appropriate state
1350attorney or the statewide prosecutor and to the arresting
1351agency. The arresting agency is responsible for forwarding the
1352order to any other agency to which the arresting agency
1353disseminated the criminal history record information to which
1354the order pertains. The department shall forward the order to
1355seal to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The clerk of the
1356court shall certify a copy of the order to any other agency
1357which the records of the court reflect has received the criminal
1358history record from the court.
1359     (c)  For an order to seal entered by a court prior to July
13601, 1992, the department shall notify the appropriate state
1361attorney or statewide prosecutor of any order to seal which is
1362contrary to law because the person who is the subject of the
1363record has previously been convicted of a crime or comparable
1364ordinance violation or has had a prior criminal history record
1365sealed or expunged. Upon receipt of such notice, the appropriate
1366state attorney or statewide prosecutor shall take action, within
136760 days, to correct the record and petition the court to void
1368the order to seal. The department shall seal the record until
1369such time as the order is voided by the court.
1370     (d)  On or after July 1, 1992, the department or any other
1371criminal justice agency is not required to act on an order to
1372seal entered by a court when such order does not comply with the
1373requirements of this section. Upon receipt of such an order, the
1374department must notify the issuing court, the appropriate state
1375attorney or statewide prosecutor, the petitioner or the
1376petitioner's attorney, and the arresting agency of the reason
1377for noncompliance. The appropriate state attorney or statewide
1378prosecutor shall take action within 60 days to correct the
1379record and petition the court to void the order. No cause of
1380action, including contempt of court, shall arise against any
1381criminal justice agency for failure to comply with an order to
1382seal when the petitioner for such order failed to obtain the
1383certificate of eligibility as required by this section or when
1384such order does not comply with the requirements of this
1386     (e)  An order sealing a criminal history record pursuant to
1387this section does not require that such record be surrendered to
1388the court, and such record shall continue to be maintained by
1389the department and other criminal justice agencies.
1391history record of a minor or an adult which is ordered sealed by
1392a court of competent jurisdiction pursuant to this section is
1393confidential and exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1) and
1394s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution and is available only
1395to the person who is the subject of the record, to the subject's
1396attorney, to criminal justice agencies for their respective
1397criminal justice purposes, which include conducting a criminal
1398history background check for approval of firearms purchases or
1399transfers as authorized by state or federal law, or to those
1400entities set forth in subparagraphs (a)1., 4., 5., 6., and 8.
1401for their respective licensing, access authorization, and
1402employment purposes.
1403     (a)  The subject of a criminal history record sealed under
1404this section or under other provisions of law, including former
1405s. 893.14, former s. 901.33, and former s. 943.058, may lawfully
1406deny or fail to acknowledge the arrests covered by the sealed
1407record, except when the subject of the record:
1408     1.  Is a candidate for employment with a criminal justice
1410     2.  Is a defendant in a criminal prosecution;
1411     3.  Concurrently or subsequently petitions for relief under
1412this section or s. 943.0585;
1413     4.  Is a candidate for admission to The Florida Bar;
1414     5.  Is seeking to be employed or licensed by or to contract
1415with the Department of Children and Family Services or the
1416Department of Juvenile Justice or to be employed or used by such
1417contractor or licensee in a sensitive position having direct
1418contact with children, the developmentally disabled, the aged,
1419or the elderly as provided in s. 110.1127(3), s. 393.063, s.
1420394.4572(1), s. 397.451, s. 402.302(3), s. 402.313(3), s.
1421409.175(2)(i), s. 415.102(4), s. 415.103, chapter 916, s.
1422985.644, chapter 400, or chapter 429;
1423     6.  Is seeking to be employed or licensed by the Department
1424of Education, any district school board, any university
1425laboratory school, any charter school, any private or parochial
1426school, or any local governmental entity that licenses child
1427care facilities;
1428     7.  Is attempting to purchase a firearm from a licensed
1429importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer and is
1430subject to a criminal history background check under state or
1431federal law; or
1432     8.  Is seeking authorization from a Florida seaport
1433identified in s. 311.09 for employment within or access to one
1434or more of such seaports pursuant to s. 311.12 or s. 311.125.
1435     (b)  Subject to the exceptions in paragraph (a), a person
1436who has been granted a sealing under this section, former s.
1437893.14, former s. 901.33, or former s. 943.058 may not be held
1438under any provision of law of this state to commit perjury or to
1439be otherwise liable for giving a false statement by reason of
1440such person's failure to recite or acknowledge a sealed criminal
1441history record.
1442     (c)  Information relating to the existence of a sealed
1443criminal record provided in accordance with the provisions of
1444paragraph (a) is confidential and exempt from the provisions of
1445s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution,
1446except that the department shall disclose the sealed criminal
1447history record to the entities set forth in subparagraphs (a)1.,
14484., 5., 6., and 8. for their respective licensing, access
1449authorization, and employment purposes. It is unlawful for any
1450employee of an entity set forth in subparagraph (a)1.,
1451subparagraph (a)4., subparagraph (a)5., subparagraph (a)6., or
1452subparagraph (a)8. to disclose information relating to the
1453existence of a sealed criminal history record of a person
1454seeking employment, access authorization, or licensure with such
1455entity or contractor, except to the person to whom the criminal
1456history record relates or to persons having direct
1457responsibility for employment, access authorization, or
1458licensure decisions. Any person who violates the provisions of
1459this paragraph commits a misdemeanor of the first degree,
1460punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
1461     (5)  STATUTORY REFERENCES.--Any reference to any other
1462chapter, section, or subdivision of the Florida Statutes in this
1463section constitutes a general reference under the doctrine of
1464incorporation by reference.
1465     Section 27.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section
1466944.606, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
1467     944.606  Sexual offenders; notification upon release.--
1468     (1)  As used in this section:
1469     (b)  "Sexual offender" means a person who has been
1470convicted of committing, or attempting, soliciting, or
1471conspiring to commit, any of the criminal offenses proscribed in
1472the following statutes in this state or similar offenses in
1473another jurisdiction: s. 787.01, s. 787.02, or s. 787.025(2)(c),
1474where the victim is a minor and the defendant is not the
1475victim's parent or guardian; s. 794.011, excluding s.
1476794.011(10); s. 794.05; s. 796.03; s. 796.035; s. 800.04; s.
1477825.1025; s. 827.071; s. 847.0133; s. 847.0135, excluding s.
1478847.0135(4); s. 847.01355, s. 847.0137; s. 847.0138; s.
1479847.0145; or s. 985.701(1); or any similar offense committed in
1480this state which has been redesignated from a former statute
1481number to one of those listed in this subsection, when the
1482department has received verified information regarding such
1483conviction; an offender's computerized criminal history record
1484is not, in and of itself, verified information.
1485     Section 28.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section
1486944.607, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
1487     944.607  Notification to Department of Law Enforcement of
1488information on sexual offenders.--
1489     (1)  As used in this section, the term:
1490     (a)  "Sexual offender" means a person who is in the custody
1491or control of, or under the supervision of, the department or is
1492in the custody of a private correctional facility:
1493     1.  On or after October 1, 1997, as a result of a
1494conviction for committing, or attempting, soliciting, or
1495conspiring to commit, any of the criminal offenses proscribed in
1496the following statutes in this state or similar offenses in
1497another jurisdiction: s. 787.01, s. 787.02, or s. 787.025(2)(c),
1498where the victim is a minor and the defendant is not the
1499victim's parent or guardian; s. 794.011, excluding s.
1500794.011(10); s. 794.05; s. 796.03; s. 796.035; s. 800.04; s.
1501825.1025; s. 827.071; s. 847.0133; s. 847.0135, excluding s.
1502847.0135(4); s. 847.01355; s. 847.0137; s. 847.0138; s.
1503847.0145; or s. 985.701(1); or any similar offense committed in
1504this state which has been redesignated from a former statute
1505number to one of those listed in this paragraph; or
1506     2.  Who establishes or maintains a residence in this state
1507and who has not been designated as a sexual predator by a court
1508of this state but who has been designated as a sexual predator,
1509as a sexually violent predator, or by another sexual offender
1510designation in another state or jurisdiction and was, as a
1511result of such designation, subjected to registration or
1512community or public notification, or both, or would be if the
1513person were a resident of that state or jurisdiction, without
1514regard as to whether the person otherwise meets the criteria for
1515registration as a sexual offender.
1516     Section 29.  Subsection (7) of section 947.1405, Florida
1517Statutes, is amended to read:
1518     947.1405  Conditional release program.--
1519     (7)(a)  Any inmate who is convicted of a crime committed on
1520or after October 1, 1995, or who has been previously convicted
1521of a crime committed on or after October 1, 1995, in violation
1522of chapter 794, s. 800.04, s. 827.071, s. 847.01355, or s.
1523847.0145, and is subject to conditional release supervision,
1524shall have, in addition to any other conditions imposed, the
1525following special conditions imposed by the commission:
1526     1.  A mandatory curfew from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. The
1527commission may designate another 8-hour period if the offender's
1528employment precludes the above specified time, and such
1529alternative is recommended by the Department of Corrections. If
1530the commission determines that imposing a curfew would endanger
1531the victim, the commission may consider alternative sanctions.
1532     2.  If the victim was under the age of 18, a prohibition on
1533living within 1,000 feet of a school, day care center, park,
1534playground, designated public school bus stop, or other place
1535where children regularly congregate. A releasee who is subject
1536to this subparagraph may not relocate to a residence that is
1537within 1,000 feet of a public school bus stop. Beginning October
15381, 2004, the commission or the department may not approve a
1539residence that is located within 1,000 feet of a school, day
1540care center, park, playground, designated school bus stop, or
1541other place where children regularly congregate for any releasee
1542who is subject to this subparagraph. On October 1, 2004, the
1543department shall notify each affected school district of the
1544location of the residence of a releasee 30 days prior to release
1545and thereafter, if the releasee relocates to a new residence,
1546shall notify any affected school district of the residence of
1547the releasee within 30 days after relocation. If, on October 1,
15482004, any public school bus stop is located within 1,000 feet of
1549the existing residence of such releasee, the district school
1550board shall relocate that school bus stop. Beginning October 1,
15512004, a district school board may not establish or relocate a
1552public school bus stop within 1,000 feet of the residence of a
1553releasee who is subject to this subparagraph. The failure of the
1554district school board to comply with this subparagraph shall not
1555result in a violation of conditional release supervision.
1556     3.  Active participation in and successful completion of a
1557sex offender treatment program with qualified practitioners
1558specifically trained to treat sex offenders, at the releasee's
1559own expense. If a qualified practitioner is not available within
1560a 50-mile radius of the releasee's residence, the offender shall
1561participate in other appropriate therapy.
1562     4.  A prohibition on any contact with the victim, directly
1563or indirectly, including through a third person, unless approved
1564by the victim, the offender's therapist, and the sentencing
1566     5.  If the victim was under the age of 18, a prohibition
1567against contact with children under the age of 18 without review
1568and approval by the commission. The commission may approve
1569supervised contact with a child under the age of 18 if the
1570approval is based upon a recommendation for contact issued by a
1571qualified practitioner who is basing the recommendation on a
1572risk assessment. Further, the sex offender must be currently
1573enrolled in or have successfully completed a sex offender
1574therapy program. The commission may not grant supervised contact
1575with a child if the contact is not recommended by a qualified
1576practitioner and may deny supervised contact with a child at any
1577time. When considering whether to approve supervised contact
1578with a child, the commission must review and consider the
1580     a.  A risk assessment completed by a qualified
1581practitioner. The qualified practitioner must prepare a written
1582report that must include the findings of the assessment and
1583address each of the following components:
1584     (I)  The sex offender's current legal status;
1585     (II)  The sex offender's history of adult charges with
1586apparent sexual motivation;
1587     (III)  The sex offender's history of adult charges without
1588apparent sexual motivation;
1589     (IV)  The sex offender's history of juvenile charges,
1590whenever available;
1591     (V)  The sex offender's offender treatment history,
1592including a consultation from the sex offender's treating, or
1593most recent treating, therapist;
1594     (VI)  The sex offender's current mental status;
1595     (VII)  The sex offender's mental health and substance abuse
1596history as provided by the Department of Corrections;
1597     (VIII)  The sex offender's personal, social, educational,
1598and work history;
1599     (IX)  The results of current psychological testing of the
1600sex offender if determined necessary by the qualified
1602     (X)  A description of the proposed contact, including the
1603location, frequency, duration, and supervisory arrangement;
1604     (XI)  The child's preference and relative comfort level
1605with the proposed contact, when age-appropriate;
1606     (XII)  The parent's or legal guardian's preference
1607regarding the proposed contact; and
1608     (XIII)  The qualified practitioner's opinion, along with
1609the basis for that opinion, as to whether the proposed contact
1610would likely pose significant risk of emotional or physical harm
1611to the child.
1613The written report of the assessment must be given to the
1615     b.  A recommendation made as a part of the risk-assessment
1616report as to whether supervised contact with the child should be
1618     c.  A written consent signed by the child's parent or legal
1619guardian, if the parent or legal guardian is not the sex
1620offender, agreeing to the sex offender having supervised contact
1621with the child after receiving full disclosure of the sex
1622offender's present legal status, past criminal history, and the
1623results of the risk assessment. The commission may not approve
1624contact with the child if the parent or legal guardian refuses
1625to give written consent for supervised contact;
1626     d.  A safety plan prepared by the qualified practitioner,
1627who provides treatment to the offender, in collaboration with
1628the sex offender, the child's parent or legal guardian, and the
1629child, when age appropriate, which details the acceptable
1630conditions of contact between the sex offender and the child.
1631The safety plan must be reviewed and approved by the Department
1632of Corrections before being submitted to the commission; and
1633     e.  Evidence that the child's parent or legal guardian, if
1634the parent or legal guardian is not the sex offender,
1635understands the need for and agrees to the safety plan and has
1636agreed to provide, or to designate another adult to provide,
1637constant supervision any time the child is in contact with the
1640The commission may not appoint a person to conduct a risk
1641assessment and may not accept a risk assessment from a person
1642who has not demonstrated to the commission that he or she has
1643met the requirements of a qualified practitioner as defined in
1644this section.
1645     6.  If the victim was under age 18, a prohibition on
1646working for pay or as a volunteer at any school, day care
1647center, park, playground, or other place where children
1648regularly congregate, as prescribed by the commission.
1649     7.  Unless otherwise indicated in the treatment plan
1650provided by the sexual offender treatment program, a prohibition
1651on viewing, owning, or possessing any obscene, pornographic, or
1652sexually stimulating visual or auditory material, including
1653telephone, electronic media, computer programs, or computer
1654services that are relevant to the offender's deviant behavior
1656     8.  Effective for a releasee whose crime is committed on or
1657after July 1, 2005, a prohibition on accessing the Internet or
1658other computer services until the offender's sex offender
1659treatment program, after a risk assessment is completed,
1660approves and implements a safety plan for the offender's
1661accessing or using the Internet or other computer services.
1662     9.  A requirement that the releasee must submit two
1663specimens of blood to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement
1664to be registered with the DNA database.
1665     10.  A requirement that the releasee make restitution to
1666the victim, as determined by the sentencing court or the
1667commission, for all necessary medical and related professional
1668services relating to physical, psychiatric, and psychological
1670     11.  Submission to a warrantless search by the community
1671control or probation officer of the probationer's or community
1672controllee's person, residence, or vehicle.
1673     (b)  For a releasee whose crime was committed on or after
1674October 1, 1997, in violation of chapter 794, s. 800.04, s.
1675827.071, s. 847.01355, or s. 847.0145, and who is subject to
1676conditional release supervision, in addition to any other
1677provision of this subsection, the commission shall impose the
1678following additional conditions of conditional release
1680     1.  As part of a treatment program, participation in a
1681minimum of one annual polygraph examination to obtain
1682information necessary for risk management and treatment and to
1683reduce the sex offender's denial mechanisms. The polygraph
1684examination must be conducted by a polygrapher trained
1685specifically in the use of the polygraph for the monitoring of
1686sex offenders, where available, and at the expense of the sex
1687offender. The results of the polygraph examination shall not be
1688used as evidence in a hearing to prove that a violation of
1689supervision has occurred.
1690     2.  Maintenance of a driving log and a prohibition against
1691driving a motor vehicle alone without the prior approval of the
1692supervising officer.
1693     3.  A prohibition against obtaining or using a post office
1694box without the prior approval of the supervising officer.
1695     4.  If there was sexual contact, a submission to, at the
1696probationer's or community controllee's expense, an HIV test
1697with the results to be released to the victim or the victim's
1698parent or guardian.
1699     5.  Electronic monitoring of any form when ordered by the
1701     Section 30.  Subsection (2) of section 948.013, Florida
1702Statutes, is amended to read:
1703     948.013  Administrative probation.--
1704     (2)  Effective for an offense committed on or after July 1,
17051998, a person is ineligible for placement on administrative
1706probation if the person is sentenced to or is serving a term of
1707probation or community control, regardless of the conviction or
1708adjudication, for committing, or attempting, conspiring, or
1709soliciting to commit, any of the felony offenses described in s.
1710787.01 or s. 787.02, where the victim is a minor and the
1711defendant is not the victim's parent; s. 787.025; chapter 794;
1712s. 796.03; s. 800.04; s. 825.1025(2)(b); s. 827.071; s.
1713847.0133; s. 847.0135; s. 847.01355; or s. 847.0145.
1714     Section 31.  Subsection (2) of section 948.03, Florida
1715Statutes, is amended to read:
1716     948.03  Terms and conditions of probation.--
1717     (2)  The enumeration of specific kinds of terms and
1718conditions shall not prevent the court from adding thereto such
1719other or others as it considers proper. However, the sentencing
1720court may only impose a condition of supervision allowing an
1721offender convicted of s. 794.011, s. 800.04, s. 827.071, s.
1722847.01355, or s. 847.0145, to reside in another state, if the
1723order stipulates that it is contingent upon the approval of the
1724receiving state interstate compact authority. The court may
1725rescind or modify at any time the terms and conditions
1726theretofore imposed by it upon the probationer. However, if the
1727court withholds adjudication of guilt or imposes a period of
1728incarceration as a condition of probation, the period shall not
1729exceed 364 days, and incarceration shall be restricted to either
1730a county facility, a probation and restitution center under the
1731jurisdiction of the Department of Corrections, a probation
1732program drug punishment phase I secure residential treatment
1733institution, or a community residential facility owned or
1734operated by any entity providing such services.
1735     Section 32.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (8) of section
1736948.06, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
1737     948.06  Violation of probation or community control;
1738revocation; modification; continuance; failure to pay
1739restitution or cost of supervision.--
1740     (8)
1741     (c)  For purposes of this section, the term "qualifying
1742offense" means any of the following:
1743     1.  Kidnapping or attempted kidnapping under s. 787.01,
1744false imprisonment of a child under the age of 13 under s.
1745787.02(3), or luring or enticing a child under s. 787.025(2)(b)
1746or (c).
1747     2.  Murder or attempted murder under s. 782.04, attempted
1748felony murder under s. 782.051, or manslaughter under s. 782.07.
1749     3.  Aggravated battery or attempted aggravated battery
1750under s. 784.045.
1751     4.  Sexual battery or attempted sexual battery under s.
1752794.011(2), (3), (4), or (8)(b) or (c).
1753     5.  Lewd or lascivious battery or attempted lewd or
1754lascivious battery under s. 800.04(4), lewd or lascivious
1755molestation under s. 800.04(5)(b) or (c)2., lewd or lascivious
1756conduct under s. 800.04(6)(b), or lewd or lascivious exhibition
1757under s. 800.04(7)(b)(c), or lewd or lascivious exhibition on
1758computer under s. 847.01355(2).
1759     6.  Robbery or attempted robbery under s. 812.13,
1760carjacking or attempted carjacking under s. 812.133, or home
1761invasion robbery or attempted home invasion robbery under s.
1763     7.  Lewd or lascivious offense upon or in the presence of
1764an elderly or disabled person or attempted lewd or lascivious
1765offense upon or in the presence of an elderly or disabled person
1766under s. 825.1025.
1767     8.  Sexual performance by a child or attempted sexual
1768performance by a child under s. 827.071.
1769     9.  Computer pornography under s. 847.0135(2) or (3),
1770transmission of child pornography under s. 847.0137, or selling
1771or buying of minors under s. 847.0145.
1772     10.  Poisoning food or water under s. 859.01.
1773     11.  Abuse of a dead human body under s. 872.06.
1774     12.  Any burglary offense or attempted burglary offense
1775that is either a first degree felony or second degree felony
1776under s. 810.02(2) or (3).
1777     13.  Arson or attempted arson under s. 806.01(1).
1778     14.  Aggravated assault under s. 784.021.
1779     15.  Aggravated stalking under s. 784.048(3), (4), (5), or
1781     16.  Aircraft piracy under s. 860.16.
1782     17.  Unlawful throwing, placing, or discharging of a
1783destructive device or bomb under s. 790.161(2), (3), or (4).
1784     18.  Treason under s. 876.32.
1785     19.  Any offense committed in another jurisdiction which
1786would be an offense listed in this paragraph if that offense had
1787been committed in this state.
1788     Section 33.  Subsection (2) of section 948.101, Florida
1789Statutes, is amended to read:
1790     948.101  Terms and conditions of community control and
1791criminal quarantine community control.--
1792     (2)  The enumeration of specific kinds of terms and
1793conditions does not prevent the court from adding thereto any
1794other terms or conditions that the court considers proper.
1795However, the sentencing court may only impose a condition of
1796supervision allowing an offender convicted of s. 794.011, s.
1797800.04, s. 827.071, s. 847.01355, or s. 847.0145 to reside in
1798another state if the order stipulates that it is contingent upon
1799the approval of the receiving state interstate compact
1800authority. The court may rescind or modify at any time the terms
1801and conditions theretofore imposed by it upon the offender in
1802community control. However, if the court withholds adjudication
1803of guilt or imposes a period of incarceration as a condition of
1804community control, the period may not exceed 364 days, and
1805incarceration shall be restricted to a county facility, a
1806probation and restitution center under the jurisdiction of the
1807Department of Corrections, a probation program drug punishment
1808phase I secure residential treatment institution, or a community
1809residential facility owned or operated by any entity providing
1810such services.
1811     Section 34.  Subsections (1) and (2) of section 948.30,
1812Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
1813     948.30  Additional terms and conditions of probation or
1814community control for certain sex offenses.--Conditions imposed
1815pursuant to this section do not require oral pronouncement at
1816the time of sentencing and shall be considered standard
1817conditions of probation or community control for offenders
1818specified in this section.
1819     (1)  Effective for probationers or community controllees
1820whose crime was committed on or after October 1, 1995, and who
1821are placed under supervision for violation of chapter 794, s.
1822800.04, s. 827.071, s. 847.01355, or s. 847.0145, the court must
1823impose the following conditions in addition to all other
1824standard and special conditions imposed:
1825     (a)  A mandatory curfew from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. The court
1826may designate another 8-hour period if the offender's employment
1827precludes the above specified time, and the alternative is
1828recommended by the Department of Corrections. If the court
1829determines that imposing a curfew would endanger the victim, the
1830court may consider alternative sanctions.
1831     (b)  If the victim was under the age of 18, a prohibition
1832on living within 1,000 feet of a school, day care center, park,
1833playground, or other place where children regularly congregate,
1834as prescribed by the court. The 1,000-foot distance shall be
1835measured in a straight line from the offender's place of
1836residence to the nearest boundary line of the school, day care
1837center, park, playground, or other place where children
1838congregate. The distance may not be measured by a pedestrian
1839route or automobile route.
1840     (c)  Active participation in and successful completion of a
1841sex offender treatment program with qualified practitioners
1842specifically trained to treat sex offenders, at the
1843probationer's or community controllee's own expense. If a
1844qualified practitioner is not available within a 50-mile radius
1845of the probationer's or community controllee's residence, the
1846offender shall participate in other appropriate therapy.
1847     (d)  A prohibition on any contact with the victim, directly
1848or indirectly, including through a third person, unless approved
1849by the victim, the offender's therapist, and the sentencing
1851     (e)  If the victim was under the age of 18, a prohibition
1852on contact with a child under the age of 18 except as provided
1853in this paragraph. The court may approve supervised contact with
1854a child under the age of 18 if the approval is based upon a
1855recommendation for contact issued by a qualified practitioner
1856who is basing the recommendation on a risk assessment. Further,
1857the sex offender must be currently enrolled in or have
1858successfully completed a sex offender therapy program. The court
1859may not grant supervised contact with a child if the contact is
1860not recommended by a qualified practitioner and may deny
1861supervised contact with a child at any time. When considering
1862whether to approve supervised contact with a child, the court
1863must review and consider the following:
1864     1.  A risk assessment completed by a qualified
1865practitioner. The qualified practitioner must prepare a written
1866report that must include the findings of the assessment and
1867address each of the following components:
1868     a.  The sex offender's current legal status;
1869     b.  The sex offender's history of adult charges with
1870apparent sexual motivation;
1871     c.  The sex offender's history of adult charges without
1872apparent sexual motivation;
1873     d.  The sex offender's history of juvenile charges,
1874whenever available;
1875     e.  The sex offender's offender treatment history,
1876including consultations with the sex offender's treating, or
1877most recent treating, therapist;
1878     f.  The sex offender's current mental status;
1879     g.  The sex offender's mental health and substance abuse
1880treatment history as provided by the Department of Corrections;
1881     h.  The sex offender's personal, social, educational, and
1882work history;
1883     i.  The results of current psychological testing of the sex
1884offender if determined necessary by the qualified practitioner;
1885     j.  A description of the proposed contact, including the
1886location, frequency, duration, and supervisory arrangement;
1887     k.  The child's preference and relative comfort level with
1888the proposed contact, when age appropriate;
1889     l.  The parent's or legal guardian's preference regarding
1890the proposed contact; and
1891     m.  The qualified practitioner's opinion, along with the
1892basis for that opinion, as to whether the proposed contact would
1893likely pose significant risk of emotional or physical harm to
1894the child.
1896The written report of the assessment must be given to the court;
1897     2.  A recommendation made as a part of the risk assessment
1898report as to whether supervised contact with the child should be
1900     3.  A written consent signed by the child's parent or legal
1901guardian, if the parent or legal guardian is not the sex
1902offender, agreeing to the sex offender having supervised contact
1903with the child after receiving full disclosure of the sex
1904offender's present legal status, past criminal history, and the
1905results of the risk assessment. The court may not approve
1906contact with the child if the parent or legal guardian refuses
1907to give written consent for supervised contact;
1908     4.  A safety plan prepared by the qualified practitioner,
1909who provides treatment to the offender, in collaboration with
1910the sex offender, the child's parent or legal guardian, if the
1911parent or legal guardian is not the sex offender, and the child,
1912when age appropriate, which details the acceptable conditions of
1913contact between the sex offender and the child. The safety plan
1914must be reviewed and approved by the court; and
1915     5.  Evidence that the child's parent or legal guardian
1916understands the need for and agrees to the safety plan and has
1917agreed to provide, or to designate another adult to provide,
1918constant supervision any time the child is in contact with the
1921The court may not appoint a person to conduct a risk assessment
1922and may not accept a risk assessment from a person who has not
1923demonstrated to the court that he or she has met the
1924requirements of a qualified practitioner as defined in this
1926     (f)  If the victim was under age 18, a prohibition on
1927working for pay or as a volunteer at any place where children
1928regularly congregate, including, but not limited to, schools,
1929day care centers, parks, playgrounds, pet stores, libraries,
1930zoos, theme parks, and malls.
1931     (g)  Unless otherwise indicated in the treatment plan
1932provided by the sexual offender treatment program, a prohibition
1933on viewing, accessing, owning, or possessing any obscene,
1934pornographic, or sexually stimulating visual or auditory
1935material, including telephone, electronic media, computer
1936programs, or computer services that are relevant to the
1937offender's deviant behavior pattern.
1938     (h)  Effective for probationers and community controllees
1939whose crime is committed on or after July 1, 2005, a prohibition
1940on accessing the Internet or other computer services until the
1941offender's sex offender treatment program, after a risk
1942assessment is completed, approves and implements a safety plan
1943for the offender's accessing or using the Internet or other
1944computer services.
1945     (i)  A requirement that the probationer or community
1946controllee must submit a specimen of blood or other approved
1947biological specimen to the Department of Law Enforcement to be
1948registered with the DNA data bank.
1949     (j)  A requirement that the probationer or community
1950controllee make restitution to the victim, as ordered by the
1951court under s. 775.089, for all necessary medical and related
1952professional services relating to physical, psychiatric, and
1953psychological care.
1954     (k)  Submission to a warrantless search by the community
1955control or probation officer of the probationer's or community
1956controllee's person, residence, or vehicle.
1957     (2)  Effective for a probationer or community controllee
1958whose crime was committed on or after October 1, 1997, and who
1959is placed on community control or sex offender probation for a
1960violation of chapter 794, s. 800.04, s. 827.071, s. 847.01355,
1961or s. 847.0145, in addition to any other provision of this
1962section, the court must impose the following conditions of
1963probation or community control:
1964     (a)  As part of a treatment program, participation at least
1965annually in polygraph examinations to obtain information
1966necessary for risk management and treatment and to reduce the
1967sex offender's denial mechanisms. A polygraph examination must
1968be conducted by a polygrapher trained specifically in the use of
1969the polygraph for the monitoring of sex offenders, where
1970available, and shall be paid for by the sex offender. The
1971results of the polygraph examination shall not be used as
1972evidence in court to prove that a violation of community
1973supervision has occurred.
1974     (b)  Maintenance of a driving log and a prohibition against
1975driving a motor vehicle alone without the prior approval of the
1976supervising officer.
1977     (c)  A prohibition against obtaining or using a post office
1978box without the prior approval of the supervising officer.
1979     (d)  If there was sexual contact, a submission to, at the
1980probationer's or community controllee's expense, an HIV test
1981with the results to be released to the victim or the victim's
1982parent or guardian.
1983     (e)  Electronic monitoring when deemed necessary by the
1984community control or probation officer and his or her
1985supervisor, and ordered by the court at the recommendation of
1986the Department of Corrections.
1987     Section 35.  Subsection (1) of section 948.31, Florida
1988Statutes, is amended to read:
1989     948.31  Diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of offenders
1990placed on probation or community control for certain sex
1991offenses or child exploitation.--The court shall require a
1992diagnosis and evaluation to determine the need of a probationer
1993or offender in community control for treatment. If the court
1994determines that a need therefor is established by such diagnosis
1995and evaluation process, the court shall require outpatient
1996counseling as a term or condition of probation or community
1997control for any person who was found guilty of any of the
1998following, or whose plea of guilty or nolo contendere to any of
1999the following was accepted by the court:
2000     (1)  Lewd or lascivious battery, lewd or lascivious
2001molestation, lewd or lascivious conduct, or lewd or lascivious
2002exhibition, as defined in s. 800.04 or s. 847.01355.
2004Such counseling shall be required to be obtained from a
2005community mental health center, a recognized social service
2006agency providing mental health services, or a private mental
2007health professional or through other professional counseling.
2008The plan for counseling for the individual shall be provided to
2009the court for review.
2010     Section 36.  Subsection (1) of section 948.32, Florida
2011Statutes, is amended to read:
2012     948.32  Requirements of law enforcement agency upon arrest
2013of persons for certain sex offenses.--
2014     (1)  When any state or local law enforcement agency
2015investigates or arrests a person for committing, or attempting,
2016soliciting, or conspiring to commit, a violation of s.
2017787.025(2)(c), chapter 794, s. 796.03, s. 800.04, s. 827.071, s.
2018847.0133, s. 847.0135, s. 847.01355, or s. 847.0145, the law
2019enforcement agency shall contact the Department of Corrections
2020to verify whether the person under investigation or under arrest
2021is on probation, community control, parole, conditional release,
2022or control release.
2023     Section 37.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2008.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.