Bill No. CS/HB 671
Amendment No. 586461
Senate House

1Representative Attkisson offered the following:
3     Amendment (with title amendment)
4     Between lines 434 and 435, insert:
5     Section 10.  Subsection (3), paragraph (d) of subsection
6(5), paragraphs (a) and (d) of subsection (6), and paragraph (c)
7of subsection (10) of section 125.0104, Florida Statutes, are
8amended to read:
9     125.0104  Tourist development tax; procedure for levying;
10authorized uses; referendum; enforcement.--
12     (a)  It is declared to be the intent of the Legislature
13that every person who rents, leases, or lets for consideration
14any living quarters or accommodations in any hotel, apartment
15hotel, motel, resort motel, apartment, apartment motel,
16roominghouse, mobile home park, recreational vehicle park, or
17condominium, or timeshare resort for a term of 6 months or less
18is exercising a privilege which is subject to taxation under
19this section, unless such person rents, leases, or lets for
20consideration any living quarters or accommodations which are
21exempt according to the provisions of chapter 212.
22     (b)  As used in this section, the terms "consideration,"
23"rental," and "rent" mean the amount received by a person
24operating transient accommodations for the use or securing the
25use of any living quarters or sleeping or housekeeping
26accommodations that are part of, in, from, or in connection with
27any hotel, apartment house, roominghouse, timeshare resort,
28tourist or trailer camp, mobile home park, recreational vehicle
29park, or condominium. The term "person operating transient
30accommodations" means the person conducting the daily affairs of
31the physical facilities furnishing transient accommodations who
32is responsible for providing the services commonly associated
33with operating the facilities furnishing transient
34accommodations regardless of whether such commonly associated
35services are provided by third parties. The terms
36"consideration," "rental," and "rent" do not include payments
37received by an unrelated person for facilitating the booking of
38reservations for or on behalf of a lessee or licensee at a
39hotel, apartment house, roominghouse, timeshare resort, tourist
40or trailer camp, mobile home park, recreational vehicle park, or
41condominium in this state. The term "unrelated person" means a
42person who is not in the same affiliated group of corporations
43pursuant to s. 1504 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
45     (c)  Tax shall be due on the consideration paid for
46occupancy in the county pursuant to a regulated short-term
47product as defined in s. 721.05 or occupancy in the county
48pursuant to a product that would be deemed a regulated short-
49term product if the agreement to purchase the short-term product
50were executed in this state. Such tax shall be collected on the
51last day of occupancy within the county unless the consideration
52is applied to the purchase of a timeshare estate.
53Notwithstanding paragraphs (a) and (b), the occupancy of an
54accommodation of a timeshare resort pursuant to a timeshare
55plan, a multisite timeshare plan, or an exchange transaction in
56an exchange program as defined in s. 721.05 by the owner of a
57timeshare interest or such owner's guest, which guest is not
58paying monetary consideration to the owner or to a third party
59for the benefit of the owner, is not a privilege subject to
60taxation under this section. A membership or transaction fee
61paid by a timeshare owner that does not provide the timeshare
62owner with a right to occupy any specific timeshare unit but
63merely provides the timeshare owner with an opportunity to
64exchange a timeshare interest through an exchange program is a
65service charge and is not subject to taxation.
66     (d)  Consideration paid for the purchase of a timeshare
67license in a timeshare plan as defined in s. 721.05 is rent
68subject to taxation under this section.
69     (e)(b)  Subject to the provisions of this section, any
70county in this state may levy and impose a tourist development
71tax on the exercise within its boundaries of the taxable
72privilege described in paragraph (a), except that there shall be
73no additional levy under this section in any cities or towns
74presently imposing a municipal resort tax as authorized under
75chapter 67-930, Laws of Florida, and this section shall not in
76any way affect the powers and existence of any tourist
77development authority created pursuant to chapter 67-930, Laws
78of Florida. No county authorized to levy a convention
79development tax pursuant to s. 212.0305, or to s. 8 of chapter
8084-324, Laws of Florida, shall be allowed to levy more than the
812-percent tax authorized by this section. A county may elect to
82levy and impose the tourist development tax in a subcounty
83special district of the county. However, if a county so elects
84to levy and impose the tax on a subcounty special district
85basis, the district shall embrace all or a significant
86contiguous portion of the county, and the county shall assist
87the Department of Revenue in identifying the rental units
88subject to tax in the district.
89     (f)(c)  The tourist development tax shall be levied,
90imposed, and set by the governing board of the county at a rate
91of 1 percent or 2 percent of each dollar and major fraction of
92each dollar of the total consideration charged for such lease or
93rental. When receipt of consideration is by way of property
94other than money, the tax shall be levied and imposed on the
95fair market value of such nonmonetary consideration.
96     (g)(d)  In addition to any 1-percent or 2-percent tax
97imposed under paragraph (f) (c), the governing board of the
98county may levy, impose, and set an additional 1 percent of each
99dollar above the tax rate set under paragraph (f) (c) by the
100extraordinary vote of the governing board for the purposes set
101forth in subsection (5) or by referendum approval by the
102registered electors within the county or subcounty special
103district. No county shall levy, impose, and set the tax
104authorized under this paragraph unless the county has imposed
105the 1-percent or 2-percent tax authorized under paragraph (f)
106(c) for a minimum of 3 years prior to the effective date of the
107levy and imposition of the tax authorized by this paragraph.
108Revenues raised by the additional tax authorized under this
109paragraph shall not be used for debt service on or refinancing
110of existing facilities as specified in subparagraph (5)(a)1.
111unless approved by a resolution adopted by an extraordinary
112majority of the total membership of the governing board of the
113county. If the 1-percent or 2-percent tax authorized in
114paragraph (f) (c) is levied within a subcounty special taxing
115district, the additional tax authorized in this paragraph shall
116only be levied therein. The provisions of paragraphs (4)(a)-(d)
117shall not apply to the adoption of the additional tax authorized
118in this paragraph. The effective date of the levy and imposition
119of the tax authorized under this paragraph shall be the first
120day of the second month following approval of the ordinance by
121the governing board or the first day of any subsequent month as
122may be specified in the ordinance. A certified copy of such
123ordinance shall be furnished by the county to the Department of
124Revenue within 10 days after approval of such ordinance.
125     (h)(e)  The tourist development tax shall be in addition to
126any other tax imposed pursuant to chapter 212 and in addition to
127all other taxes and fees and the consideration for the rental or
129     (i)(f)  The tourist development tax shall be charged by the
130person receiving the consideration for the lease or rental, and
131it shall be collected from the lessee, tenant, or customer at
132the time of payment of the consideration for such lease or
134     (j)(g)  The person receiving the consideration for such
135rental or lease shall receive, account for, and remit the tax to
136the Department of Revenue at the time and in the manner provided
137for persons who collect and remit taxes under s. 212.03. The
138same duties and privileges imposed by chapter 212 upon dealers
139in tangible property, respecting the collection and remission of
140tax; the making of returns; the keeping of books, records, and
141accounts; and compliance with the rules of the Department of
142Revenue in the administration of that chapter shall apply to and
143be binding upon all persons who are subject to the provisions of
144this section. However, the Department of Revenue may authorize a
145quarterly return and payment when the tax remitted by the dealer
146for the preceding quarter did not exceed $25.
147     (k)(h)  The Department of Revenue shall keep records
148showing the amount of taxes collected, which records shall also
149include records disclosing the amount of taxes collected for and
150from each county in which the tax authorized by this section is
151applicable. These records shall be open for inspection during
152the regular office hours of the Department of Revenue, subject
153to the provisions of s. 213.053.
154     (l)(i)  Collections received by the Department of Revenue
155from the tax, less costs of administration of this section,
156shall be paid and returned monthly to the county which imposed
157the tax, for use by the county in accordance with the provisions
158of this section. They shall be placed in the county tourist
159development trust fund of the respective county, which shall be
160established by each county as a condition precedent to receipt
161of such funds.
162     (m)(j)  The Department of Revenue may is authorized to
163employ persons and incur other expenses for which funds are
164appropriated by the Legislature.
165     (n)(k)  The Department of Revenue shall adopt promulgate
166such rules and shall prescribe and publish such forms as may be
167necessary to effectuate the purposes of this section. The
168department may establish audit procedures and assess for
169delinquent taxes. A person operating transient accommodations
170shall state the tax separately from the rental charged on the
171receipt, invoice, or other documentation issued with respect to
172charges for transient accommodations. A person facilitating the
173booking of reservations who is unrelated to the person operating
174the transient accommodations in which the reservation is booked
175is not required to separately state amounts charged on the
176receipt, invoice, or other documentation issued by the person
177facilitating the booking of the reservation. Any amounts
178specifically collected as a tax are county funds and shall be
179remitted as tax.
180     (o)(l)  In addition to any other tax which is imposed
181pursuant to this section, a county may impose up to an
182additional 1-percent tax on the exercise of the privilege
183described in paragraph (a) by majority vote of the governing
184board of the county in order to:
185     1.  Pay the debt service on bonds issued to finance the
186construction, reconstruction, or renovation of a professional
187sports franchise facility, or the acquisition, construction,
188reconstruction, or renovation of a retained spring training
189franchise facility, either publicly owned and operated, or
190publicly owned and operated by the owner of a professional
191sports franchise or other lessee with sufficient expertise or
192financial capability to operate such facility, and to pay the
193planning and design costs incurred prior to the issuance of such
195     2.  Pay the debt service on bonds issued to finance the
196construction, reconstruction, or renovation of a convention
197center, and to pay the planning and design costs incurred prior
198to the issuance of such bonds.
199     3.  Pay the operation and maintenance costs of a convention
200center for a period of up to 10 years. Only counties that have
201elected to levy the tax for the purposes authorized in
202subparagraph 2. may use the tax for the purposes enumerated in
203this subparagraph. Any county that elects to levy the tax for
204the purposes authorized in subparagraph 2. after July 1, 2000,
205may use the proceeds of the tax to pay the operation and
206maintenance costs of a convention center for the life of the
208     4.  Promote and advertise tourism in the State of Florida
209and nationally and internationally; however, if tax revenues are
210expended for an activity, service, venue, or event, the
211activity, service, venue, or event shall have as one of its main
212purposes the attraction of tourists as evidenced by the
213promotion of the activity, service, venue, or event to tourists.
215The provision of paragraph (e) (b) which prohibits any county
216authorized to levy a convention development tax pursuant to s.
217212.0305 from levying more than the 2-percent tax authorized by
218this section, and the provisions of paragraphs (4)(a)-(d), shall
219not apply to the additional tax authorized in this paragraph.
220The effective date of the levy and imposition of the tax
221authorized under this paragraph shall be the first day of the
222second month following approval of the ordinance by the
223governing board or the first day of any subsequent month as may
224be specified in the ordinance. A certified copy of such
225ordinance shall be furnished by the county to the Department of
226Revenue within 10 days after approval of such ordinance.
227     (p)(m)1.  In addition to any other tax which is imposed
228pursuant to this section, a high tourism impact county may
229impose an additional 1-percent tax on the exercise of the
230privilege described in paragraph (a) by extraordinary vote of
231the governing board of the county. The tax revenues received
232pursuant to this paragraph shall be used for one or more of the
233authorized uses pursuant to subsection (5).
234     2.  A county is considered to be a high tourism impact
235county after the Department of Revenue has certified to such
236county that the sales subject to the tax levied pursuant to this
237section exceeded $600 million during the previous calendar year,
238or were at least 18 percent of the county's total taxable sales
239under chapter 212 where the sales subject to the tax levied
240pursuant to this section were a minimum of $200 million, except
241that no county authorized to levy a convention development tax
242pursuant to s. 212.0305 shall be considered a high tourism
243impact county. Once a county qualifies as a high tourism impact
244county, it shall retain this designation for the period the tax
245is levied pursuant to this paragraph.
246     3.  The provisions of paragraphs (4)(a)-(d) shall not apply
247to the adoption of the additional tax authorized in this
248paragraph. The effective date of the levy and imposition of the
249tax authorized under this paragraph shall be the first day of
250the second month following approval of the ordinance by the
251governing board or the first day of any subsequent month as may
252be specified in the ordinance. A certified copy of such
253ordinance shall be furnished by the county to the Department of
254Revenue within 10 days after approval of such ordinance.
255     (q)(n)  In addition to any other tax that is imposed under
256this section, a county that has imposed the tax under paragraph
257(o) (l) may impose an additional tax that is no greater than 1
258percent on the exercise of the privilege described in paragraph
259(a) by a majority plus one vote of the membership of the board
260of county commissioners in order to:
261     1.  Pay the debt service on bonds issued to finance:
262     a.  The construction, reconstruction, or renovation of a
263facility either publicly owned and operated, or publicly owned
264and operated by the owner of a professional sports franchise or
265other lessee with sufficient expertise or financial capability
266to operate such facility, and to pay the planning and design
267costs incurred prior to the issuance of such bonds for a new
268professional sports franchise as defined in s. 288.1162.
269     b.  The acquisition, construction, reconstruction, or
270renovation of a facility either publicly owned and operated, or
271publicly owned and operated by the owner of a professional
272sports franchise or other lessee with sufficient expertise or
273financial capability to operate such facility, and to pay the
274planning and design costs incurred prior to the issuance of such
275bonds for a retained spring training franchise.
276     2.  Promote and advertise tourism in the State of Florida
277and nationally and internationally; however, if tax revenues are
278expended for an activity, service, venue, or event, the
279activity, service, venue, or event shall have as one of its main
280purposes the attraction of tourists as evidenced by the
281promotion of the activity, service, venue, or event to tourists.
283A county that imposes the tax authorized in this paragraph may
284not expend any ad valorem tax revenues for the acquisition,
285construction, reconstruction, or renovation of a facility for
286which tax revenues are used pursuant to subparagraph 1. The
287provision of paragraph (e) (b) which prohibits any county
288authorized to levy a convention development tax pursuant to s.
289212.0305 from levying more than the 2-percent tax authorized by
290this section shall not apply to the additional tax authorized by
291this paragraph in counties which levy convention development
292taxes pursuant to s. 212.0305(4)(a). Subsection (4) does not
293apply to the adoption of the additional tax authorized in this
294paragraph. The effective date of the levy and imposition of the
295tax authorized under this paragraph is the first day of the
296second month following approval of the ordinance by the board of
297county commissioners or the first day of any subsequent month
298specified in the ordinance. A certified copy of such ordinance
299shall be furnished by the county to the Department of Revenue
300within 10 days after approval of the ordinance.
302     (d)  Any use of the local option tourist development tax
303revenues collected pursuant to this section for a purpose not
304expressly authorized by paragraph (3)(o)(l) or paragraph
305(3)(q)(n) or paragraph (a), paragraph (b), or paragraph (c) of
306this subsection is expressly prohibited.
307     (6)  REFERENDUM.--
308     (a)  No ordinance enacted by any county levying the tax
309authorized by paragraphs (3)(e)(b) and (f) (c) shall take effect
310until the ordinance levying and imposing the tax has been
311approved in a referendum election by a majority of the electors
312voting in such election in the county or by a majority of the
313electors voting in the subcounty special tax district affected
314by the tax.
315     (d)  In any case where a referendum levying and imposing
316the tax has been approved pursuant to this section and 15
317percent of the electors in the county or 15 percent of the
318electors in the subcounty special district in which the tax is
319levied file a petition with the board of county commissioners
320for a referendum to repeal the tax, the board of county
321commissioners shall cause an election to be held for the repeal
322of the tax which election shall be subject only to the
323outstanding bonds for which the tax has been pledged. However,
324the repeal of the tax shall not be effective with respect to any
325portion of taxes initially levied in November 1989, which has
326been pledged or is being used to support bonds under paragraph
327(3)(g)(d) or paragraph (3)(o)(l) until the retirement of those
330     (c)  A county adopting an ordinance providing for the
331collection and administration of the tax on a local basis shall
332also adopt an ordinance electing either to assume all
333responsibility for auditing the records and accounts of dealers,
334and assessing, collecting, and enforcing payments of delinquent
335taxes, or to delegate such authority to the Department of
336Revenue. If the county elects to assume such responsibility, it
337shall be bound by all rules promulgated by the Department of
338Revenue pursuant to paragraph (3)(n)(k), as well as those rules
339pertaining to the sales and use tax on transient rentals imposed
340by s. 212.03. The county may use any power granted in this
341section to the department to determine the amount of tax,
342penalties, and interest to be paid by each dealer and to enforce
343payment of such tax, penalties, and interest. The county may use
344a certified public accountant licensed in this state in the
345administration of its statutory duties and responsibilities.
346Such certified public accountants are bound by the same
347confidentiality requirements and subject to the same penalties
348as the county under s. 213.053. If the county delegates such
349authority to the department, the department shall distribute any
350collections so received, less costs of administration, to the
351county. The amount deducted for costs of administration by the
352department shall be used only for those costs which are solely
353and directly attributable to auditing, assessing, collecting,
354processing, and enforcing payments of delinquent taxes
355authorized in this section. If a county elects to delegate such
356authority to the department, the department shall audit only
357those businesses in the county that it audits pursuant to
358chapter 212.
359     Section 11.  The amendments made by this act to section
360125.0104, Florida Statutes, are intended to be clarifying and
361remedial in nature and are not a basis for assessments of tax
362for periods before July 1, 2008, or for refunds of tax for
363periods before July 1, 2008.
T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T
370     Remove line 62 and insert:
371in Florida; amending s. 125.0104, F.S.; revising the list
372of living quarters or accommodations the rental or lease
373of which is subject to the tourist development tax;
374providing definitions; providing for taxation of regulated
375short-term products; providing that the occupancy of a
376timeshare resort and membership or transaction fee paid by
377a timeshare owner are not a privilege subject to taxation;
378providing that consideration paid for the purchase of a
379timeshare license in a timeshare plan is rent subject to
380taxation; authorizing the Department of Revenue to
381establish audit procedures and to assess for delinquent
382taxes; requiring the person operating transient
383accommodations to separately state the tax charged on a
384receipt or other documentation; providing that persons
385facilitating the booking of reservations are not required
386to separately state tax amounts charged; requiring that
387such amounts be remitted as tax and classified as county
388funds; specifying that certain provisions of the act are
389clarifying and remedial in nature and are not a basis for
390assessments of tax or for refunds of tax for periods
391before the effective date of the act; providing an
392effective date.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.