1 | Representative Murzin offered the following: |
2 |
3 | Amendment to Senate Amendment (074374) (with title |
4 | amendment) |
5 | Between lines 1292 and 1293, insert: |
6 | Section 12. Paragraph (h) of subsection (3) of section |
7 | 163.01, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: |
8 | 163.01 Florida Interlocal Cooperation Act of 1969.-- |
9 | (3) As used in this section: |
10 | (h) "Local government liability pool" means a reciprocal |
11 | insurer as defined in s. 629.021 or any self-insurance program |
12 | created pursuant to s. 768.28(16), formed and controlled by |
13 | counties or municipalities of this state to provide liability |
14 | insurance coverage for counties, municipalities, or other public |
15 | agencies of this state, or real or personal property that is |
16 | owned by a not-for-profit organization under s. 202 of the |
17 | Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program or s. 236 of the |
18 | National Housing Act, which pool may contract with other parties |
19 | for the purpose of providing claims administration, processing, |
20 | accounting, and other administrative facilities. |
21 |
22 | ----------------------------------------------------- |
23 | T I T L E A M E N D M E N T |
24 | Remove line 1354 and insert: |
25 | awards; amending s. 163.01, F.S.; revising the definition of the |
26 | term "local government liability pool"; creating s. 193.018, |
27 | F.S.; providing an effective date. |
28 |