HB 691

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to Medicaid recipients with psychiatric
3disabilities ; amending s. 409.912, F.S.; authorizing the
4Agency for Health Care Administration to contract with
5certain service networks that enroll Medicaid recipients
6with psychiatric disabilities; providing for recipients
7with psychiatric disabilities to be assigned to a
8specified service network under certain circumstances;
9amending s. 409.91211, F.S.; revising duties of the agency
10to include contracting with provider service networks
11specializing in care for Medicaid recipients with
12psychiatric disabilities; revising criteria for assignment
13of certain Medicaid recipients; providing an effective
16Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
18     Section 1.  Paragraph (d) of subsection (4) of section
19409.912, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
20     409.912  Cost-effective purchasing of health care.--The
21agency shall purchase goods and services for Medicaid recipients
22in the most cost-effective manner consistent with the delivery
23of quality medical care. To ensure that medical services are
24effectively utilized, the agency may, in any case, require a
25confirmation or second physician's opinion of the correct
26diagnosis for purposes of authorizing future services under the
27Medicaid program. This section does not restrict access to
28emergency services or poststabilization care services as defined
29in 42 C.F.R. part 438.114. Such confirmation or second opinion
30shall be rendered in a manner approved by the agency. The agency
31shall maximize the use of prepaid per capita and prepaid
32aggregate fixed-sum basis services when appropriate and other
33alternative service delivery and reimbursement methodologies,
34including competitive bidding pursuant to s. 287.057, designed
35to facilitate the cost-effective purchase of a case-managed
36continuum of care. The agency shall also require providers to
37minimize the exposure of recipients to the need for acute
38inpatient, custodial, and other institutional care and the
39inappropriate or unnecessary use of high-cost services. The
40agency shall contract with a vendor to monitor and evaluate the
41clinical practice patterns of providers in order to identify
42trends that are outside the normal practice patterns of a
43provider's professional peers or the national guidelines of a
44provider's professional association. The vendor must be able to
45provide information and counseling to a provider whose practice
46patterns are outside the norms, in consultation with the agency,
47to improve patient care and reduce inappropriate utilization.
48The agency may mandate prior authorization, drug therapy
49management, or disease management participation for certain
50populations of Medicaid beneficiaries, certain drug classes, or
51particular drugs to prevent fraud, abuse, overuse, and possible
52dangerous drug interactions. The Pharmaceutical and Therapeutics
53Committee shall make recommendations to the agency on drugs for
54which prior authorization is required. The agency shall inform
55the Pharmaceutical and Therapeutics Committee of its decisions
56regarding drugs subject to prior authorization. The agency is
57authorized to limit the entities it contracts with or enrolls as
58Medicaid providers by developing a provider network through
59provider credentialing. The agency may competitively bid single-
60source-provider contracts if procurement of goods or services
61results in demonstrated cost savings to the state without
62limiting access to care. The agency may limit its network based
63on the assessment of beneficiary access to care, provider
64availability, provider quality standards, time and distance
65standards for access to care, the cultural competence of the
66provider network, demographic characteristics of Medicaid
67beneficiaries, practice and provider-to-beneficiary standards,
68appointment wait times, beneficiary use of services, provider
69turnover, provider profiling, provider licensure history,
70previous program integrity investigations and findings, peer
71review, provider Medicaid policy and billing compliance records,
72clinical and medical record audits, and other factors. Providers
73shall not be entitled to enrollment in the Medicaid provider
74network. The agency shall determine instances in which allowing
75Medicaid beneficiaries to purchase durable medical equipment and
76other goods is less expensive to the Medicaid program than long-
77term rental of the equipment or goods. The agency may establish
78rules to facilitate purchases in lieu of long-term rentals in
79order to protect against fraud and abuse in the Medicaid program
80as defined in s. 409.913. The agency may seek federal waivers
81necessary to administer these policies.
82     (4)  The agency may contract with:
83     (d)  A provider service network, which may be reimbursed on
84a fee-for-service or prepaid basis. A provider service network
85which is reimbursed by the agency on a prepaid basis shall be
86exempt from parts I and III of chapter 641, but must comply with
87the solvency requirements in s. 641.2261(2) and meet appropriate
88financial reserve, quality assurance, and patient rights
89requirements as established by the agency. The agency is
90authorized to contract with specialty provider service networks
91that exclusively enroll Medicaid recipients with psychiatric
93     1.  Except as provided in subparagraph 2., Medicaid
94recipients assigned to a provider service network shall be
95chosen equally from those who would otherwise have been assigned
96to prepaid plans and MediPass. The agency is authorized to seek
97federal Medicaid waivers as necessary to implement the
98provisions of this section. Any contract previously awarded to a
99provider service network operated by a hospital pursuant to this
100subsection shall remain in effect for a period of 3 years
101following the current contract expiration date, regardless of
102any contractual provisions to the contrary. A provider service
103network is a network established or organized and operated by a
104health care provider, or group of affiliated health care
105providers, including minority physician networks and emergency
106room diversion programs that meet the requirements of s.
107409.91211, which provides a substantial proportion of the health
108care items and services under a contract directly through the
109provider or affiliated group of providers and may make
110arrangements with physicians or other health care professionals,
111health care institutions, or any combination of such individuals
112or institutions to assume all or part of the financial risk on a
113prospective basis for the provision of basic health services by
114the physicians, by other health professionals, or through the
115institutions. The health care providers must have a controlling
116interest in the governing body of the provider service network
118     2.  A Medicaid recipient with psychiatric disabilities who
119fails to select a managed care plan shall be assigned to a
120provider service network that exclusively enrolls Medicaid
121recipients with psychiatric disabilities, if such program is
122available in the geographic area where the recipient resides.
123     Section 2.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (4) of section
124409.91211, Florida Statutes, is amended, and paragraph (ee) is
125added to subsection (3) of that section, to read:
126     409.91211  Medicaid managed care pilot program.--
127     (3)  The agency shall have the following powers, duties,
128and responsibilities with respect to the pilot program:
129     (ee)  To seek applications for and contract with provider
130service networks specializing in care for recipients with
131psychiatric disabilities. The agency shall develop and implement
132a definition of psychiatric disabilities for membership and
133assignment purposes and establish assignment processes for
134recipients with psychiatric disabilities who fail to choose a
135managed care plan.
136     (4)(a)  A Medicaid recipient in the pilot area who is not
137currently enrolled in a capitated managed care plan upon
138implementation is not eligible for services as specified in ss.
139409.905 and 409.906, for the amount of time that the recipient
140does not enroll in a capitated managed care network. If a
141Medicaid recipient has not enrolled in a capitated managed care
142plan within 30 days after eligibility, the agency shall assign
143the Medicaid recipient to a capitated managed care plan based on
144the assessed needs of the recipient as determined by the agency
145and the recipient shall be exempt from s. 409.9122. When making
146assignments, the agency shall take into account the following
148     1.  A capitated managed care network has sufficient network
149capacity to meet the needs of members.
150     2.  The capitated managed care network has previously
151enrolled the recipient as a member, or one of the capitated
152managed care network's primary care providers has previously
153provided health care to the recipient.
154     3.  The agency has knowledge that the member has previously
155expressed a preference for a particular capitated managed care
156network as indicated by Medicaid fee-for-service claims data,
157but has failed to make a choice.
158     4.  The capitated managed care network's primary care
159providers are geographically accessible to the recipient's
161     5.  The existence of any known diagnoses or disabilities,
162including psychiatric disabilities.
163     Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2008.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.