CS/CS/HB 699

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to affordable housing; amending s.
3125.0104, F.S.; allowing certain counties to use certain
4tax revenues for workforce, affordable, and employee
5housing; amending s. 159.807, F.S.; deleting a provision
6exempting the Florida Housing Finance Corporation from the
7applicability of certain uses of the state allocation
8pool; amending s. 196.196, F.S.; providing additional
9criteria for determining whether certain affordable
10housing property owned by certain exempt organizations is
11entitled to an exemption from ad valorem taxation;
12providing a definition; amending s. 196.1978, F.S.;
13providing that property owned by certain nonprofit
14entities or Florida-based limited partnerships and used or
15held for the purpose of providing affordable housing to
16certain income-qualified persons is exempt from ad valorem
17taxation; revising legislative intent; subjecting
18organizations owning certain property to ad valorem
19taxation under certain circumstances; providing for tax
20liens; providing for penalties and interest; providing an
21exception; providing notice requirements; amending s.
22212.055, F.S.; redefining the term "infrastructure" to
23allow the proceeds of a local government infrastructure
24surtax to be used to purchase land for certain purposes
25relating to construction of affordable housing; amending
26s. 420.503, F.S.; defining the term "moderate
27rehabilitation" for purposes of the Florida Housing
28Finance Corporation Act; amending s. 420.5061, F.S.;
29removing a provision requiring the Florida Housing Finance
30Corporation to transfer certain funds to the General
31Revenue Fund; amending s. 420.507, F.S.; providing the
32corporation with certain powers relating to developing and
33administering a grant program; amending s. 420.5087, F.S.;
34revising purposes for which state apartment incentive
35loans may be used; amending s. 420.5095, F.S.; providing
36for the disbursement of certain Community Workforce
37Housing Innovation Pilot Program funds that were awarded
38but have been declined or returned; amending s. 420.615,
39F.S.; revising provisions relating to comprehensive plan
40amendments; authorizing certain persons to challenge the
41compliance of an amendment; creating s. 420.628, F.S.;
42providing legislative findings and intent; requiring
43certain governmental entities to develop and implement
44strategies and procedures designed to increase affordable
45housing opportunities for young adults who are leaving the
46child welfare system; amending s. 420.9071, F.S.; revising
47and providing definitions; amending s. 420.9072, F.S.;
48conforming a cross-reference; amending s. 420.9073, F.S.;
49revising the frequency with which local housing
50distributions are to be made by the corporation;
51authorizing the corporation to withhold funds from the
52total distribution annually for specified purposes;
53requiring counties and eligible municipalities that
54receive local housing distributions to expend those funds
55in a specified manner; amending s. 420.9075, F.S.;
56requiring that local housing assistance plans address the
57special housing needs of persons with disabilities;
58authorizing the corporation to define high-cost counties
59and eligible municipalities by rule; authorizing high-cost
60counties and certain municipalities to assist persons and
61households meeting specific income requirements; revising
62requirements to be included in the local housing
63assistance plan; requiring counties and certain
64municipalities to include certain initiatives and
65strategies in the local housing assistance plan; revising
66criteria that applies to awards made for the purpose of
67providing eligible housing; authorizing and limiting the
68percentage of funds from the local housing distribution
69that may be used for manufactured housing; extending the
70expiration date of an exemption from certain income
71requirements in specified areas; authorizing the use of
72certain funds for preconstruction activities; providing
73that certain costs are a program expense; authorizing
74counties and certain municipalities to award grant funds
75under certain conditions; providing for the repayment of
76funds by the local housing assistance trust fund; amending
77s. 420.9076, F.S.; revising appointments to a local
78affordable housing advisory committee; revising notice
79requirements for public hearings of the advisory
80committee; requiring the committee's final report,
81evaluation, and recommendations to be submitted to the
82corporation; deleting cross-references to conform to
83changes made by the act; repealing s. 420.9078, F.S.,
84relating to state administration of funds remaining in the
85Local Government Housing Trust Fund; amending s. 420.9079,
86F.S.; conforming cross-references; amending s. 1001.43,
87F.S.; revising district school board powers and duties in
88relation to use of land for affordable housing in certain
89areas for certain personnel; providing an effective date.
91Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
93     Section 1.  Paragraph (m) of subsection (3) of section
94125.0104, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
95     125.0104  Tourist development tax; procedure for levying;
96authorized uses; referendum; enforcement.--
98     (m)1.  In addition to any other tax which is imposed
99pursuant to this section, a high tourism impact county may
100impose an additional 1-percent tax on the exercise of the
101privilege described in paragraph (a) by extraordinary vote of
102the governing board of the county. The tax revenues received
103pursuant to this paragraph shall be used for one or more of the
104authorized uses pursuant to subsection (5). In addition, any
105high tourism impact county that is designated as an area of
106critical state concern pursuant to chapter 380 may also utilize
107revenues received pursuant to this paragraph for affordable or
108workforce housing as defined in chapter 420, or for affordable,
109workforce, or employee housing as defined in any adopted
110comprehensive plan, land development regulation, or local
111housing assistance plan. Such authority for the use of revenues
112for workforce, affordable, or employee housing shall extend for
11310 years after the date of any de-designation of a location as
114an area of critical state concern, or for the period of time
115required under any bond or other financing issued in accordance
116with or based upon the authority granted pursuant to the
117provisions of this section. Revenues derived pursuant to this
118paragraph shall be bondable in accordance with other laws
119regarding revenue bonding. Should a high tourism impact county
120designated as an area of critical state concern enact the tax
121specified in this paragraph, the revenue generated shall be
122distributed among incorporated and unincorporated areas based on
123the location of the living quarters or accommodations that are
124leased or rented. However, nothing in this paragraph shall
125preclude an interlocal agreement between local governments for
126the use of funds received pursuant to this paragraph in a manner
127that addresses the provision of affordable and workforce housing
128opportunities on a regional basis or in accordance with a
129multijurisdictional housing strategy, program, or policy.
130     2.  A county is considered to be a high tourism impact
131county after the Department of Revenue has certified to such
132county that the sales subject to the tax levied pursuant to this
133section exceeded $600 million during the previous calendar year,
134or were at least 18 percent of the county's total taxable sales
135under chapter 212 where the sales subject to the tax levied
136pursuant to this section were a minimum of $200 million, except
137that no county authorized to levy a convention development tax
138pursuant to s. 212.0305 shall be considered a high tourism
139impact county. Once a county qualifies as a high tourism impact
140county, it shall retain this designation for the period the tax
141is levied pursuant to this paragraph.
142     3.  The provisions of paragraphs (4)(a)-(d) shall not apply
143to the adoption of the additional tax authorized in this
144paragraph. The effective date of the levy and imposition of the
145tax authorized under this paragraph shall be the first day of
146the second month following approval of the ordinance by the
147governing board or the first day of any subsequent month as may
148be specified in the ordinance. A certified copy of such
149ordinance shall be furnished by the county to the Department of
150Revenue within 10 days after approval of such ordinance.
151     Section 2.  Subsection (4) of section 159.807, Florida
152Statutes, is amended to read:
153     159.807  State allocation pool.--
154     (4)(a)  The state allocation pool shall also be used to
155provide written confirmations for private activity bonds that
156are to be issued by state agencies after June 1, which bonds,
157notwithstanding any other provisions of this part, shall receive
158priority in the use of the pool available at the time the notice
159of intent to issue such bonds is filed with the division.
160     (b)  This subsection does not apply to the Florida Housing
161Finance Corporation:
162     1.  Until its allocation pursuant to s. 159.804(3) has been
163exhausted, is unavailable, or is inadequate to provide an
164allocation pursuant to s. 159.804(3) and any carryforwards of
165volume limitation from prior years for the same carryforward
166purpose, as that term is defined in s. 146 of the Code, as the
167bonds it intends to issue have been completely utilized or have
169     2.  Prior to July 1 of any year, when housing bonds for
170which the Florida Housing Finance Corporation has made an
171assignment of its allocation permitted by s. 159.804(3)(c) have
172not been issued.
173     Section 3.  Subsection (5) is added to section 196.196,
174Florida Statutes, to read:
175     196.196  Determining whether property is entitled to
176charitable, religious, scientific, or literary exemption.--
177     (5)  Property owned by an exempt organization qualified as
178charitable under s. 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code is
179used for a charitable purpose if the organization has taken
180affirmative steps to prepare the property to provide affordable
181housing to persons or families that meet the extremely-low-
182income, very-low-income, low-income, or moderate-income limits,
183as specified in s. 420.0004. The term "affirmative steps" means
184environmental or land use permitting activities, creation of
185architectural plans or schematic drawings, land clearing or site
186preparation, construction or renovation activities, or other
187similar activities that demonstrate a commitment of the property
188to providing affordable housing.
189     Section 4.  Section 196.1978, Florida Statutes, is amended
190to read:
191     196.1978  Affordable housing property exemption.--
192     (1)  Property used to provide affordable housing serving
193eligible persons as defined by s. 159.603(7) and natural persons
194or families meeting the extremely-low-income, very-low-income,
195low-income, or moderate-income persons meeting income limits
196specified in s. 420.0004 s. 420.0004(8), (10), (11), and (15),
197which property is owned entirely by a nonprofit entity that is a
198corporation not for profit, qualified as charitable under s.
199501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and in compliance with
200Rev. Proc. 96-32, 1996-1 C.B. 717, or a Florida-based limited
201partnership, the sole general partner of which is a corporation
202not for profit which is qualified as charitable under s.
203501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and which complies with
204Rev. Proc. 96-32, 1996-1 C.B. 717, shall be considered property
205owned by an exempt entity and used for a charitable purpose, and
206those portions of the affordable housing property which provide
207housing to natural persons or families classified as extremely
208low income, very low income, low income, or moderate income
209under s. 420.0004 individuals with incomes as defined in s.
210420.0004(10) and (15) shall be exempt from ad valorem taxation
211to the extent authorized in s. 196.196. All property identified
212in this section shall comply with the criteria for determination
213of exempt status to be applied by property appraisers on an
214annual basis as defined in s. 196.195. The Legislature intends
215that any property owned by a limited liability company or
216limited partnership which is disregarded as an entity for
217federal income tax purposes pursuant to Treasury Regulation
218301.7701-3(b)(1)(ii) shall be treated as owned by its sole
219member or sole general partner.
220     (2)  If property owned by an organization granted an
221exemption under s. 196.196(5) is transferred for a purpose other
222than directly providing affordable homeownership or rental
223housing to persons or families who meet the extremely-low-
224income, very-low-income, low-income, or moderate-income limits,
225as specified in s. 420.0004, or is not in actual use to provide
226such affordable housing within 5 years after the date the
227organization is granted the exemption, the property appraiser
228making such determination shall serve upon the organization that
229illegally or improperly received the exemption a notice of
230intent to record in the public records of the county a notice of
231tax lien against any property owned by that organization in the
232county, and such property shall be identified in the notice of
233tax lien. The organization owning such property is subject to
234the taxes otherwise due and owing as a result of the failure to
235use the property to provide affordable housing plus 15 percent
236interest per annum and a penalty of 50 percent of the taxes
237owed. Such lien, when filed, attaches to any property identified
238in the notice of tax lien owned by the organization that
239illegally or improperly received the exemption. If such
240organization no longer owns property in the county but owns
241property in any other county in the state, the property
242appraiser shall record in each such other county a notice of tax
243lien identifying the property owned by such organization in such
244county which shall become a lien against the identified
245property. If an exemption is improperly granted as a result of a
246clerical mistake or an omission by the property appraiser, the
247organization improperly receiving the exemption shall not be
248assessed penalty and interest. Before any such lien may be
249filed, the organization so notified must be given 30 days to pay
250the taxes, penalties, and interest. The 5-year limitation
251specified in this subsection may be extended provided the holder
252of the exemption continues to take affirmative steps to develop
253the property for the purposes specified in this subsection.
254     Section 5.  Paragraph (d) of subsection (2) of section
255212.055, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
256     212.055  Discretionary sales surtaxes; legislative intent;
257authorization and use of proceeds.--It is the legislative intent
258that any authorization for imposition of a discretionary sales
259surtax shall be published in the Florida Statutes as a
260subsection of this section, irrespective of the duration of the
261levy. Each enactment shall specify the types of counties
262authorized to levy; the rate or rates which may be imposed; the
263maximum length of time the surtax may be imposed, if any; the
264procedure which must be followed to secure voter approval, if
265required; the purpose for which the proceeds may be expended;
266and such other requirements as the Legislature may provide.
267Taxable transactions and administrative procedures shall be as
268provided in s. 212.054.
270     (d)1.  The proceeds of the surtax authorized by this
271subsection and any accrued interest accrued thereto shall be
272expended by the school district, or within the county and
273municipalities within the county, or, in the case of a
274negotiated joint county agreement, within another county, to
275finance, plan, and construct infrastructure; and to acquire land
276for public recreation, or conservation, or protection of natural
277resources; or and to finance the closure of county-owned or
278municipally owned solid waste landfills that have been are
279already closed or are required to be closed close by order of
280the Department of Environmental Protection. Any use of the such
281proceeds or interest for purposes of landfill closure before
282prior to July 1, 1993, is ratified. Neither The proceeds and nor
283any interest may not accrued thereto shall be used for the
284operational expenses of any infrastructure, except that a any
285county that has with a population of fewer less than 75,000 and
286that is required to close a landfill by order of the Department
287of Environmental Protection may use the proceeds or any interest
288accrued thereto for long-term maintenance costs associated with
289landfill closure. Counties, as defined in s. 125.011 s.
290125.011(1), and charter counties may, in addition, use the
291proceeds or and any interest accrued thereto to retire or
292service indebtedness incurred for bonds issued before prior to
293July 1, 1987, for infrastructure purposes, and for bonds
294subsequently issued to refund such bonds. Any use of the such
295proceeds or interest for purposes of retiring or servicing
296indebtedness incurred for such refunding bonds before prior to
297July 1, 1999, is ratified.
298     1.2.  For the purposes of this paragraph, the term
299"infrastructure" means:
300     a.  Any fixed capital expenditure or fixed capital outlay
301associated with the construction, reconstruction, or improvement
302of public facilities that have a life expectancy of 5 or more
303years and any related land acquisition, land improvement,
304design, and engineering costs related thereto.
305     b.  A fire department vehicle, an emergency medical service
306vehicle, a sheriff's office vehicle, a police department
307vehicle, or any other vehicle, and the such equipment necessary
308to outfit the vehicle for its official use or equipment that has
309a life expectancy of at least 5 years.
310     c.  Any expenditure for the construction, lease, or
311maintenance of, or provision of utilities or security for,
312facilities, as defined in s. 29.008.
313     d.  Any fixed capital expenditure or fixed capital outlay
314associated with the improvement of private facilities that have
315a life expectancy of 5 or more years and that the owner agrees
316to make available for use on a temporary basis as needed by a
317local government as a public emergency shelter or a staging area
318for emergency response equipment during an emergency officially
319declared by the state or by the local government under s.
320252.38. Such improvements under this sub-subparagraph are
321limited to those necessary to comply with current standards for
322public emergency evacuation shelters. The owner must shall enter
323into a written contract with the local government providing the
324improvement funding to make the such private facility available
325to the public for purposes of emergency shelter at no cost to
326the local government for a minimum period of 10 years after
327completion of the improvement, with the provision that the such
328obligation will transfer to any subsequent owner until the end
329of the minimum period.
330     e.  Any land expenditure acquisition for a residential
331housing project in which at least 30 percent of the units are
332affordable to individuals or families whose total annual
333household income does not exceed 120 percent of the area median
334income adjusted for household size, if the land is owned by a
335local government or by a special district that enters into a
336written agreement with the local government to provide such
337housing. The local government or special district may enter into
338a ground lease with a public or private person or entity for
339nominal or other consideration for the construction of the
340residential housing project on land acquired pursuant to this
342     2.3.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this
343subsection, a local government infrastructure discretionary
344sales surtax imposed or extended after July 1, 1998, the
345effective date of this act may allocate up to provide for an
346amount not to exceed 15 percent of the local option sales surtax
347proceeds to be allocated for deposit in to a trust fund within
348the county's accounts created for the purpose of funding
349economic development projects having of a general public purpose
350of improving targeted to improve local economies, including the
351funding of operational costs and incentives related to such
352economic development. The ballot statement must indicate the
353intention to make an allocation under the authority of this
355     Section 6.  Present subsections (25) through (41) of
356section 420.503, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as
357subsections (26) through (42), respectively, and a new
358subsection (25) is added to that section to read:
359     420.503  Definitions.--As used in this part, the term:
360     (25)  "Moderate rehabilitation" means repair or restoration
361of a dwelling unit when the value of such repair or restoration
362is 40 percent or less of the value of the dwelling but not less
363than $10,000 per dwelling unit.
364     Section 7.  Section 420.5061, Florida Statutes, is amended
365to read:
366     420.5061  Transfer of agency assets and liabilities.--The
367corporation is the legal successor in all respects to the
368agency, is obligated to the same extent as the agency under any
369agreements existing on December 31, 1997, and is entitled to any
370rights and remedies previously afforded the agency by law or
371contract, including specifically the rights of the agency under
372chapter 201 and part VI of chapter 159. Effective January 1,
3731998, all references under Florida law to the agency are deemed
374to mean the corporation. The corporation shall transfer to the
375General Revenue Fund an amount which otherwise would have been
376deducted as a service charge pursuant to s. 215.20(1) if the
377Florida Housing Finance Corporation Fund established by s.
378420.508(5), the State Apartment Incentive Loan Fund established
379by s. 420.5087(7), the Florida Homeownership Assistance Fund
380established by s. 420.5088(4), the HOME Investment Partnership
381Fund established by s. 420.5089(1), and the Housing
382Predevelopment Loan Fund established by s. 420.525(1) were each
383trust funds. For purposes of s. 112.313, the corporation is
384deemed to be a continuation of the agency, and the provisions
385thereof are deemed to apply as if the same entity remained in
386place. Any employees of the agency and agency board members
387covered by s. 112.313(9)(a)6. shall continue to be entitled to
388the exemption in that subparagraph, notwithstanding being hired
389by the corporation or appointed as board members of the
391     Section 8.  Subsection (47) is added to section 420.507,
392Florida Statutes, to read:
393     420.507  Powers of the corporation.--The corporation shall
394have all the powers necessary or convenient to carry out and
395effectuate the purposes and provisions of this part, including
396the following powers which are in addition to all other powers
397granted by other provisions of this part:
398     (47)  To develop and administer the Florida Public Housing
399Authority Preservation Grant Program. In developing and
400administering the program, the corporation may:
401     (a)  Develop criteria for determining the priority for
402expending grants to preserve and rehabilitate 30-year and older
403buildings and units under public housing authority control as
404defined in chapter 421.
405     (b)  Adopt rules for the grant program and exercise the
406powers authorized in this section.
407     Section 9.  Paragraphs (c) and (l) of subsection (6) of
408section 420.5087, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
409     420.5087  State Apartment Incentive Loan Program.--There is
410hereby created the State Apartment Incentive Loan Program for
411the purpose of providing first, second, or other subordinated
412mortgage loans or loan guarantees to sponsors, including for-
413profit, nonprofit, and public entities, to provide housing
414affordable to very-low-income persons.
415     (6)  On all state apartment incentive loans, except loans
416made to housing communities for the elderly to provide for
417lifesafety, building preservation, health, sanitation, or
418security-related repairs or improvements, the following
419provisions shall apply:
420     (c)  The corporation shall provide by rule for the
421establishment of a review committee composed of the department
422and corporation staff and shall establish by rule a scoring
423system for evaluation and competitive ranking of applications
424submitted in this program, including, but not limited to, the
425following criteria:
426     1.  Tenant income and demographic targeting objectives of
427the corporation.
428     2.  Targeting objectives of the corporation which will
429ensure an equitable distribution of loans between rural and
430urban areas.
431     3.  Sponsor's agreement to reserve the units for persons or
432families who have incomes below 50 percent of the state or local
433median income, whichever is higher, for a time period to exceed
434the minimum required by federal law or the provisions of this
436     4.  Sponsor's agreement to reserve more than:
437     a.  Twenty percent of the units in the project for persons
438or families who have incomes that do not exceed 50 percent of
439the state or local median income, whichever is higher; or
440     b.  Forty percent of the units in the project for persons
441or families who have incomes that do not exceed 60 percent of
442the state or local median income, whichever is higher, without
443requiring a greater amount of the loans as provided in this
445     5.  Provision for tenant counseling.
446     6.  Sponsor's agreement to accept rental assistance
447certificates or vouchers as payment for rent.
448     7.  Projects requiring the least amount of a state
449apartment incentive loan compared to overall project cost except
450that the share of the loan attributable to units serving
451extremely-low-income persons shall be excluded from this
453     8.  Local government contributions and local government
454comprehensive planning and activities that promote affordable
456     9.  Project feasibility.
457     10.  Economic viability of the project.
458     11.  Commitment of first mortgage financing.
459     12.  Sponsor's prior experience.
460     13.  Sponsor's ability to proceed with construction.
461     14.  Projects that directly implement or assist welfare-to-
462work transitioning.
463     15.  Projects that reserve units for extremely-low-income
465     16.  Projects that include green building principles,
466storm-resistant construction, or other elements that reduce
467long-term costs relating to maintenance, utilities, or
469     (l)  The proceeds of all loans shall be used for new
470construction, moderate rehabilitation, or substantial
471rehabilitation which creates or preserves affordable, safe, and
472sanitary housing units.
473     Section 10.  Subsection (17) is added to section 420.5095,
474Florida Statutes, to read:
475     420.5095  Community Workforce Housing Innovation Pilot
477     (17)(a)  Funds appropriated by s. 33, chapter 2006-69, Laws
478of Florida, that were awarded but have been declined or returned
479shall be made available for projects that otherwise comply with
480the provisions of this section and that are created to provide
481workforce housing for teachers and instructional personnel
482employed by the school district in the county in which the
483project is located.
484     (b)  Projects shall be given priority for funding when the
485school district provides the property for the project pursuant
486to s. 1001.43.
487     (c)  Projects shall be given priority for funding when the
488public-private partnership includes the school district and a
489national nonprofit organization to provide financial support,
490technical assistance, and training for community-based
491revitalization efforts.
492     (d)  Projects in counties which had a project selected for
493funding that declined or returned funds shall be given priority
494for funding.
495     (e)  Projects shall be selected for funding by requests for
497     Section 11.  Subsection (5) of section 420.615, Florida
498Statutes, is amended to read:
499     420.615  Affordable housing land donation density bonus
501     (5)  The local government, as part of the approval process,
502shall adopt a comprehensive plan amendment, pursuant to part II
503of chapter 163, for the receiving land that incorporates the
504density bonus. Such amendment shall be deemed by operation of
505law a small scale amendment, shall be subject only to the
506requirements of adopted in the manner as required for small-
507scale amendments pursuant to s. 163.3187(1)(c)2. and 3., is not
508subject to the requirements of s. 163.3184(3)-(11)(3)-(6), and
509is exempt from s. 163.3187(1)(c)1. and the limitation on the
510frequency of plan amendments as provided in s. 163.3187. An
511affected person, as defined in s. 163.3184(1), may file a
512petition for administrative review pursuant to the requirements
513of s. 163.3187(3) to challenge the compliance of an adopted plan
515     Section 12.  Section 420.628, Florida Statutes, is created
516to read:
517     420.628  Affordable housing for children and young adults
518leaving foster care; legislative findings and intent.--
519     (1)  The Legislature finds that there are many young adults
520who, through no fault of their own, live in foster families,
521group homes, and institutions and who face numerous barriers to
522a successful transition to adulthood.
523     (2)  These youth in foster care are among those who may
524enter adulthood without the knowledge, skills, attitudes,
525habits, and relationships that will enable them to be productive
526members of society.
527     (3)  The main barriers to safe and affordable housing for
528youth aging out of the foster care system are cost, lack of
529availability, the unwillingness of many landlords to rent to
530them, and their own lack of knowledge about how to be good
532     (4)  The Legislature also finds that young adults who
533emancipate from the child welfare system are at risk of becoming
534homeless and those who were formerly in foster care are
535disproportionately represented in the homeless population.
536Without the stability of safe housing, all other services,
537training, and opportunities may not be effective.
538     (5)  The Legislature further finds that making affordable
539housing available for young adults who transition from foster
540care decreases their chance of homelessness and may increase
541their ability to live independently in the future.
542     (6)  The Legislature affirms that young adults
543transitioning out of foster care are to be considered eligible
544persons, as defined in ss. 420.503(17) and 420.9071(10), for
545affordable housing purposes and shall be encouraged to
546participate in state, federal, and local affordable housing
548     (7)  It is therefore the intent of the Legislature to
549encourage the Florida Housing Finance Corporation, State Housing
550Initiative Partnership Program agencies, local housing finance
551agencies, public housing authorities and their agents,
552developers, and other providers of affordable housing to make
553affordable housing available to youth transitioning out of
554foster care whenever and wherever possible.
555     (8)  The Florida Housing Finance Corporation, State Housing
556Initiative Partnership Program agencies, local housing finance
557agencies, and public housing authorities shall coordinate with
558the Department of Children and Family Services and their agents
559and community-based care providers who are operating pursuant to
560s. 409.1671 to develop and implement strategies and procedures
561designed to increase affordable housing opportunities for young
562adults who are leaving the child welfare system.
563     Section 13.  Subsections (4), (8), (16), and (25) of
564section 420.9071, Florida Statutes, are amended, and subsections
565(29) and (30) are added to that section, to read:
566     420.9071  Definitions.--As used in ss. 420.907-420.9079,
567the term:
568     (4)  "Annual gross income" means annual income as defined
569under the Section 8 housing assistance payments programs in 24
570C.F.R. part 5; annual income as reported under the census long
571form for the recent available decennial census; or adjusted
572gross income as defined for purposes of reporting under Internal
573Revenue Service Form 1040 for individual federal annual income
574tax purposes or as defined by standard practices used in the
575lending industry as detailed in the local housing assistance
576plan and approved by the corporation. Counties and eligible
577municipalities shall calculate income by annualizing verified
578sources of income for the household as the amount of income to
579be received in a household during the 12 months following the
580effective date of the determination.
581     (8)  "Eligible housing" means any real and personal
582property located within the county or the eligible municipality
583which is designed and intended for the primary purpose of
584providing decent, safe, and sanitary residential units that are
585designed to meet the standards of the Florida Building Code or a
586predecessor building code adopted under chapter 553, or
587manufactured housing constructed after June 1994 and installed
588in accordance with mobile home installation standards of the
589Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, for home
590ownership or rental for eligible persons as designated by each
591county or eligible municipality participating in the State
592Housing Initiatives Partnership Program.
593     (16)  "Local housing incentive strategies" means local
594regulatory reform or incentive programs to encourage or
595facilitate affordable housing production, which include at a
596minimum, assurance that permits as defined in s. 163.3164(7) and
597(8) for affordable housing projects are expedited to a greater
598degree than other projects; an ongoing process for review of
599local policies, ordinances, regulations, and plan provisions
600that increase the cost of housing prior to their adoption; and a
601schedule for implementing the incentive strategies. Local
602housing incentive strategies may also include other regulatory
603reforms, such as those enumerated in s. 420.9076 or those
604recommended by the affordable housing advisory committee in its
605triennial evaluation and adopted by the local governing body.
606     (25)  "Recaptured funds" means funds that are recouped by a
607county or eligible municipality in accordance with the recapture
608provisions of its local housing assistance plan pursuant to s.
609420.9075(5)(h)(g) from eligible persons or eligible sponsors,
610which funds were not used for assistance to an eligible
611household for an eligible activity, when there is a who default
612on the terms of a grant award or loan award.
613     (29)  "Assisted housing" or "assisted housing development"
614means a rental housing development, including rental housing in
615a mixed-use development, that received or currently receives
616funding from any federal or state housing program.
617     (30)  "Preservation" means actions taken to keep rents in
618existing assisted housing affordable for extremely-low-income,
619very-low-income, low-income, and moderate-income households
620while ensuring that the property stays in good physical and
621financial condition for an extended period.
622     Section 14.  Subsection (6) of section 420.9072, Florida
623Statutes, is amended to read:
624     420.9072  State Housing Initiatives Partnership
625Program.--The State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program is
626created for the purpose of providing funds to counties and
627eligible municipalities as an incentive for the creation of
628local housing partnerships, to expand production of and preserve
629affordable housing, to further the housing element of the local
630government comprehensive plan specific to affordable housing,
631and to increase housing-related employment.
632     (6)  The moneys that otherwise would be distributed
633pursuant to s. 420.9073 to a local government that does not meet
634the program's requirements for receipts of such distributions
635shall remain in the Local Government Housing Trust Fund to be
636administered by the corporation pursuant to s. 420.9078.
637     Section 15.  Subsections (1) and (2) of section 420.9073,
638Florida Statutes, are amended, and subsections (5), (6), and (7)
639are added to that section, to read:
640     420.9073  Local housing distributions.--
641     (1)  Distributions calculated in this section shall be
642disbursed on a quarterly or more frequent monthly basis by the
643corporation beginning the first day of the month after program
644approval pursuant to s. 420.9072, subject to availability of
645funds. Each county's share of the funds to be distributed from
646the portion of the funds in the Local Government Housing Trust
647Fund received pursuant to s. 201.15(9) shall be calculated by
648the corporation for each fiscal year as follows:
649     (a)  Each county other than a county that has implemented
650the provisions of chapter 83-220, Laws of Florida, as amended by
651chapters 84-270, 86-152, and 89-252, Laws of Florida, shall
652receive the guaranteed amount for each fiscal year.
653     (b)  Each county other than a county that has implemented
654the provisions of chapter 83-220, Laws of Florida, as amended by
655chapters 84-270, 86-152, and 89-252, Laws of Florida, may
656receive an additional share calculated as follows:
657     1.  Multiply each county's percentage of the total state
658population excluding the population of any county that has
659implemented the provisions of chapter 83-220, Laws of Florida,
660as amended by chapters 84-270, 86-152, and 89-252, Laws of
661Florida, by the total funds to be distributed.
662     2.  If the result in subparagraph 1. is less than the
663guaranteed amount as determined in subsection (3), that county's
664additional share shall be zero.
665     3.  For each county in which the result in subparagraph 1.
666is greater than the guaranteed amount as determined in
667subsection (3), the amount calculated in subparagraph 1. shall
668be reduced by the guaranteed amount. The result for each such
669county shall be expressed as a percentage of the amounts so
670determined for all counties. Each such county shall receive an
671additional share equal to such percentage multiplied by the
672total funds received by the Local Government Housing Trust Fund
673pursuant to s. 201.15(9) reduced by the guaranteed amount paid
674to all counties.
675     (2)  Effective July 1, 1995, Distributions calculated in
676this section shall be disbursed on a quarterly or more frequent
677monthly basis by the corporation beginning the first day of the
678month after program approval pursuant to s. 420.9072, subject to
679availability of funds. Each county's share of the funds to be
680distributed from the portion of the funds in the Local
681Government Housing Trust Fund received pursuant to s. 201.15(10)
682shall be calculated by the corporation for each fiscal year as
684     (a)  Each county shall receive the guaranteed amount for
685each fiscal year.
686     (b)  Each county may receive an additional share calculated
687as follows:
688     1.  Multiply each county's percentage of the total state
689population, by the total funds to be distributed.
690     2.  If the result in subparagraph 1. is less than the
691guaranteed amount as determined in subsection (3), that county's
692additional share shall be zero.
693     3.  For each county in which the result in subparagraph 1.
694is greater than the guaranteed amount, the amount calculated in
695subparagraph 1. shall be reduced by the guaranteed amount. The
696result for each such county shall be expressed as a percentage
697of the amounts so determined for all counties. Each such county
698shall receive an additional share equal to this percentage
699multiplied by the total funds received by the Local Government
700Housing Trust Fund pursuant to s. 201.15(10) as reduced by the
701guaranteed amount paid to all counties.
702     (5)  Notwithstanding subsections (1)-(4), the corporation
703is authorized to withhold up to $5 million from the total
704distribution each fiscal year to provide additional funding to
705counties and eligible municipalities in which a state of
706emergency has been declared by the Governor pursuant to chapter
707252. Any portion of such funds not distributed under this
708subsection by the end of the fiscal year shall be distributed as
709provided in this section.
710     (6)  Notwithstanding subsections (1)-(4), the corporation
711is authorized to withhold up to $5 million from the total
712distribution each fiscal year to provide funding to counties and
713eligible municipalities to purchase properties subject to a
714State Housing Initiative Partnership Program lien and on which
715foreclosure proceedings have been initiated by any mortgagee.
716Each county and eligible municipality that receives funds under
717this subsection shall repay such funds to the corporation not
718later than the expenditure deadline for the fiscal year in which
719the funds were awarded. Amounts not repaid shall be withheld
720from the subsequent year's distribution. Any portion of such
721funds not distributed under this subsection by the end of the
722fiscal year shall be distributed as provided in this section.
723     (7)  A county or eligible municipality that receives local
724housing distributions pursuant to this section shall expend
725those funds in accordance with the provisions of ss. 420.907-
726420.9079, corporation rule, and its local housing assistance
728     Section 16.  Subsections (1), (3), (5), and (8), paragraphs
729(a) and (h) of subsection (10), and paragraph (b) of subsection
730(13) of section 420.9075, Florida Statutes, are amended, and
731subsection (14) is added to that section, to read:
732     420.9075  Local housing assistance plans; partnerships.--
733     (1)(a)  Each county or eligible municipality participating
734in the State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program shall
735develop and implement a local housing assistance plan created to
736make affordable residential units available to persons of very
737low income, low income, or moderate income and to persons who
738have special housing needs, including, but not limited to,
739homeless people, the elderly, and migrant farmworkers, and
740persons with disabilities. High-cost counties or eligible
741municipalities as defined by rule of the corporation may include
742strategies to assist persons and households having annual
743incomes of not more than 140 percent of area median income. The
744plans are intended to increase the availability of affordable
745residential units by combining local resources and cost-saving
746measures into a local housing partnership and using private and
747public funds to reduce the cost of housing.
748     (b)  Local housing assistance plans may allocate funds to:
749     1.  Implement local housing assistance strategies for the
750provision of affordable housing.
751     2.  Supplement funds available to the corporation to
752provide enhanced funding of state housing programs within the
753county or the eligible municipality.
754     3.  Provide the local matching share of federal affordable
755housing grants or programs.
756     4.  Fund emergency repairs, including, but not limited to,
757repairs performed by existing service providers under
758weatherization assistance programs under ss. 409.509-409.5093.
759     5.  Further the housing element of the local government
760comprehensive plan adopted pursuant to s. 163.3184, specific to
761affordable housing.
762     (3)(a)  Each local housing assistance plan shall include a
763definition of essential service personnel for the county or
764eligible municipality, including, but not limited to, teachers
765and educators, other school district, community college, and
766university employees, police and fire personnel, health care
767personnel, skilled building trades personnel, and other job
769     (b)  Each county and each eligible municipality is
770encouraged to develop a strategy within its local housing
771assistance plan that emphasizes the recruitment and retention of
772essential service personnel. The local government is encouraged
773to involve public and private sector employers. Compliance with
774the eligibility criteria established under this strategy shall
775be verified by the county or eligible municipality.
776     (c)  Each county and each eligible municipality is
777encouraged to develop a strategy within its local housing
778assistance plan that addresses the needs of persons who are
779deprived of affordable housing due to the closure of a mobile
780home park or the conversion of affordable rental units to
782     (d)  Each county and each eligible municipality shall
783describe initiatives in the local housing assistance plan to
784encourage or require innovative design, green building
785principles, storm-resistant construction, or other elements that
786reduce long-term costs relating to maintenance, utilities, or
788     (e)  Each county and each eligible municipality is
789encouraged to develop a strategy within its local housing
790assistance plan that provides program funds for the preservation
791of assisted housing.
792     (5)  The following criteria apply to awards made to
793eligible sponsors or eligible persons for the purpose of
794providing eligible housing:
795     (a)  At least 65 percent of the funds made available in
796each county and eligible municipality from the local housing
797distribution must be reserved for home ownership for eligible
799     (b)  At least 75 percent of the funds made available in
800each county and eligible municipality from the local housing
801distribution must be reserved for construction, rehabilitation,
802or emergency repair of affordable, eligible housing.
803     (c)  Not more than 15 percent of the funds made available
804in each county and eligible municipality from the local housing
805distribution may be used for manufactured housing.
806     (d)(c)  The sales price or value of new or existing
807eligible housing may not exceed 90 percent of the average area
808purchase price in the statistical area in which the eligible
809housing is located. Such average area purchase price may be that
810calculated for any 12-month period beginning not earlier than
811the fourth calendar year prior to the year in which the award
812occurs or as otherwise established by the United States
813Department of the Treasury.
814     (e)(d)1.  All units constructed, rehabilitated, or
815otherwise assisted with the funds provided from the local
816housing assistance trust fund must be occupied by very-low-
817income persons, low-income persons, and moderate-income persons
818except as otherwise provided in this section.
819     2.  At least 30 percent of the funds deposited into the
820local housing assistance trust fund must be reserved for awards
821to very-low-income persons or eligible sponsors who will serve
822very-low-income persons and at least an additional 30 percent of
823the funds deposited into the local housing assistance trust fund
824must be reserved for awards to low-income persons or eligible
825sponsors who will serve low-income persons. This subparagraph
826does not apply to a county or an eligible municipality that
827includes, or has included within the previous 5 years, an area
828of critical state concern designated or ratified by the
829Legislature for which the Legislature has declared its intent to
830provide affordable housing. The exemption created by this act
831expires on July 1, 2013 2008.
832     (f)(e)  Loans shall be provided for periods not exceeding
83330 years, except for deferred payment loans or loans that extend
834beyond 30 years which continue to serve eligible persons.
835     (g)(f)  Loans or grants for eligible rental housing
836constructed, rehabilitated, or otherwise assisted from the local
837housing assistance trust fund must be subject to recapture
838requirements as provided by the county or eligible municipality
839in its local housing assistance plan unless reserved for
840eligible persons for 15 years or the term of the assistance,
841whichever period is longer. Eligible sponsors that offer rental
842housing for sale before 15 years or that have remaining
843mortgages funded under this program must give a first right of
844refusal to eligible nonprofit organizations for purchase at the
845current market value for continued occupancy by eligible
847     (h)(g)  Loans or grants for eligible owner-occupied housing
848constructed, rehabilitated, or otherwise assisted from proceeds
849provided from the local housing assistance trust fund shall be
850subject to recapture requirements as provided by the county or
851eligible municipality in its local housing assistance plan.
852     (i)(h)  The total amount of monthly mortgage payments or
853the amount of monthly rent charged by the eligible sponsor or
854her or his designee must be made affordable.
855     (j)(i)  The maximum sales price or value per unit and the
856maximum award per unit for eligible housing benefiting from
857awards made pursuant to this section must be established in the
858local housing assistance plan.
859     (k)(j)  The benefit of assistance provided through the
860State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program must accrue to
861eligible persons occupying eligible housing. This provision
862shall not be construed to prohibit use of the local housing
863distribution funds for a mixed income rental development.
864     (l)(k)  Funds from the local housing distribution not used
865to meet the criteria established in paragraph (a) or paragraph
866(b) or not used for the administration of a local housing
867assistance plan must be used for housing production and finance
868activities, including, but not limited to, financing
869preconstruction activities or the purchase of existing units,
870providing rental housing, and providing home ownership training
871to prospective home buyers and owners of homes assisted through
872the local housing assistance plan.
873     1.  Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs (a) and
874(b), program income as defined in s. 420.9071(24) may also be
875used to fund activities described in this paragraph.
876     2.  When preconstruction due diligence activities conducted
877as part of a preservation strategy show that preservation of the
878units is not feasible and will not result in the production of
879an eligible unit, such costs shall be deemed a program expense
880rather than an administrative expense if such program expenses
881do not exceed 3 percent of the annual local housing
883     3.  If both an award under the local housing assistance
884plan and federal low-income housing tax credits are used to
885assist a project and there is a conflict between the criteria
886prescribed in this subsection and the requirements of s. 42 of
887the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, the county or
888eligible municipality may resolve the conflict by giving
889precedence to the requirements of s. 42 of the Internal Revenue
890Code of 1986, as amended, in lieu of following the criteria
891prescribed in this subsection with the exception of paragraphs
892(a) and (e) (d) of this subsection.
893     4.  Each county and each eligible municipality may award
894funds as a grant for construction, rehabilitation, or repair as
895part of disaster recovery or emergency repairs or to remedy
896accessibility or health and safety deficiencies. Any other
897grants must be approved as part of the local housing assistance
899     (8)  Pursuant to s. 420.531, the corporation shall provide
900training and technical assistance to local governments regarding
901the creation of partnerships, the design of local housing
902assistance strategies, the implementation of local housing
903incentive strategies, and the provision of support services.
904     (10)  Each county or eligible municipality shall submit to
905the corporation by September 15 of each year a report of its
906affordable housing programs and accomplishments through June 30
907immediately preceding submittal of the report. The report shall
908be certified as accurate and complete by the local government's
909chief elected official or his or her designee. Transmittal of
910the annual report by a county's or eligible municipality's chief
911elected official, or his or her designee, certifies that the
912local housing incentive strategies, or, if applicable, the local
913housing incentive plan, have been implemented or are in the
914process of being implemented pursuant to the adopted schedule
915for implementation. The report must include, but is not limited
917     (a)  The number of households served by income category,
918age, family size, and race, and data regarding any special needs
919populations such as farmworkers, homeless persons, persons with
920disabilities, and the elderly. Counties shall report this
921information separately for households served in the
922unincorporated area and each municipality within the county.
923     (h)  Such other data or affordable housing accomplishments
924considered significant by the reporting county or eligible
925municipality or by the corporation.
926     (13)
927     (b)  If, as a result of its review of the annual report,
928the corporation determines that a county or eligible
929municipality has failed to implement a local housing incentive
930strategy, or, if applicable, a local housing incentive plan, it
931shall send a notice of termination of the local government's
932share of the local housing distribution by certified mail to the
933affected county or eligible municipality.
934     1.  The notice must specify a date of termination of the
935funding if the affected county or eligible municipality does not
936implement the plan or strategy and provide for a local response.
937A county or eligible municipality shall respond to the
938corporation within 30 days after receipt of the notice of
940     2.  The corporation shall consider the local response that
941extenuating circumstances precluded implementation and grant an
942extension to the timeframe for implementation. Such an extension
943shall be made in the form of an extension agreement that
944provides a timeframe for implementation. The chief elected
945official of a county or eligible municipality or his or her
946designee shall have the authority to enter into the agreement on
947behalf of the local government.
948     3.  If the county or the eligible municipality has not
949implemented the incentive strategy or entered into an extension
950agreement by the termination date specified in the notice, the
951local housing distribution share terminates, and any uncommitted
952local housing distribution funds held by the affected county or
953eligible municipality in its local housing assistance trust fund
954shall be transferred to the Local Government Housing Trust Fund
955to the credit of the corporation to administer pursuant to s.
957     4.a.  If the affected local government fails to meet the
958timeframes specified in the agreement, the corporation shall
959terminate funds. The corporation shall send a notice of
960termination of the local government's share of the local housing
961distribution by certified mail to the affected local government.
962The notice shall specify the termination date, and any
963uncommitted funds held by the affected local government shall be
964transferred to the Local Government Housing Trust Fund to the
965credit of the corporation to administer pursuant to s. 420.9078.
966     b.  If the corporation terminates funds to a county, but an
967eligible municipality receiving a local housing distribution
968pursuant to an interlocal agreement maintains compliance with
969program requirements, the corporation shall thereafter
970distribute directly to the participating eligible municipality
971its share calculated in the manner provided in s. 420.9072.
972     c.  Any county or eligible municipality whose local
973distribution share has been terminated may subsequently elect to
974receive directly its local distribution share by adopting the
975ordinance, resolution, and local housing assistance plan in the
976manner and according to the procedures provided in ss. 420.907-
978     (14)  If the corporation determines that a county or
979eligible municipality has expended program funds for an
980ineligible activity, the corporation shall require such funds to
981be repaid to the local housing assistance trust fund. Such
982repayment may not be made with funds from State Housing
983Initiatives Partnership Program funds.
984     Section 17.  Paragraph (h) of subsection (2), subsections
985(5) and (6), and paragraph (a) of subsection (7) of section
986420.9076, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
987     420.9076  Adoption of affordable housing incentive
988strategies; committees.--
989     (2)  The governing board of a county or municipality shall
990appoint the members of the affordable housing advisory committee
991by resolution. Pursuant to the terms of any interlocal
992agreement, a county and municipality may create and jointly
993appoint an advisory committee to prepare a joint plan. The
994ordinance adopted pursuant to s. 420.9072 which creates the
995advisory committee or the resolution appointing the advisory
996committee members must provide for 11 committee members and
997their terms. The committee must include:
998     (h)  One citizen who actively serves on the local planning
999agency pursuant to s. 163.3174. If the local planning agency is
1000comprised of the county or municipality commission, the
1001commission may appoint a designee who is knowledgeable in the
1002local planning process.
1004If a county or eligible municipality whether due to its small
1005size, the presence of a conflict of interest by prospective
1006appointees, or other reasonable factor, is unable to appoint a
1007citizen actively engaged in these activities in connection with
1008affordable housing, a citizen engaged in the activity without
1009regard to affordable housing may be appointed. Local governments
1010that receive the minimum allocation under the State Housing
1011Initiatives Partnership Program may elect to appoint an
1012affordable housing advisory committee with fewer than 11
1013representatives if they are unable to find representatives who
1014meet the criteria of paragraphs (a)-(k).
1015     (5)  The approval by the advisory committee of its local
1016housing incentive strategies recommendations and its review of
1017local government implementation of previously recommended
1018strategies must be made by affirmative vote of a majority of the
1019membership of the advisory committee taken at a public hearing.
1020Notice of the time, date, and place of the public hearing of the
1021advisory committee to adopt its evaluation and final local
1022housing incentive strategies recommendations must be published
1023in a newspaper of general paid circulation in the county. The
1024notice must contain a short and concise summary of the
1025evaluation and local housing incentives strategies
1026recommendations to be considered by the advisory committee. The
1027notice must state the public place where a copy of the
1028evaluation and tentative advisory committee recommendations can
1029be obtained by interested persons. The final report, evaluation,
1030and recommendations shall be submitted to the corporation.
1031     (6)  Within 90 days after the date of receipt of the
1032evaluation and local housing incentive strategies
1033recommendations from the advisory committee, the governing body
1034of the appointing local government shall adopt an amendment to
1035its local housing assistance plan to incorporate the local
1036housing incentive strategies it will implement within its
1037jurisdiction. The amendment must include, at a minimum, the
1038local housing incentive strategies required under s.
1039420.9071(16). The local government must consider the strategies
1040specified in paragraphs (4)(a)-(k) as recommended by the
1041advisory committee.
1042     (7)  The governing board of the county or the eligible
1043municipality shall notify the corporation by certified mail of
1044its adoption of an amendment of its local housing assistance
1045plan to incorporate local housing incentive strategies. The
1046notice must include a copy of the approved amended plan.
1047     (a)  If the corporation fails to receive timely the
1048approved amended local housing assistance plan to incorporate
1049local housing incentive strategies, a notice of termination of
1050its share of the local housing distribution shall be sent by
1051certified mail by the corporation to the affected county or
1052eligible municipality. The notice of termination must specify a
1053date of termination of the funding if the affected county or
1054eligible municipality has not adopted an amended local housing
1055assistance plan to incorporate local housing incentive
1056strategies. If the county or the eligible municipality has not
1057adopted an amended local housing assistance plan to incorporate
1058local housing incentive strategies by the termination date
1059specified in the notice of termination, the local distribution
1060share terminates; and any uncommitted local distribution funds
1061held by the affected county or eligible municipality in its
1062local housing assistance trust fund shall be transferred to the
1063Local Government Housing Trust Fund to the credit of the
1064corporation to administer the local government housing program
1065pursuant to s. 420.9078.
1066     Section 18.  Section 420.9078, Florida Statutes, is
1068     Section 19.  Section 420.9079, Florida Statutes, is amended
1069to read:
1070     420.9079  Local Government Housing Trust Fund.--
1071     (1)  There is created in the State Treasury the Local
1072Government Housing Trust Fund, which shall be administered by
1073the corporation on behalf of the department according to the
1074provisions of ss. 420.907-420.9076 420.907-420.9078 and this
1075section. There shall be deposited into the fund a portion of the
1076documentary stamp tax revenues as provided in s. 201.15, moneys
1077received from any other source for the purposes of ss. 420.907-
1078420.9076 420.907-420.9078 and this section, and all proceeds
1079derived from the investment of such moneys. Moneys in the fund
1080that are not currently needed for the purposes of the programs
1081administered pursuant to ss. 420.907-420.9076 420.907-420.9078
1082and this section shall be deposited to the credit of the fund
1083and may be invested as provided by law. The interest received on
1084any such investment shall be credited to the fund.
1085     (2)  The corporation shall administer the fund exclusively
1086for the purpose of implementing the programs described in ss.
1087420.907-420.9076 420.907-420.9078 and this section. With the
1088exception of monitoring the activities of counties and eligible
1089municipalities to determine local compliance with program
1090requirements, the corporation shall not receive appropriations
1091from the fund for administrative or personnel costs. For the
1092purpose of implementing the compliance monitoring provisions of
1093s. 420.9075(9), the corporation may request a maximum of one-
1094quarter of 1 percent of the annual appropriation per state
1095fiscal year. When such funding is appropriated, the corporation
1096shall deduct the amount appropriated prior to calculating the
1097local housing distribution pursuant to ss. 420.9072 and
1099     Section 20.  Subsection (12) of section 1001.43, Florida
1100Statutes, is amended to read:
1101     1001.43  Supplemental powers and duties of district school
1102board.--The district school board may exercise the following
1103supplemental powers and duties as authorized by this code or
1104State Board of Education rule.
1105     (12)  AFFORDABLE HOUSING.--A district school board may use
1106portions of school sites purchased within the guidelines of the
1107State Requirements for Educational Facilities, land deemed not
1108usable for educational purposes because of location or other
1109factors, or land declared as surplus by the board to provide
1110sites for affordable housing for teachers and other district
1111personnel and, in areas of critical state concern, for other
1112essential services personnel as defined by local affordable
1113housing eligibility requirements, independently or in
1114conjunction with other agencies as described in subsection (5).
1115     Section 21.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2008.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.