Bill No. HB 7023
Amendment No. 846211
Senate House

1Representative Planas offered the following:
3     Amendment (with title amendment)
4     Between lines 2126 and 2127, insert:
5     Section 86.  Paragraph (d) is added to subsection (1) of
6section 939.185, Florida Statutes, to read:
7     939.185  Assessment of additional court costs and
9     (1)
10     (d)  The clerk of courts shall cause a certified copy of
11the court order imposing such costs to be recorded in the public
12records which recorded order shall constitute a lien against the
13person upon whom the costs are imposed and shall attach as a
14lien on any real and personal property owned by the person. Any
15lien created against real and personal property is enforceable
16in the same manner as provided by law. A lien created under this
17section does not attach to, or make subject to execution of levy
18or foreclosure, any real or personal property otherwise exempted
19by s. 4, Art. X of the State Constitution.
T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T
23     Remove line 195 and insert:
24court rules relating to forfeiture proceedings; amending s.
25939.185, F.S.; providing for liens against real and personal
26property for certain court costs; amending

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.