HB 7075

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to developmental disabilities; amending s.
3393.063, F.S.; revising definitions applicable to ch. 393,
4F.S., relating to persons with developmental disabilities;
5amending ss. 287.155, 393.064, 393.0651, 393.066, 393.135,
6393.22, 393.23, 402.181, 402.22, 408.036, and 435.03,
7F.S.; conforming terminology to changes made by the act;
8amending s. 393.0657, F.S.; revising an exemption from
9certain requirements for refingerprinting and rescreening;
10amending s. 393.0673, F.S.; providing circumstances under
11which the Agency for Persons with Disabilities may deny,
12revoke, or suspend a license or impose a fine; amending s.
13393.506, F.S.; authorizing direct service providers to
14administer a certain medication to clients with
15developmental disabilities; amending s. 400.063, F.S.;
16conforming a cross-reference; amending s. 916.301, F.S.;
17clarifying provisions relating to court appointment of
18certain qualified experts to evaluate a defendant's mental
19condition; amending s. 916.302, F.S.; authorizing the
20sheriff to transport a defendant determined incompetent to
21proceed due to retardation or autism to county jail under
22certain conditions pending a court appearance at a
23competency hearing held within a specified period of time;
24providing an effective date.
26Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
28     Section 1.  Subsection (1) of section 287.155, Florida
29Statutes, is amended to read:
30     287.155  Motor vehicles; purchase by Department of Children
31and Family Services, Agency for Persons with Disabilities,
32Department of Health, Department of Juvenile Justice, and
33Department of Corrections.--
34     (1)  The Department of Children and Family Services, the
35Agency for Persons with Disabilities, the Department of Health,
36the Department of Juvenile Justice, and the Department of
37Corrections may, subject to the approval of the Department of
38Management Services, purchase automobiles, trucks, tractors, and
39other automotive equipment for the use of institutions or
40developmental disabilities centers under the management of the
41Department of Children and Family Services, the Agency for
42Persons with Disabilities, the Department of Health, and the
43Department of Corrections, and for the use of residential
44facilities managed or contracted by the Department of Juvenile
46     Section 2.  Subsections (10) and (31) of section 393.063,
47Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
48     393.063  Definitions.--For the purposes of this chapter,
49the term:
50     (10)  "Developmental disabilities center institution" means
51a state-owned and state-operated facility, formerly known as a
52"Sunland Center," providing for the care, habilitation, and
53rehabilitation of clients with developmental disabilities.
54     (31)  "Retardation" means significantly subaverage general
55intellectual functioning existing concurrently with deficits in
56adaptive behavior that manifests before the age of 18 and can
57reasonably be expected to continue indefinitely. "Significantly
58subaverage general intellectual functioning," for the purpose of
59this definition, means performance which is two or more standard
60deviations from the mean score on a standardized intelligence
61test specified in the rules of the agency. "Adaptive behavior,"
62for the purpose of this definition, means the effectiveness or
63degree with which an individual meets the standards of personal
64independence and social responsibility expected of his or her
65age, cultural group, and community.
66     Section 3.  Subsection (4) of section 393.064, Florida
67Statutes, is amended to read:
68     393.064  Prevention.--
69     (4)  There is created at the developmental disabilities
70center institution in Gainesville a research and education unit.
71Such unit shall be named the Raymond C. Philips Research and
72Education Unit. The functions of such unit shall include:
73     (a)  Research into the etiology of developmental
75     (b)  Ensuring that new knowledge is rapidly disseminated
76throughout the agency.
77     (c)  Diagnosis of unusual conditions and syndromes
78associated with developmental disabilities in clients identified
79throughout developmental disabilities programs.
80     (d)  Evaluation of families of clients with developmental
81disabilities of genetic origin in order to provide them with
82genetic counseling aimed at preventing the recurrence of the
83disorder in other family members.
84     (e)  Ensuring that health professionals in the
85developmental disabilities center institution at Gainesville
86have access to information systems that will allow them to
87remain updated on newer knowledge and maintain their
88postgraduate education standards.
89     (f)  Enhancing staff training for professionals throughout
90the agency in the areas of genetics and developmental
92     Section 4.  Paragraph (f) of subsection (5) of section
93393.0651, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
94     393.0651  Family or individual support plan.--The agency
95shall provide directly or contract for the development of a
96family support plan for children ages 3 to 18 years of age and
97an individual support plan for each client. The client, if
98competent, the client's parent or guardian, or, when
99appropriate, the client advocate, shall be consulted in the
100development of the plan and shall receive a copy of the plan.
101Each plan must include the most appropriate, least restrictive,
102and most cost-beneficial environment for accomplishment of the
103objectives for client progress and a specification of all
104services authorized. The plan must include provisions for the
105most appropriate level of care for the client. Within the
106specification of needs and services for each client, when
107residential care is necessary, the agency shall move toward
108placement of clients in residential facilities based within the
109client's community. The ultimate goal of each plan, whenever
110possible, shall be to enable the client to live a dignified life
111in the least restrictive setting, be that in the home or in the
112community. For children under 6 years of age, the family support
113plan shall be developed within the 45-day application period as
114specified in s. 393.065(1); for all applicants 6 years of age or
115older, the family or individual support plan shall be developed
116within the 60-day period as specified in that subsection.
117     (5)  The agency shall place a client in the most
118appropriate and least restrictive, and cost-beneficial,
119residential facility according to his or her individual support
120plan. The client, if competent, the client's parent or guardian,
121or, when appropriate, the client advocate, and the administrator
122of the facility to which placement is proposed shall be
123consulted in determining the appropriate placement for the
124client. Considerations for placement shall be made in the
125following order:
126     (f)  Developmental disabilities center institution.
127     Section 5.  Section 393.0657, Florida Statutes, is amended
128to read:
129     393.0657  Persons not required to be refingerprinted or
130rescreened.--Persons who have undergone any portion of the
131background screening required under s. 393.0655 within the last
13212 months are not required to repeat such screening in order to
133comply with the screening requirements if such persons have not
134been unemployed for more than 90 consecutive days since that
135screening occurred. Such persons are responsible for providing
136documentation of the screening and shall undergo screening for
137any remaining background screening requirements that have never
138been conducted or have not been completed within the last 12
140     Section 6.  Subsection (5) of section 393.066, Florida
141Statutes, is amended to read:
142     393.066  Community services and treatment.--
143     (5)  In order to improve the potential for utilization of
144more cost-effective, community-based residential facilities, the
145agency shall promote the statewide development of day
146habilitation services for clients who live with a direct service
147provider in a community-based residential facility and who do
148not require 24-hour-a-day care in a hospital or other health
149care institution, but who may, in the absence of day
150habilitation services, require admission to a developmental
151disabilities center institution. Each day service facility shall
152provide a protective physical environment for clients, ensure
153that direct service providers meet minimum screening standards
154as required in s. 393.0655, make available to all day
155habilitation service participants at least one meal on each day
156of operation, provide facilities to enable participants to
157obtain needed rest while attending the program, as appropriate,
158and provide social and educational activities designed to
159stimulate interest and provide socialization skills.
160     Section 7.  Section 393.0673, Florida Statutes, is amended
161to read:
162     393.0673  Denial, suspension, or revocation of license;
163moratorium on admissions; administrative fines; procedures.--
164     (1)  The agency may deny, revoke, or suspend a license or
165impose an administrative fine, not to exceed $1,000 per
166violation per day, if:
167     (a)  The applicant or licensee has:
168     1.(a)  Has Falsely represented or omitted a material fact
169in its license application submitted under s. 393.067;.
170     2.(b)  Has Had prior action taken against it under the
171Medicaid or Medicare program; or.
172     3.(c)  Has Failed to comply with the applicable
173requirements of this chapter or rules applicable to the
174applicant or licensee; or.
175     (b)  The Department of Children and Family Services has
176verified that the licensee is responsible for the abuse,
177neglect, or abandonment of a child or the abuse, neglect, or
178exploitation of a vulnerable adult.
179     (2)  The agency may deny an application for licensure
180submitted under s. 393.067 if:
181     (a)  The applicant has:
182     1.  Falsely represented or omitted a material fact in its
183license application submitted under s. 393.067;
184     2.  Had prior action taken against it under the Medicaid or
185Medicare program;
186     3.  Failed to comply with the applicable requirements of
187this chapter or rules applicable to the applicant; or
188     4.  Previously had a license to operate a residential
189facility revoked by the agency, the Department of Children and
190Family Services, or the Agency for Health Care Administration;
192     (b)  The Department of Children and Family Services has
193verified that the applicant is responsible for the abuse,
194neglect, or abandonment of a child or the abuse, neglect, or
195exploitation of a vulnerable adult.
196     (3)(2)  All hearings shall be held within the county in
197which the licensee or applicant operates or applies for a
198license to operate a facility as defined herein.
199     (4)(3)  The agency, as a part of any final order issued by
200it under this chapter, may impose such fine as it deems proper,
201except that such fine may not exceed $1,000 for each violation.
202Each day a violation of this chapter occurs constitutes a
203separate violation and is subject to a separate fine, but in no
204event may the aggregate amount of any fine exceed $10,000. Fines
205paid by any facility licensee under the provisions of this
206subsection shall be deposited in the Resident Protection Trust
207Fund and expended as provided in s. 400.063.
208     (5)(4)  The agency may issue an order immediately
209suspending or revoking a license when it determines that any
210condition in the facility presents a danger to the health,
211safety, or welfare of the residents in the facility.
212     (6)(5)  The agency may impose an immediate moratorium on
213admissions to any facility when the agency department determines
214that any condition in the facility presents a threat to the
215health, safety, or welfare of the residents in the facility.
216     (7)(6)  The agency shall establish by rule criteria for
217evaluating the severity of violations and for determining the
218amount of fines imposed.
219     Section 8.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section
220393.135, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
221     393.135  Sexual misconduct prohibited; reporting required;
223     (2)  A covered person who engages in sexual misconduct with
224an individual with a developmental disability who:
225     (a)  Resides in a residential facility, including any
226comprehensive transitional education program, developmental
227disabilities center institution, foster care facility, group
228home facility, intermediate care facility for the
229developmentally disabled, or residential habilitation center; or
231commits a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in
232s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. A covered person may be
233found guilty of violating this subsection without having
234committed the crime of sexual battery.
235     Section 9.  Section 393.22, Florida Statutes, is amended to
237     393.22  Financial commitment to community services
238programs.--In order to ensure that whenever a number of persons
239move from a center an institution serving persons with
240developmental disabilities which is sufficient to allow an
241entire residential unit within that center institution to be
242closed, no less than 80 percent of the direct costs of providing
243services to persons who had resided in that unit shall be
244reallocated for community services.
245     Section 10.  Section 393.23, Florida Statutes, is amended
246to read:
247     393.23  Developmental disabilities centers institutions;
248trust accounts.--All receipts from the operation of canteens,
249vending machines, hobby shops, sheltered workshops, activity
250centers, farming projects, and other like activities operated in
251a developmental disabilities center institution, and moneys
252donated to the center institution, must be deposited in a trust
253account in any bank, credit union, or savings and loan
254association authorized by the State Treasury as a qualified
255depository to do business in this state, if the moneys are
256available on demand.
257     (1)  Moneys in the trust account must be expended for the
258benefit, education, and welfare of clients. However, if
259specified, moneys that are donated to the center institution
260must be expended in accordance with the intentions of the donor.
261Trust account money may not be used for the benefit of employees
262of the agency or to pay the wages of such employees. The welfare
263of the clients includes the expenditure of funds for the
264purchase of items for resale at canteens or vending machines,
265and for the establishment of, maintenance of, and operation of
266canteens, hobby shops, recreational or entertainment facilities,
267sheltered workshops, activity centers, farming projects, or
268other like facilities or programs established at the center
269institutions for the benefit of clients.
270     (2)  The center institution may invest, in the manner
271authorized by law for fiduciaries, any money in a trust account
272which is not necessary for immediate use. The interest earned
273and other increments derived from the investments of the money
274must be deposited into the trust account for the benefit of
276     (3)  The accounting system of the center an institution
277must account separately for revenues and expenses for each
278activity. The center institution shall reconcile the trust
279account to the center's institution's accounting system and
280check registers and to the accounting system of the Chief
281Financial Officer.
282     (4)  All sales taxes collected by the center institution as
283a result of sales shall be deposited into the trust account and
284remitted to the Department of Revenue.
285     (5)  Funds shall be expended in accordance with
286requirements and guidelines established by the Chief Financial
288     Section 11.  Subsection (1) of section 393.506, Florida
289Statutes, is amended to read:
290     393.506  Administration of medication.--
291     (1)  A direct service provider who is not currently
292licensed to administer medication may supervise the self-
293administration of medication or may administer oral,
294transdermal, ophthalmic, otic, rectal, inhaled, enteral, or
295topical prescription medications to a client as provided in this
297     Section 12.  Subsection (1) of section 400.063, Florida
298Statutes, is amended to read:
299     400.063  Resident Protection Trust Fund.--
300     (1)  A Resident Protection Trust Fund shall be established
301for the purpose of collecting and disbursing funds generated
302from the license fees and administrative fines as provided for
303in ss. 393.0673(4)(2), 400.062(3), 400.121(2), and 400.23(8).
304Such funds shall be for the sole purpose of paying for the
305appropriate alternate placement, care, and treatment of
306residents who are removed from a facility licensed under this
307part or a facility specified in s. 393.0678(1) in which the
308agency determines that existing conditions or practices
309constitute an immediate danger to the health, safety, or
310security of the residents. If the agency determines that it is
311in the best interest of the health, safety, or security of the
312residents to provide for an orderly removal of the residents
313from the facility, the agency may utilize such funds to maintain
314and care for the residents in the facility pending removal and
315alternative placement. The maintenance and care of the residents
316shall be under the direction and control of a receiver appointed
317pursuant to s. 393.0678(1) or s. 400.126(1). However, funds may
318be expended in an emergency upon a filing of a petition for a
319receiver, upon the declaration of a state of local emergency
320pursuant to s. 252.38(3)(a)5., or upon a duly authorized local
321order of evacuation of a facility by emergency personnel to
322protect the health and safety of the residents.
323     Section 13.  Subsection (1) of section 402.181, Florida
324Statutes, is amended to read:
325     402.181  State Institutions Claims Program.--
326     (1)  There is created a State Institutions Claims Program,
327for the purpose of making restitution for property damages and
328direct medical expenses for injuries caused by shelter children
329or foster children, or escapees, inmates, or patients of state
330institutions or developmental disabilities centers under the
331Department of Children and Family Services, the Department of
332Health, the Department of Juvenile Justice, the Department of
333Corrections, or the Agency for Persons with Disabilities.
334     Section 14.  Subsection (4) of section 402.22, Florida
335Statutes, is amended to read:
336     402.22  Education program for students who reside in
337residential care facilities operated by the Department of
338Children and Family Services or the Agency for Persons with
340     (4)  Students age 18 and under who are under the
341residential care of the Department of Children and Family
342Services or the Agency for Persons with Disabilities and who
343receive an education program shall be calculated as full-time
344equivalent student membership in the appropriate cost factor as
345provided for in s. 1011.62(1)(c). Residential care facilities
346shall include, but not be limited to, developmental disabilities
347centers institutions and state mental health facilities. All
348students shall receive their education program from the district
349school system, and funding shall be allocated through the
350Florida Education Finance Program for the district school
352     Section 15.  Paragraph (t) of subsection (3) of section
353408.036, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
354     408.036  Projects subject to review; exemptions.--
355     (3)  EXEMPTIONS.--Upon request, the following projects are
356subject to exemption from the provisions of subsection (1):
357     (t)  For beds in state developmental disabilities centers
358institutions as defined in s. 393.063.
359     Section 16.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of section
360435.03, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
361     435.03  Level 1 screening standards.--
362     (3)  Standards must also ensure that the person:
363     (a)  For employees and employers licensed or registered
364pursuant to chapter 400 or chapter 429, and for employees and
365employers of developmental disabilities centers institutions as
366defined in s. 393.063, intermediate care facilities for the
367developmentally disabled as defined in s. 400.960, and mental
368health treatment facilities as defined in s. 394.455, meets the
369requirements of this chapter.
370     Section 17.  Subsection (2) of section 916.301, Florida
371Statutes, is amended to read:
372     916.301  Appointment of experts.--
373     (2)  If a defendant's suspected mental condition is
374retardation or autism, the court shall appoint the following:
375     (a)  At least one, or at the request of any party, two
376experts to evaluate whether the defendant meets the definition
377of retardation or autism and, if so, whether the defendant is
378competent to proceed; and.
379     (b)  A psychologist selected by the agency who is licensed
380or authorized by law to practice in this state, with experience
381in evaluating persons suspected of having retardation or autism,
382and a social service professional, with experience in working
383with persons with retardation or autism.
384     1.  The psychologist shall evaluate whether the defendant
385meets the definition of retardation or autism and, if so,
386whether the defendant is incompetent to proceed due to
387retardation or autism.
388     2.  The social service professional shall provide a social
389and developmental history of the defendant.
390     Section 18.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section
391916.302, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
392     916.302  Involuntary commitment of defendant determined to
393be incompetent to proceed.--
395     (a)  A defendant who has been charged with a felony and who
396is found to be incompetent to proceed due to retardation or
397autism, and who meets the criteria for involuntary commitment to
398the agency under the provisions of this chapter, shall be
399committed to the agency, and the agency shall retain and provide
400appropriate training for the defendant. No later than 6 months
401after the date of admission or at the end of any period of
402extended commitment or at any time the administrator or designee
403shall have determined that the defendant has regained competency
404to proceed or no longer meets the criteria for continued
405commitment, the administrator or designee shall file a report
406with the court pursuant to this chapter and the applicable
407Florida Rules of Criminal Procedure. The sheriff shall transport
408the defendant to the county jail within 15 days after the court
409receives a report from the agency declaring that the defendant
410is competent to proceed or no longer meets the criteria for
411continued commitment. A competency hearing shall be held within
41230 days after the court receives such report from the agency.
413     Section 19.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2008.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.