Florida Senate - 2008
The Committee on Criminal and Civil Justice Appropriations (Crist)
recommended the following amendment:
Section: 04 On Page: 005
Spec App: 721A
| EXPLANATION: This amendment adds 529 full time equivalent positions and $26,467,209 in recurring general revenue to partially restore reductions in the Department of Corrections Security and Institutional Operations Program. (tied to fee increases in SB 1790.)
NET IMPACT ON: Total Funds General Revenue Trust Funds
Recurring - 26,467,209 26,467,209 0
Non-Recurring - 0 0 0
Positions & Amounts Positions & Amounts
Program: Security And Institutional
Adult Male Custody Operations 70031100
In Section 04 On Page 005
721A Salaries And Benefits 010000 IOEA
Positions: 8,495 8,730
1000 From General Revenue Fund 426,587,134 438,422,258
CA 11,835,124 FSI1 11,835,124
Adult And Youthful Offender Female
Custody Operations 70031200
In Section 04 On Page 006
721Q Salaries And Benefits 010000 IOEA
Positions: 1,104 1,134
1000 From General Revenue Fund 52,945,140 54,446,314
CA 1,501,174 FSI1 1,501,174
Male Youthful Offender Custody Operations 70031300
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In Section 04 On Page 007
721AB Salaries And Benefits 010000 IOEA
Positions: 572 588
1000 From General Revenue Fund 38,639,003 39,416,974
CA 777,971 FSI1 777,971
Specialty Correctional Institution
Operations 70031400
In Section 04 On Page 008
721AM Salaries And Benefits 010000 IOEA
Positions: 4,562 4,689
1000 From General Revenue Fund 224,426,535 230,761,089
CA 6,334,554 FSI1 6,334,554
Reception Center Operations 70031500
722 Salaries And Benefits 010000 IOEA
Positions: 1,833 1,883
1000 From General Revenue Fund 90,705,193 93,182,254
CA 2,477,061 FSI1 2,477,061
Public Service Worksquads And Work
Release Transition 70031600
In Section 04 On Page 009
731 Salaries And Benefits 010000 IOEA
Positions: 918 943
1000 From General Revenue Fund 29,688,540 30,937,028
CA 1,248,488 FSI1 1,248,488
Offender Management And Control 70031800
In Section 04 On Page 010
747 Salaries And Benefits 010000 IOEA
Positions: 1,236 1,268
1000 From General Revenue Fund 56,173,863 57,763,414
CA 1,589,551 FSI1 1,589,551
Correctional Facilities Maintenance And
Repair 70032000
In Section 04 On Page 012
753 Salaries And Benefits 010000 IOEA
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Positions: 515 528
1000 From General Revenue Fund 21,468,015 22,141,427
CA 673,412 FSI1 673,412
Information Technology 70032100
760A Salaries And Benefits 010000 IOEA
Positions: 22 23
1000 From General Revenue Fund 1,606,595 1,636,469
CA 29,874 FSI1 29,874
Line item amendments are accepted as part of the amendatory process. However, due to the necessity of using computerized systems this may entail a different placement within a budget entity or the renumbering of the specific appropriation items. Items printed in italics are computer codes and are not a part of the official text of this amendment. |
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