Bill No. CS/HB 7087
Amendment No. 873325
Senate House

1Representative Seiler and Needelman offered the following:
3     Amendment (with title amendment)
4     Between lines 487 and 488, insert:
5     Section 10.  Paragraph (i) of subsection (5) of section
6985.0301, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
7     985.0301  Jurisdiction.--
8     (5)
9     (i)  The court retains may retain jurisdiction over a child
10and the child's parent or legal guardian whom:
11     1.  The court has ordered to pay restitution until the
12restitution order is satisfied. To retain jurisdiction, The
13court shall enter a restitution order, which is separate from
14any disposition or order of commitment, on or prior to the date
15that the court's jurisdiction would cease under this section.
16The contents of the restitution order shall be limited to the
17child's name and address, the name and address of the parent or
18legal guardian, the name and address of the payee, the case
19number, the date and amount of restitution ordered, any amount
20of restitution paid, the amount of restitution due and owing,
21and a notation that costs, interest, penalties, and attorney's
22fees may also be due and owing. The terms of the restitution
23order are subject to s. 775.089(5).
24     2.  The court has ordered to pay any court costs, costs
25associated with court appointed-counsel, costs of investigation,
26fees, fines, surcharges, or any other case-related financial
27obligations until these are satisfied in full, regardless of
28adjudication. The child and the child's parent or legal guardian
29remain responsible for such unpaid court costs, costs associated
30with court-appointed counsel, costs of investigation, fees,
31fines, surcharges, and any other case-related financial
32obligations until satisfied in full, even after the child turns
3319 years of age. The implementation of this subparagraph does
34not, in any way, authorize or otherwise permit details of the
35juvenile court record to be disclosed, except as expressly
36provided by law.
38The retention of jurisdiction under this paragraph does not
39preclude the department from closing out the community
40supervision case for a child if the child has successfully met
41all other conditions of the supervision case plan.
T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T
45     Remove line 16 and insert:
46defining the term "ordinary medical care"; amending s. 985.0301,
47F.S.; providing that the court retains jurisdiction over a child
48and the child's parent or legal guardian whom the court has
49ordered to pay court costs, costs associated with court
50appointed counsel, costs of investigation, fees, fines,
51surcharges, or any other case-related financial obligations
52until these are satisfied in full; amending and

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.