Bill No. CS/HB 7123
Amendment No. 777745
Senate House

1Representative Homan offered the following:
3     Amendment (with title amendment)
4     Remove line(s) 90 and insert:
5of vehicle transportation is less after taking into account
6reasonable and practical considerations, including, but not
7limited to, any extenuating circumstances making the use of a
8rental vehicle impractical or unfeasible. In calculating whether
9the cost of using a rental vehicle is less than reimbursement
10for using a privately owned vehicle, all costs necessarily
11incurred in connection with the use of a rental car, including,
12but not limited to, parking fees, and additional travel time,
13that would be avoided through the use of the traveler's
14privately owned vehicle shall be taken into consideration. Each
15agency or public agency shall develop policies to uniformly
16implement this paragraph.
T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T
21     Between lines 4-5 insert:
22requiring agencies and public agencies to develop certain
23uniform implementing polices;

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.