HB 7149

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to information technology used to manage
3public records; repealing s. 119.01(2)(b), F.S.; removing
4the policy statement relating to the design or acquisition
5of an electronic recordkeeping system by an agency;
6amending s. 119.021, F.S.; providing criteria that must be
7considered by an agency when designing or acquiring an
8electronic recordkeeping system; providing rulemaking
9authority; providing minimum standards for the destruction
10of public records; reorganizing provisions; providing an
11effective date.
13Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
15     Section 1.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of section
16119.01, Florida Statutes, is repealed.
17     Section 2.  Section 119.021, Florida Statutes, is amended
18to read:
19     119.021  Custodial requirements; maintenance, preservation,
20and retention, and disposal of public records; rulemaking.--
22RECORDS.--Public records shall be maintained and preserved as
24     (a)  All public records should be kept in the buildings in
25which they are ordinarily used.
26     (b)  Insofar as practicable, a custodian of public records
27of vital, permanent, or archival records shall keep them in
28fireproof and waterproof safes, vaults, or rooms fitted with
29noncombustible materials and in such arrangement as to be easily
30accessible for convenient use.
31     (c)1.  Record books should be copied or repaired,
32renovated, or rebound if worn, mutilated, damaged, or difficult
33to read.
34     2.  Whenever any state, county, or municipal records are in
35need of repair, restoration, or rebinding, the head of the
36concerned state agency, department, board, or commission; the
37board of county commissioners of such county; or the governing
38body of such municipality may authorize that such records be
39removed from the building or office in which such records are
40ordinarily kept for the length of time required to repair,
41restore, or rebind them.
42     3.  Any public official who causes a record book to be
43copied shall attest and certify under oath that the copy is an
44accurate copy of the original book. The copy shall then have the
45force and effect of the original.
46     (d)  When designing or acquiring an electronic
47recordkeeping system, an agency must consider whether such
48system is capable of providing data in some common format.
50     (a)  The Division of Library and Information Services of
51the Department of State shall adopt rules to establish retention
52schedules and a disposal process for public records. At a
53minimum, the retention schedule shall be established based upon
54a review of the public record in the context of the custodial
55agency's statutory functions and authorities.
56     (b)  Each agency shall comply with the rules establishing
57retention schedules and disposal processes for public records
58which are adopted by the records and information management
59program of the division.
60     (c)  Agency orders that comprise final agency action and
61that must be indexed or listed pursuant to s. 120.53 have
62continuing legal significance; therefore, notwithstanding any
63other provision of this chapter or any provision of chapter 257,
64each agency shall permanently maintain records of such orders
65pursuant to the applicable rules of the Department of State.
66Each public official shall systematically dispose of records no
67longer needed, subject to the consent of the records and
68information management program of the division in accordance
69with s. 257.36.
70     (d)  The division may ascertain the condition of public
71records and shall give advice and assistance to public officials
72to solve problems related to the preservation, creation, filing,
73and public accessibility of public records in their custody.
74Public officials shall assist the division by preparing an
75inclusive inventory of categories of public records in their
76custody. The division shall establish a time period for the
77retention or disposal of each series of records. Upon the
78completion of the inventory and schedule, the division shall,
79subject to the availability of necessary space, staff, and other
80facilities for such purposes, make space available in its
81records center for the filing of semicurrent records so
82scheduled and in its archives for noncurrent records of
83permanent value, and shall render such other assistance as
84needed, including the microfilming of records so scheduled.
86     (a)  The Division of Library and Information Services of
87the Department of State shall adopt rules to establish a
88disposal process for public records. At a minimum, such rules
89shall provide a process for:
90     1.  Sanitizing or scrubbing hardware prior to disposal.
91     2.  Destroying public records containing confidential or
92exempt information in a manner that safeguards the interests of
93the state and the safety, security, and privacy of its citizens.
94The rules shall specify destruction methods that prevent
95unauthorized access to or use of the information and shall
96ensure that the information cannot be read, reconstructed, or
98     (b)  Each agency shall comply with the rules establishing
99disposal processes for public records which are adopted by the
100records and information management program of the division.
101     (c)  Each public official shall systematically dispose of
102records no longer needed, subject to the consent of the records
103and information management program of the division in accordance
104with rules promulgated pursuant to this section and s. 257.36.
105Agency orders that comprise final agency action and that must be
106indexed or listed pursuant to s. 120.53 have continuing legal
107significance; therefore, notwithstanding any other provision of
108this chapter or any provision of chapter 257, each agency shall
109permanently maintain records of such orders pursuant to the
110applicable rules of the Department of State.
112     (a)  Whoever has custody of any public records shall
113deliver, at the expiration of his or her term of office, to his
114or her successor or, if there be none, to the records and
115information management program of the Division of Library and
116Information Services of the Department of State, all public
117records kept or received by him or her in the transaction of
118official business.
119     (b)  Whoever is entitled to custody of public records shall
120demand them from any person having illegal possession of them,
121who must forthwith deliver the same to him or her. Any person
122unlawfully possessing public records must within 10 days deliver
123such records to the lawful custodian of public records unless
124just cause exists for failing to deliver such records.
126     (a)  The Division of Library and Information Services of
127the Department of State may ascertain the condition of public
128records and shall give advice and assistance to public officials
129to solve problems related to the preservation, creation, filing,
130and public accessibility of public records in their custody.
131     (b)  Public officials shall assist the division by
132preparing an inclusive inventory of categories of public records
133in their custody. The division shall establish a time period for
134the retention or disposal of each series of records.
135     (c)  Upon the completion of the inventory and schedule, the
136division shall, subject to the availability of necessary space,
137staff, and other facilities for such purposes, make space
138available in its records center for the filing of semicurrent
139records so scheduled and in its archives for noncurrent records
140of permanent value, and shall render such other assistance as
141needed, including the microfilming of records so scheduled.
142     Section 3.  This act shall take effect October 1, 2008.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.