Bill No. CS/HB 773
Amendment No. 399729
Senate House

1Representative Dorworth offered the following:
3     Amendment
4     Remove lines 47-72 and insert:
5     (3)  If the sale is conducted by electronic means, as
6provided in s. 45.031(10), the clerk shall receive a service
7charge of $60 for services in conducting or contracting for the
8electronic sale, which service charge shall be assessed as costs
9and shall be advanced by the plaintiff before the sale. If the
10clerk requires advance electronic deposits to secure the right
11to bid, such deposits shall not be subject to the fee under s.
1228.24(10). The portion of an advance deposit from a winning
13bidder required by s. 45.031(3) shall, upon acceptance of the
14winning bid, be subject to the fee under s. 28.24(10).
15     Section 3.  Subsection (4) is added to section 197.542,
16Florida Statutes, to read:
17     197.542  Sale at public auction.--
18     (4)  A clerk may conduct electronic tax deed sales in lieu
19of public outcry. The clerk must comply with the procedures
20provided in this chapter, except that electronic proxy bidding
21shall be allowed and the clerk may require bidders to advance
22sufficient funds to pay the deposit required by subsection (2).
23The clerk shall provide access to the electronic sale by
24computer terminals open to the public at a designated location.
25A clerk who conducts such electronic sales may receive
26electronic deposits and payments related to the sale. The
27portion of an advance deposit from a winning bidder required by
28subsection (2) shall, upon acceptance of the winning bid, be
29subject to the fee under s. 28.24(10).
30subject to the fee under s. 28.24(10).

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.