HR 9073

House Resolution
2A resolution designating March 26, 2008, as "Spanish
3Language Journalism Day in honor of Justo de Lara" in the
4State of Florida.
6     WHEREAS, Jose de Armas y Cardenas, who wrote under the
7pseudonym of Justo de Lara, was a distinguished journalist,
8poet, and author in whose name the Justo de Lara Prize for
9Spanish Journalistic Excellence, the most prestigious award of
10its kind in Cuba, was awarded from 1934 until 1959 by El Encanto
11Department Stores, and
12     WHEREAS, Jose de Armas y Cardenas was born on March 26,
131866, in Guanabacoa, Cuba, to Jose de Armas y Cespedes, the
14editor of La Nacion newspaper, and Fermina de Cardenas, one of
15the forerunners of the Cuban Feminism movement, who founded and
16became editor of the Pink Pages newspaper, and
17     WHEREAS, although educated as an attorney, Jose de Armas y
18Cardenas chose to work with his father on La Nacion, where he
19began his illustrious journalistic career, and
20     WHEREAS, Jose de Armas y Cardenas' fluency in Spanish,
21Italian, French, and English and his propensity for reading and
22love of literature fueled his own desire to write, and
23     WHEREAS, Jose de Armas y Cardenas was a prolific author and
24noted as one of the most distinguished Cervantes scholars of his
25era, and
26     WHEREAS, as a journalist, Jose de Armas y Cardenas founded
27and directed La Avispa magazine in Havana and in New York,
28founded and directed the El Peregrino magazine in Madrid, Spain,
29and served as a correspondent for The Sun and the New York
30Herald newspapers, and
31     WHEREAS, Jose de Armas y Cardenas worked during the
32Spanish-American War as a special envoy for The Sun in 1898,
33serving as an official translator between Cuban General Calixto
34Garcia and Lt. Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, and in 1908 he worked
35as a special envoy for the New York Herald in Haiti, helping the
36troops overcome the language barrier, and
37     WHEREAS, Jose de Armas y Cardenas received numerous honors
38and awards, including being decorated with the Order of the
39Caballero Gran Cruz de Isabel la Catolica by the Spanish
40Government and being awarded the Commemorative Medal of the
41Spanish-American War by the United States Government, and
42     WHEREAS, Jose de Armas y Cardenas was the only person of
43Spanish-speaking origin named by the Government of England in
441916 to be a member of the commission responsible for the
45tricentennial celebration of William Shakespeare, one of the
46authors he admired, many of whose sonnets he had translated into
47Spanish, and
48     WHEREAS, Jose de Armas y Cardenas was a member of the
49Hispanic Society of America, the Real Academy of the Spanish
50Language, and the Academy for Cuban History, and
51     WHEREAS, Jose de Armas y Cardenas, known as "Justo de
52Lara," died in 1919 in Havana, Cuba, but continued to serve
53posthumously as an example to all who strove to attain
54journalistic and literary acclaim, and in whose name the award
55for Spanish Journalistic Excellence was given in Cuba from 1934
56to 1959, NOW, THEREFORE,
58Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
61     That March 26, 2008, is designated as "Spanish Language
62Journalism Day in honor of Justo de Lara," in recognition of the
63excellence in journalism that Jose de Armas y Cardenas achieved
64during his life and his love of literature in Spanish and other
65languages, of the excellence in journalism that the award in his
66honor continued to recognize after his death, and of the hope
67for such continued excellence today and in the future.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.