HR 9089

House Resolution
2A resolution recognizing March 27, 2008, as "City of
3Oviedo Day" in Florida.
5     WHEREAS, Oviedo was originally established around 1875 as
6the Lake Jesup Community and was populated by the Timucua clan,
8     WHEREAS, the Lake Jesup Community was renamed the City of
9Oviedo in recognition of Florida's Spanish heritage, and
10     WHEREAS, the City of Oviedo has established an informal
11sister city relationship with Oviedo, Spain, and
12     WHEREAS, the City of Oviedo was formally incorporated in
131925 when its population reached 800 and it now has a population
14of 32,855, and
15     WHEREAS, the City of Oviedo is a rapidly growing city and a
16great place to live and do business, and
17     WHEREAS, the City of Oviedo is conveniently located in
18proximity to the Orlando area and offers a small-town flavor, a
19family-oriented environment, and an excellent educational
20system, NOW, THEREFORE,
22Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
25     That March 27, 2008, is recognized as "City of Oviedo Day"
26in Florida.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.