HR 9143

House Resolution
2A resolution recognizing the Felix Varela High School
3Boys' Soccer Team for winning the 2008 Florida High School
4Athletic Association Class 6A State Championship, their
5second consecutive state championship.
7     WHEREAS, the Felix Varela High School Boys' Soccer Team is
8only the fourth boys' soccer team in the history of Miami-Dade
9County to win back-to-back state titles, and
10     WHEREAS, Luiz Yamashita, one of fifteen seniors on the
11team, was named the Class 6A State Championship tournament MVP
12after scoring five goals, including one in the fiftieth minute
13to tie the championship match, and
14     WHEREAS, first-year Coach Luis "Luchi" Gonzalez, a former
15Herman Trophy winner, helped lead the team to this championship
16victory against Cypress Bay High School, and
17     WHEREAS, the Felix Varela High School Boys' Soccer Team has
18demonstrated outstanding teamwork and been recognized by the
19National Soccer Coaches Association of America as the number one
20ranked team in the country, NOW, THEREFORE,
22Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
25     That the Florida House of Representatives extends its
26congratulations to the Felix Varela High School Boys' Soccer
27Team as the 2008 Florida High School Athletic Association Class
286A State Champions in soccer and recognizes the Vipers for their
29hard work and athletic excellence on the soccer field.
30     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be
31presented to the 2008 Felix Varela High School Boys' Soccer Team
32as a tangible token of the sentiments expressed herein.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.