HR 9145

House Resolution
2A resolution recognizing May 8th, 2008, as "Children's
3Mental Health Awareness Day" in Florida.
5     WHEREAS, May is National Mental Health Month, and
6     WHEREAS, the importance of meeting the mental health needs
7of Florida's youngest and most vulnerable citizens is widely
8recognized, and
9     WHEREAS, an estimated one in five children has a mental
10health disorder, and early intervention and appropriate help and
11support improve the chances of Florida's children reaching
12adulthood and leading healthy and more successful lives, and
13     WHEREAS, the most effective children's mental health
14services are strength based and family driven, collaborative and
15community based, and
16     WHEREAS, multiple state agencies, including the Department
17of Children and Family Services, the Department of Education,
18the Department of Health, the Department of Juvenile Justice,
19and the Agency for Health Care Administration, as well as the
20Partnership for Children's Mental Health in Sarasota County,
21work with local cities, counties, community agencies, and mental
22health professionals to serve children and adolescents by caring
23for their mental health needs, and
24     WHEREAS, Children's Mental Health Awareness Day helps
25inform the residents of Florida about the critical need for
26effective care and special programs designed to assist children
27and youth with mental health needs and their families, NOW,
30Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
33     That the Florida House of Representatives does hereby
34extend greetings and best wishes to all observing May 8, 2008,
35as "Children's Mental Health Awareness Day" in Florida.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.