CS/HB 931

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to residential tenancies; creating s.
383.683, F.S.; defining terms; prohibiting a landlord from
4terminating, failing to renew, or refusing to enter into a
5residential rental agreement because the tenant,
6applicant, or family or household member is a victim of
7domestic violence, dating violence, repeat violence, or
8sexual violence; prohibiting a landlord from including in
9a residential rental agreement a provision that authorizes
10the landlord to terminate a rental agreement or impose a
11penalty on a tenant for calling for assistance from a law
12enforcement agency or other emergency assistance in
13response to domestic violence, dating violence, repeat
14violence, or sexual violence; providing for evidence of
15the domestic violence, dating violence, repeat violence,
16or sexual violence which may be provided to the landlord;
17allowing victims of domestic violence to terminate a
18residential rental agreement under certain circumstances;
19providing procedures to notify the landlord; providing for
20liability for payment of rent by the respondent who has
21been excluded from the dwelling unit; requiring a landlord
22to change door and other locks of the dwelling unit of a
23victim of domestic violence, dating violence, repeat
24violence, or sexual violence under certain circumstances
25within a specified period; requiring the protected tenant
26to pay the costs of changing the door and other locks of
27the dwelling unit; prohibiting waiver of the provisions of
28the act; providing an effective date.
30Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
32     Section 1.  Section 83.683, Florida Statutes, is created to
34     83.683  Discrimination against victims of domestic
35violence, dating violence, repeat violence, or sexual violence
37     (1)  DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section, the term:
38     (a)  "Dating violence" has the same meaning as provided in
39s. 784.046(1).
40     (b)  "Domestic violence" has the same meaning as provided
41in s. 741.28.
42     (c)  "Family or household member" has the same meaning as
43provided in s. 741.28.
44     (d)  "Repeat violence" has the same meaning as provided in
45s. 784.046(1).
46     (e)  "Sexual violence" has the same meaning as provided in
47s. 784.046(1).
49     (a)  A landlord may not terminate a tenancy, fail to renew
50a tenancy, refuse to enter into a rental agreement, or otherwise
51retaliate in the rental of a dwelling unit because:
52     1.  The tenant, applicant, or a household member is a
53victim of domestic violence, dating violence, repeat violence,
54or sexual violence; or
55     2.  The tenant or applicant terminated a rental agreement
56due to domestic violence, dating violence, repeat violence, or
57sexual violence as provided in subsection (4).
58     (b)  A landlord may not include in a residential rental
59agreement a provision that authorizes a landlord to terminate
60the agreement or to impose a penalty upon a tenant for calls
61made by the tenant for assistance from a law enforcement agency
62or other emergency assistance in response to domestic violence,
63dating violence, repeat violence, or sexual violence. A rental
64agreement may not waive a tenant's right to call for assistance
65from a law enforcement agency or other emergency assistance.
66     (3)  EVIDENCE.--Evidence provided to a landlord to prove
67the occurrence of domestic violence, dating violence, repeat
68violence, or sexual violence may include any of the following:
69     (a)  Records, orders, or files of a court, law enforcement
70agency, or state or federal agency;
71     (b)  Documentation from a domestic violence or sexual
72assault protection program; or
73     (c)  Documentation from a medical professional.
77     (a)  A tenant protected by this section may terminate his
78or her rental agreement for a dwelling unit by providing the
79landlord with a written notice of termination to be effective on
80a date stated in the notice which must be at least 30 days after
81the landlord receives the written notice of termination. The
82notice to the landlord must be accompanied by:
83     1.  A copy of a permanent injunction for protection against
84domestic violence issued by a court pursuant to s. 741.30 or a
85copy of a permanent injunction for protection against repeat
86violence, sexual violence, or dating violence issued by a court
87pursuant to s. 784.046;
88     2.  A valid card issued under an address confidentiality
89program to the victim or a minor member of the tenant's
90household pursuant to s. 741.403; or
91     3.  An order of no contact entered by a court in a criminal
93     (b)  After terminating a rental agreement, the tenant who
94is released from the rental agreement under paragraph (a) is
95liable to the landlord for the rent due under the rental
96agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination and
97payable at the time that would have been required by the terms
98of the rental agreement. The tenant is not liable for any other
99rent or fees due to the early termination of the tenancy. If a
100tenant terminates the rental agreement 14 days or more before he
101or she initially occupies the dwelling unit, the tenant is not
102liable for any damages or penalties.
103     (c)  Notwithstanding paragraph (a) or the exclusion of a
104respondent of domestic violence, dating violence, repeat
105violence, or sexual violence by a court order, if there are any
106remaining tenants residing in the dwelling unit, the tenancy
107shall continue for those tenants. The respondent who has been
108excluded from the dwelling unit under court order remains liable
109under the lease with any other tenant of the dwelling unit for
110rent or damages to the dwelling unit.
112     (a)  If the respondent of domestic violence, dating
113violence, repeat violence, or sexual violence is not a tenant in
114the same dwelling unit as the protected tenant, the protected
115tenant may give oral or written notice to the landlord that he
116or she is a victim of domestic violence, dating violence, repeat
117violence, or sexual violence and may request that the door and
118other locks to the dwelling unit be changed. A protected tenant
119is not required to provide documentation of the domestic
120violence, dating violence, repeat violence, or sexual violence
121to initiate the changing of the door and other locks. A landlord
122who receives a request under this paragraph must change the door
123and other locks to the protected tenant's dwelling unit or give
124the protected tenant permission to change the door and other
125locks within 72 hours.
126     (b)  If the respondent of the domestic violence, dating
127violence, repeat violence, or sexual violence is a tenant in the
128same dwelling unit as the victim, any tenant or protected tenant
129of the dwelling unit may give oral or written notice to the
130landlord that a protected tenant is a victim of domestic
131violence, dating violence, repeat violence, or sexual violence
132and may request that the door and other locks to the dwelling
133unit be changed. Before the landlord or tenant changes the door
134and other locks under this paragraph, the tenant must provide
135the landlord with a copy of a court order excluding the
136respondent from the dwelling unit of the protected tenant. A
137landlord who receives a request to change the door and other
138locks to the protected tenant's dwelling unit under this
139paragraph must change the door and other locks within 72 hours.
140     (c)  The protected tenant shall bear the expense of
141changing the door and other locks. If a landlord fails to act
142within the required time, the protected tenant may change the
143door and other locks without the landlord's permission. If the
144protected tenant changes the locks, the protected tenant must
145give a key to the new locks to the landlord within 48 hours
146after the door and other locks are changed.
147     (d)  If a landlord has been provided with a court order
148excluding the respondent from the dwelling unit of the protected
149tenant, the landlord may not grant the respondent access to the
150dwelling unit, provide keys to the respondent, or provide the
151respondent access to the respondent's personal property within
152the dwelling unit. If the respondent has a court order allowing
153the respondent to return to the dwelling unit to retrieve
154personal belongings, the landlord may grant him or her access to
155the dwelling unit. If a landlord complies with this paragraph,
156the landlord is not liable for civil damages to a respondent
157excluded from the dwelling unit, for loss of use of the dwelling
158unit, or for loss of use or damage to the respondent's personal
160     (6)  NONWAIVER OF RENTAL TERMS.--Pursuant to s. 83.47, the
161provisions of this section may not be waived or modified by
162agreement of the parties.
163     Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2008.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.