HB 973

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to the South Indian River Water Control
3District, Palm Beach County; amending chapter 2001-313,
4Laws of Florida; providing for the dedication of certain
5nonpublic roads within the district to the public for
6district maintenance; providing requirements for such
7dedication; providing for prima facie evidence of district
8ownership of a road; exempting certain property of an
9electric utility; providing an effective date.
11Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
13     Section 1.  Section 7 of section 3 of chapter 2001-313,
14Laws of Florida, is amended to read:
15     Section 7.  Road maintenance and public dedication
17     (1)  The purchase and placement of stable materials within
18the district shall be deemed to constitute road maintenance and
19not road construction.
20     (2)  In those instances in which a road within the district
21has been constructed by a nongovernmental entity, in which the
22district is currently maintaining or repairing the road, or in
23which it cannot be determined who constructed the road, and when
24such road has been regularly maintained or repaired for the
25previous 7 years by the district, or a majority of the
26landowners bordering the road consents in writing to district
27maintenance of the road, such road shall be deemed to be
28dedicated to the public to the extent of the width that actually
29has been maintained or repaired for the prescribed period,
30whether or not the road has been formally established as a
31public highway. This subsection does not apply to an electric
32utility as defined in section 366.02(2), Florida Statutes. The
33dedication shall vest all rights, title, easement, and
34appurtenances in and to the road in the district, whether or not
35there is a record of conveyance, dedication, or appropriation to
36the public use.
37     (3)  The filing of a map in the office of the clerk of the
38circuit court of the county where the road is located showing
39the lands and reciting on such map that the road has vested in
40the district in accordance with this act duly certified by the
41chair and secretary of the district shall be prima facie
42evidence of ownership of the road by the district.
43     (4)  This section does not apply to any facility of an
44electric utility that is located on property otherwise subject
45to this section.
46     Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.