HB 1023

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to the district school tax; authorizing a
3school district to levy by a super majority vote of the
4district school board additional millage for school
5operational purposes for the 2009-2010 fiscal year;
6providing restrictions on such levy; providing an
7effective date.
9Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
11     Section 1.  Notwithstanding s. 1011.71(8), Florida
12Statutes, which authorizes the levy by local referendum or in a
13general election of additional millage for school operational
14purposes, a school district may levy for the 2009-2010 fiscal
15year, by a super majority vote of the district school board,
16additional millage for school operational purposes up to an
17amount that, when combined with the nonvoted millage levied
18under s. 1011.71, Florida Statutes, does not exceed the 10-mill
19limit established in s. 9(b), Art. VII of the State
21     Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2009.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.