HB 1027

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to retirement; providing a short title;
3providing legislative findings; providing a statement of
4important state interest; amending s. 121.021, F.S.;
5revising the definition of "special risk member" to
6include certain members suffering a qualifying injury;
7amending s. 121.0515, F.S.; providing eligibility
8requirements for membership in the Special Risk Class for
9certain members suffering a qualifying injury; providing
10medical certification requirements; defining "qualifying
11injury"; prohibiting the grant or creation of additional
12rights; providing retroactive effect; providing an
13effective date.
15Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
17     Section 1.  This act may be cited as the "Adam Pierce Act."
18     Section 2.  The Legislature finds that persons employed in
19law enforcement, firefighting, and criminal detention positions
20perform state and municipal functions; that it is their duty to
21protect life and property at their own risk and peril; that it
22is their duty to continuously instruct school personnel, public
23officials, and private citizens about safety; and that their
24activities are vital to public safety. Therefore, the
25Legislature finds that it is a proper and legitimate state
26purpose to provide a uniform retirement system for the benefit
27of persons employed in law enforcement, firefighting, and
28criminal detention positions and finds, in implementing the
29provisions of s. 14, Art. X of the State Constitution as they
30relate to pension trust fund systems and plans, that such
31retirement systems or plans be managed, administered, operated,
32and funded in such manner as to maximize the protection of
33pension trust funds. Pursuant to s. 18, Art. VII of the State
34Constitution, the Legislature determines and declares that the
35provisions of this act fulfill an important state interest.
36     Section 3.  Paragraph (f) is added to subsection (15) of
37section 121.021, Florida Statutes, to read:
38     121.021  Definitions.--The following words and phrases as
39used in this chapter have the respective meanings set forth
40unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context:
41     (15)
42     (f)  Effective August 1, 2008, "special risk member"
43includes any member who meets the special criteria for continued
44membership set forth in s. 121.0515(2)(k).
45     Section 4.  Paragraphs (g) through (j) of subsection (2) of
46section 121.0515, Florida Statutes, are amended, paragraph (k)
47is added to that subsection, and paragraph (d) is added to
48subsection (7) of that section, to read:
49     121.0515  Special risk membership.--
50     (2)  CRITERIA.--A member, to be designated as a special
51risk member, must meet the following criteria:
52     (g)  The member must be employed as a youth custody officer
53and be certified, or required to be certified, in compliance
54with s. 943.1395. In addition, the member's primary duties and
55responsibilities must be the supervised custody, surveillance,
56control, investigation, apprehension, arrest, and counseling of
57assigned juveniles within the community; or
58     (h)  Effective October 1, 2005, through June 30, 2008, the
59member must be employed by a law enforcement agency or medical
60examiner's office in a forensic discipline recognized by the
61International Association for Identification and must qualify
62for active membership in the International Association for
63Identification. The member's primary duties and responsibilities
64must include the collection, examination, preservation,
65documentation, preparation, or analysis of physical evidence or
66testimony, or both, or the member must be the direct supervisor,
67quality management supervisor, or command officer of one or more
68individuals with such responsibility. Administrative support
69personnel, including, but not limited to, those whose primary
70responsibilities are clerical or in accounting, purchasing,
71legal, and personnel, shall not be included;.
72     (i)  Effective July 1, 2008, the member must be employed by
73the Department of Law Enforcement in the crime laboratory or by
74the Division of State Fire Marshal in the forensic laboratory in
75one of the following classes:
76     1.  Forensic technologist (class code 8459);
77     2.  Crime laboratory technician (class code 8461);
78     3.  Crime laboratory analyst (class code 8463);
79     4.  Senior crime laboratory analyst (class code 8464);
80     5.  Crime laboratory analyst supervisor (class code 8466);
81     6.  Forensic chief (class code 9602); or
82     7.  Forensic services quality manager (class code 9603);.
83     (j)  Effective July 1, 2008, the member must be employed by
84a local government law enforcement agency or medical examiner's
85office and must spend at least 65 percent of his or her time
86performing duties that involve the collection, examination,
87preservation, documentation, preparation, or analysis of human
88tissues or fluids or physical evidence having potential
89biological, chemical, or radiological hazard or contamination,
90or use chemicals, processes, or materials that may have
91carcinogenic or health-damaging properties in the analysis of
92such evidence, or the member must be the direct supervisor of
93one or more individuals having such responsibility. If a special
94risk member changes to another position within the same agency,
95he or she must submit a complete application as provided in
96paragraph (3)(a); or.
97     (k)  The member must have already qualified for and be
98actively participating in special risk membership under
99paragraph (a), paragraph (b), or paragraph (c), must have
100suffered a qualifying injury as defined in this paragraph, must
101not be receiving disability retirement benefits as provided in
102s. 121.091(4), and must satisfy the requirements of this
104     1.  The ability to qualify for the class of membership
105defined in s. 121.021(15)(f) shall occur when two licensed
106medical physicians, one of whom is a primary treating physician
107of the member, certify the existence of the physical injury and
108medical condition that constitute a qualifying injury as defined
109in this paragraph and that the member has reached maximum
110medical improvement after August 1, 2008. The certifications
111from the licensed medical physicians must include, at a minimum,
112that the injury to the special risk member has resulted in a
113physical loss, or loss of use, of one or both arms, legs, hands,
114or feet, and:
115     a.  That this physical loss or loss of use is total and
116permanent, except in the event of a physical injury to the
117member's brain, in which event the loss of use is:
118     (I)  Permanent and total with respect to at least one hand
119or foot; or
120     (II)  Permanent with at least 75-percent loss of motor
121function with respect to at least one arm or leg.
122     b.  That this physical loss or loss of use renders the
123member physically unable to perform the essential job functions
124of his or her special risk position.
125     c.  That, notwithstanding this physical loss or loss of
126use, the individual is able to perform the essential job
127functions required by the member's new position, as provided in
128subparagraph 3.
129     d.  That use of artificial limbs is either not possible or
130does not alter the member's ability to perform the essential job
131functions of the member's position.
132     e.  That the physical loss or loss of use of one or both
133arms, legs, hands, or feet is a direct result of a physical
134injury and not a result of any mental, psychological, or
135emotional injury.
136     2.  For the purposes of this paragraph, "qualifying injury"
137means an injury sustained in the line of duty, as certified by
138the member's employing agency, by a special risk member that
139does not result in total and permanent disability as defined in
140s. 121.091(4)(b). An injury is a qualifying injury when the
141injury is a physical injury to the member's physical body
142resulting in a physical loss, or loss of use, of one or both
143arms, legs, hands, or feet. Notwithstanding anything in this
144section to the contrary, an injury that would otherwise qualify
145as a qualifying injury shall not be considered a qualifying
146injury if and when the member ceases employment with the
147employer for whom he or she was providing special risk services
148on the date the injury occurred.
149     3.  The new position, as described in sub-subparagraph
1501.c., that is required for qualification as a special risk
151member under this paragraph is not required to be a position
152whose essential job functions entitle an individual to special
153risk membership. Whether a new position as described in sub-
154subparagraph 1.c. exists and is available to the special risk
155member is a decision to be made solely by the employer in
156accordance with its hiring practices and applicable law.
157     4.  This paragraph does not grant or create additional
158rights for any individual to continued employment, to be hired,
159or to be rehired by his or her employer that are not already
160provided within the Florida Statutes, the State Constitution,
161the Americans with Disabilities Act, if applicable, or any other
162applicable state or federal law.
164     (d)  Notwithstanding any provision of this subsection to
165the contrary, this subsection does not apply to any special risk
166member who qualifies for continued membership pursuant to the
167provisions of paragraph (2)(k).
168     Section 5.  This act shall take effect October 1, 2009.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.