Florida Senate - 2009 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
Bill No. SB 1088
Barcode 837540
Senate . House
Comm: RCS .
03/25/2009 .
The Committee on Transportation (Altman) recommended the
1 Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
3 Delete everything after the enacting clause
4 and insert:
5 Section 1. section 316.2126, Florida Statutes, is amended
6 to read:
7 316.2126 Authorized use of golf carts, modified carts, low
8 speed vehicles, and utility vehicles by municipalities and state
9 employees, state park volunteers, and state park visitors.—
10 (1) In addition to the powers granted by ss. 316.212 and
11 316.2125, municipalities are authorized to utilize golf carts
12 and utility vehicles, as defined in s. 320.01, upon any state,
13 county, or municipal roads located within the corporate limits
14 of such municipalities, subject to the following conditions:
15 (a) Golf carts and utility vehicles must comply with the
16 operational and safety requirements in ss. 316.212 and 316.2125,
17 and with any more restrictive ordinances enacted by the local
18 governmental entity pursuant to s. 316.212(8), and shall be
19 operated only by municipal employees for municipal purposes,
20 including, but not limited to, police patrol, traffic
21 enforcement, and inspection of public facilities.
22 (b) In addition to the safety equipment required in s.
23 316.212(6) and any more restrictive safety equipment required by
24 the local governmental entity pursuant to s. 316.212(8), such
25 golf carts and utility vehicles must be equipped with sufficient
26 lighting and turn signal equipment.
27 (c) Golf carts and utility vehicles may be operated only on
28 state roads that have a posted speed limit of 30 miles per hour
29 or less.
30 (2) State employees, state park volunteers, and state park
31 visitors are authorized to use golf carts and utility vehicles,
32 as defined in s. 320.01, upon any public roads within the
33 boundaries of state parks managed by the Division of Recreation
34 and Parks of the Department of Environmental Protection, subject
35 to the following conditions:
36 (a) Golf carts and utility vehicles must comply with the
37 operational and safety requirements in s. 316.212.
38 (b) Golf carts and utility vehicles shall be operated only
39 by state employees and state park volunteers for state purposes
40 and by state park visitors for uses authorized by the Division
41 of Recreation and Parks of the Department of Environmental
42 Protection.
43 (3)(a) As used in this subsection, the term “seasonal
44 delivery personnel” means employees of a licensed commercial
45 delivery service when delivering for that service during the
46 time period specified in paragraph (b).
47 (b) Seasonal delivery personnel are authorized to use golf
48 carts, modified carts, low-speed vehicles, and utility vehicles
49 as defined in s. 320.01 upon any public road that has a speed
50 limit of up to 35 miles per hour for the purpose of delivering
51 goods sent through a delivery service. As used in this
52 subsection, the term “golf cart” means a motor vehicle as
53 defined in s. 320.01(22), but also includes such vehicles
54 modified with a cargo platform or bin to transport parcels, or
55 with a hitch to tow a trailer. Such vehicles must be marked in
56 some manner with the name of the delivery service. A trailer may
57 be pulled by the vehicle. Vehicles used pursuant to this
58 subsection may be operated after sunset if, in addition to the
59 safety requirements in s. 316.212(6), they are equipped with
60 suitable headlights and tail lights. This authorization applies
61 to deliveries made from midnight October 15 until midnight
62 December 31 of each year.
63 (4)(3) Anyone operating a golf cart or utility vehicle
64 pursuant to this section must possess a valid driver’s license
65 as required by s. 322.03.
66 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2009.
68 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================
69 And the title is amended as follows:
70 Delete everything before the enacting clause
71 and insert:
72 A bill to be entitled
73 An act relating to delivery vehicles; amending s.
74 316.2126, F.S.; defining the term “seasonal delivery
75 personnel”; authorizing the use of golf carts,
76 modified carts, low-speed vehicles, and utility
77 vehicles by seasonal delivery personnel during a
78 certain timeframe; providing an effective date.