HB 1107

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to law enforcement officers and
3correctional officers; amending s. 112.532, F.S.;
4providing that a law enforcement officer or correctional
5officer is entitled to specified rights if the officer is
6subject to suspension in a disciplinary proceeding;
7providing that a law enforcement officer or correctional
8officer is entitled to review witness statements by other
9officers and other evidence before the officer under
10investigation is interrogated; providing that an
11investigation is void if the law enforcement agency or
12correctional agency violates the disciplinary procedures
13set forth in law; amending s. 112.533, F.S.; authorizing a
14law enforcement officer or correctional officer who is
15subject to an investigation, and the officer's legal
16counsel, to review specified documents and recordings
17before the investigative interview; amending s. 112.534,
18F.S.; providing remedies to the officer if an agency fails
19to comply with disciplinary procedures; providing an
20effective date.
22Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
24     Section 1.  Subsections (1), (4), and (6) of section
25112.532, Florida Statutes, are amended, and subsection (7) is
26added to that section, to read:
27     112.532  Law enforcement officers' and correctional
28officers' rights.--All law enforcement officers and correctional
29officers employed by or appointed to a law enforcement agency or
30a correctional agency shall have the following rights and
33OFFICERS WHILE UNDER INVESTIGATION.--Whenever a law enforcement
34officer or correctional officer is under investigation and
35subject to interrogation by members of his or her agency for any
36reason that which could lead to disciplinary action, suspension,
37demotion, or dismissal, the such interrogation must shall be
38conducted under the following conditions:
39     (a)  The interrogation shall be conducted at a reasonable
40hour, preferably at a time when the law enforcement officer or
41correctional officer is on duty, unless the seriousness of the
42investigation is of such a degree that immediate action is
44     (b)  The interrogation shall take place either at the
45office of the command of the investigating officer or at the
46office of the local precinct, police unit, or correctional unit
47in which the incident allegedly occurred, as designated by the
48investigating officer or agency.
49     (c)  The law enforcement officer or correctional officer
50under investigation shall be informed of the rank, name, and
51command of the officer in charge of the investigation, the
52interrogating officer, and all persons present during the
53interrogation. All questions directed to the officer under
54interrogation shall be asked by or through one interrogator
55during any one investigative interrogation, unless specifically
56waived by the officer under investigation.
57     (d)  The law enforcement officer or correctional officer
58under investigation must shall be informed of the nature of the
59investigation before prior to any interrogation begins, and he
60or she must shall be informed of the names of all complainants.
61All identifiable witnesses shall be interviewed, whenever
62possible, prior to the beginning of the investigative interview
63of the accused officer. The complaint, and all witness
64statements, including all other existing subject officer
65statements, and all other evidence, including, but not limited
66to, incident reports, GPS locator information, and audio or
67video recordings relating to the incident under investigation,
68must shall be provided to each the officer who is the subject of
69the complaint before prior to the beginning of any investigative
70interview of that officer. If more than one officer is or comes
71under investigation, the agency shall permit each subject
72officer to review statements given by all subject officers and
73to amend or clarify any previous statement given. An officer,
74after being informed of the right to review witness statements,
75may voluntarily waive the provisions of this paragraph and
76provide a voluntary statement at any time.
77     (e)  Interrogating sessions shall be for reasonable periods
78and shall be timed to allow for such personal necessities and
79rest periods as are reasonably necessary.
80     (f)  The law enforcement officer or correctional officer
81under interrogation may shall not be subjected to offensive
82language or be threatened with transfer, dismissal, or
83disciplinary action. A No promise or reward may not shall be
84made as an inducement to answer any questions.
85     (g)  The formal interrogation of a law enforcement officer
86or correctional officer, including all recess periods, must
87shall be recorded on audio tape, or otherwise preserved in such
88a manner as to allow a transcript to be prepared, and there
89shall be no unrecorded questions or statements. Upon the request
90of the interrogated officer, a copy of any such recording of the
91interrogation session must be made available to the interrogated
92officer no later than 72 hours, excluding holidays and weekends,
93following said interrogation.
94     (h)  If the law enforcement officer or correctional officer
95under interrogation is under arrest, or is likely to be placed
96under arrest as a result of the interrogation, he or she shall
97be completely informed of all his or her rights before
98commencing prior to the commencement of the interrogation.
99     (i)  At the request of any law enforcement officer or
100correctional officer under investigation, he or she has shall
101have the right to be represented by counsel or any other
102representative of his or her choice, who shall be present at all
103times during the such interrogation whenever the interrogation
104relates to the officer's continued fitness for law enforcement
105or correctional service.
106     (j)  Notwithstanding the rights and privileges provided by
107this part, this part does not limit the right of an agency to
108discipline or to pursue criminal charges against an officer.
109     (4)(a)  NOTICE OF DISCIPLINARY ACTION.--A No dismissal,
110demotion, transfer, reassignment, or other personnel action that
111which might result in loss of pay or benefits or that which
112might otherwise be considered a punitive measure may not shall
113be taken against any law enforcement officer or correctional
114officer unless the such law enforcement officer or correctional
115officer is notified of the action and the reason or reasons for
116the action before therefor prior to the effective date of the
117such action.
118     (b)  Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 112.533(2),
119whenever a law enforcement officer or correctional officer is
120subject to disciplinary action consisting of suspension with
121loss of pay, demotion, or dismissal, the officer or the
122officer's representative shall, upon request, be provided with a
123complete copy of the investigative file, including the final
124investigative report and all evidence, report and supporting
125documents and with the opportunity to address the findings in
126the report with the employing law enforcement agency before
127imposing prior to the imposition of the disciplinary action
128consisting of suspension with loss of pay, demotion, or
129dismissal. The contents of the complaint and investigation shall
130remain confidential until such time as the employing law
131enforcement agency makes a final determination whether or not to
132issue a notice of disciplinary action consisting of suspension
133with loss of pay, demotion, or dismissal. This paragraph does
134shall not be construed to provide law enforcement officers with
135a property interest or expectancy of continued employment,
136employment, or appointment as a law enforcement officer.
138     (a)  Except as provided in this subsection, no disciplinary
139action, suspension, demotion, or dismissal may not shall be
140undertaken by an agency against a law enforcement officer or
141correctional officer for any act, omission, or other allegation
142of misconduct if the investigation of the such allegation is not
143completed within 180 days after the date the agency receives
144notice of the allegation by a person authorized by the agency to
145initiate an investigation of the misconduct. If In the event
146that the agency determines that disciplinary action is
147appropriate, it shall complete its investigation and give notice
148in writing to the law enforcement officer or correctional
149officer of its intent to proceed with disciplinary action, along
150with a proposal of the specific action sought, including length
151of suspension, if applicable. Such Notice to the officer must
152shall be provided within 180 days after the date the agency
153received notice of the alleged misconduct, except as follows:
154     1.  The running of the limitations period may be tolled for
155a period specified in a written waiver of the limitation by the
156law enforcement officer or correctional officer.
157     2.  The running of the limitations period is shall be
158tolled during the time that any criminal investigation or
159prosecution is pending in connection with the act, omission, or
160other allegation of misconduct.
161     3.  If the investigation involves an officer who is
162incapacitated or otherwise unavailable, the running of the
163limitations period is shall be tolled during the period of
164incapacitation or unavailability.
165     4.  In a multijurisdictional investigation, the limitations
166period may be extended for a period of time reasonably necessary
167to facilitate the coordination of the agencies involved.
168     5.  The running of the limitations period may be tolled for
169emergencies or natural disasters during the time period wherein
170the Governor has declared a state of emergency within the
171jurisdictional boundaries of the concerned agency.
172     (b)  An investigation against a law enforcement officer or
173correctional officer may be reopened, notwithstanding the
174limitations period for commencing disciplinary action, demotion,
175or dismissal, if:
176     1.  Significant new evidence has been discovered that is
177likely to affect the outcome of the investigation.
178     2.  The evidence could not have reasonably been discovered
179in the normal course of investigation or the evidence resulted
180from the predisciplinary response of the officer.
182Any disciplinary action resulting from an investigation that is
183reopened pursuant to this paragraph must be completed within 90
184days after the date the investigation is reopened.
185     (7)  DISCIPLINARY REVERSALS.--If a law enforcement agency
186or correctional agency violates this section, the disciplinary
187action is void and the officer must be reinstated to the
188position or rank previously held by the officer, along with
189appropriate reimbursement of wages and employment benefits, as
190if the discipline had not been imposed.
191     Section 2.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section
192112.533, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
193     112.533  Receipt and processing of complaints.--
194     (2)(a)  A complaint filed against a law enforcement officer
195or correctional officer with a law enforcement agency or
196correctional agency and all information obtained pursuant to the
197investigation by the agency of the such complaint is shall be
198confidential and exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1)
199until the investigation ceases to be active, or until the agency
200head or the agency head's designee provides written notice to
201the officer who is the subject of the complaint, either
202personally or by mail, that the agency has either:
203     1.  Concluded the investigation with a finding not to
204proceed with disciplinary action or to file charges; or
205     2.  Concluded the investigation with a finding to proceed
206with disciplinary action or to file charges.
208Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, the officer who is the
209subject of the complaint, along with legal counsel or any other
210representative of his or her choice, may review the complaint
211and all statements regardless of form made by the complainant
212and witnesses and all evidence, including, but not limited to,
213incident reports, analyses, GPS locator information, and audio
214or video recordings relating to the investigation, immediately
215before prior to the beginning of the investigative interview.
216All statements, regardless of form, provided by a law
217enforcement officer or correctional officer during the course of
218a complaint investigation of that officer shall be made under
219oath pursuant to s. 92.525. Knowingly false statements given by
220a law enforcement officer or correctional officer under
221investigation may subject the law enforcement officer or
222correctional officer to prosecution for perjury. If a witness to
223a complaint is incarcerated in a correctional facility and may
224be under the supervision of, or have contact with, the officer
225under investigation, only the names and written statements of
226the complainant and nonincarcerated witnesses may be reviewed by
227the officer under investigation immediately prior to the
228beginning of the investigative interview.
229     Section 3.  Subsection (1) of section 112.534, Florida
230Statutes, is amended to read:
231     112.534  Failure to comply; official misconduct.--
232     (1)  If any law enforcement agency or correctional agency
233fails to comply with the requirements of this part, a law
234enforcement officer or correctional officer employed by or
235appointed to such agency who is personally injured by such
236failure to comply may apply directly to the circuit court of the
237county wherein such agency is headquartered and permanently
238resides for an injunction to restrain and enjoin such violation
239of the provisions of this part and to compel the performance of
240the duties imposed by this part. Alternatively, the officer may
241seek declaratory relief pursuant to chapter 86, or seek other
242extraordinary remedies pursuant to law, in order to ensure
243compliance with the substantive and procedural rights provided
244under this part. In fashioning a remedy, the court shall declare
245that the disciplinary action taken by the agency is void and
246direct that the officer be reinstated to the position or rank
247that he or she previously held, along with appropriate
248reimbursement of wages and employment benefits, as if the
249discipline had not been imposed.
250     Section 4.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2009.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.