Florida Senate - 2009                             CS for SB 1114
       By the Committee on Criminal Justice; and Senator Richter
       591-05189-09                                          20091114c1
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act relating to highway safety; amending s. 318.18,
    3         F.S.; providing an additional penalty for violations
    4         of provisions that require traffic to stop for a
    5         school bus, prohibit racing on highways, and prohibit
    6         reckless driving; providing for distribution of moneys
    7         collected; amending s. 318.21, F.S.; providing for
    8         distribution of specified civil penalties; amending s.
    9         322.0261, F.S.; requiring the Department of Highway
   10         Safety and Motor Vehicles to identify a person who has
   11         committed a first violation of specified provisions
   12         and require such person to complete a driver
   13         improvement course; providing for cancellation of
   14         license for failure to complete such course within a
   15         specified time period; amending s. 395.4036, F.S.;
   16         providing for distribution of funds to trauma centers;
   17         providing an effective date.
   19  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
   21         Section 1. Subsection (5) of section 318.18, Florida
   22  Statutes, is amended, and subsection (19) is added to that
   23  section, to read:
   24         318.18 Amount of penalties.—The penalties required for a
   25  noncriminal disposition pursuant to s. 318.14 or a criminal
   26  offense listed in s. 318.17 are as follows:
   27         (5)(a) One hundred dollars for a violation of s.
   28  316.172(1)(a), failure to stop for a school bus. If, at a
   29  hearing, the alleged offender is found to have committed this
   30  offense, the court shall impose a minimum civil penalty of $100.
   31  In addition to this penalty, for a second or subsequent offense
   32  within a period of 5 years, the department shall suspend the
   33  driver’s license of the person for not less than 90 days and not
   34  more than 6 months.
   35         (b) Two hundred dollars for a violation of s.
   36  316.172(1)(b), passing a school bus on the side that children
   37  enter and exit when the school bus displays a stop signal. If,
   38  at a hearing, the alleged offender is found to have committed
   39  this offense, the court shall impose a minimum civil penalty of
   40  $200. In addition to this penalty, for a second or subsequent
   41  offense within a period of 5 years, the department shall suspend
   42  the driver’s license of the person for not less than 180 days
   43  and not more than 1 year.
   44         (c)In addition to the penalty under paragraph (a) or
   45  paragraph (b), $65 for a violation of s. 316.172(1)(a) or (b).
   46  If the alleged offender is found to have committed the offense,
   47  the court shall impose the civil penalty under paragraph (a) or
   48  paragraph (b) plus an additional $65. The additional $65
   49  collected under this paragraph shall be remitted to the
   50  Department of Revenue for deposit into the Administrative Trust
   51  Fund of the Department of Health to be used as provided in s.
   52  395.4036.
   53         (19)In addition to any other penalty, $65 for a violation
   54  of s. 316.191, prohibiting racing on highways, or s. 316.192,
   55  prohibiting reckless driving. The additional $65 collected under
   56  this subsection shall be remitted to the Department of Revenue
   57  for deposit into the Administrative Trust Fund of the Department
   58  of Health to be used as provided in s. 395.4036.
   59         Section 2. Subsection (18) is added to section 318.21,
   60  Florida Statutes, to read:
   61         318.21 Disposition of civil penalties by county courts.—All
   62  civil penalties received by a county court pursuant to the
   63  provisions of this chapter shall be distributed and paid monthly
   64  as follows:
   65         (18)Notwithstanding subsections (1) and (2), the proceeds
   66  from the additional penalties imposed pursuant to s.
   67  318.18(5)(c) and (19) shall be distributed as provided in that
   68  section.
   69         Section 3. Subsection (3) of section 322.0261, Florida
   70  Statutes, is amended to read:
   71         322.0261 Driver improvement course; requirement to maintain
   72  driving privileges; failure to complete; department approval of
   73  course.—
   74         (3) The department shall identify any operator convicted
   75  of, or who pleaded nolo contendere to, a first second violation
   76  of s. 316.074(1), or s. 316.075(1)(c)1., s. 316.172, s. 316.191,
   77  or s. 316.192, which violation occurred within 12 months after
   78  the first violation, and shall require that operator, in
   79  addition to other applicable penalties, to attend a department
   80  approved driver improvement course in order to maintain driving
   81  privileges. If the operator fails to complete the course within
   82  90 days after receiving notice from the department, the
   83  operator’s driver license shall be canceled by the department
   84  until the course is successfully completed.
   85         Section 4. Section 395.4036, Florida Statutes, is amended
   86  to read:
   87         395.4036 Trauma payments.—
   88         (1) Recognizing the Legislature’s stated intent to provide
   89  financial support to the current verified trauma centers and to
   90  provide incentives for the establishment of additional trauma
   91  centers as part of a system of state-sponsored trauma centers,
   92  the department shall utilize funds collected under s. 318.18(15)
   93  and deposited into the Administrative Trust Fund of the
   94  department to ensure the availability and accessibility of
   95  trauma services throughout the state as provided in this
   96  subsection.
   97         (a)Funds collected under s. 318.18(15) shall be
   98  distributed as follows:
   99         1.(a) Twenty percent of the total funds collected under
  100  this subsection during the state fiscal year shall be
  101  distributed to verified trauma centers that have a local funding
  102  contribution as of December 31. Distribution of funds under this
  103  subparagraph paragraph shall be based on trauma caseload volume
  104  for the most recent calendar year available.
  105         2.(b) Forty percent of the total funds collected under this
  106  subsection shall be distributed to verified trauma centers based
  107  on trauma caseload volume for the most recent calendar year
  108  available. The determination of caseload volume for distribution
  109  of funds under this subparagraph paragraph shall be based on the
  110  department’s Trauma Registry data.
  111         3.(c) Forty percent of the total funds collected under this
  112  subsection shall be distributed to verified trauma centers based
  113  on severity of trauma patients for the most recent calendar year
  114  available. The determination of severity for distribution of
  115  funds under this subparagraph paragraph shall be based on the
  116  department’s International Classification Injury Severity Scores
  117  or another statistically valid and scientifically accepted
  118  method of stratifying a trauma patient’s severity of injury,
  119  risk of mortality, and resource consumption as adopted by the
  120  department by rule, weighted based on the costs associated with
  121  and incurred by the trauma center in treating trauma patients.
  122  The weighting of scores shall be established by the department
  123  by rule.
  124         (b)Funds collected under s. 318.18(5)(c) and (19) shall be
  125  distributed as follows:
  126         1.Thirty percent of the total funds collected shall be
  127  distributed to Level II trauma centers operated by a public
  128  hospital governed by an elected board of directors as of
  129  December 31, 2008.
  130         2.Thirty-five percent of the total funds collected shall
  131  be distributed to verified trauma centers based on trauma
  132  caseload volume for the most recent calendar year available. The
  133  determination of caseload volume for distribution of funds under
  134  this subparagraph shall be based on the department’s Trauma
  135  Registry data.
  136         3.Thirty-five percent of the total funds collected shall
  137  be distributed to verified trauma centers based on severity of
  138  trauma patients for the most recent calendar year available. The
  139  determination of severity for distribution of funds under this
  140  subparagraph shall be based on the department’s International
  141  Classification Injury Severity Scores or another statistically
  142  valid and scientifically accepted method of stratifying a trauma
  143  patient’s severity of injury, risk of mortality, and resource
  144  consumption as adopted by the department by rule, weighted based
  145  on the costs associated with and incurred by the trauma center
  146  in treating trauma patients. The weighting of scores shall be
  147  established by the department by rule.
  148         (2) Funds deposited in the department’s Administrative
  149  Trust Fund for verified trauma centers may be used to maximize
  150  the receipt of federal funds that may be available for such
  151  trauma centers. Notwithstanding this section and s. 318.14,
  152  distributions to trauma centers may be adjusted in a manner to
  153  ensure that total payments to trauma centers represent the same
  154  proportional allocation as set forth in this section and s.
  155  318.14. For purposes of this section and s. 318.14, total funds
  156  distributed to trauma centers may include revenue from the
  157  Administrative Trust Fund and federal funds for which revenue
  158  from the Administrative Trust Fund is used to meet state or
  159  local matching requirements. Funds collected under ss. 318.14
  160  and 318.18(15) and deposited in the Administrative Trust Fund of
  161  the department shall be distributed to trauma centers on a
  162  quarterly basis using the most recent calendar year data
  163  available. Such data shall not be used for more than four
  164  quarterly distributions unless there are extenuating
  165  circumstances as determined by the department, in which case the
  166  most recent calendar year data available shall continue to be
  167  used and appropriate adjustments shall be made as soon as the
  168  more recent data becomes available.
  169         (3)(2)(a) Any trauma center not subject to audit pursuant
  170  to s. 215.97 shall annually attest, under penalties of perjury,
  171  that such proceeds were used in compliance with law. The annual
  172  attestation shall be made in a form and format determined by the
  173  department. The annual attestation shall be submitted to the
  174  department for review within 9 months after the end of the
  175  organization’s fiscal year.
  176         (b) Any trauma center subject to audit pursuant to s.
  177  215.97 shall submit an audit report in accordance with rules
  178  adopted by the Auditor General.
  179         (4)(3) The department, working with the Agency for Health
  180  Care Administration, shall maximize resources for trauma
  181  services wherever possible.
  182         Section 5. This act shall take effect July 1, 2009.