Bill No. CS/CS/HB 1123
Amendment No. 221825
Senate House

1Representative Holder offered the following:
3     Amendment (with title amendment)
4     Between lines 55-56, insert:
5     Section 1.  Subsection (5) is added to section 161.041,
6Florida Statutes, to read:
7     161.041  Permits required.--
8     (5)  The reopening or maintaining of any coastal barrier
9beach inlet to promote commercial and recreational uses of
10coastal waters and their resources constitutes a valid public
11purpose of a governmental entity and shall be presumed to be in
12the public interest. The department shall permit such reopening
13or maintenance of inlets under s. 161.055 upon demonstration by
14the governmental entity of its financial ability and commitment
15to mitigate impacts to the coastal systems and natural resources
16consistent with chapter 161 and part IV of chapter 373 and fund
17a long-term sand management program designed to mitigate impacts
18on adjacent sandy beaches consistent with s. 161.142. For the
19purposes of this subsection, "reopening" means the creation of
20an inlet on a coastal barrier island or between two coastal
21barrier islands, upon demonstration that an inlet previously
22existed, but no longer exists, on or between such coastal
23barrier islands and is not limited to inlet recreation within
24the same location or with the same configuration as the
25preexisting inlet.
T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T
30     Remove line 2 and insert:
31An act relating to environmental permitting; amending s.
32161.041, F.S.; providing that the reopening or maintaining
33of any coastal barrier beach inlet to promote commercial
34and recreational uses of coastal waters and their
35resources is a valid public purpose; requiring the
36Department of Environmental Protection to permit such
37activities under specified conditions; providing
38requirements for governmental entities; defining the term
39"reopening"; amending s.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.