Bill No. CS/CS/HB 1241
Amendment No. 310051
Senate House

1Representative Poppell offered the following:
3     Amendment (with title amendment)
4     Remove lines 327-331 and insert:
5     (e)  This subsection does not limit a county's powers to:
6     1.  Enforce wetlands, springs protection, or stormwater
7ordinances, regulations, or rules adopted before January 15,
9     2.  Enforce wetlands, springs protection, or stormwater
10ordinances, regulations, or rules pertaining to the Wekiva River
11Protection Area.
12     3.  Enforce ordinances, regulations, or rules as directed
13by law or implemented consistent with the requirements of a
14program operated under a delegation agreement from a state
15agency or water management district.
17As used in this paragraph, the term "wetlands" has the same
18meaning as defined in s. 373.019.
19     (f)  The provisions of this subsection that limit a
20county's authority to adopt or enforce any ordinance,
21regulation, rule, or policy, or to charge any assessment or fee
22for stormwater management, apply only to a bona fide farm
23operation as described in this subsection.
T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T
27     Remove lines 43-47 and insert:
28management practices; providing exemptions from certain
29restrictions on a county's powers over the activity on
30agricultural land; providing a definition; providing for
31application; creating s. 163.3163, F.S.; creating

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.