Bill No. CS/HB 1311
Amendment No. 394577
Senate House

1Representative McBurney offered the following:
3     Amendment (with directory and title amendments)
4     Between lines 1625-1626, insert:
5     (b)  Its bylaws or restated bylaws and all amendments to
6them currently in effect.
7     (c)  The minutes of all members' meetings and records of
8all action taken by members without a meeting for the past 3
10     (d)  Written communications to all members generally or all
11members of a class within the past 3 years.
12     (e)  , including The financial statements required to be
13made available pursuant to s. 617.1605 furnished for the past 3
14years under s. 617.1605.
15     (f)(e)  A list of the names and business street, or home if
16there is no business street, addresses of its current directors
17and officers.
18     (g)(f)  Its most recent annual report delivered to the
19Department of State under s. 617.1622.
20     Section 47.  Subsection (2) of section 617.1604, Florida
21Statutes, is amended to read:
22     617.1604  Court-ordered inspection.--
23     (2)  If the court orders inspection or copying of the
24records demanded, the court may it shall also order the
25corporation and the custodian of the particular records demanded
26to pay the member's costs, including reasonable attorney's fees,
27reasonably incurred to obtain the order and enforce its rights
28under this section unless the corporation proves that the
29corporation undertook reasonable efforts in good faith to
30provide the records and was unable to do so prior to the
31initiation of the action requesting production or proves that
32the corporation, or the officer, director, or agent, as the case
33may be, provides that it or he or she refused inspection in good
34faith because the corporation it or he or she had a reasonable
35basis for doubt about the right of the member to inspect or copy
36the records demanded.
D I R E C T O R Y  A M E N D M E N T
41     Remove line 1619 and insert:
42     Section 46.  Subsection (5) of section
T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T
47     Remove line 213 and insert:
48of its articles of incorporation; revising certain requirements
49for corporate records; amending s. 617.1604, F.S.; providing an
50additional exception to a requirement that a corporation pay
51certain costs and attorney fees after a court-ordered inspection
52of certain records under certain circumstances; amending s.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.