CS/HB 1349

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to environmental protection; amending s.
3253.034, F.S.; establishing a date by which land
4management plans for conservation lands must contain
5certain outcomes, goals, and elements; amending s.
6253.111, F.S.; deleting a 40-day timeframe for a board of
7county commissioners to decide whether to acquire county
8land being sold by the Board of Trustees of the Internal
9Improvement Trust Fund; amending s. 259.035, F.S.;
10increasing the maximum number of terms of appointed
11members of the Acquisition and Restoration Council;
12revising provisions for the appointment of members;
13clarifying that vacancies in the unexpired term of
14appointed members shall be filled in the same manner as
15the original appointment; requiring a majority vote of the
16council for certain decisions; amending s. 259.037, F.S.;
17establishing certain dates by which agencies managing
18certain lands must submit certain reports and lists to the
19Land Management Uniform Accounting Council; amending s.
20259.105, F.S.; specifying capital project expenditures
21eligible to receive certain proceeds from the Florida
22Forever Trust Fund; revising legislative intent for the
23distribution of funds from the Florida Communities Trust;
24requiring the available point total for awarding grants to
25public vessel access projects equal the available point
26total for awarding grants to projects in low-income or
27otherwise disadvantaged communities; requiring a majority
28vote of the Acquisition and Restoration Council for
29certain decisions; amending s. 253.12, F.S.; clarifying
30that title to certain sovereignty lands that were
31judicially adjudicated are excluded from automatically
32becoming private property; amending s. 373.414, F.S.;
33revising permitting criteria for activities in surface
34waters and wetlands; providing a presumption of compliance
35for certain permit applications for activities in surface
36waters and wetlands; requiring the Department of
37Environmental Protection and third parties to prove
38noncompliance by a preponderance of the evidence in
39challenges of such permit applications; amending s.
40373.427, F.S.; increasing the amount of time for filing a
41petition for an administrative hearing on an application
42to use board of trustees-owned submerged lands; amending
43s. 403.0876, F.S.; providing that the department's failure
44to approve or deny certain air construction permits within
4590 days does not automatically result in approval or
46denial; amending s. 403.121, F.S.; excluding certain air
47pollution violations from certain departmental actions;
48clarifying when a respondent in an administrative action
49is the prevailing party; revising the penalties that may
50be assessed for violations involving drinking water
51contamination, wastewater, dredge, fill, or stormwater,
52mangrove trimming or alterations, solid waste, air
53emission, storage tank system and petroleum contamination,
54and waste cleanup; providing for assessment of
55administrative penalties for other violations; increasing
56fines relating to public water system requirements;
57revising provisions relating to a limit on the amount of a
58fine for a particular violation by certain violators;
59amending ss. 712.03 and 712.04, F.S.; providing an
60exception from an entitlement to marketable record title
61to interests held by governmental entities; amending ss.
62373.036, 373.4135, and 373.4136, F.S.; conforming cross-
63references; providing an effective date.
65Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
67     Section 1.  Paragraphs (a) and (c) of subsection (5) of
68section 253.034, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
69     253.034  State-owned lands; uses.--
70     (5)  Each manager of conservation lands shall submit to the
71Division of State Lands a land management plan at least every 10
72years in a form and manner prescribed by rule by the board and
73in accordance with the provisions of s. 259.032. Each manager of
74conservation lands shall also update a land management plan
75whenever the manager proposes to add new facilities or make
76substantive land use or management changes that were not
77addressed in the approved plan, or within 1 year of the addition
78of significant new lands. Each manager of nonconservation lands
79shall submit to the Division of State Lands a land use plan at
80least every 10 years in a form and manner prescribed by rule by
81the board. The division shall review each plan for compliance
82with the requirements of this subsection and the requirements of
83the rules established by the board pursuant to this section. All
84land use plans, whether for single-use or multiple-use
85properties, shall include an analysis of the property to
86determine if any significant natural or cultural resources are
87located on the property. Such resources include archaeological
88and historic sites, state and federally listed plant and animal
89species, and imperiled natural communities and unique natural
90features. If such resources occur on the property, the manager
91shall consult with the Division of State Lands and other
92appropriate agencies to develop management strategies to protect
93such resources. Land use plans shall also provide for the
94control of invasive nonnative plants and conservation of soil
95and water resources, including a description of how the manager
96plans to control and prevent soil erosion and soil or water
97contamination. Land use plans submitted by a manager shall
98include reference to appropriate statutory authority for such
99use or uses and shall conform to the appropriate policies and
100guidelines of the state land management plan. Plans for managed
101areas larger than 1,000 acres shall contain an analysis of the
102multiple-use potential of the property, which analysis shall
103include the potential of the property to generate revenues to
104enhance the management of the property. Additionally, the plan
105shall contain an analysis of the potential use of private land
106managers to facilitate the restoration or management of these
107lands. In those cases where a newly acquired property has a
108valid conservation plan that was developed by a soil and
109conservation district, such plan shall be used to guide
110management of the property until a formal land use plan is
112     (a)  State lands shall be managed to ensure the
113conservation of the state's plant and animal species and to
114ensure the accessibility of state lands for the benefit and
115enjoyment of all people of the state, both present and future.
116Beginning July 1, 2009, each newly developed or updated land
117management plan must shall provide a desired outcome, describe
118both short-term and long-term management goals, and include
119measurable objectives for achieving these to achieve those
120goals. Short-term goals must shall be achievable within a 2-year
121planning period, and long-term goals must shall be achievable
122within a 10-year planning period. These short-term and long-term
123management goals shall be the basis for all subsequent land
124management activities.
125     (c)  Beginning July 1, 2009, a newly developed or updated
126the land management plan must, shall at a minimum, contain the
127following elements:
128     1.  A physical description of the land.
129     2.  A quantitative data description of the land which
130includes an inventory of forest and other natural resources;
131exotic and invasive plants; hydrological features;
132infrastructure, including recreational facilities; and other
133significant land, cultural, or historical features. The
134inventory must shall reflect the number of acres for each
135resource and feature, as when appropriate. The inventory shall
136be of such detail that objective measures and benchmarks can be
137established for each tract of land and monitored during the
138lifetime of the plan. All quantitative data collected must shall
139be aggregated, standardized, collected, and presented in an
140electronic format to allow for uniform management reporting and
141analysis. The information collected by the Department of
142Environmental Protection pursuant to s. 253.0325(2) shall be
143available to the land manager and his or her assignee.
144     3.  A detailed description of each short-term and long-term
145land management goal, the associated measurable objectives, and
146the related activities that are to be performed to meet the land
147management objectives. Each land management objective must be
148addressed by the land management plan, and where practicable,
149may not no land management objective shall be performed to the
150detriment of the other land management objectives.
151     4.  A schedule of land management activities which contains
152short-term and long-term land management goals and the related
153measurable objective and activities. The schedule must shall
154include for each activity a timeline for completing each
155activity completion, quantitative measures, and detailed expense
156and manpower budgets. The schedule must shall provide a
157management tool that facilitates the development of performance
159     5.  A summary budget for the scheduled land management
160activities of the land management plan. For state lands
161containing or anticipated to contain imperiled species habitat,
162the summary budget must shall include any fees anticipated from
163public or private entities for projects to offset adverse
164impacts to imperiled species or such habitat, which fees shall
165be used solely to restore, manage, enhance, repopulate, or
166acquire imperiled species habitat. The summary budget must shall
167be prepared in a such manner that it facilitates computing an
168aggregate of land management costs for all state-managed lands
169using the categories described in s. 259.037(3).
170     Section 2.  Subsection (2) of section 253.111, Florida
171Statutes, is amended to read:
172     253.111  Notice to board of county commissioners before
173sale.--The Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust
174Fund of the state may not sell any land to which they hold title
175unless and until they afford an opportunity to the county in
176which such land is situated to receive such land on the
177following terms and conditions:
178     (2)  The board of county commissioners of the county in
179which such land is situated shall, within 40 days after receipt
180of such notification from the board, determine by resolution
181whether or not it proposes to acquire such land.
182     Section 3.  Subsections (1), (2), and (5) of section
183259.035, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
184     259.035  Acquisition and Restoration Council.--
185     (1)  There is created the Acquisition and Restoration
187     (a)  The council shall be composed of 11 eleven voting
188members, with six members appointed pursuant to paragraphs (a),
189(b), and (c) four of whom shall be appointed by the Governor. Of
190these four appointees, three shall be from scientific
191disciplines related to land, water, or environmental sciences
192and the fourth shall have at least 5 years of experience in
193managing lands for both active and passive types of recreation.
194They shall serve 4-year terms, except that, initially, to
195provide for staggered terms, two of the appointees shall serve
1962-year terms. All subsequent appointments shall be for 4-year
197staggered terms. An No appointee may not shall serve more than
198two terms 6 years. A vacancy shall be filled for the remainder
199of an unexpired term in the same manner as the original
200appointment. The Governor may at any time fill a vacancy for the
201unexpired term of a member appointed under this paragraph.
202     (a)  Four members shall be appointed by the Governor. Three
203of such members shall be from scientific disciplines related to
204land, water, or environmental sciences and the fourth member
205must have at least 5 years of experience in managing lands for
206both active and passive types of recreation.
207     (b)  One member shall be appointed by the Commissioner of
208Agriculture from a discipline related to agriculture, including
210     (c)  One member shall be appointed by the Fish and Wildlife
211Conservation Commission from a discipline related to wildlife
212management or wildlife ecology.
213     (d)(b)  The five remaining members appointees shall be
214composed of the Secretary of Environmental Protection, the
215director of the Division of Forestry of the Department of
216Agriculture and Consumer Services, the executive director of the
217Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, the director of the
218Division of Historical Resources of the Department of State, and
219the Secretary of the Department of Community Affairs, or their
220respective designees.
221     (c)  One member shall be appointed by the Commissioner of
222Agriculture with a discipline related to agriculture including
223silviculture. One member shall be appointed by the Fish and
224Wildlife Conservation Commission with a discipline related to
225wildlife management or wildlife ecology.
226     (e)(d)  The Governor shall appoint the chair of the
227council, and a vice chair shall be elected from among the
229     (f)(e)  The council shall hold periodic meetings at the
230request of the chair.
231     (g)(f)  The Department of Environmental Protection shall
232provide primary staff support to the council and shall ensure
233that council meetings are electronically recorded. Such
234recording must shall be preserved pursuant to chapters 119 and
236     (h)(g)  The board of trustees may has authority to adopt
237rules pursuant to administer ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to
238implement the provisions of this section.
239     (2)  The six appointed four members of the council
240appointed pursuant to paragraph (a) and the two members of the
241council appointed pursuant to paragraph (c) shall receive
242reimbursement for expenses and per diem for travel, to attend
243council meetings, as allowed state officers and employees while
244in the performance of their duties, pursuant to s. 112.061.
245     (5)  An affirmative vote of six five members of the council
246is required in order to change a project boundary or to place a
247proposed project on a list developed pursuant to subsection (4).
248Any member of the council who by family or a business
249relationship has a connection with all or a portion of any
250proposed project shall declare the interest before voting on its
251inclusion on a list.
252     Section 4.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (3) and subsection
253(6) of section 259.037, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
254     259.037  Land Management Uniform Accounting Council.--
255     (3)
256     (b)  Beginning July 1, 2009, each reporting agency shall
258     1.  Include a report of the available public use
259opportunities for each management unit of state land, the total
260management cost for public access and public use, and the cost
261associated with each use option.
262     2.  List the acres of land requiring minimal management
263effort, moderate management effort, and significant management
264effort pursuant to s. 259.032(11)(c). For each category created
265in paragraph (a), the reporting agency shall include the amount
266of funds requested, the amount of funds received, and the amount
267of funds expended for land management.
268     3.  List acres managed and cost of management for each
269park, preserve, forest, reserve, or management area.
270     4.  List acres managed, cost of management, and lead
271manager for each state lands management unit for which secondary
272management activities were provided.
273     5.  Include a report of the estimated calculable financial
274benefits to the public for the ecosystem services provided by
275conservation lands, based on the best readily available
276information or science that provides a standard measurement
277methodology to be consistently applied by the land managing
278agencies. Such information may include, but need not be limited
279to, the value of natural lands for protecting the quality and
280quantity of drinking water through natural water filtration and
281recharge, contributions to protecting and improving air quality,
282benefits to agriculture through increased soil productivity and
283preservation of biodiversity, and savings to property and lives
284through flood control.
285     (6)  Beginning July 1, 2010 Biennially, each reporting
286agency shall also submit an operational report every 5 years for
287each management area for which a new or updated along with an
288approved management plan has been approved by the board of
289trustees pursuant to ss. 253.034(5) and 259.032(10). The report
290should assess the progress toward achieving short-term and long-
291term management goals of the approved management plan, including
292all land management activities, and identify any deficiencies in
293management and corrective actions to address identified
294deficiencies as appropriate. This report shall be submitted to
295the Acquisition and Restoration Council and the division for
296inclusion in its annual report required pursuant to s. 259.036.
297     Section 5.  Paragraphs (b), (c), (e), (f), (g), and (h) of
298subsection (3) and subsection (13) of section 259.105, Florida
299Statutes, are amended to read:
300     259.105  The Florida Forever Act.--
301     (3)  Less the costs of issuing and the costs of funding
302reserve accounts and other costs associated with bonds, the
303proceeds of cash payments or bonds issued pursuant to this
304section shall be deposited into the Florida Forever Trust Fund
305created by s. 259.1051. The proceeds shall be distributed by the
306Department of Environmental Protection in the following manner:
307     (b)  Thirty-five percent to the Department of Environmental
308Protection for the acquisition of lands and capital project
309expenditures described in this section. Of the proceeds
310distributed pursuant to this paragraph, it is the intent of the
311Legislature that an increased priority be given to those
312acquisitions which achieve a combination of conservation goals,
313including protecting Florida's water resources and natural
314groundwater recharge. At a minimum, 3 percent, and no more than
31510 percent, of the funds allocated pursuant to this paragraph
316shall be spent on capital project expenditures identified in the
317management prospectus prepared pursuant to s. 259.032(9)(d)
318during the time of acquisition, or in the management plan
319prepared pursuant to s. 259.032(10). Such capital projects must
320which meet land management planning activities necessary for
321public access.
322     (c)  Twenty-one percent to the Department of Community
323Affairs for use by the Florida Communities Trust for the
324purposes of part III of chapter 380, as described and limited by
325this subsection, and grants to local governments or nonprofit
326environmental organizations that are tax-exempt under s.
327501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code for the
328acquisition of community-based projects, urban open spaces,
329parks, and greenways to implement local government comprehensive
330plans. From funds available to the trust and used for land
331acquisition, 75 percent shall be matched by local governments on
332a dollar-for-dollar basis. The Legislature intends that the
333Florida Communities Trust emphasize funding projects in low-
334income or otherwise disadvantaged communities and projects that
335provide areas for direct water access and water-dependent
336facilities that are open to the public and offer public access
337by vessels to waters of the state, including boat ramps and
338associated parking and other support facilities, by making the
339available point total for awarding grants to public vessel
340access projects equal to the available point total for awarding
341grants to projects in low-income or otherwise disadvantaged
342communities. At least 30 percent of the total allocation
343provided to the trust shall be used in Standard Metropolitan
344Statistical Areas, but one-half of that amount shall be used in
345localities in which the project site is located in built-up
346commercial, industrial, or mixed-use areas and functions to
347intersperse open spaces within congested urban core areas. From
348funds allocated to the trust, no less than 5 percent shall be
349used to acquire lands for recreational trail systems, provided
350that in the event these funds are not needed for such projects,
351they will be available for other trust projects. Local
352governments may use federal grants or loans, private donations,
353or environmental mitigation funds, including environmental
354mitigation funds required pursuant to s. 338.250, for any part
355or all of any local match required for acquisitions funded
356through the Florida Communities Trust. Any lands purchased by
357nonprofit organizations using funds allocated under this
358paragraph must provide for such lands to remain permanently in
359public use through a reversion of title to local or state
360government, conservation easement, or other appropriate
361mechanism. Projects funded with funds allocated to the Trust
362shall be selected in a competitive process measured against
363criteria adopted in rule by the Trust.     
364     (e)  One and five-tenths percent to the Department of
365Environmental Protection for the purchase of inholdings and
366additions to state parks and for capital project expenditures as
367described in this section. At a minimum, 1 percent, and no more
368than 10 percent, of the funds allocated pursuant to this
369paragraph shall be spent on capital project expenditures
370identified in the management prospectus prepared pursuant to s.
371259.032(9)(d) during the time of acquisition, or in the
372management plan prepared pursuant to s. 259.032(10). Such
373capital projects must which meet land management planning
374activities necessary for public access. For the purposes of this
375paragraph, the term "state park" means any real property in the
376state which is under the jurisdiction of the Division of
377Recreation and Parks of the department, or which may come under
378its jurisdiction.
379     (f)  One and five-tenths percent to the Division of
380Forestry of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
381to fund the acquisition of state forest inholdings and additions
382pursuant to s. 589.07, the implementation of reforestation plans
383or sustainable forestry management practices, and for capital
384project expenditures as described in this section. At a minimum,
3851 percent, and no more than 10 percent, of the funds allocated
386for the acquisition of inholdings and additions pursuant to this
387paragraph shall be spent on capital project expenditures
388identified in the management prospectus prepared pursuant to s.
389259.032(9)(d) during the time of acquisition, or in the
390management plan prepared pursuant to s. 259.032(10). Such
391capital projects must which meet land management planning
392activities necessary for public access.
393     (g)  One and five-tenths percent to the Fish and Wildlife
394Conservation Commission to fund the acquisition of inholdings
395and additions to lands managed by the commission which are
396important to the conservation of fish and wildlife and for
397capital project expenditures as described in this section. At a
398minimum, 1 percent, and no more than 10 percent, of the funds
399allocated pursuant to this paragraph shall be spent on capital
400project expenditures identified in the management prospectus
401prepared pursuant to s. 259.032(9)(d) during the time of
402acquisition, or in the management plan prepared pursuant to s.
403259.032(10). Such capital projects must which meet land
404management planning activities necessary for public access.
405     (h)  One and five-tenths percent to the Department of
406Environmental Protection for the Florida Greenways and Trails
407Program, to acquire greenways and trails or greenways and trail
408systems pursuant to chapter 260, including, but not limited to,
409abandoned railroad rights-of-way and the Florida National Scenic
410Trail and for capital project expenditures as described in this
411section. At a minimum, 1 percent, and no more than 10 percent,
412of the funds allocated pursuant to this paragraph shall be spent
413on capital project expenditures identified in the management
414plan prepared pursuant to s. 259.032(10). Such capital projects
415must during the time of acquisition which meet land management
416planning activities necessary for public access.
417     (13)  An affirmative vote of six five members of the
418Acquisition and Restoration Council is shall be required in
419order to place a proposed project on the list developed pursuant
420to subsection (8). Any member of the council who by family or a
421business relationship has a connection with any project proposed
422to be ranked shall declare such interest before prior to voting
423for a project's inclusion on the list.
424     Section 6.  Subsection (10) of section 253.12, Florida
425Statutes, is amended to read:
426     253.12  Title to tidal lands vested in state.--
427     (10)  Subsection (9) does shall not operate to affect the
428title to lands which have been judicially adjudicated or which
429were the subject of litigation pending on January 1, 1993,
430involving title to such lands. Further, the provisions of
431subsection (9) do shall not apply to spoil islands, nor to any
432lands that which are included on an official acquisition list,
433on July 1, 1993, of a state agency or water management district
434for conservation, preservation, or recreation, nor to lands
435maintained as state or local recreation areas or shore
436protection structures, or to sovereignty lands that were filled
437before July 1, 1975, by any governmental entity for a public
438purpose or pursuant to proprietary authorization from the Board
439of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund.
440     Section 7.  Paragraphs (b) and (c) of subsection (1) of
441section 373.414, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as
442paragraphs (c) and (d), respectively, and a new paragraph (b) is
443added to that subsection to read:
444     373.414  Additional criteria for activities in surface
445waters and wetlands.--
446     (1)  As part of an applicant's demonstration that an
447activity regulated under this part will not be harmful to the
448water resources or will not be inconsistent with the overall
449objectives of the district, the governing board or the
450department shall require the applicant to provide reasonable
451assurance that state water quality standards applicable to
452waters as defined in s. 403.031(13) will not be violated and
453reasonable assurance that such activity in, on, or over surface
454waters or wetlands, as delineated in s. 373.421(1), is not
455contrary to the public interest. However, if such an activity
456significantly degrades or is within an Outstanding Florida
457Water, as provided by department rule, the applicant must
458provide reasonable assurance that the proposed activity will be
459clearly in the public interest.
460     (b)  A permit application prepared and signed by licensed
461professionals, including scientists, engineers, geologists,
462architects, or other qualified professionals, that is determined
463to be complete by the department is presumed to comply with the
464provisions of this section. If the department determines to deny
465such permit application or if such permit application is
466challenged by a third party, the department or the challenging
467party has the burden of proving noncompliance by a preponderance
468of the evidence.
469     Section 8.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section
470373.427, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
471     373.427  Concurrent permit review.--
472     (2)  In addition to the provisions set forth in subsection
473(1) and notwithstanding s. 120.60, the procedures established in
474this subsection shall apply to concurrently reviewed
475applications which request proprietary authorization to use
476board of trustees-owned submerged lands for activities for which
477there has been no delegation of authority to take final agency
478action without action by the board of trustees.
479     (c)  Any petition for an administrative hearing pursuant to
480ss. 120.569 and 120.57 must be filed within 21 14 days after of
481the notice of consolidated intent to grant or deny. Unless
482waived by the applicant, within 60 days after the recommended
483order is submitted, or at the next regularly scheduled meeting
484for which notice may be properly given, whichever is latest, the
485board of trustees shall determine what action to take on a any
486recommended order issued under ss. 120.569 and 120.57 on the
487application to use board of trustees-owned submerged lands, and
488shall direct the department or water management district on what
489action to take in the final order concerning the application to
490use board of trustees-owned submerged lands. The department or
491water management district shall determine what action to take on
492any recommended order issued under ss. 120.569 and 120.57
493regarding any concurrently processed permits, waivers,
494variances, or approvals required by this chapter or chapter 161.
495The department or water management district shall then take
496final agency action by entering a consolidated final order
497addressing each of the concurrently reviewed authorizations,
498permits, waivers, or approvals. Failure to satisfy these
499timeframes may shall not result in approval by default of the
500application to use board of trustees-owned submerged lands. Any
501provisions relating to authorization to use such board of
502trustees-owned submerged lands shall be as directed by the board
503of trustees. Issuance of the consolidated final order within 45
504days after receipt of the direction of the board of trustees
505regarding the application to use board of trustees-owned
506submerged lands is deemed in compliance with the timeframes for
507issuance of final orders under s. 120.60. The final order is
508shall be subject to the provisions of s. 373.4275.
509     Section 9.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section
510403.0876, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
511     403.0876  Permits; processing.--
512     (2)
513     (c)  The failure of the department to approve or deny an
514application for an air construction permit for which a federally
515delegated or approved program requires a public participation
516period of at least 30 days, or for an operation permit for a
517major source of air pollution, as defined in s. 403.0872, within
518the 90-day time period shall not result in the automatic
519approval or denial of the permit and shall not prevent the
520inclusion of specific permit conditions that which are necessary
521to ensure compliance with applicable statutes and rules. If the
522department fails to approve or deny such an operation permit for
523a major source of air pollution within the 90-day period
524specified in this section or in s. 403.0872, as applicable, the
525applicant or a party who participated in the public comment
526process may petition for a writ of mandamus to compel the
527department to act.
528     Section 10.  Paragraphs (b) and (f) of subsection (2) and
529subsections (3), (4), (5), and (9) of section 403.121, Florida
530Statutes, are amended to read:
531     403.121  Enforcement; procedure; remedies.--The department
532shall have the following judicial and administrative remedies
533available to it for violations of this chapter, as specified in
534s. 403.161(1).
535     (2)  Administrative remedies:
536     (b)  If the department has reason to believe a violation
537has occurred, it may institute an administrative proceeding to
538order the prevention, abatement, or control of the conditions
539creating the violation or other appropriate corrective action.
540Except for violations involving hazardous wastes, asbestos,
541major sources of air pollution, or underground injection, the
542department shall proceed administratively in all cases in which
543the department seeks administrative penalties that do not exceed
544$10,000 per assessment as calculated in accordance with
545subsections (3), (4), (5), (6), and (7), and (9). Pursuant to 42
546U.S.C. s. 300g-2, the administrative penalty assessed pursuant
547to subsection (3), subsection (4), or subsection (5) against a
548public water system serving a population of more than 10,000 may
549shall be not be less than $1,000 per day per violation. The
550department may shall not impose administrative penalties greater
551than in excess of $10,000 in a notice of violation. The
552department may shall not have more than one notice of violation
553seeking administrative penalties pending against the same party
554at the same time unless the violations occurred at a different
555site or the violations were discovered by the department after
556subsequent to the filing of a previous notice of violation.
557     (f)  In any administrative proceeding brought by the
558department, the prevailing party shall recover all costs as
559provided in ss. 57.041 and 57.071. The costs must be included in
560the final order. The respondent is the prevailing party when a
561final an order is entered which does not require the respondent
562to perform any corrective actions or award any damages or
563awarding no penalties to the department and such order has not
564been reversed on appeal or the time for seeking judicial review
565has expired. The respondent is shall be entitled to an award of
566attorney's fees if the administrative law judge determines that
567the notice of violation issued by the department seeking the
568imposition of administrative penalties was not substantially
569justified as defined in s. 57.111(3) s. 57.111(3)(e). An No
570award of attorney's fees as provided by this subsection may not
571shall exceed $15,000.
572     (3)  Except for violations involving hazardous wastes,
573asbestos, major sources of air pollution, or underground
574injection, administrative penalties must be in accordance with
575calculated according to the following schedule:
576     (a)  For a drinking water violations contamination
577violation, the department shall assess:
578     1.  A penalty of $2,000 for a maximum contaminant
579containment level (MCL) violation; plus $1,000 if the violation
580is for a primary inorganic, organic, or radiological maximum
581contaminant level or it is a fecal coliform bacteria violation;
582plus $1,000 if the violation occurs at a community water system;
583and plus $1,000 if any maximum contaminant level is exceeded by
584more than 100 percent.
585     2.  A penalty of $3,000 for failure to obtain a clearance
586letter before prior to placing a drinking water system into
587service if when the system would not have been eligible for
588clearance, the department shall assess a penalty of $3,000. All
589other failures to obtain a clearance letter before placing a
590drinking water system into service shall result in a penalty of
592     3.  A penalty of $4,000 for failure to properly complete a
593required public notice of violations, exceedances, or failures
594that may pose an acute risk to human health. All other failures
595to properly complete a required public notice relating to
596maximum contaminant level violations shall result in a penalty
597of $2,000.
598     4.  A penalty of $1,000 for failure to submit a consumer
599confidence report.
600     5.  A penalty of $2,000 for failure to provide or meet
601licensed operator or staffing requirements at a drinking water
603     (b)  For wastewater violations, the department shall
605     1.  A penalty of $5,000 for failure to obtain a required
606wastewater permit before construction or modification, other
607than a permit required for surface water discharge.
608     2.  A penalty of $4,000 for failure to obtain a permit to
609construct a domestic wastewater collection or transmission
611     3.  A penalty of $1,000 for failure to renew obtain a
612required wastewater permit, other than a permit required for
613surface water discharge, the department shall assess a penalty
614of $1,000.
615     4.  For a domestic or industrial wastewater violation not
616involving a surface water or groundwater quality violation, the
617department shall assess a penalty of $2,000 for an unpermitted
618or unauthorized discharge or effluent-limitation exceedance.
619     5.  A penalty of $5,000 for an unpermitted or unauthorized
620discharge or effluent-limitation exceedance that resulted in a
621surface water or groundwater quality violation, the department
622shall assess a penalty of $5,000.
623     6.  A penalty of $2,000 for failure to properly notify the
624department of an unauthorized spill, discharge, or abnormal
625event that may impact public health or the environment.
626     7.  A penalty of $2,000 for failure to provide or meet
627requirements for licensed operators or staffing at a wastewater
629     (c)  For a dredge, and fill, or stormwater violation, the
630department shall assess:
631     1.  A penalty of $1,000 for unpermitted or unauthorized
632dredging, or filling, or unauthorized construction of a
633stormwater management system against the person or persons
634responsible; for the illegal dredging or filling, or
635unauthorized construction of a stormwater management system plus
636$2,000 if the dredging or filling occurs in an aquatic preserve,
637Outstanding Florida Water, conservation easement, or Class I or
638Class II surface water;, plus $1,000 if the area dredged or
639filled is greater than one-quarter acre but less than or equal
640to one-half acre;, and plus $1,000 if the area dredged or filled
641is greater than one-half acre but less than or equal to one
642acre; and plus $3,000 if the person or persons responsible
643previously applied for or obtained authorization from the
644department to dredge or fill within wetlands or surface waters.
645The administrative penalty schedule does shall not apply to a
646dredge or and fill violation if the area dredged or filled
647exceeds 1 one acre. The department retains the authority to seek
648the judicial imposition of civil penalties for all dredge and
649fill violations involving more than 1 one acre. The department
650shall assess
651     2.  A penalty of $10,000 for dredge, fill, or stormwater
652management system violations occurring in a conservation
654     3.  A penalty of $3,000 for the failure to complete
655required mitigation, failure to record a required conservation
656easement, or for a water quality violation resulting from
657dredging or filling activities, stormwater construction
658activities, or failure of a stormwater treatment facility.
659     4.  For stormwater management systems serving less than 5
660acres, the department shall assess a penalty of $2,000 for the
661failure to properly or timely construct a stormwater management
663     5.  In addition to the penalties authorized in this
664subsection, the department shall assess a penalty of $5,000 per
665violation against the contractor or agent of the owner or tenant
666that conducts unpermitted or unauthorized dredging or filling.
667For purposes of this paragraph, the preparation or signing of a
668permit application by a person currently licensed under chapter
669471 to practice as a professional engineer does shall not make
670that person an agent of the owner or tenant.
671     (d)  For mangrove trimming or alteration violations, the
672department shall assess:
673     1.  A penalty of $5,000 per violation against any person
674who violates ss. 403.9321-403.9333 the contractor or agent of
675the owner or tenant that conducts mangrove trimming or
676alteration without a permit as required by s. 403.9328. For
677purposes of this paragraph, the preparation or signing of a
678permit application by a person currently licensed under chapter
679471 to practice as a professional engineer does shall not
680constitute a violation make that person an agent of the owner or
682     2.  For second and subsequent violations of subparagraph
6831., an additional penalty of $100 for each mangrove illegally
684trimmed and $250 for each mangrove illegally altered or removed,
685not to exceed a total of $10,000.
686     3.  For second and subsequent violations of subparagraph 1.
687by a professional mangrove trimmer, an additional penalty of
688$250 for each mangrove illegally trimmed or altered, not to
689exceed a total of $10,000.
690     (e)  For solid waste violations, the department shall
692     1.  A penalty of $2,000 for the unpermitted or unauthorized
693disposal or storage of solid waste; plus $1,000 if the solid
694waste is Class I or Class III (excluding yard trash) or if the
695solid waste is construction and demolition debris in excess of
69620 cubic yards;, plus $1,000 if the solid waste is disposed of
697or stored in any natural or artificial body of water or within
698500 feet of a potable water well; and, plus $1,000 if the solid
699waste contains PCB at a concentration of 50 parts per million or
700greater; untreated biomedical waste; more than 1 cubic meter of
701regulated friable asbestos material that greater than 1 cubic
702meter which is not wetted, bagged, and covered; more than 25
703gallons of used oil greater than 25 gallons; or 10 or more lead
704acid batteries.
705     2.  A penalty of $5,000 for failure to timely implement
706evaluation monitoring or corrective actions in response to
707adverse impacts to water quality at permitted facilities. The
708department shall assess
709     3.  A penalty of $3,000 for failure to properly maintain
710leachate control; unauthorized burning; failure to have a
711trained spotter or trained operator on duty as required by
712department rule at the working face when accepting waste;
713failure to apply and maintain adequate initial, intermediate, or
714final cover; failure to control or correct erosion resulting in
715exposed waste; failure to implement a gas management system as
716required by department rule; or processing or disposing of
717unauthorized waste failure to provide access control for three
718consecutive inspections. The department shall assess
719     4.  A penalty of $2,000 for failure to construct or
720maintain a required stormwater management system; failure to
721compact and slope waste as required by department rule; or
722failure to maintain a small working face as required by
723department rule.
724     5.  A penalty of $1,000 for failure to timely submit annual
725updates required for financial assurance.
726     (f)  For an air emission violations violation, the
727department shall assess a penalty of $1,000 for an unpermitted
728or unauthorized air emission or an air-emission-permit
729exceedance;, plus $1,000 if the emission results in an air
730quality violation, plus $3,000 if the emission was from a major
731source and the source was major for the pollutant in violation;
732and plus $1,000 if the emission was more than 150 percent of the
733allowable level.
734     (g)  For storage tank system and petroleum contamination
735violations, the department shall assess:
736     1.  A penalty of $5,000 for failure to empty a damaged
737storage system as necessary to ensure that a release does not
738occur until repairs to the storage system are completed; if when
739a release has occurred from that storage tank system; for
740failure to timely recover free product; for failure to submit a
741complete site assessment report; or for failure to conduct
742remediation or monitoring activities until a no-further-action
743or site-rehabilitation completion order has been issued. The
744department shall assess
745     2.  A penalty of $3,000 for failure to timely upgrade a
746storage tank system or to timely assess or remediate petroleum
747contamination. The department shall assess
748     3.   A penalty of $2,000 for failure to conduct or maintain
749required release detection; failure to timely investigate a
750suspected release from a storage system; depositing motor fuel
751into an unregistered storage tank system; failure to timely
752assess or remediate petroleum contamination; or failure to
753properly install a storage tank system. The department shall
755     4.  A penalty of $1,000 for failure to properly operate,
756maintain, repair, or close a storage tank system.
757     (h)  For waste cleanup violations, the department shall
759     1.  A penalty of $5,000 for failure to timely assess or
760remediate contamination; failure to provide notice of
761contamination beyond property boundaries or complete an offsite
762well survey; for the use or injection of substances or materials
763to surface water or groundwater for remediation purposes without
764prior department approval; or for the operation of a remedial
765treatment system without prior approval by the department.
766     2.  A penalty of $3,000 for failure to timely submit a
767complete site assessment report.
768     3.  A penalty of $500 for failure to timely submit any
769other plans, reports, or other information required by a
770department rule or order.
771     (4)  In an administrative proceeding, in addition to the
772any penalties that may be assessed under subsection (3), or for
773violations not otherwise listed in subsection (3), the
774department shall assess administrative penalties according to
775the following schedule:
776     (a)  For failure to satisfy financial responsibility
777requirements or for violation of s. 377.371(1), $5,000.
778     (b)  For failure to properly install, operate, maintain, or
779use a required pollution control, collection, treatment, or
780disposal system or device, or failure to use appropriate best
781management practices or erosion and sediment controls, $4,000.
782     (c)  For failure to obtain a required permit or license
783before construction or modification, $3,000 if the facility is
784constructed, modified, or operated in compliance with applicable
785requirements, or $5,000 if the facility is not constructed,
786modified, or operated in compliance with applicable
788     (d)  For failure to conduct required monitoring or testing;
789failure to conduct required release detection; or failure to
790construct in compliance with a permit, $2,000.
791     (e)  For failure to maintain required staff to respond to
792emergencies; failure to conduct required training; failure to
793prepare, maintain, or update required contingency plans; failure
794to adequately respond to emergencies to bring an emergency
795situation under control; or failure to submit required
796notification to the department, $1,000.
797     (f)  Except as provided in subsection (2) with respect to
798public water systems serving a population of more than 10,000,
799for failure to prepare, submit, maintain, or use required
800reports or other required documentation, $1,000 $500.
801     (5)  Except as provided in subsection (2) with respect to
802public water systems serving a population of more than 10,000,
803for failure to comply with any other departmental regulatory
804statute or rule requirement not otherwise identified in this
805section, the department may assess a penalty of $1,000 $500.
806     (9)  The administrative penalties assessed for any
807particular violation may shall not exceed $5,000 against any one
808violator, unless the violator has a history of noncompliance,
809the violator received economic benefit from of the violation as
810described in subsection (8) exceeds $5,000, or there are
811multiday violations. The total administrative penalties may
812shall not exceed $10,000 per assessment for all violations
813attributable to a specific person in the notice of violation.
814     Section 11.  Subsection (9) is added to section 712.03,
815Florida Statutes, to read:
816     712.03  Exceptions to marketability.--Such marketable
817record title shall not affect or extinguish the following
819     (9)  Any right, title, or interest held by any governmental
820entity, including, but not limited to, the Federal Government,
821the state, any state agency, the Board of Trustees of the
822Internal Improvement Trust Fund, any water management district
823created pursuant to chapter 373, any county, any municipality,
824any school district, any special district, or any other
825political subdivision.
826     Section 12.  Section 712.04, Florida Statutes, is amended
827to read:
828     712.04  Interests extinguished by marketable record
829title.--Subject to the matters stated in s. 712.03, a such
830marketable record title is shall be free and clear of all
831estates, interests, claims, or charges whatsoever, the existence
832of which depends upon any act, title transaction, event or
833omission that occurred before prior to the effective date of the
834root of title. All such estates, interests, claims, or charges,
835however denominated, whether such estates, interests, claims, or
836charges are or appear to be held or asserted by a person sui
837juris or under a disability, whether such person is within or
838without the state or, whether such person is natural or
839corporate, or is private or governmental, are hereby declared to
840be null and void, except that this chapter shall not be deemed
841to affect any right, title, or interest of the United States,
842Florida, or any of its officers, boards, commissions, or other
843agencies reserved in the patent or deed by which the United
844States, Florida, or any of its agencies parted with title.
845     Section 13.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (7) of section
846373.036, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
847     373.036  Florida water plan; district water management
851     (b)  The consolidated annual report shall contain the
852following elements, as appropriate to that water management
854     1.  A district water management plan annual report or the
855annual work plan report allowed in subparagraph (2)(e)4.
856     2.  The department-approved minimum flows and levels annual
857priority list and schedule required by s. 373.042(2).
858     3.  The annual 5-year capital improvements plan required by
859s. 373.536(6)(a)3.
860     4.  The alternative water supplies annual report required
861by s. 373.1961(3)(n).
862     5.  The final annual 5-year water resource development work
863program required by s. 373.536(6)(a)4.
864     6.  The Florida Forever Water Management District Work Plan
865annual report required by s. 373.199(7).
866     7.  The mitigation donation annual report required by s.
868     Section 14.  Paragraph (e) of subsection (6) and subsection
869(7) of section 373.4135, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
870     373.4135  Mitigation banks and offsite regional
872     (6)  An environmental creation, preservation, enhancement,
873or restoration project, including regional offsite mitigation
874areas, for which money is donated or paid as mitigation, that is
875sponsored by the department, a water management district, or a
876local government and provides mitigation for five or more
877applicants for permits under this part, or for 35 or more acres
878of adverse impacts, shall be established and operated under a
879memorandum of agreement. The memorandum of agreement shall be
880between the governmental entity proposing the mitigation project
881and the department or water management district, as appropriate.
882Such memorandum of agreement need not be adopted by rule. For
883the purposes of this subsection, one creation, preservation,
884enhancement, or restoration project shall mean one or more
885parcels of land with similar ecological communities that are
886intended to be created, preserved, enhanced, or restored under a
887common scheme.
888     (e)  Projects governed by this subsection, except for
889projects established pursuant to subsection (7), shall be
890subject to the provisions of s. 373.414(1)(c)(b)1.
891     (7)  The department, water management districts, and local
892governments may elect to establish and manage mitigation sites,
893including regional offsite mitigation areas, or contract with
894permitted mitigation banks, to provide mitigation options for
895private single-family lots or homeowners. The department, water
896management districts, and local governments shall provide a
897written notice of their election under this subsection by United
898States mail to those individuals who have requested, in writing,
899to receive such notice. The use of mitigation options
900established under this subsection are not subject to the full-
901cost-accounting provision of s. 373.414(1)(c)(b)1. To use a
902mitigation option established under this subsection, the
903applicant for a permit under this part must be a private,
904single-family lot or homeowner, and the land upon which the
905adverse impact is located must be intended for use as a single-
906family residence by the current owner. The applicant must not be
907a corporation, partnership, or other business entity. However,
908the provisions of this subsection shall not apply to other
909entities that establish offsite regional mitigation as defined
910in this section and s. 373.403.
911     Section 15.  Paragraph (d) of subsection (6) of section
912373.4136, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
913     373.4136  Establishment and operation of mitigation
915     (6)  MITIGATION SERVICE AREA.--The department or water
916management district shall establish a mitigation service area
917for each mitigation bank permit. The department or water
918management district shall notify and consider comments received
919on the proposed mitigation service area from each local
920government within the proposed mitigation service area. Except
921as provided herein, mitigation credits may be withdrawn and used
922only to offset adverse impacts in the mitigation service area.
923The boundaries of the mitigation service area shall depend upon
924the geographic area where the mitigation bank could reasonably
925be expected to offset adverse impacts. Mitigation service areas
926may overlap, and mitigation service areas for two or more
927mitigation banks may be approved for a regional watershed.
928     (d)  If the requirements in s. 373.414(1)(c)(b) and (8) are
929met, the following projects or activities regulated under this
930part shall be eligible to use a mitigation bank, regardless of
931whether they are located within the mitigation service area:
932     1.  Projects with adverse impacts partially located within
933the mitigation service area.
934     2.  Linear projects, such as roadways, transmission lines,
935distribution lines, pipelines, or railways.
936     3.  Projects with total adverse impacts of less than 1 acre
937in size.
938     Section 16.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2009.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.