Florida Senate - 2009                                    SB 1366
       By Senator Fasano
       11-00636A-09                                          20091366__
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act relating to data destruction; providing
    3         definitions; requiring all state agencies and private
    4         entities that collect personal information to adhere
    5         to the procedures provided in the National Institute
    6         of Standards and Technology “Guidelines for Media
    7         Sanitization” when destroying such information;
    8         requiring such agencies and entities to maintain a
    9         copy of the guidelines; requiring all state agencies
   10         to submit a sampling of sanitized media to a third
   11         party vendor for verification of data destruction;
   12         authorizing the Department of Management Services to
   13         adopt rules; providing an effective date.
   15  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
   17         Section 1. Media sanitization.—
   18         (1)As used in this section, the term:
   19         (a)“Media” means:
   20         1.“Hard copy information,” which is the physical
   21  representation of information, including, but not limited to,
   22  paper printouts, printer and facsimile ribbons, drums, and
   23  platens; and
   24         2.“Electronic information,” which is the bits and bytes
   25  contained in hard drives, random-access memory, read-only
   26  memory, optical disc storage media, memory devices, telephones,
   27  mobile computing devices, networking equipment, and other types
   28  of information storage equipment.
   29         (b)“Sanitization” or “sanitize” means the process of
   30  removing data from media, such that the data may not be
   31  retrieved or reconstructed.
   32         (2)All state agencies, as defined in s. 119.011, and all
   33  private corporations, business trusts, partnerships, limited
   34  liability companies, associations, joint ventures, estates,
   35  trusts, or any other legal or commercial entity, for profit or
   36  not for profit, located in or doing business in this state,
   37  which collects any information that: is deemed secret, private,
   38  personal, or confidential in nature; contains identifying
   39  information, including names, personal or business addresses,
   40  social security numbers, credit or debit card numbers, bank
   41  account numbers, telephone numbers, or photographs that are
   42  recorded on media; and is subject to sanitization or meets the
   43  criteria for destruction as set forth in the “Guidelines for
   44  Media Sanitization: Recommendation of the National Institute of
   45  Standards and Technology,” NIST Special Publication 800-88, must
   46  use the purge or physical destruction techniques for media
   47  destruction described in that document.
   48         (3)All state agencies and private entities subject to
   49  subsection (2) must keep a copy of the Guidelines for Media
   50  Sanitization available for use. An electronic copy of the
   51  document must be kept on the computer desktop of the chief
   52  information officer, security officer, records management
   53  officer, or other person responsible for the sanitization of the
   54  personal or private data at the agency or entity.
   55         (4)All state agencies must submit a sampling of sanitized
   56  electronic media to a third-party vendor without a stake in the
   57  sanitization process for verification of data destruction. The
   58  Department of Management Services shall adopt by rule criteria
   59  for the selection of such vendor and procedures for the
   60  submission and return of such samples.
   61         Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2009.