HB 1369

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to Gulf County; requiring the Department
3of Environmental Protection, notwithstanding s. 161.053,
4F.S., to issue a permit for a single-family dwelling on a
5parcel if the parcel is located in Gulf County and the
6applicant demonstrates the owner of the parcel for which
7the single-family dwelling is proposed does not own
8another parcel immediately adjacent to and landward of the
9parcel for which the dwelling is proposed, the proposed
10single-family dwelling is located landward of the frontal
11dune structure, and the proposed single-family dwelling
12will be as far landward on its parcel as is practicable
13without being located seaward of or on the frontal dune;
14providing an effective date.
16Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
18     Section 1.  Notwithstanding section 161.053, Florida
19Statutes, if pursuant to section 161.053(2), Florida Statutes,
20the Department of Environmental Protection reestablishes a
21coastal construction control line after January 1, 2009, and if
22the application of section 161.053(6)(b), Florida Statutes,
23would preclude the construction of a structure on property the
24majority of which was previously not subject to the jurisdiction
25of the coastal construction control line program, the Department
26of Environmental Protection shall issue a permit for a single-
27family dwelling on the parcel if the parcel is located in Gulf
28County and the applicant successfully demonstrates:
29     (1)  The owner of the parcel for which the single-family
30dwelling is proposed does not own another parcel immediately
31adjacent to and landward of the parcel for which the dwelling is
33     (2)  The proposed single-family dwelling is located
34landward of the frontal dune structure; and
35     (3)  The proposed single-family dwelling will be as far
36landward on its parcel as is practicable without being located
37seaward of or on the frontal dune.
38     Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.