HB 1389

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to cardiovascular disease; creating the
3Florida Council on Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke;
4providing definitions; providing for the appointment of
5members; providing terms of membership; providing
6requirements for voting and a quorum; providing for
7quarterly meetings; requiring the Department of Health to
8provide administrative support; providing for
9reimbursement of per diem and travel expenses; providing
10powers and duties of the council; requiring the council to
11submit written recommendations to the department, the
12Governor, and the Legislature by a specified date;
13requiring the council to report on its activities and
14accounting of funds to the Governor and the Legislature;
15requiring the council to review available clinical
16resources and develop a database of recommendations for
17care and treatment of patients having cardiovascular
18disease or patients at the risk of or who have suffered
19from a stroke; requiring the council to make this database
20available to the public; requiring the council to collect
21and analyze information related to cardiovascular disease
22and stroke from different agencies and organizations and
23create and maintain a database of the information;
24providing requirements for the database; authorizing the
25council to use information from other sources; providing
26an effective date.
28Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
30     Section 1.  Florida Council on Cardiovascular Disease and
32     (1)  DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section, the term:
33     (a)  "Cardiovascular disease" means the group of diseases
34that involve the heart and blood vessels and that are the result
35of complex interactions between multiple inherited traits and
36environmental factors.
37     (b)  "Council" means the Florida Council on Cardiovascular
38Disease and Stroke.
39     (c)  "Managed care entity" means a health maintenance
40organization or a prepaid health clinic certified under chapter
41641, a prepaid health plan authorized under s. 409.912, Florida
42Statutes, or an exclusive provider organization certified under
43s. 627.6472, Florida Statutes.
45     (a)  The Florida Council on Cardiovascular Disease and
46Stroke is composed of 12 members, including a chairperson, who
47shall be appointed by the Governor and who are subject to
48confirmation by the Senate, as follows:
49     1.  A licensed physician whose area of specialization is
51     2.  A licensed physician whose area of specialization is
52neurology to treat stroke;
53     3.  A licensed physician who is employed in a primary care
55     4.  A registered nurse whose area of specialization is
56quality improvement practices for cardiovascular disease and
58     5.  A registered and licensed dietitian;
59     6.  A pharmacist who is licensed in this state;
60     7.  Two persons who have experience and training in public
61health policy, research, or practice;
62     8.  Two consumer members, with special consideration given
63to persons who are active participants in the Florida affiliates
64of the American Heart Association or American Stroke Association
65and who work in a managed care entity or in a hospital or
66rehabilitation setting; and
67     9.  Two members of the public who provide care for persons
68who have cardiovascular disease or are at risk of a stroke or
69who have suffered from cardiovascular disease or stroke.
70     (b)  In appointing members under paragraph (a), the
71Governor shall attempt to appoint female members and members of
72different minority groups, including African Americans, Hispanic
73Americans, Native Americans, and Asian Americans. The Governor
74shall fill any vacancies for the remainder of the unexpired term
75in the same manner as the original appointment.
76     (c)  Members of the council shall be appointed to staggered
774-year terms, with the terms of three or four of the members
78expiring February 1 of each odd-numbered year.
79     (d)  A majority of the members of the council constitutes a
80quorum, and an affirmative vote of a majority of the members is
81necessary to take action.
82     (e)  The council shall meet quarterly or at the call of the
84     (f)  The Department of Health shall provide staff and
85administrative support for the council.
86     (g)  Members of the council shall serve without
87compensation, but are entitled to reimbursement for travel and
88per diem expenses incurred in the performance of their duties in
89accordance with s. 112.061, Florida Statutes.
91     (a)  The council shall develop an effective and resource-
92efficient plan to reduce the morbidity, mortality, and economic
93burden of cardiovascular disease and stroke in this state. The
94council shall:
95     1.  Conduct health education, public awareness, and
96community outreach activities that relate to primary and
97secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease and stroke;
98     2.  Promote, enhance, and coordinate health education,
99public awareness, and community outreach activities that relate
100to primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease
101and stroke and that are provided by private and other public
103     3.  Coordinate activities with other entities that are
104concerned with medical conditions that are similar to
105cardiovascular disease and stroke or that have similar risk
107     4.  Identify for health care providers, employers, schools,
108community health centers, and other groups the benefits of
109encouraging treatment and primary and secondary prevention,
110promote public awareness of cardiovascular disease and stroke,
111and recognize innovative and effective programs that achieve the
112objectives of improved treatment, prevention, and public
114     5.  Provide guidance regarding the roles and
115responsibilities of government agencies, health care providers,
116employers, third-party payers, patients, and families of
117patients in the treatment, primary and secondary prevention, and
118public awareness of cardiovascular disease and stroke;
119     6.  Improve access to treatment for and primary and
120secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease and stroke
121through public awareness programs, including access for
122uninsured individuals and individuals living in rural or
123underserved areas;
124     7.  Assist communities in developing comprehensive local
125programs for the prevention of cardiovascular disease and
127     8.  Assist the Department of Education and local school
128districts in promoting a public school curriculum that includes
129physical, nutritional, and health education relating to the
130prevention of cardiovascular disease and stroke;
131     9.  Establish appropriate forums, programs, or initiatives
132that are designed to educate the public regarding the effect of
133heart disease and stroke on women's health, with an emphasis on
134preventive health and healthy lifestyles;
135     10.  Evaluate and enhance the implementation and
136effectiveness of the program developed under this section; and
137     11.  Advise the Legislature on legislation that is needed
138to develop further and maintain a statewide system of quality
139education services for all persons who have cardiovascular
140disease or who have suffered from or are at risk for stroke. The
141council may develop and submit legislation to the Legislature or
142comment on pending legislation that affects persons who have
143cardiovascular disease or who have suffered from or are at risk
144for stroke.
145     (b)  By January 15, 2010, the council shall make written
146recommendations for performing its duties under this section to
147the Department of Health, the Governor, the President of the
148Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
149     (c)  By January 15, 2011, and each January 15 thereafter,
150the council shall report to the Governor, the President of the
151Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives on the
152activities of the council, accounting for all funds received and
153disbursed by or for the council during the preceding fiscal
155     (4)  DATABASE OF CLINICAL RESOURCES.--The council shall
156review available clinical resources and shall develop a database
157of recommendations for appropriate care and treatment of
158patients who have cardiovascular disease or patients who have
159suffered from or are at risk for stroke. The council shall make
160the database accessible to the public.
162     (a)  The council shall collect and analyze information
163related to cardiovascular disease and stroke at the state level
164and regional level and, to the extent feasible, at the local
165level. The council shall obtain the information from federal and
166state agencies and from private and public organizations. The
167council shall maintain a database of this information. The
168database shall include, but need not be limited to:
169     1.  Information related to behavioral risk factors
170identified for cardiovascular disease and stroke;
171     2.  Morbidity and mortality rates for cardiovascular
172disease and stroke; and
173     3.  Community indicators relevant to cardiovascular disease
174and stroke.
175     (b)  In compiling the database, the council may use
176information available from other sources, such as the Behavioral
177Risk Factor Surveillance System established by the Centers for
178Disease Control and Prevention, reports of data from hospital
179discharges, and information included in death certificates.
180     Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2009.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.