HB 1391

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to optional Medicaid payments for the
3medically needy; amending s. 409.904, F.S.; removing
4limitations on provision of services to certain persons
5age 65 or older, families, persons who are blind or
6disabled, pregnant women, and children younger than age
721; providing an effective date.
9Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
11     Section 1.  Subsections (1) and (2) of section 409.904,
12Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
13     409.904  Optional payments for eligible persons.--The
14agency may make payments for medical assistance and related
15services on behalf of the following persons who are determined
16to be eligible subject to the income, assets, and categorical
17eligibility tests set forth in federal and state law. Payment on
18behalf of these Medicaid eligible persons is subject to the
19availability of moneys and any limitations established by the
20General Appropriations Act or chapter 216.
21     (1)  Effective January 1, 2006, and subject to federal
22waiver approval, a person who is age 65 or older or is
23determined to be disabled, whose income is at or below 88
24percent of the federal poverty level, whose assets do not exceed
25established limitations, and who is not eligible for Medicare
26or, if eligible for Medicare, is also eligible for and receiving
27Medicaid-covered institutional care services, hospice services,
28or home and community-based services. The agency shall seek
29federal authorization through a waiver to provide this coverage.
30This subsection expires June 30, 2009.
31     (2)(a)  A family, a pregnant woman, a child under age 21, a
32person age 65 or over, or a blind or disabled person, who would
33be eligible under any group listed in s. 409.903(1), (2), or
34(3), except that the income or assets of such family or person
35exceed established limitations. For a family or person in one of
36these coverage groups, medical expenses are deductible from
37income in accordance with federal requirements in order to make
38a determination of eligibility. A family or person eligible
39under the coverage known as the "medically needy," is eligible
40to receive the same services as other Medicaid recipients, with
41the exception of services in skilled nursing facilities and
42intermediate care facilities for the developmentally disabled.
43This subsection expires June 30, 2009.
44     (b)  Effective July 1, 2009, a pregnant woman or a child
45younger than 21 years of age who would be eligible under any
46group listed in s. 409.903, except that the income or assets of
47such group exceed established limitations. For a person in one
48of these coverage groups, medical expenses are deductible from
49income in accordance with federal requirements in order to make
50a determination of eligibility. A person eligible under the
51coverage known as the "medically needy" is eligible to receive
52the same services as other Medicaid recipients, with the
53exception of services in skilled nursing facilities and
54intermediate care facilities for the developmentally disabled.
55     Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2009.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.