Florida Senate - 2009                            (NP)    SR 1392
       By Senator Aronberg
       27-01921-09                                           20091392__
    1                          Senate Resolution                        
    2         A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of
    3         NEDAwareness Week.
    5         WHEREAS, an estimated 5 million to 10 million people in the
    6  United States suffer from eating disorders, including anorexia
    7  nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder, and
    8         WHEREAS, eating disorders are more common among women, but
    9  an increasing number of men also suffer from these disorders,
   10  and
   11         WHEREAS, an estimated .5 percent to 3.7 percent of women in
   12  the United States will suffer from anorexia nervosa in their
   13  lifetimes, an estimated 1.1 percent to 4.2 percent of women in
   14  the United States will suffer from bulimia nervosa, and an
   15  estimated 2 percent to 5 percent of people in the United States
   16  experience binge eating disorder during any given 6-month
   17  period, and
   18         WHEREAS, anorexia nervosa has the highest premature
   19  mortality rate of any mental illness, and eating disorders are
   20  associated with serious physical health consequences, including
   21  irregular heartbeats, heart disease and heart failure, kidney
   22  failure, osteoporosis, gastric rupture, peptic ulcer, tooth
   23  decay, obesity, gall bladder disease, diabetes, and death, and
   24         WHEREAS, eating disorders are also associated with
   25  substantial psychological problems, including depression,
   26  substance abuse, and suicide, and
   27         WHEREAS, the Alliance for Eating Disorders Awareness and
   28  H.O.P.E (Helping Other People Eat) of Florida, working in
   29  conjunction with the National Eating Disorders Association, have
   30  designated the week of February 22–28, 2009, as NEDAwareness
   31  Week to increase public awareness of eating disorders and to
   32  promote healthful eating habits and a healthy body image, NOW,
   35  Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of Florida:
   37         That the Florida Senate supports the goals and ideals of
   38  National Eating Disorders Awareness Week and applauds efforts to
   39  increase the public awareness of eating disorders, expand
   40  research for treatment and cures, broaden access to treatment,
   41  and promote healthful eating habits and body image.