CS/HB 1439

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to access to confidential records of
3children; creating s. 39.00145, F.S.; requiring that the
4case file of a child under the supervision or in the
5custody of the Department of Children and Family Services
6be maintained in a complete and accurate manner;
7specifying who has access to the case file and records in
8the file; authorizing the court to release the child's
9records to certain entities; providing that entities that
10have access to confidential and exempt records about a
11child may share it with other entities that provide
12services benefiting children; amending s. 39.202, F.S.;
13specifying who has access to a child's records; amending
14s. 39.2021, F.S.; making editorial changes; amending s.
15402.115, F.S.; adding the Department of Juvenile Justice
16to the list of agencies that are authorized to exchange
17confidential or exempt information; amending s. 415.1071,
18F.S.; making editorial changes; providing an effective
21Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
23     Section 1.  Section 39.00145, Florida Statutes, is created
24to read:
25     39.00145  Child records.--
26     (1)  The case file of every child under the supervision of
27or in the custody of the department or its authorized agents or
28contract providers, including community-based care lead agencies
29and their subcontracted providers, must be maintained in a
30complete and accurate manner. "Complete and accurate manner"
31includes, but is not limited to, inclusion within the case file
32of the child's case plan required by part VIII of this chapter
33and the full name and street address of all shelters, foster
34parents, group homes, treatment facilities, or locations where
35the child is placed.
36     (2)(a)  Notwithstanding any other provision in this
37chapter, the records in the case file shall be made available
38for inspection upon request of the child or the child's
39caregiver, guardian ad litem, or attorney, at no cost. A request
40by the child's attorney must be submitted in writing.
41     (b)  The child shall be provided with a complete and
42accurate copy of his or her entire case file, at no cost, upon
43the request of the child or the child's caregiver, guardian ad
44litem, or attorney on behalf of the child.
45     (c)  Release of records in the case file to the child or
46the child's caregiver, guardian ad litem, or attorney does not
47waive the confidential and exempt status of the records.
48     (3)  If a court determines that sharing information in the
49child's case file is necessary to ensure the child receives
50access to appropriate services or for the safety of the child,
51the court may approve the release of the confidential and exempt
53     (4)  For purposes of the Family Educational Rights and
54Privacy Act, the disclosure of information in health and safety
55emergencies applies to a child placed in shelter care or found
56to be dependent under this chapter.
57     (5)(a)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, all
58state and local agencies and programs that provide services to
59children or are responsible for the safety of the child,
60including the department, the Department of Juvenile Justice,
61the Department of Health, the Agency for Health Care
62Administration, the Agency for Persons with Disabilities, the
63Department of Education, individual school districts, the
64Statewide Guardian Ad Litem Office, and any contract provider of
65such agencies, may share with each other confidential and exempt
66records if the records are reasonably necessary to ensure access
67by the child to appropriate services or for the safety of the
69     (b)  This subsection does not apply to information
70concerning clients and records of certified domestic violence
71centers which are confidential under s. 39.908 and privileged
72under s. 90.5036.
73     Section 2.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section
7439.202, Florida Statutes, is amended, and paragraph (r) is added
75to that subsection, to read:
76     39.202  Confidentiality of reports and records in cases of
77child abuse or neglect.--
78     (2)  Except as provided in subsection (4), access to such
79records, excluding the name of the reporter which shall be
80released only as provided in subsection (5), shall be granted
81only to the following persons, officials, and agencies:
82     (a)  Employees, authorized agents, or contract providers of
83the department, including community-based care lead agencies and
84their subcontracted providers, the Department of Health, the
85Agency for Persons with Disabilities, or county agencies
86responsible for carrying out:
87     1.  Child or adult protective investigations;
88     2.  Ongoing child or adult protective services;
89     3.  Early intervention and prevention services;
90     4.  Healthy Start services;
91     5.  Licensure or approval of adoptive homes, foster homes,
92child care facilities, facilities licensed under chapter 393, or
93family day care homes or informal child care providers who
94receive subsidized child care funding, or other homes used to
95provide for the care and welfare of children; or
96     6.  Services for victims of domestic violence when provided
97by certified domestic violence centers working at the
98department's request as case consultants or with shared clients.
100Also, employees or agents of the Department of Juvenile Justice
101responsible for the provision of services to children, pursuant
102to chapters 984 and 985.
103     (r)  Persons with whom placement of a child is being
104actively considered or has been granted, including a foster
105parent upon whom an approved home study has been conducted, the
106designee of a licensed residential group home pursuant to s.
10739.523, an approved relative or nonrelative placement pursuant
108to s. 39.402(4), a preadoptive parent upon whom a favorable
109preliminary adoptive home study has been conducted, an adoptive
110parent, or an adoption entity acting on behalf of the child, a
111preadoptive parent, or an adoptive parent.
112     Section 3.  Section 39.2021, Florida Statutes, is amended
113to read:
114     39.2021  Release of confidential information.--
115     (1)(a)  Any person or organization, including the
116department of Children and Family Services, may petition the
117court for an order making public the records of the department
118of Children and Family Services which pertain to an
119investigation investigations of alleged abuse, abandonment, or
120neglect of a child. The court shall determine whether there is
121good cause exists for public access to the records sought or a
122portion thereof.
123     (b)  In making a this determination of good cause, the
124court shall balance the best interests of the child who is the
125focus of the investigation and the interest of the that child's
126siblings, together with the privacy rights of other persons
127identified in the reports, against the public interest. The
128public interest in access to such records is reflected in s.
129119.01(1), and includes the need for the public citizens to know
130of and adequately evaluate the actions of the department of
131Children and Family Services and the court system in providing
132children of this state with the protections enumerated in s.
13339.001. However, this subsection does not contravene s. 39.202,
134which protects the name of any person reporting the abuse,
135abandonment, or neglect of a child.
136     (2)(a)  In cases involving serious bodily injury to a
137child, the department of Children and Family Services may
138petition the court for an order for the immediate public release
139of records of the department which pertain to the protective
140investigation. The petition must be personally served upon the
141child, the child's parent or guardian, and any person named as
142an alleged perpetrator in the report of abuse, abandonment, or
143neglect. The court must determine whether good cause exists for
144the public release of the records sought no later than 24 hours,
145excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, after the date
146the department filed the petition with the court. If the court
147does not grant or deny the petition within the 24-hour time
148period, the department may release to the public summary
149information including:
150     1.(a)  A confirmation that an investigation has been
151conducted concerning the alleged victim.
152     2.(b)  The dates and brief description of procedural
153activities undertaken during the department's investigation.
154     3.(c)  The date of each judicial proceeding, a summary of
155each participant's recommendations made at the judicial
156proceeding, and the ruling of the court.
157     (b)  The summary information shall not include the name of,
158or other identifying information with respect to, any person
159identified in any investigation. In making a determination to
160release confidential information, the court shall balance the
161best interests of the child who is the focus of the
162investigation and the interests of that child's siblings,
163together with the privacy rights of other persons identified in
164the reports against the public interest for access to public
165records. However, this subsection does not contravene s. 39.202,
166which protects the name of any person reporting abuse,
167abandonment, or neglect of a child.
168     (3)  If When the court determines that there is good cause
169for public access exists, the court shall direct that the
170department to redact the name of, and other identifying
171information with respect to, any person identified in the any
172protective investigation report until such time as the court
173finds that there is probable cause to believe that the person
174identified committed an act of alleged abuse, abandonment, or
176     Section 4.  Section 402.115, Florida Statutes, is amended
177to read:
178     402.115  Sharing confidential or exempt
179information.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the
180contrary, the Department of Health, the Department of Children
181and Family Services, the Department of Juvenile Justice, and the
182Agency for Persons with Disabilities may share confidential
183information or information exempt from disclosure under chapter
184119 on any individual who is or has been the subject of a
185program within the jurisdiction of each agency. Information so
186exchanged remains confidential or exempt as provided by law.
187     Section 5.  Section 415.1071, Florida Statutes, is amended
188to read:
189     415.1071  Release of confidential information.--
190     (1)(a)  Any person or organization, including the
191department of Children and Family Services, may petition the
192court for an order making public the records of the department
193of Children and Family Services which pertain to an
194investigation investigations of alleged abuse, neglect, or
195exploitation of a vulnerable adult. The court shall determine
196whether there is good cause exists for public access to the
197records sought or a portion thereof.
198     (b)  In making a this determination of good cause, the
199court shall balance the best interests of the vulnerable adult
200who is the focus of the investigation together with the privacy
201right of other persons identified in the reports, against the
202public interest. The public interest in access to such records
203is reflected in s. 119.01(1), and includes the need for the
204public citizens to know of and adequately evaluate the actions
205of the department of Children and Family Services and the court
206system in providing vulnerable adults of this state with the
207protections enumerated in s. 415.101. However, this subsection
208does not contravene s. 415.107, which protects the name of any
209person reporting the abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a
210vulnerable adult.
211     (2)(a)  In cases involving serious bodily injury to a
212vulnerable adult, the department of Children and Family Services
213may petition the court for an order for the immediate public
214release of records of the department which pertain to the
215protective investigation. The petition must be personally served
216upon the vulnerable adult, the vulnerable adult's legal
217guardian, if any, and any person named as an alleged perpetrator
218in the report of abuse, neglect, or exploitation. The court must
219determine whether good cause exists for the public release of
220the records sought no later than 24 hours, excluding Saturdays,
221Sundays, and legal holidays, after the date the department filed
222the petition with the court. If the court does not grant or deny
223the petition within the 24-hour time period, the department may
224release to the public summary information including:
225     1.(a)  A confirmation that an investigation has been
226conducted concerning the alleged victim.
227     2.(b)  The dates and brief description of procedural
228activities undertaken during the department's investigation.
229     3.(c)  The date of each judicial proceeding, a summary of
230each participant's recommendations made at the judicial
231proceeding, and the ruling of the court.
232     (b)  The summary information shall not include the name of,
233or other identifying information with respect to, any person
234identified in any investigation. In making a determination to
235release confidential information, the court shall balance the
236best interests of the vulnerable adult who is the focus of the
237investigation together with the privacy rights of other persons
238identified in the reports against the public interest for access
239to public records. However, this subsection does not contravene
240s. 415.107, which protects the name of any person reporting
241abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a vulnerable adult.
242     (3)  If When the court determines that there is good cause
243for public access exists, the court shall direct that the
244department to redact the name of and other identifying
245information with respect to any person identified in the any
246protective investigation report until such time as the court
247finds that there is probable cause to believe that the person
248identified committed an act of alleged abuse, neglect, or
250     Section 6.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2009.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.