Bill No. CS/CS/CS/HB 1495
Amendment No. 622115
Senate House

1Representative Long offered the following:
3     Amendment (with title amendment)
4     Between lines 935 and 936, insert:
5     Section 6.  Subsection (6) of section 626.854, Florida
6Statutes, is amended to read:
7     626.854  "Public adjuster" defined; prohibitions.--The
8Legislature finds that it is necessary for the protection of the
9public to regulate public insurance adjusters and to prevent the
10unauthorized practice of law.
11     (6)  A public adjuster may not directly or indirectly
12through any other person or entity initiate contact or engage in
13face-to-face or telephonic solicitation or enter into a contract
14with any insured or claimant under an insurance policy until at
15least 48 hours after the occurrence of an event that may be the
16subject of a claim under the insurance policy unless contact is
17initiated by the insured or claimant. If a state of emergency is
18declared by the Governor, the public adjuster may not enter into
19a contract with any insured or claimant under an insurance
20policy until at least 15 days after the occurrence of the event
21that is the subject of the claim unless contact is initiated by
22the insured or claimant.
24The provisions of subsections (5)-(12) apply only to residential
25property insurance policies and condominium association policies
26as defined in s. 718.111(11).
T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T
30     Remove line 49 and insert:
31products sold by certain business entities; amending s.
32626.854, F.S.; providing that a public adjuster may not
33enter into a contract with an insured or claimant for a
34specified period after the event that is the subject of the
35claim if a state of emergency is declared by the Governor
36unless the contact is initiated by the insured or the
37claimant; amending s.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.