CS/CS/CS/HB 1495

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to property insurance; amending s.
3215.555, F.S.; revising the dates of an insurer's contract
4year for purposes of calculating the insurer's retention;
5requiring the State Board of Administration to offer an
6additional amount of reimbursement coverage to certain
7insurers that purchased coverage during a certain calendar
8year; requiring an insurer that purchases certain coverage
9to retain an amount equal to a percentage of the insurer's
10surplus on a certain date; providing that an insurer's
11retention will apply along with a mandatory coverage after
12an optional coverage is exhausted; revising an expiration
13date on the requirement for the State Board of
14Administration to offer certain optional coverage to
15insurers; requiring the State Board of Administration to
16publish a statement of the estimated claims-paying
17capacity of the Hurricane Catastrophe Fund; authorizing
18the State Board of Administration to reimburse insurers
19based on a formula related to the claims-paying capacity
20of the Hurricane Catastrophe Fund; requiring the formula
21to determine an actuarially indicated premium to include
22specified cash build-up factors; authorizing the State
23Board of Administration to require insurers to notarize
24documents submitted to the board; authorizing insurers to
25purchase temporary increased coverage limit for certain
26future hurricane seasons; providing that a cash build-up
27factor does not apply to temporary increased coverage
28limit premiums; providing dates on which the claims-paying
29capacity of the fund will increase; deleting authority for
30the State Board of Administration to increase the claims-
31paying capacity of the Hurricane Catastrophe Fund;
32amending s. 215.5586, F.S.; revising legislative intent;
33revising criteria for hurricane mitigation inspections;
34revising criteria for eligibility for a mitigation grant;
35expanding the list of improvements for which grants may be
36used; correcting a reference to the Florida Division of
37Emergency Management; deleting provisions relating to no-
38interest loans; requiring that contracts valued at or
39greater than a specified amount be subject to review and
40approval of the Legislative Budget Commission; amending s.
41626.854, F.S.; prohibiting a public adjuster from
42accepting referrals for compensation from a person with
43whom the public adjuster conducts business; prohibiting a
44public adjuster from compensating a person other than a
45public adjuster for referrals; amending s. 627.7011, F.S.;
46providing that an insurer may repair damaged property in
47compliance with its policy; amending s. 626.865, F.S.;
48deleting a requirement that an applicant for a license as
49a public adjuster pass a written examination as a
50prerequisite to licensure; amending s. 626.8651, F.S.;
51requiring an applicant for a public adjuster apprentice
52license to pass a written exam and receive an Accredited
53Claims Adjuster designation and related training before
54licensure; limiting the number of public adjuster
55apprentices that may be maintained by a single public
56adjusting firm or supervised by a public adjuster;
57amending s. 627.062, F.S.; extending the period for which
58an insurer seeking a residential property insurance rate
59that is greater than the rate most recently approved by
60the Office of Insurance Regulation must make a "file and
61use" filing; authorizing insurers to make separate filings
62for certain rate adjustments and costs; specifying
63limitations; providing procedural requirements; requiring
64the office to review the filing within a specified time
65for certain purposes; amending s. 627.0621, F.S.;
66requiring that the Office of Insurance Regulation provide
67certain information regarding any residential property
68rate filing on a publicly accessible Internet website;
69requiring that the office provide a means on its website
70for certain persons to submit e-mail regarding any rate
71filing; requiring that such e-mail be accessible by the
72actuary assigned to review the subject rate filing;
73deleting a limitation on the application of the attorney-
74client privilege and work product doctrine in challenges
75to actions by the Office of Insurance Regulation relating
76to rate filings; amending s. 627.0629, F.S.; requiring
77certain hurricane mitigation measure discounts, credits,
78and rate differentials to supersede certain other
79discounts, credits, and rate differentials; authorizing an
80insurer to include in its rates the actual cost of certain
81reinsurance; amending s. 627.351, F.S.; deleting a
82provision requiring a seller of certain residential
83property to disclose the structure's windstorm mitigation
84rating to the prospective purchaser of the property;
85providing for members of the board of governors of
86Citizens Property Insurance Corporation to serve staggered
87terms; requiring Citizen's Property Insurance Corporation
88to implement rate increases until the implementation of
89actuarially sound rates; revising the date after which the
90State Board of Administration is required to reduce the
91boundaries of high-risk areas eligible for wind-only
92coverages under certain circumstances; amending s.
93627.3512, F.S.; providing legislative findings; providing
94for the recoupment of residual market assessments paid by
95insurers or insurer groups; limiting the amount of a
96recoupment factor; authorizing an insurer to apply
97recalculated recoupment factors to policies issued or
98renewed during specified periods under certain
99circumstances; requiring that insurers or insurer groups
100file a statement setting forth certain information;
101providing for the application of recoupment factors to
102certain policies upon issuance or renewal; requiring that
103insurers or insurer groups file a supplemental statement
104under certain circumstances; requiring that such entities
105file a final accounting report documenting certain
106information within a specified period after the completion
107of the recoupment process; requiring that such report
108provide certain information; amending s. 627.711, F.S.;
109requiring that an insurer accept as valid a uniform
110mitigation verification form certified by the Department
111of Financial Services or signed by certain individuals or
112entities; providing a criminal penalty for knowingly
113submitting a false or fraudulent mitigation form with the
114intent to receive an undeserved discount; amending s.
115627.712, F.S.; revising the properties for which an
116insurer must make policies available which exclude
117windstorm coverage; amending s. 631.65, F.S.; providing
118that an insurance agent is not prohibited from explaining
119the existence or function of the insurance guaranty
120association; requiring the Office of Program Policy
121Analysis and Government Accountability to submit a report
122to the Legislature, Commissioner of Insurance, Chief
123Financial Officer, and Governor reviewing laws governing
124public adjuster; specifying review requirements; amending
125s. 627.0628, F.S.; requiring the Florida Commission on
126Hurricane Loss Projection Methodology to hold public
127meetings for purposes of implementing certain windstorm
128mitigation discounts, credits, other rate differentials,
129and deductible reductions; requiring a report to the
130Governor, Cabinet, and Legislature; amending s. 624.46226,
131F.S.; authorizing reinsurance companies to issue coverage
132directly to certain public housing authorities  under
133certain circumstances; specifying that a public housing
134authority is considered an insurer under certain
135circumstances; requiring that certain reinsurance
136contracts issued to public housing authorities receive the
137same tax treatment as contracts issued to insurance
138companies; providing construction; providing an effective
141Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
143     Section 1.  Paragraph (e) of subsection (2), subsection
144(4), paragraph (b) of subsection (5), and subsections (7) and
145(17) of section 215.555, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
146     215.555  Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund.--
147     (2)  DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section:
148     (e)  "Retention" means the amount of losses below which an
149insurer is not entitled to reimbursement from the fund. An
150insurer's retention shall be calculated as follows:
151     1.  The board shall calculate and report to each insurer
152the retention multiples for that year. For the contract year
153beginning June 1, 2005, the retention multiple shall be equal to
154$4.5 billion divided by the total estimated reimbursement
155premium for the contract year; for subsequent years, the
156retention multiple shall be equal to $4.5 billion, adjusted
157based upon the reported exposure from the prior contract year to
158reflect the percentage growth in exposure to the fund for
159covered policies since 2004, divided by the total estimated
160reimbursement premium for the contract year. Total reimbursement
161premium for purposes of the calculation under this subparagraph
162shall be estimated using the assumption that all insurers have
163selected the 90-percent coverage level. In 2010, the contract
164year begins June 1, 2010, and ends December 31, 2010. In 2011
165and thereafter, the contract year begins January 1 and ends
166December 31.
167     2.  The retention multiple as determined under subparagraph
1681. shall be adjusted to reflect the coverage level elected by
169the insurer. For insurers electing the 90-percent coverage
170level, the adjusted retention multiple is 100 percent of the
171amount determined under subparagraph 1. For insurers electing
172the 75-percent coverage level, the retention multiple is 120
173percent of the amount determined under subparagraph 1. For
174insurers electing the 45-percent coverage level, the adjusted
175retention multiple is 200 percent of the amount determined under
176subparagraph 1.
177     3.  An insurer shall determine its provisional retention by
178multiplying its provisional reimbursement premium by the
179applicable adjusted retention multiple and shall determine its
180actual retention by multiplying its actual reimbursement premium
181by the applicable adjusted retention multiple.
182     4.  For insurers who experience multiple covered events
183causing loss during the contract year, beginning June 1, 2005,
184each insurer's full retention shall be applied to each of the
185covered events causing the two largest losses for that insurer.
186For each other covered event resulting in losses, the insurer's
187retention shall be reduced to one-third of the full retention.
188The reimbursement contract shall provide for the reimbursement
189of losses for each covered event based on the full retention
190with adjustments made to reflect the reduced retentions on or
191after January 1 of the contract year provided the insurer
192reports its losses as specified in the reimbursement contract.
194     (a)  The board shall enter into a contract with each
195insurer writing covered policies in this state to provide to the
196insurer the reimbursement described in paragraphs (b) and (d),
197in exchange for the reimbursement premium paid into the fund
198under subsection (5). As a condition of doing business in this
199state, each such insurer shall enter into such a contract.
200     (b)1.  The contract shall contain a promise by the board to
201reimburse the insurer for 45 percent, 75 percent, or 90 percent
202of its losses from each covered event in excess of the insurer's
203retention, plus 5 percent of the reimbursed losses to cover loss
204adjustment expenses.
205     2.  The insurer must elect one of the percentage coverage
206levels specified in this paragraph and may, upon renewal of a
207reimbursement contract, elect a lower percentage coverage level
208if no revenue bonds issued under subsection (6) after a covered
209event are outstanding, or elect a higher percentage coverage
210level, regardless of whether or not revenue bonds are
211outstanding. All members of an insurer group must elect the same
212percentage coverage level. Any joint underwriting association,
213risk apportionment plan, or other entity created under s.
214627.351 must elect the 90-percent coverage level.
215     3.  The contract shall provide that reimbursement amounts
216shall not be reduced by reinsurance paid or payable to the
217insurer from other sources.
218     4.  Notwithstanding any other provision contained in this
219section, the board shall make available to insurers that
220purchased coverage provided by this subparagraph in 2008 2007,
221insurers qualifying as limited apportionment companies under s.
222627.351(6)(c), and insurers that have been approved to
223participate in the Insurance Capital Build-Up Incentive Program
224pursuant to s. 215.5595 a contract or contract addendum that
225provides an additional amount of reimbursement coverage of up to
226$10 million. The premium to be charged for this additional
227reimbursement coverage shall be 50 percent of the additional
228reimbursement coverage provided, which shall include one prepaid
229reinstatement. The minimum retention level that an eligible
230participating insurer must retain associated with this
231additional coverage layer is 30 percent of the insurer's surplus
232as of December 31, 2008, for the 2009-2010 contract year; as of
233December 31, 2009, for the contract year beginning June 1, 2010,
234and ending December 31, 2010; and as of December 31, 2010, for
235the 2011 contract year December 31, 2007. This coverage shall be
236in addition to all other coverage that may be provided under
237this section. The coverage provided by the fund under this
238subparagraph shall be in addition to the claims-paying capacity
239as defined in subparagraph (c)1., but only with respect to those
240insurers that select the additional coverage option and meet the
241requirements of this subparagraph. The claims-paying capacity
242with respect to all other participating insurers and limited
243apportionment companies that do not select the additional
244coverage option shall be limited to their reimbursement
245premium's proportionate share of the actual claims-paying
246capacity otherwise defined in subparagraph (c)1. and as provided
247for under the terms of the reimbursement contract. The optional
248coverage retention as specified shall be accessed before the
249mandatory coverage under the reimbursement contract, but once
250the limit of coverage selected under this option is exhausted,
251the insurer's retention under the mandatory coverage will apply.
252This coverage will apply and be paid concurrently with mandatory
253coverage. Coverage provided in the reimbursement contract shall
254not be affected by the additional premiums paid by participating
255insurers exercising the additional coverage option allowed in
256this subparagraph. This subparagraph expires on December 31,
2572011 May 31, 2009.
258     (c)1.  The contract shall also provide that the obligation
259of the board with respect to all contracts covering a particular
260contract year shall not exceed the actual claims-paying capacity
261of the fund up to a limit of $15 billion for that contract year
262adjusted based upon the reported exposure from the prior
263contract year to reflect the percentage growth in exposure to
264the fund for covered policies since 2003, provided the dollar
265growth in the limit may not increase in any year by an amount
266greater than the dollar growth of the balance of the fund as of
267December 31, less any premiums or interest attributable to
268optional coverage, as defined by rule which occurred over the
269prior calendar year.
270     2.  In May before the start of the upcoming contract year
271and in October of during the contract year, the board shall
272publish in the Florida Administrative Weekly a statement of the
273fund's estimated borrowing capacity, the fund's estimated
274claims-paying capacity, and the projected balance of the fund as
275of December 31. After the end of each calendar year, the board
276shall notify insurers of the estimated borrowing capacity,
277estimated claims-paying capacity, and the balance of the fund as
278of December 31 to provide insurers with data necessary to assist
279them in determining their retention and projected payout from
280the fund for loss reimbursement purposes. In conjunction with
281the development of the premium formula, as provided for in
282subsection (5), the board shall publish factors or multiples
283that assist insurers in determining their retention and
284projected payout for the next contract year. For all regulatory
285and reinsurance purposes, an insurer may calculate its projected
286payout from the fund as its share of the total fund premium for
287the current contract year multiplied by the sum of the projected
288balance of the fund as of December 31 and the estimated
289borrowing capacity for that contract year as reported under this
291     (d)1.  For purposes of determining potential liability and
292to aid in the sound administration of the fund, the contract
293shall require each insurer to report such insurer's losses from
294each covered event on an interim basis, as directed by the
295board. The contract shall require the insurer to report to the
296board no later than December 31 of each year, and quarterly
297thereafter, its reimbursable losses from covered events for the
298year. The contract shall require the board to determine and pay,
299as soon as practicable after receiving these reports of
300reimbursable losses, the initial amount of reimbursement due and
301adjustments to this amount based on later loss information. The
302adjustments to reimbursement amounts shall require the board to
303pay, or the insurer to return, amounts reflecting the most
304recent calculation of losses.
305     2.  In determining reimbursements pursuant to this
306subsection, the contract shall provide that the board shall pay
307to each insurer such insurer's projected payout, which is the
308amount of reimbursement it is owed, up to an amount equal to the
309insurer's share of the actual premium paid for that contract
310year, multiplied by the actual claims-paying capacity available
311for that contract year.
312     3.  The board may reimburse insurers for amounts up to the
313published factors or multiples for determining each
314participating insurer's retention and projected payout derived
315as a result of the development of the premium formula in those
316situations in which the total reimbursement of losses to such
317insurers would not exceed the estimated claims-paying capacity
318of the fund. Otherwise, such factors or multiples shall be
319reduced uniformly among all insurers to reflect the estimated
320claims-paying capacity.
321     (e)1.  Except as provided in subparagraphs 2. and 3., the
322contract shall provide that if an insurer demonstrates to the
323board that it is likely to qualify for reimbursement under the
324contract, and demonstrates to the board that the immediate
325receipt of moneys from the board is likely to prevent the
326insurer from becoming insolvent, the board shall advance the
327insurer, at market interest rates, the amounts necessary to
328maintain the solvency of the insurer, up to 50 percent of the
329board's estimate of the reimbursement due the insurer. The
330insurer's reimbursement shall be reduced by an amount equal to
331the amount of the advance and interest thereon.
332     2.  With respect only to an entity created under s.
333627.351, the contract shall also provide that the board may,
334upon application by such entity, advance to such entity, at
335market interest rates, up to 90 percent of the lesser of:
336     a.  The board's estimate of the amount of reimbursement due
337to such entity; or
338     b.  The entity's share of the actual reimbursement premium
339paid for that contract year, multiplied by the currently
340available liquid assets of the fund. In order for the entity to
341qualify for an advance under this subparagraph, the entity must
342demonstrate to the board that the advance is essential to allow
343the entity to pay claims for a covered event and the board must
344determine that the fund's assets are sufficient and are
345sufficiently liquid to allow the board to make an advance to the
346entity and still fulfill the board's reimbursement obligations
347to other insurers. The entity's final reimbursement for any
348contract year in which an advance has been made under this
349subparagraph must be reduced by an amount equal to the amount of
350the advance and any interest on such advance. In order to
351determine what amounts, if any, are due the entity, the board
352may require the entity to report its exposure and its losses at
353any time to determine retention levels and reimbursements
355     3.  The contract shall also provide specifically and solely
356with respect to any limited apportionment company under s.
357627.351(2)(b)3. that the board may, upon application by such
358company, advance to such company the amount of the estimated
359reimbursement payable to such company as calculated pursuant to
360paragraph (d), at market interest rates, if the board determines
361that the fund's assets are sufficient and are sufficiently
362liquid to permit the board to make an advance to such company
363and at the same time fulfill its reimbursement obligations to
364the insurers that are participants in the fund. Such company's
365final reimbursement for any contract year in which an advance
366pursuant to this subparagraph has been made shall be reduced by
367an amount equal to the amount of the advance and interest
368thereon. In order to determine what amounts, if any, are due to
369such company, the board may require such company to report its
370exposure and its losses at such times as may be required to
371determine retention levels and loss reimbursements payable.
372     (f)  In order to ensure that insurers have properly
373reported the insured values on which the reimbursement premium
374is based and to ensure that insurers have properly reported the
375losses for which reimbursements have been made, the board shall
376inspect, examine, and verify the records of each insurer's
377covered policies at such times as the board deems appropriate
378and according to standards established by rule for the specific
379purpose of validating the accuracy of exposures and losses
380required to be reported under the terms and conditions of the
381reimbursement contract. The costs of the examinations shall be
382borne by the board. However, in order to remove any incentive
383for an insurer to delay preparations for an examination, the
384board shall be reimbursed by the insurer for any examination
385expenses incurred in addition to the usual and customary costs
386of the examination, which additional expenses were incurred as a
387result of an insurer's failure, despite proper notice, to be
388prepared for the examination or as a result of an insurer's
389failure to provide requested information while the examination
390is in progress. If the board finds any insurer's records or
391other necessary information to be inadequate or inadequately
392posted, recorded, or maintained, the board may employ experts to
393reconstruct, rewrite, record, post, or maintain such records or
394information, at the expense of the insurer being examined, if
395such insurer has failed to maintain, complete, or correct such
396records or deficiencies after the board has given the insurer
397notice and a reasonable opportunity to do so. Any information
398contained in an examination report, which information is
399described in s. 215.557, is confidential and exempt from the
400provisions of s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State
401Constitution, as provided in s. 215.557. Nothing in this
402paragraph expands the exemption in s. 215.557.
403     (g)  The contract shall provide that in the event of the
404insolvency of an insurer, the fund shall pay directly to the
405Florida Insurance Guaranty Association for the benefit of
406Florida policyholders of the insurer the net amount of all
407reimbursement moneys owed to the insurer. As used in this
408paragraph, the term "net amount of all reimbursement moneys"
409means that amount which remains after reimbursement for:
410     1.  Preliminary or duplicate payments owed to private
411reinsurers or other inuring reinsurance payments to private
412reinsurers that satisfy statutory or contractual obligations of
413the insolvent insurer attributable to covered events to such
414reinsurers; or
415     2.  Funds owed to a bank or other financial institution to
416cover obligations of the insolvent insurer under a credit
417agreement that assists the insolvent insurer in paying claims
418attributable to covered events.
420The private reinsurers, banks, or other financial institutions
421shall be reimbursed or otherwise paid prior to payment to the
422Florida Insurance Guaranty Association, notwithstanding any law
423to the contrary. The guaranty association shall pay all claims
424up to the maximum amount permitted by chapter 631; thereafter,
425any remaining moneys shall be paid pro rata to claims not fully
426satisfied. This paragraph does not apply to a joint underwriting
427association, risk apportionment plan, or other entity created
428under s. 627.351.
430     (b)  The State Board of Administration shall select an
431independent consultant to develop a formula for determining the
432actuarially indicated premium to be paid to the fund. The
433formula shall specify, for each zip code or other limited
434geographical area, the amount of premium to be paid by an
435insurer for each $1,000 of insured value under covered policies
436in that zip code or other area. In establishing premiums, the
437board shall consider the coverage elected under paragraph (4)(b)
438and any factors that tend to enhance the actuarial
439sophistication of ratemaking for the fund, including
440deductibles, type of construction, type of coverage provided,
441relative concentration of risks, and other such factors deemed
442by the board to be appropriate. The formula must provide for a
443cash build-up factor. For the 2009-2010 contract year, the
444factor is 5 percent. For the contract year beginning June 1,
4452010, and ending December 31, 2010, the factor is 10 percent.
446For the 2011 contract year, the factor is 15 percent. For the
4472012 contract year, the factor is 20 percent. For the 2013
448contract year and thereafter, the factor is 25 percent. The
449formula may provide for a procedure to determine the premiums to
450be paid by new insurers that begin writing covered policies
451after the beginning of a contract year, taking into
452consideration when the insurer starts writing covered policies,
453the potential exposure of the insurer, the potential exposure of
454the fund, the administrative costs to the insurer and to the
455fund, and any other factors deemed appropriate by the board. The
456formula must be approved by unanimous vote of the board. The
457board may, at any time, revise the formula pursuant to the
458procedure provided in this paragraph.
460     (a)  The board may procure reinsurance from reinsurers
461acceptable to the Office of Insurance Regulation for the purpose
462of maximizing the capacity of the fund and may enter into
463capital market transactions, including, but not limited to,
464industry loss warranties, catastrophe bonds, side-car
465arrangements, or financial contracts permissible for the board's
466usage under s. 215.47(10) and (11), consistent with prudent
467management of the fund.
468     (b)  In addition to borrowing under subsection (6), the
469board may also borrow from, or enter into other financing
470arrangements with, any market sources at prevailing interest
472     (c)  Each fiscal year, the Legislature shall appropriate
473from the investment income of the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe
474Fund an amount no less than $10 million and no more than 35
475percent of the investment income based upon the most recent
476fiscal year-end audited financial statements for the purpose of
477providing funding for local governments, state agencies, public
478and private educational institutions, and nonprofit
479organizations to support programs intended to improve hurricane
480preparedness, reduce potential losses in the event of a
481hurricane, provide research into means to reduce such losses,
482educate or inform the public as to means to reduce hurricane
483losses, assist the public in determining the appropriateness of
484particular upgrades to structures or in the financing of such
485upgrades, or protect local infrastructure from potential damage
486from a hurricane. Moneys shall first be available for
487appropriation under this paragraph in fiscal year 1997-1998.
488Moneys in excess of the $10 million specified in this paragraph
489shall not be available for appropriation under this paragraph if
490the State Board of Administration finds that an appropriation of
491investment income from the fund would jeopardize the actuarial
492soundness of the fund.
493     (d)  The board may allow insurers to comply with reporting
494requirements and reporting format requirements by using
495alternative methods of reporting if the proper administration of
496the fund is not thereby impaired and if the alternative methods
497produce data which is consistent with the purposes of this
499     (e)  In order to assure the equitable operation of the
500fund, the board may impose a reasonable fee on an insurer to
501recover costs involved in reprocessing inaccurate, incomplete,
502or untimely exposure data submitted by the insurer.
503     (f)  The board may require insurers to notarize documents
504submitted to the board.
506     (a)  Findings and intent.--
507     1.  The Legislature finds that:
508     a.  Because of temporary disruptions in the market for
509catastrophic reinsurance, many property insurers were unable to
510procure sufficient amounts of reinsurance for the 2006 hurricane
511season or were able to procure such reinsurance only by
512incurring substantially higher costs than in prior years.
513     b.  The reinsurance market problems were responsible, at
514least in part, for substantial premium increases to many
515consumers and increases in the number of policies issued by
516Citizens Property Insurance Corporation.
517     c.  It is likely that the reinsurance market disruptions
518will not significantly abate prior to the 2007 hurricane season.
519     2.  It is the intent of the Legislature to create options
520for insurers to purchase a temporary increased coverage limit
521above the statutorily determined limit in subparagraph (4)(c)1.,
522applicable for the 2007, 2008, and 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and
5232013 hurricane seasons, to address market disruptions and enable
524insurers, at their option, to procure additional coverage from
525the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund.
526     (b)  Applicability of other provisions of this
527section.--All provisions of this section and the rules adopted
528under this section apply to the coverage created by this
529subsection unless specifically superseded by provisions in this
531     (c)  Optional coverage.--For the contract year commencing
532June 1, 2007, and ending May 31, 2008, the contract year
533commencing June 1, 2008, and ending May 31, 2009, and the
534contract year commencing June 1, 2009, and ending May 31, 2010,
535the contract year commencing June 1, 2010, and ending December
53631, 2010, the contract year commencing January 1, 2011, and
537ending December 31, 2011, the contract year commencing January
5381, 2012, and ending December 31, 2012, and the contract year
539commencing January 1, 2013, and ending December 31, 2013, the
540board shall offer, for each of such years, the optional coverage
541as provided in this subsection.
542     (d)  Additional definitions.--As used in this subsection,
543the term:
544     1.  "FHCF" means Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund.
545     2.  "FHCF reimbursement premium" means the premium paid by
546an insurer for its coverage as a mandatory participant in the
547FHCF, but does not include additional premiums for optional
549     3.  "Payout multiple" means the number or multiple created
550by dividing the statutorily defined claims-paying capacity as
551determined in subparagraph (4)(c)1. by the aggregate
552reimbursement premiums paid by all insurers estimated or
553projected as of calendar year-end.
554     4.  "TICL" means the temporary increase in coverage limit.
555     5.  "TICL options" means the temporary increase in coverage
556options created under this subsection.
557     6.  "TICL insurer" means an insurer that has opted to
558obtain coverage under the TICL options addendum in addition to
559the coverage provided to the insurer under its FHCF
560reimbursement contract.
561     7.  "TICL reimbursement premium" means the premium charged
562by the fund for coverage provided under the TICL option.
563     8.  "TICL coverage multiple" means the coverage multiple
564when multiplied by an insurer's reimbursement premium that
565defines the temporary increase in coverage limit.
566     9.  "TICL coverage" means the coverage for an insurer's
567losses above the insurer's statutorily determined claims-paying
568capacity based on the claims-paying limit in subparagraph
569(4)(c)1., which an insurer selects as its temporary increase in
570coverage from the fund under the TICL options selected. A TICL
571insurer's increased coverage limit options shall be calculated
572as follows:
573     a.  The board shall calculate and report to each TICL
574insurer the TICL coverage multiples based on 12 options for
575increasing the insurer's FHCF coverage limit. Each TICL coverage
576multiple shall be calculated by dividing $1 billion, $2 billion,
577$3 billion, $4 billion, $5 billion, $6 billion, $7 billion, $8
578billion, $9 billion, $10 billion, $11 billion, or $12 billion by
579the total estimated aggregate FHCF reimbursement premiums for
580the 2007-2008 contract year, and the 2008-2009 contract year,
581and the 2009-2010 contract year.
582     b.  For the 2009-2010 contract year, the board shall
583calculate and report to each TICL insurer the TICL coverage
584multiples based on 10 options for increasing the insurer's FHCF
585coverage limit. Each TICL coverage multiple shall be calculated
586by dividing $1 billion, $2 billion, $3 billion, $4 billion, $5
587billion, $6 billion, $7 billion, $8 billion, $9 billion, and $10
588billion by the total estimated aggregate FHCF reimbursement
589premiums for the 2009-2010 contract year.
590     c.  For the contract year beginning June 1, 2010, and
591ending December 31, 2010, the board shall calculate and report
592to each TICL insurer the TICL coverage multiples based on eight
593options for increasing the insurer's FHCF coverage limit. Each
594TICL coverage multiple shall be calculated by dividing $1
595billion, $2 billion, $3 billion, $4 billion, $5 billion, $6
596billion, $7 billion, and $8 billion by the total estimated
597aggregate FHCF reimbursement premiums for the contract year.
598     d.  For the 2011 contract year, the board shall calculate
599and report to each TICL insurer the TICL coverage multiples
600based on six options for increasing the insurer's FHCF coverage
601limit. Each TICL coverage multiple shall be calculated by
602dividing $1 billion, $2 billion, $3 billion, $4 billion, $5
603billion, and $6 billion by the total estimated aggregate FHCF
604reimbursement premiums for the 2011 contract year.
605     e.  For the 2012 contract year, the board shall calculate
606and report to each TICL insurer the TICL coverage multiples
607based on four options for increasing the insurer's FHCF coverage
608limit. Each TICL coverage multiple shall be calculated by
609dividing $1 billion, $2 billion, $3 billion, and $4 billion by
610the total estimated aggregate FHCF reimbursement premiums for
611the 2012 contract year.
612     f.  For the 2013 contract year, the board shall calculate
613and report to each TICL insurer the TICL coverage multiples
614based on two options for increasing the insurer's FHCF coverage
615limit. Each TICL coverage multiple shall be calculated by
616dividing $1 billion and $2 billion by the total estimated
617aggregate FHCF reimbursement premiums for the 2013 contract
619     g.b.  The TICL insurer's increased coverage shall be the
620FHCF reimbursement premium multiplied by the TICL coverage
621multiple. In order to determine an insurer's total limit of
622coverage, an insurer shall add its TICL coverage multiple to its
623payout multiple. The total shall represent a number that, when
624multiplied by an insurer's FHCF reimbursement premium for a
625given reimbursement contract year, defines an insurer's total
626limit of FHCF reimbursement coverage for that reimbursement
627contract year.
628     10.  "TICL options addendum" means an addendum to the
629reimbursement contract reflecting the obligations of the fund
630and insurers selecting an option to increase an insurer's FHCF
631coverage limit.
632     (e)  TICL options addendum.--
633     1.  The TICL options addendum shall provide for
634reimbursement of TICL insurers for covered events occurring
635between June 1, 2007, and May 31, 2008, and between June 1,
6362008, and May 31, 2009, or between June 1, 2009, and May 31,
6372010, between June 1, 2010, and December 31, 2010, between
638January 1, 2011, and December 31, 2011, between January 1, 2012,
639and December 31, 2012, or between January 1, 2013, and December
64031, 2013, in exchange for the TICL reimbursement premium paid
641into the fund under paragraph (f). Any insurer writing covered
642policies has the option of selecting an increased limit of
643coverage under the TICL options addendum and shall select such
644coverage at the time that it executes the FHCF reimbursement
646     2.  The TICL addendum shall contain a promise by the board
647to reimburse the TICL insurer for 45 percent, 75 percent, or 90
648percent of its losses from each covered event in excess of the
649insurer's retention, plus 5 percent of the reimbursed losses to
650cover loss adjustment expenses. The percentage shall be the same
651as the coverage level selected by the insurer under paragraph
653     3.  The TICL addendum shall provide that reimbursement
654amounts shall not be reduced by reinsurance paid or payable to
655the insurer from other sources.
656     4.  The priorities, schedule, and method of reimbursements
657under the TICL addendum shall be the same as provided under
658subsection (4).
659     (f)  TICL reimbursement premiums.--Each TICL insurer shall
660pay to the fund, in the manner and at the time provided in the
661reimbursement contract for payment of reimbursement premiums, a
662TICL reimbursement premium determined as specified in subsection
663(5), except that a cash build-up factor does not apply to the
664TICL reimbursement premiums. However, the TICL reimbursement
665premium shall be increased in contract year 2009-2010 by a
666factor of two, in the contract year beginning June 1, 2010, and
667ending December 31, 2010, by a factor of three, in the 2011
668contract year by a factor of four, in the 2012 contract year by
669a factor of five, and in the 2013 contract year by a factor of
671     (g)  Effect on claims-paying capacity of the fund.--For the
672contract terms commencing June 1, 2007, June 1, 2008, and June
6731, 2009, June 1, 2010, January 1, 2011, January 1, 2012, and
674January 1, 2013, the program created by this subsection shall
675increase the claims-paying capacity of the fund as provided in
676subparagraph (4)(c)1. by an amount not to exceed $12 billion and
677shall depend on the TICL coverage options selected and the
678number of insurers that select the TICL optional coverage. The
679additional capacity shall apply only to the additional coverage
680provided under the TICL options and shall not otherwise affect
681any insurer's reimbursement from the fund if the insurer chooses
682not to select the temporary option to increase its limit of
683coverage under the FHCF.
684     (h)  Increasing the claims-paying capacity of the
685fund.--For the contract years commencing June 1, 2007, June 1,
6862008, and June 1, 2009, the board may increase the claims-paying
687capacity of the fund as provided in paragraph (g) by an amount
688not to exceed $4 billion in four $1 billion options and shall
689depend on the TICL coverage options selected and the number of
690insurers that select the TICL optional coverage. Each insurer's
691TICL premium shall be calculated based upon the additional limit
692of increased coverage that the insurer selects. Such limit is
693determined by multiplying the TICL multiple associated with one
694of the four options times the insurer's FHCF reimbursement
695premium. The reimbursement premium associated with the
696additional coverage provided in this paragraph shall be
697determined as specified in subsection (5).
698     Section 2.  Section 215.5586, Florida Statutes, as amended
699by section 1 of chapter 2009-10, Laws of Florida, is amended to
701     215.5586  My Safe Florida Home Program.--There is
702established within the Department of Financial Services the My
703Safe Florida Home Program. The department shall provide fiscal
704accountability, contract management, and strategic leadership
705for the program, consistent with this section. This section does
706not create an entitlement for property owners or obligate the
707state in any way to fund the inspection or retrofitting of
708residential property in this state. Implementation of this
709program is subject to annual legislative appropriations. It is
710the intent of the Legislature that the My Safe Florida Home
711Program provide trained and certified inspectors to perform
712inspections for owners of for at least 400,000 site-built,
713single-family, residential properties and provide grants to
714eligible at least 35,000 applicants as funding allows before
715June 30, 2009. The program shall develop and implement a
716comprehensive and coordinated approach for hurricane damage
717mitigation that may shall include the following:
719     (a)  Certified inspectors to provide free home-retrofit
720inspections of site-built, single-family, residential property
721may shall be offered throughout the state to determine what
722mitigation measures are needed, what insurance premium discounts
723may be available, and what improvements to existing residential
724properties are needed to reduce the property's vulnerability to
725hurricane damage. The Department of Financial Services shall
726contract with wind certification entities to provide free
727hurricane mitigation inspections. The inspections provided to
728homeowners, at a minimum, must include:
729     1.  A home inspection and report that summarizes the
730results and identifies recommended improvements a homeowner may
731take to mitigate hurricane damage.
732     2.  A range of cost estimates regarding the recommended
733mitigation improvements.
734     3.  Insurer-specific information regarding premium
735discounts correlated to the current mitigation features and the
736recommended mitigation improvements identified by the
738     4.  A hurricane resistance rating scale specifying the
739home's current as well as projected wind resistance
740capabilities. As soon as practical, the rating scale must be the
741uniform home grading scale adopted by the Financial Services
742Commission pursuant to s. 215.55865.
743     (b)  To qualify for selection by the department as a wind
744certification entity to provide hurricane mitigation
745inspections, the entity shall, at a minimum, meet the following
747     1.  Use hurricane mitigation inspectors who:
748     a.  Are certified as a building inspector under s. 468.607;
749     b.  Are licensed as a general or residential contractor
750under s. 489.111;
751     c.  Are licensed as a professional engineer under s.
752471.015 and who have passed the appropriate equivalency test of
753the Building Code Training Program as required by s. 553.841;
754     d.  Are licensed as a professional architect under s.
755481.213; or
756     e.  Have at least 2 years of experience in residential
757construction or residential building inspection and have
758received specialized training in hurricane mitigation
759procedures. Such training may be provided by a class offered
760online or in person.
761     2.  Use hurricane mitigation inspectors who also:
762     a.  Have undergone drug testing and level 2 background
763checks pursuant to s. 435.04. The department may conduct
764criminal record checks of inspectors used by wind certification
765entities. Inspectors must submit a set of the fingerprints to
766the department for state and national criminal history checks
767and must pay the fingerprint processing fee set forth in s.
768624.501. The fingerprints shall be sent by the department to the
769Department of Law Enforcement and forwarded to the Federal
770Bureau of Investigation for processing. The results shall be
771returned to the department for screening. The fingerprints shall
772be taken by a law enforcement agency, designated examination
773center, or other department-approved entity; and
774     b.  Have been certified, in a manner satisfactory to the
775department, to conduct the inspections.
776     3.  Provide a quality assurance program including a
777reinspection component.
778     (c)  The department shall implement a quality assurance
779program that includes a statistically valid number of
781     (d)  An application for an inspection must contain a signed
782or electronically verified statement made under penalty of
783perjury that the applicant has submitted only a single
784application for that home.
785     (e)  The owner of a site-built, single-family, residential
786property may apply for and receive an inspection without also
787applying for a grant pursuant to subsection (2) and without
788meeting the requirements of paragraph (2)(a).
789     (2)  MITIGATION GRANTS.--Financial grants shall be used to
790encourage single-family, site-built, owner-occupied, residential
791property owners to retrofit their properties to make them less
792vulnerable to hurricane damage.
793     (a)  For a homeowner to be eligible for a grant, the
794following criteria for persons who have obtained a completed
795inspection after May 1, 2007, a residential property must be
797     1.  The homeowner must have been granted a homestead
798exemption on the home under chapter 196.
799     2.  The home must be a dwelling with an insured value of
800$300,000 or less. Homeowners who are low-income persons, as
801defined in s. 420.0004(10), are exempt from this requirement.
802     3.  The home must have undergone an acceptable hurricane
803mitigation inspection after May 1, 2007.
804     4.  The home must be located in the "wind-borne debris
805region" as that term is defined in s. 1609.2, International
806Building Code (2006), or as subsequently amended.
807     5.  Be a home for which The building permit application for
808initial construction of the home must have been was made before
809March 1, 2002.
811An application for a grant must contain a signed or
812electronically verified statement made under penalty of perjury
813that the applicant has submitted only a single application and
814must have attached documents demonstrating the applicant meets
815the requirements of this paragraph.
816     (b)  All grants must be matched on a dollar-for-dollar
817basis up to for a total of $10,000 for the actual cost of the
818mitigation project with the state's contribution not to exceed
820     (c)  The program shall create a process in which
821contractors agree to participate and homeowners select from a
822list of participating contractors. All mitigation must be based
823upon the securing of all required local permits and inspections
824and must be performed by properly licensed contractors.
825Mitigation projects are subject to random reinspection of up to
826at least 5 percent of all projects. Hurricane mitigation
827inspectors qualifying for the program may also participate as
828mitigation contractors as long as the inspectors meet the
829department's qualifications and certification requirements for
830mitigation contractors.
831     (d)  Matching fund grants shall also be made available to
832local governments and nonprofit entities for projects that will
833reduce hurricane damage to single-family, site-built, owner-
834occupied, residential property. The department shall liberally
835construe those requirements in favor of availing the state of
836the opportunity to leverage funding for the My Safe Florida Home
837Program with other sources of funding.
838     (e)  When recommended by a hurricane mitigation inspection,
839grants may be used for the following improvements only:
840     1.  Opening protection.
841     2.  Exterior doors, including garage doors.
842     3.  Brace gable ends.
843     4.  Reinforcing roof-to-wall connections.
844     5.  Improving the strength of roof-deck attachments.
845     6.  Upgrading roof covering from code to code plus.
846     7.  Secondary water barrier for roof.
848The department may require that improvements be made to all
849openings, including exterior doors and garage doors, as a
850condition of reimbursing a homeowner approved for a grant. The
851department may adopt, by rule, the maximum grant allowances for
852any improvement allowable under this paragraph.
853     (f)  Grants may be used on a previously inspected existing
854structure or on a rebuild. A rebuild is defined as a site-built,
855single-family dwelling under construction to replace a home that
856was destroyed or significantly damaged by a hurricane and deemed
857unlivable by a regulatory authority. The homeowner must be a
858low-income homeowner as defined in paragraph (g), must have had
859a homestead exemption for that home prior to the hurricane, and
860must be intending to rebuild the home as that homeowner's
862     (g)  Low-income homeowners, as defined in s. 420.0004(10),
863who otherwise meet the requirements of paragraphs (a), (c), (e),
864and (f) are eligible for a grant of up to $5,000 and are not
865required to provide a matching amount to receive the grant.
866Additionally, for low-income homeowners, grant funding may be
867used for repair to existing structures leading to any of the
868mitigation improvements provided in paragraph (e), limited to 20
869percent of the grant value. The program may accept a
870certification directly from a low-income homeowner that the
871homeowner meets the requirements of s. 420.0004(10) if the
872homeowner provides such certification in a signed or
873electronically verified statement made under penalty of perjury.
874     (h)  The department shall establish objective, reasonable
875criteria for prioritizing grant applications, consistent with
876the requirements of this section.
877     (i)  The department shall develop a process that ensures
878the most efficient means to collect and verify grant
879applications to determine eligibility and may direct hurricane
880mitigation inspectors to collect and verify grant application
881information or use the Internet or other electronic means to
882collect information and determine eligibility.
883     (3)  EDUCATION AND CONSUMER AWARENESS.--The department may
884undertake a statewide multimedia public outreach and advertising
885campaign to inform consumers of the availability and benefits of
886hurricane inspections and of the safety and financial benefits
887of residential hurricane damage mitigation. The department may
888seek out and use local, state, federal, and private funds to
889support the campaign.
890     (4)  ADVISORY COUNCIL.--There is created an advisory
891council to provide advice and assistance to the department
892regarding administration of the program. The advisory council
893shall consist of:
894     (a)  A representative of lending institutions, selected by
895the Financial Services Commission from a list of at least three
896persons recommended by the Florida Bankers Association.
897     (b)  A representative of residential property insurers,
898selected by the Financial Services Commission from a list of at
899least three persons recommended by the Florida Insurance
901     (c)  A representative of home builders, selected by the
902Financial Services Commission from a list of at least three
903persons recommended by the Florida Home Builders Association.
904     (d)  A faculty member of a state university, selected by
905the Financial Services Commission, who is an expert in
906hurricane-resistant construction methodologies and materials.
907     (e)  Two members of the House of Representatives, selected
908by the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
909     (f)  Two members of the Senate, selected by the President
910of the Senate.
911     (g)  The Chief Executive Officer of the Federal Alliance
912for Safe Homes, Inc., or his or her designee.
913     (h)  The senior officer of the Florida Hurricane
914Catastrophe Fund.
915     (i)  The executive director of Citizens Property Insurance
917     (j)  The director of the Florida Division of Emergency
918Management of the Department of Community Affairs.
920Members appointed under paragraphs (a)-(d) shall serve at the
921pleasure of the Financial Services Commission. Members appointed
922under paragraphs (e) and (f) shall serve at the pleasure of the
923appointing officer. All other members shall serve as voting ex
924officio members. Members of the advisory council shall serve
925without compensation but may receive reimbursement as provided
926in s. 112.061 for per diem and travel expenses incurred in the
927performance of their official duties.
928     (5)  FUNDING.--The department may seek out and leverage
929local, state, federal, or private funds to enhance the financial
930resources of the program.
931     (6)  RULES.--The Department of Financial Services shall
932adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to govern the
933program; implement the provisions of this section; including
934rules governing hurricane mitigation inspections and grants,
935mitigation contractors, and training of inspectors and
936contractors; and carry out the duties of the department under
937this section.
939shall develop and maintain as a public record a current list of
940hurricane mitigation inspectors authorized to conduct hurricane
941mitigation inspections pursuant to this section.
942     (8)  NO-INTEREST LOANS.--The department shall implement a
943no-interest loan program by October 1, 2008, contingent upon the
944selection of a qualified vendor and execution of a contract
945acceptable to the department and the vendor. The department
946shall enter into partnerships with the private sector to provide
947loans to owners of site-built, single-family, residential
948property to pay for mitigation measures listed in subsection
949(2). A loan eligible for interest payments pursuant to this
950subsection may be for a term of up to 3 years and cover up to
951$5,000 in mitigation measures. The department shall pay the
952creditor the market rate of interest using funds appropriated
953for the My Safe Florida Home Program. In no case shall the
954department pay more than the interest rate set by s. 687.03. To
955be eligible for a loan, a loan applicant must first obtain a
956home inspection and report that specifies what improvements are
957needed to reduce the property's vulnerability to windstorm
958damage pursuant to this section and meet loan underwriting
959requirements set by the lender. The department may adopt rules
960pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement this
961subsection which may include eligibility criteria.
963BROKERS AND SALES ASSOCIATES.--The program shall develop
964brochures for distribution to general contractors, roofing
965contractors, and real estate brokers and sales associates
966licensed under part I of chapter 475 explaining the benefits to
967homeowners of residential hurricane damage mitigation. The
968program shall encourage contractors to distribute the brochures
969to homeowners at the first meeting with a homeowner who is
970considering contracting for home or roof repairs or contracting
971for the construction of a new home. The program shall encourage
972real estate brokers and sales associates licensed under part I
973of chapter 475 to distribute the brochures to clients prior to
974the purchase of a home. The brochures may be made available
976     (9)(10)  CONTRACT MANAGEMENT.--The department may contract
977with third parties for grants management, inspection services,
978contractor services for low-income homeowners, information
979technology, educational outreach, and auditing services. Such
980contracts shall be considered direct costs of the program and
981shall not be subject to administrative cost limits, but
982contracts valued at $1 million $500,000 or more shall be subject
983to review and approval by the Legislative Budget Commission. The
984department shall contract with providers that have a
985demonstrated record of successful business operations in areas
986directly related to the services to be provided and shall ensure
987the highest accountability for use of state funds, consistent
988with this section.
989     (10)(11)  INTENT.--It is the intent of the Legislature that
990grants made to residential property owners under this section
991shall be considered disaster-relief assistance within the
992meaning of s. 139 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
994     (11)(12)  REPORTS.--The department shall make an annual
995report on the activities of the program that shall account for
996the use of state funds and indicate the number of inspections
997requested, the number of inspections performed, the number of
998grant applications received, and the number and value of grants
999approved. The report shall be delivered to the President of the
1000Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives by
1001February 1 of each year.
1002     Section 3.  Subsection (13) is added to section 626.854,
1003Florida Statutes, to read:
1004     626.854  "Public adjuster" defined; prohibitions.--The
1005Legislature finds that it is necessary for the protection of the
1006public to regulate public insurance adjusters and to prevent the
1007unauthorized practice of law.
1008     (13)  A public adjuster, public adjuster apprentice, or any
1009person acting on behalf of a public adjuster or apprentice may
1010not accept referrals of business from any person with whom the
1011public adjuster conducts business if there is any form or manner
1012of agreement to compensate the person, whether directly or
1013indirectly, for referring business to the public adjuster. A
1014public adjuster may not compensate any person, except for
1015another public adjuster, whether directly or indirectly, for the
1016principal purpose of referring business to the public adjuster.
1018The provisions of subsections (5)-(13) subsections (5)-(12)
1019apply only to residential property insurance policies and
1020condominium association policies as defined in s. 718.111(11).
1021     Section 4.  Subsection (7) is added to section 627.7011,
1022Florida Statutes, to read:
1023     627.7011  Homeowners' policies; offer of replacement cost
1024coverage and law and ordinance coverage.--
1025     (7)  This section does not prohibit an insurer from
1026exercising its right to repair damaged property in compliance
1027with its policy and s. 627.702(7).
1028     Section 5.  Subsection (1) of section 626.865, Florida
1029Statutes, is amended to read:
1030     626.865  Public adjuster's qualifications, bond.--
1031     (1)  The department shall issue a license to an applicant
1032for a public adjuster's license upon determining that the
1033applicant has paid the applicable fees specified in s. 624.501
1034and possesses the following qualifications:
1035     (a)  Is a natural person at least 18 years of age.
1036     (b)  Is a United States citizen or legal alien who
1037possesses work authorization from the United States Bureau of
1038Citizenship and Immigration Services and a bona fide resident of
1039this state.
1040     (c)  Is trustworthy and has such business reputation as
1041would reasonably assure that the applicant will conduct his or
1042her business as insurance adjuster fairly and in good faith and
1043without detriment to the public.
1044     (d)  Has had sufficient experience, training, or
1045instruction concerning the adjusting of damages or losses under
1046insurance contracts, other than life and annuity contracts, is
1047sufficiently informed as to the terms and effects of the
1048provisions of those types of insurance contracts, and possesses
1049adequate knowledge of the laws of this state relating to such
1050contracts as to enable and qualify him or her to engage in the
1051business of insurance adjuster fairly and without injury to the
1052public or any member thereof with whom the applicant may have
1053business as a public adjuster.
1054     (e)  Has passed the required written examination.
1055     Section 6.  Section 626.8651, Florida Statutes, is amended
1056to read:
1057     626.8651  Public adjuster apprentice license;
1059     (1)  The department shall issue a license as a public
1060adjuster apprentice to an applicant who is:
1061     (a)  A natural person at least 18 years of age.
1062     (b)  A United States citizen or legal alien who possesses
1063work authorization from the United States Bureau of Citizenship
1064and Immigration Services and is a resident of this state.
1065     (c)  Trustworthy and has such business reputation as would
1066reasonably ensure that the applicant will conduct business as a
1067public adjuster apprentice fairly and in good faith and without
1068detriment to the public.
1069     (2)  All applicable license fees, as prescribed in s.
1070624.501, must be paid in full before issuance of the license.
1071     (3)  An applicant must pass the required written
1072examination before a license may be issued.
1073     (4)  An applicant must have received designation as an
1074Accredited Claims Adjuster (ACA) after completion of training
1075that qualifies the applicant to engage in the business of a
1076public adjuster apprentice fairly and without injury to the
1077public. Such training and instruction must address adjusting
1078damages and losses under insurance contracts, the terms and
1079effects of insurance contracts, and knowledge of the laws of
1080this state relating to insurance contracts.
1081     (5)  At the time of application for license as a public
1082adjuster apprentice, the applicant shall file with the
1083department a bond executed and issued by a surety insurer
1084authorized to transact such business in this state in the amount
1085of $50,000, conditioned upon the faithful performance of his or
1086her duties as a public adjuster apprentice under the license for
1087which the applicant has applied, and thereafter maintain the
1088bond unimpaired throughout the existence of the license and for
1089at least 1 year after termination of the license. The bond shall
1090be in favor of the department and shall specifically authorize
1091recovery by the department of the damages sustained in case the
1092licensee commits fraud or unfair practices in connection with
1093his or her business as a public adjuster apprentice. The
1094aggregate liability of the surety for all such damages may not
1095exceed the amount of the bond, and the bond may not be
1096terminated by the issuing insurer unless written notice of at
1097least 30 days is given to the licensee and filed with the
1099     (6)(4)  A public adjuster apprentice shall complete at a
1100minimum 100 hours of employment per month for 12 months of
1101employment under the supervision of a licensed and appointed
1102all-lines public adjuster in order to qualify for licensure as a
1103public adjuster. The department may adopt rules that establish
1104standards for such employment requirements.
1105     (7)(5)  An appointing public adjusting firm may not
1106maintain more than 12 public adjuster apprentices
1107simultaneously. However, a supervising public adjuster may not
1108shall be responsible for more than 3 public adjuster apprentices
1109simultaneously and shall be accountable for the acts of all a
1110public adjuster apprentices apprentice which are related to
1111transacting business as a public adjuster apprentice.
1112     (8)(6)  An apprentice license is effective for 18 months
1113unless the license expires due to lack of maintaining an
1114appointment; is surrendered by the licensee; is terminated,
1115suspended, or revoked by the department; or is canceled by the
1116department upon issuance of a public adjuster license. The
1117department may not issue a public adjuster apprentice license to
1118any individual who has held such a license in this state within
11192 years after expiration, surrender, termination, revocation, or
1120cancellation of the license.
1121     (9)(7)  After completing the requirements for employment as
1122a public adjuster apprentice, the licensee may file an
1123application for a public adjuster license. The applicant and
1124supervising public adjuster or public adjusting firm must each
1125file a sworn affidavit, on a form prescribed by the department,
1126verifying that the employment of the public adjuster apprentice
1127meets the requirements of this section.
1128     (10)(8)  In no event shall a public adjuster apprentice
1129licensed under this section perform any of the functions for
1130which a public adjuster's license is required after expiration
1131of the public adjuster apprentice license without having
1132obtained a public adjuster license.
1133     (11)(9)  A public adjuster apprentice has the same
1134authority as the licensed public adjuster or public adjusting
1135firm that employs the apprentice except that an apprentice may
1136not execute contracts for the services of a public adjuster or
1137public adjusting firm and may not solicit contracts for the
1138services except under the direct supervision and guidance of the
1139supervisory public adjuster. An individual may not be, act as,
1140or hold himself or herself out to be a public adjuster
1141apprentice unless the individual is licensed and holds a current
1142appointment by a licensed public all-lines adjuster or a public
1143adjusting firm that employs a licensed all-lines public
1145     Section 7.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) and subsection
1146(5) of section 627.062, Florida Statutes, are amended, and
1147paragraph (k) is added to subsection (2) of that section, to
1149     627.062  Rate standards.--
1150     (2)  As to all such classes of insurance:
1151     (a)  Insurers or rating organizations shall establish and
1152use rates, rating schedules, or rating manuals to allow the
1153insurer a reasonable rate of return on such classes of insurance
1154written in this state. A copy of rates, rating schedules, rating
1155manuals, premium credits or discount schedules, and surcharge
1156schedules, and changes thereto, shall be filed with the office
1157under one of the following procedures except as provided in
1158subparagraph 3.:
1159     1.  If the filing is made at least 90 days before the
1160proposed effective date and the filing is not implemented during
1161the office's review of the filing and any proceeding and
1162judicial review, then such filing shall be considered a "file
1163and use" filing. In such case, the office shall finalize its
1164review by issuance of a notice of intent to approve or a notice
1165of intent to disapprove within 90 days after receipt of the
1166filing. The notice of intent to approve and the notice of intent
1167to disapprove constitute agency action for purposes of the
1168Administrative Procedure Act. Requests for supporting
1169information, requests for mathematical or mechanical
1170corrections, or notification to the insurer by the office of its
1171preliminary findings shall not toll the 90-day period during any
1172such proceedings and subsequent judicial review. The rate shall
1173be deemed approved if the office does not issue a notice of
1174intent to approve or a notice of intent to disapprove within 90
1175days after receipt of the filing.
1176     2.  If the filing is not made in accordance with the
1177provisions of subparagraph 1., such filing shall be made as soon
1178as practicable, but no later than 30 days after the effective
1179date, and shall be considered a "use and file" filing. An
1180insurer making a "use and file" filing is potentially subject to
1181an order by the office to return to policyholders portions of
1182rates found to be excessive, as provided in paragraph (h).
1183     3.  For all property insurance filings made or submitted
1184after January 25, 2007, but before December 31, 2010 2009, an
1185insurer seeking a rate that is greater than the rate most
1186recently approved by the office shall make a "file and use"
1187filing. For purposes of this subparagraph, motor vehicle
1188collision and comprehensive coverages are not considered to be
1189property coverages.
1190     (k)1.  An insurer may make a separate filing limited solely
1191to an adjustment of its rates for reinsurance or financing costs
1192incurred in the purchase of reinsurance or financing products to
1193replace or finance the payment of the amount covered by the
1194Temporary Increase in Coverage Limits (TICL) portion of the
1195Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund including replacement
1196reinsurance for the TICL reductions made pursuant to s.
1197215.555(17)(e); the actual cost paid due to the application of
1198the TICL premium factor pursuant to s. 215.555 (17)(f); and the
1199actual cost paid due to the application of the cash build-up
1200factor pursuant to s. 215.555(5)(b) if the insurer:
1201     a.  Elects to purchase financing products such as a
1202liquidity instrument or line of credit, in which case the cost
1203included in the filing for the liquidity instrument or line of
1204credit may not result in a premium increase exceeding 3 percent
1205for any individual policyholder.  All costs contained in the
1206filing may not result in an overall premium increase of more
1207than 10 percent for any individual policyholder.  
1208     b.  Includes in the filing a copy of all of its
1209reinsurance, liquidity instrument, or line of credit contracts;
1210proof of the billing or payment for the contracts; and the
1211calculation upon which the proposed rate change is based
1212demonstrates that the costs meet the criteria of this section
1213and are not loaded for expenses or profit for the insurer making
1214the filing.
1215     c.  Includes no other changes to its rates in the filing.
1216     d.  Has not implemented a rate increase within the 6 months
1217immediately preceding the filing.
1218     e.  Does not file for a rate increase under any other
1219paragraph within 6 months after making a filing under this
1221     f.  That purchases reinsurance or financing products from
1222an affiliated company in compliance with this paragraph does so
1223only if the costs for such reinsurance or financing products are
1224charged at or below charges made for comparable coverage by
1225nonaffiliated reinsurers or financial entities making such
1226coverage or financing products available in this state.
1227     2.  An insurer may only make one filing in any 12-month
1228period under this paragraph.
1229     3.  An insurer that elects to implement a rate change under
1230this paragraph must file its rate filing with the office at
1231least 45 days before the effective date of the rate change.  
1232After an insurer submits a complete filing that meets all of the
1233requirements of this paragraph, the office has 45 days after the
1234date of the filing to review the rate filing and determine if
1235the rate is excessive, inadequate, or unfairly discriminatory.
1237The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to workers'
1238compensation and employer's liability insurance and to motor
1239vehicle insurance.
1240     (5)  With respect to a rate filing involving coverage of
1241the type for which the insurer is required to pay a
1242reimbursement premium to the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund,
1243the insurer may fully recoup in its property insurance premiums
1244any reimbursement premiums paid to the Florida Hurricane
1245Catastrophe Fund, together with reasonable costs of other
1246reinsurance, but except as otherwise provided in this section,
1247may not recoup reinsurance costs that duplicate coverage
1248provided by the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund. An insurer
1249may not recoup more than 1 year of reimbursement premium at a
1250time. Any under-recoupment from the prior year may be added to
1251the following year's reimbursement premium and any over-
1252recoupment shall be subtracted from the following year's
1253reimbursement premium.
1254     Section 8.  Section 627.0621, Florida Statutes, is amended
1255to read:
1256     627.0621  Transparency in rate regulation.--
1257     (1)  DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section, the term:
1258     (a)  "Rate filing" means any original or amended rate
1259residential property insurance filing.
1260     (b)  "Recommendation" means any proposed, preliminary, or
1261final recommendation from an office actuary reviewing a rate
1262filing with respect to the issue of approval or disapproval of
1263the rate filing or with respect to rate indications that the
1264office would consider acceptable.
1267     (a)  With respect to any residential property rate filing
1268made on or after July 1, 2008, the office shall provide the
1269following information on a publicly accessible Internet website:
1270     1.(a)  The overall rate change requested by the insurer.
1271     2.  The rate change approved by the office along with all
1272of the actuary's assumptions and recommendations forming the
1273basis of the office's decision.
1274     3.  Certification by the office's actuary that, based on
1275the actuary's knowledge, his or her recommendations are
1276consistent with accepted actuarial principles.
1277     (b)  For any rate filing, whether or not the filing is
1278subject to a public hearing, the office shall provide on its
1279website a means for any policyholder who may be affected by a
1280proposed rate change to send an e-mail regarding the proposed
1281rate change. Such e-mail must be accessible to the actuary
1282assigned to review the rate filing.
1283     (b)  All assumptions made by the office's actuaries.
1284     (c)  A statement describing any assumptions or methods that
1285deviate from the actuarial standards of practice of the Casualty
1286Actuarial Society or the American Academy of Actuaries,
1287including an explanation of the nature, rationale, and effect of
1288the deviation.
1289     (d)  All recommendations made by any office actuary who
1290reviewed the rate filing.
1291     (e)  Certification by the office's actuary that, based on
1292the actuary's knowledge, his or her recommendations are
1293consistent with accepted actuarial principles.
1294     (f)  The overall rate change approved by the office.
1296intent of the Legislature that the principles of the public
1297records and open meetings laws apply to the assertion of
1298attorney-client privilege and work product confidentiality by
1299the office in connection with a challenge to its actions on a
1300rate filing. Therefore, in any administrative or judicial
1301proceeding relating to a rate filing, attorney-client privilege
1302and work product exemptions from disclosure do not apply to
1303communications with office attorneys or records prepared by or
1304at the direction of an office attorney, except when the
1305conditions of paragraphs (a) and (b) have been met:
1306     (a)  The communication or record reflects a mental
1307impression, conclusion, litigation strategy, or legal theory of
1308the attorney or office that was prepared exclusively for civil
1309or criminal litigation or adversarial administrative
1311     (b)  The communication occurred or the record was prepared
1312after the initiation of an action in a court of competent
1313jurisdiction, after the issuance of a notice of intent to deny a
1314rate filing, or after the filing of a request for a proceeding
1315under ss. 120.569 and 120.57.
1316     Section 9.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) and subsection
1317(5) of section 627.0629, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
1318     627.0629  Residential property insurance; rate filings.--
1319     (1)
1320     (b)  By February 1, 2011, the Office of Insurance
1321Regulation, in consultation with the Department of Financial
1322Services and the Department of Community Affairs, shall develop
1323and make publicly available a proposed method for insurers to
1324establish discounts, credits, or other rate differentials for
1325hurricane mitigation measures which directly correlate to the
1326numerical rating assigned to a structure pursuant to the uniform
1327home grading scale adopted by the Financial Services Commission
1328pursuant to s. 215.55865, including any proposed changes to the
1329uniform home grading scale. By October 1, 2011, the commission
1330shall adopt rules requiring insurers to make rate filings for
1331residential property insurance which revise insurers' discounts,
1332credits, or other rate differentials for hurricane mitigation
1333measures so that such rate differentials correlate directly to
1334the uniform home grading scale. The rules may include such
1335changes to the uniform home grading scale as the commission
1336determines are necessary, and may specify the minimum required
1337discounts, credits, or other rate differentials. Such rate
1338differentials must be consistent with generally accepted
1339actuarial principles and wind-loss mitigation studies. The rules
1340shall allow a period of at least 2 years after the effective
1341date of the revised mitigation discounts, credits, or other rate
1342differentials for a property owner to obtain an inspection or
1343otherwise qualify for the revised credit, during which time the
1344insurer shall continue to apply the mitigation credit that was
1345applied immediately prior to the effective date of the revised
1346credit. Discounts, credits, and other rate differentials
1347established for rate filings under this paragraph shall
1348supersede, after adoption, the discounts, credits, and other
1349rate differentials included in rate filings under paragraph (a).
1350     (5)  In order to provide an appropriate transition period,
1351an insurer may, in its sole discretion, implement an approved
1352rate filing for residential property insurance over a period of
1353years. An insurer electing to phase in its rate filing must
1354provide an informational notice to the office setting out its
1355schedule for implementation of the phased-in rate filing. An
1356insurer may include in its rate the actual cost of private
1357market reinsurance that corresponds to available coverage of the
1358Temporary Increase in Coverage Limits, TICL, from the Florida
1359Hurricane Catastrophe Fund. The insurer may also include the
1360cost of reinsurance to replace the TICL reduction implemented
1361pursuant to s. 215.555(17)(d)9. However, this cost for
1362reinsurance may not include any expense or profit load or result
1363in a total annual base rate increase in excess of 10 percent.
1364     Section 10.  Paragraphs (a), (c), (m), and (x) of
1365subsection (6) of section 627.351, Florida Statutes, are amended
1366to read:
1367     627.351  Insurance risk apportionment plans.--
1369     (a)1.  It is the public purpose of this subsection to
1370ensure the existence of an orderly market for property insurance
1371for Floridians and Florida businesses. The Legislature finds
1372that private insurers are unwilling or unable to provide
1373affordable property insurance coverage in this state to the
1374extent sought and needed. The absence of affordable property
1375insurance threatens the public health, safety, and welfare and
1376likewise threatens the economic health of the state. The state
1377therefore has a compelling public interest and a public purpose
1378to assist in assuring that property in the state is insured and
1379that it is insured at affordable rates so as to facilitate the
1380remediation, reconstruction, and replacement of damaged or
1381destroyed property in order to reduce or avoid the negative
1382effects otherwise resulting to the public health, safety, and
1383welfare, to the economy of the state, and to the revenues of the
1384state and local governments which are needed to provide for the
1385public welfare. It is necessary, therefore, to provide
1386affordable property insurance to applicants who are in good
1387faith entitled to procure insurance through the voluntary market
1388but are unable to do so. The Legislature intends by this
1389subsection that affordable property insurance be provided and
1390that it continue to be provided, as long as necessary, through
1391Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, a government entity
1392that is an integral part of the state, and that is not a private
1393insurance company. To that end, Citizens Property Insurance
1394Corporation shall strive to increase the availability of
1395affordable property insurance in this state, while achieving
1396efficiencies and economies, and while providing service to
1397policyholders, applicants, and agents which is no less than the
1398quality generally provided in the voluntary market, for the
1399achievement of the foregoing public purposes. Because it is
1400essential for this government entity to have the maximum
1401financial resources to pay claims following a catastrophic
1402hurricane, it is the intent of the Legislature that Citizens
1403Property Insurance Corporation continue to be an integral part
1404of the state and that the income of the corporation be exempt
1405from federal income taxation and that interest on the debt
1406obligations issued by the corporation be exempt from federal
1407income taxation.
1408     2.  The Residential Property and Casualty Joint
1409Underwriting Association originally created by this statute
1410shall be known, as of July 1, 2002, as the Citizens Property
1411Insurance Corporation. The corporation shall provide insurance
1412for residential and commercial property, for applicants who are
1413in good faith entitled, but are unable, to procure insurance
1414through the voluntary market. The corporation shall operate
1415pursuant to a plan of operation approved by order of the
1416Financial Services Commission. The plan is subject to continuous
1417review by the commission. The commission may, by order, withdraw
1418approval of all or part of a plan if the commission determines
1419that conditions have changed since approval was granted and that
1420the purposes of the plan require changes in the plan. The
1421corporation shall continue to operate pursuant to the plan of
1422operation approved by the Office of Insurance Regulation until
1423October 1, 2006. For the purposes of this subsection,
1424residential coverage includes both personal lines residential
1425coverage, which consists of the type of coverage provided by
1426homeowner's, mobile home owner's, dwelling, tenant's,
1427condominium unit owner's, and similar policies, and commercial
1428lines residential coverage, which consists of the type of
1429coverage provided by condominium association, apartment
1430building, and similar policies.
1431     3.  Effective January 1, 2009, a personal lines residential
1432structure that has a dwelling replacement cost of $2 million or
1433more, or a single condominium unit that has a combined dwelling
1434and content replacement cost of $2 million or more is not
1435eligible for coverage by the corporation. Such dwellings insured
1436by the corporation on December 31, 2008, may continue to be
1437covered by the corporation until the end of the policy term.
1438However, such dwellings that are insured by the corporation and
1439become ineligible for coverage due to the provisions of this
1440subparagraph may reapply and obtain coverage if the property
1441owner provides the corporation with a sworn affidavit from one
1442or more insurance agents, on a form provided by the corporation,
1443stating that the agents have made their best efforts to obtain
1444coverage and that the property has been rejected for coverage by
1445at least one authorized insurer and at least three surplus lines
1446insurers. If such conditions are met, the dwelling may be
1447insured by the corporation for up to 3 years, after which time
1448the dwelling is ineligible for coverage. The office shall
1449approve the method used by the corporation for valuing the
1450dwelling replacement cost for the purposes of this subparagraph.
1451If a policyholder is insured by the corporation prior to being
1452determined to be ineligible pursuant to this subparagraph and
1453such policyholder files a lawsuit challenging the determination,
1454the policyholder may remain insured by the corporation until the
1455conclusion of the litigation.
1456     4.  It is the intent of the Legislature that policyholders,
1457applicants, and agents of the corporation receive service and
1458treatment of the highest possible level but never less than that
1459generally provided in the voluntary market. It also is intended
1460that the corporation be held to service standards no less than
1461those applied to insurers in the voluntary market by the office
1462with respect to responsiveness, timeliness, customer courtesy,
1463and overall dealings with policyholders, applicants, or agents
1464of the corporation.
1465     5.  Effective January 1, 2009, a personal lines residential
1466structure that is located in the "wind-borne debris region," as
1467defined in s. 1609.2, International Building Code (2006), and
1468that has an insured value on the structure of $750,000 or more
1469is not eligible for coverage by the corporation unless the
1470structure has opening protections as required under the Florida
1471Building Code for a newly constructed residential structure in
1472that area. A residential structure shall be deemed to comply
1473with the requirements of this subparagraph if it has shutters or
1474opening protections on all openings and if such opening
1475protections complied with the Florida Building Code at the time
1476they were installed. Effective January 1, 2010, for personal
1477lines residential property insured by the corporation that is
1478located in the wind-borne debris region and has an insured value
1479on the structure of $500,000 or more, a prospective purchaser of
1480any such residential property must be provided by the seller a
1481written disclosure that contains the structure's windstorm
1482mitigation rating based on the uniform home grading scale
1483adopted under s. 215.55865. Such rating shall be provided to the
1484purchaser at or before the time the purchaser executes a
1485contract for sale and purchase.
1486     (c)  The plan of operation of the corporation:
1487     1.  Must provide for adoption of residential property and
1488casualty insurance policy forms and commercial residential and
1489nonresidential property insurance forms, which forms must be
1490approved by the office prior to use. The corporation shall adopt
1491the following policy forms:
1492     a.  Standard personal lines policy forms that are
1493comprehensive multiperil policies providing full coverage of a
1494residential property equivalent to the coverage provided in the
1495private insurance market under an HO-3, HO-4, or HO-6 policy.
1496     b.  Basic personal lines policy forms that are policies
1497similar to an HO-8 policy or a dwelling fire policy that provide
1498coverage meeting the requirements of the secondary mortgage
1499market, but which coverage is more limited than the coverage
1500under a standard policy.
1501     c.  Commercial lines residential and nonresidential policy
1502forms that are generally similar to the basic perils of full
1503coverage obtainable for commercial residential structures and
1504commercial nonresidential structures in the admitted voluntary
1506     d.  Personal lines and commercial lines residential
1507property insurance forms that cover the peril of wind only. The
1508forms are applicable only to residential properties located in
1509areas eligible for coverage under the high-risk account referred
1510to in sub-subparagraph (b)2.a.
1511     e.  Commercial lines nonresidential property insurance
1512forms that cover the peril of wind only. The forms are
1513applicable only to nonresidential properties located in areas
1514eligible for coverage under the high-risk account referred to in
1515sub-subparagraph (b)2.a.
1516     f.  The corporation may adopt variations of the policy
1517forms listed in sub-subparagraphs a.-e. that contain more
1518restrictive coverage.
1519     2.a.  Must provide that the corporation adopt a program in
1520which the corporation and authorized insurers enter into quota
1521share primary insurance agreements for hurricane coverage, as
1522defined in s. 627.4025(2)(a), for eligible risks, and adopt
1523property insurance forms for eligible risks which cover the
1524peril of wind only. As used in this subsection, the term:
1525     (I)  "Quota share primary insurance" means an arrangement
1526in which the primary hurricane coverage of an eligible risk is
1527provided in specified percentages by the corporation and an
1528authorized insurer. The corporation and authorized insurer are
1529each solely responsible for a specified percentage of hurricane
1530coverage of an eligible risk as set forth in a quota share
1531primary insurance agreement between the corporation and an
1532authorized insurer and the insurance contract. The
1533responsibility of the corporation or authorized insurer to pay
1534its specified percentage of hurricane losses of an eligible
1535risk, as set forth in the quota share primary insurance
1536agreement, may not be altered by the inability of the other
1537party to the agreement to pay its specified percentage of
1538hurricane losses. Eligible risks that are provided hurricane
1539coverage through a quota share primary insurance arrangement
1540must be provided policy forms that set forth the obligations of
1541the corporation and authorized insurer under the arrangement,
1542clearly specify the percentages of quota share primary insurance
1543provided by the corporation and authorized insurer, and
1544conspicuously and clearly state that neither the authorized
1545insurer nor the corporation may be held responsible beyond its
1546specified percentage of coverage of hurricane losses.
1547     (II)  "Eligible risks" means personal lines residential and
1548commercial lines residential risks that meet the underwriting
1549criteria of the corporation and are located in areas that were
1550eligible for coverage by the Florida Windstorm Underwriting
1551Association on January 1, 2002.
1552     b.  The corporation may enter into quota share primary
1553insurance agreements with authorized insurers at corporation
1554coverage levels of 90 percent and 50 percent.
1555     c.  If the corporation determines that additional coverage
1556levels are necessary to maximize participation in quota share
1557primary insurance agreements by authorized insurers, the
1558corporation may establish additional coverage levels. However,
1559the corporation's quota share primary insurance coverage level
1560may not exceed 90 percent.
1561     d.  Any quota share primary insurance agreement entered
1562into between an authorized insurer and the corporation must
1563provide for a uniform specified percentage of coverage of
1564hurricane losses, by county or territory as set forth by the
1565corporation board, for all eligible risks of the authorized
1566insurer covered under the quota share primary insurance
1568     e.  Any quota share primary insurance agreement entered
1569into between an authorized insurer and the corporation is
1570subject to review and approval by the office. However, such
1571agreement shall be authorized only as to insurance contracts
1572entered into between an authorized insurer and an insured who is
1573already insured by the corporation for wind coverage.
1574     f.  For all eligible risks covered under quota share
1575primary insurance agreements, the exposure and coverage levels
1576for both the corporation and authorized insurers shall be
1577reported by the corporation to the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe
1578Fund. For all policies of eligible risks covered under quota
1579share primary insurance agreements, the corporation and the
1580authorized insurer shall maintain complete and accurate records
1581for the purpose of exposure and loss reimbursement audits as
1582required by Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund rules. The
1583corporation and the authorized insurer shall each maintain
1584duplicate copies of policy declaration pages and supporting
1585claims documents.
1586     g.  The corporation board shall establish in its plan of
1587operation standards for quota share agreements which ensure that
1588there is no discriminatory application among insurers as to the
1589terms of quota share agreements, pricing of quota share
1590agreements, incentive provisions if any, and consideration paid
1591for servicing policies or adjusting claims.
1592     h.  The quota share primary insurance agreement between the
1593corporation and an authorized insurer must set forth the
1594specific terms under which coverage is provided, including, but
1595not limited to, the sale and servicing of policies issued under
1596the agreement by the insurance agent of the authorized insurer
1597producing the business, the reporting of information concerning
1598eligible risks, the payment of premium to the corporation, and
1599arrangements for the adjustment and payment of hurricane claims
1600incurred on eligible risks by the claims adjuster and personnel
1601of the authorized insurer. Entering into a quota sharing
1602insurance agreement between the corporation and an authorized
1603insurer shall be voluntary and at the discretion of the
1604authorized insurer.
1605     3.  May provide that the corporation may employ or
1606otherwise contract with individuals or other entities to provide
1607administrative or professional services that may be appropriate
1608to effectuate the plan. The corporation shall have the power to
1609borrow funds, by issuing bonds or by incurring other
1610indebtedness, and shall have other powers reasonably necessary
1611to effectuate the requirements of this subsection, including,
1612without limitation, the power to issue bonds and incur other
1613indebtedness in order to refinance outstanding bonds or other
1614indebtedness. The corporation may, but is not required to, seek
1615judicial validation of its bonds or other indebtedness under
1616chapter 75. The corporation may issue bonds or incur other
1617indebtedness, or have bonds issued on its behalf by a unit of
1618local government pursuant to subparagraph (p)2., in the absence
1619of a hurricane or other weather-related event, upon a
1620determination by the corporation, subject to approval by the
1621office, that such action would enable it to efficiently meet the
1622financial obligations of the corporation and that such
1623financings are reasonably necessary to effectuate the
1624requirements of this subsection. The corporation is authorized
1625to take all actions needed to facilitate tax-free status for any
1626such bonds or indebtedness, including formation of trusts or
1627other affiliated entities. The corporation shall have the
1628authority to pledge assessments, projected recoveries from the
1629Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund, other reinsurance
1630recoverables, market equalization and other surcharges, and
1631other funds available to the corporation as security for bonds
1632or other indebtedness. In recognition of s. 10, Art. I of the
1633State Constitution, prohibiting the impairment of obligations of
1634contracts, it is the intent of the Legislature that no action be
1635taken whose purpose is to impair any bond indenture or financing
1636agreement or any revenue source committed by contract to such
1637bond or other indebtedness.
1638     4.a.  Must require that the corporation operate subject to
1639the supervision and approval of a board of governors consisting
1640of eight individuals who are residents of this state, from
1641different geographical areas of this state. The Governor, the
1642Chief Financial Officer, the President of the Senate, and the
1643Speaker of the House of Representatives shall each appoint two
1644members of the board. At least one of the two members appointed
1645by each appointing officer must have demonstrated expertise in
1646insurance. The Chief Financial Officer shall designate one of
1647the appointees as chair. All board members serve at the pleasure
1648of the appointing officer. All members of the board of governors
1649are subject to removal at will by the officers who appointed
1650them. All board members, including the chair, must be appointed
1651to serve for 3-year terms beginning annually on a date
1652designated by the plan. However, for the first term beginning on
1653or after July 1, 2009, each appointing officer shall appoint one
1654member of the board for a 2-year term and one member for a 3-
1655year term. Any board vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired
1656term by the appointing officer. The Chief Financial Officer
1657shall appoint a technical advisory group to provide information
1658and advice to the board of governors in connection with the
1659board's duties under this subsection. The executive director and
1660senior managers of the corporation shall be engaged by the board
1661and serve at the pleasure of the board. Any executive director
1662appointed on or after July 1, 2006, is subject to confirmation
1663by the Senate. The executive director is responsible for
1664employing other staff as the corporation may require, subject to
1665review and concurrence by the board.
1666     b.  The board shall create a Market Accountability Advisory
1667Committee to assist the corporation in developing awareness of
1668its rates and its customer and agent service levels in
1669relationship to the voluntary market insurers writing similar
1670coverage. The members of the advisory committee shall consist of
1671the following 11 persons, one of whom must be elected chair by
1672the members of the committee: four representatives, one
1673appointed by the Florida Association of Insurance Agents, one by
1674the Florida Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors, one
1675by the Professional Insurance Agents of Florida, and one by the
1676Latin American Association of Insurance Agencies; three
1677representatives appointed by the insurers with the three highest
1678voluntary market share of residential property insurance
1679business in the state; one representative from the Office of
1680Insurance Regulation; one consumer appointed by the board who is
1681insured by the corporation at the time of appointment to the
1682committee; one representative appointed by the Florida
1683Association of Realtors; and one representative appointed by the
1684Florida Bankers Association. All members must serve for 3-year
1685terms and may serve for consecutive terms. The committee shall
1686report to the corporation at each board meeting on insurance
1687market issues which may include rates and rate competition with
1688the voluntary market; service, including policy issuance, claims
1689processing, and general responsiveness to policyholders,
1690applicants, and agents; and matters relating to depopulation.
1691     5.  Must provide a procedure for determining the
1692eligibility of a risk for coverage, as follows:
1693     a.  Subject to the provisions of s. 627.3517, with respect
1694to personal lines residential risks, if the risk is offered
1695coverage from an authorized insurer at the insurer's approved
1696rate under either a standard policy including wind coverage or,
1697if consistent with the insurer's underwriting rules as filed
1698with the office, a basic policy including wind coverage, for a
1699new application to the corporation for coverage, the risk is not
1700eligible for any policy issued by the corporation unless the
1701premium for coverage from the authorized insurer is more than 15
1702percent greater than the premium for comparable coverage from
1703the corporation. If the risk is not able to obtain any such
1704offer, the risk is eligible for either a standard policy
1705including wind coverage or a basic policy including wind
1706coverage issued by the corporation; however, if the risk could
1707not be insured under a standard policy including wind coverage
1708regardless of market conditions, the risk shall be eligible for
1709a basic policy including wind coverage unless rejected under
1710subparagraph 8. However, with regard to a policyholder of the
1711corporation or a policyholder removed from the corporation
1712through an assumption agreement until the end of the assumption
1713period, the policyholder remains eligible for coverage from the
1714corporation regardless of any offer of coverage from an
1715authorized insurer or surplus lines insurer. The corporation
1716shall determine the type of policy to be provided on the basis
1717of objective standards specified in the underwriting manual and
1718based on generally accepted underwriting practices.
1719     (I)  If the risk accepts an offer of coverage through the
1720market assistance plan or an offer of coverage through a
1721mechanism established by the corporation before a policy is
1722issued to the risk by the corporation or during the first 30
1723days of coverage by the corporation, and the producing agent who
1724submitted the application to the plan or to the corporation is
1725not currently appointed by the insurer, the insurer shall:
1726     (A)  Pay to the producing agent of record of the policy,
1727for the first year, an amount that is the greater of the
1728insurer's usual and customary commission for the type of policy
1729written or a fee equal to the usual and customary commission of
1730the corporation; or
1731     (B)  Offer to allow the producing agent of record of the
1732policy to continue servicing the policy for a period of not less
1733than 1 year and offer to pay the agent the greater of the
1734insurer's or the corporation's usual and customary commission
1735for the type of policy written.
1737If the producing agent is unwilling or unable to accept
1738appointment, the new insurer shall pay the agent in accordance
1739with sub-sub-sub-subparagraph (A).
1740     (II)  When the corporation enters into a contractual
1741agreement for a take-out plan, the producing agent of record of
1742the corporation policy is entitled to retain any unearned
1743commission on the policy, and the insurer shall:
1744     (A)  Pay to the producing agent of record of the
1745corporation policy, for the first year, an amount that is the
1746greater of the insurer's usual and customary commission for the
1747type of policy written or a fee equal to the usual and customary
1748commission of the corporation; or
1749     (B)  Offer to allow the producing agent of record of the
1750corporation policy to continue servicing the policy for a period
1751of not less than 1 year and offer to pay the agent the greater
1752of the insurer's or the corporation's usual and customary
1753commission for the type of policy written.
1755If the producing agent is unwilling or unable to accept
1756appointment, the new insurer shall pay the agent in accordance
1757with sub-sub-sub-subparagraph (A).
1758     b.  With respect to commercial lines residential risks, for
1759a new application to the corporation for coverage, if the risk
1760is offered coverage under a policy including wind coverage from
1761an authorized insurer at its approved rate, the risk is not
1762eligible for any policy issued by the corporation unless the
1763premium for coverage from the authorized insurer is more than 15
1764percent greater than the premium for comparable coverage from
1765the corporation. If the risk is not able to obtain any such
1766offer, the risk is eligible for a policy including wind coverage
1767issued by the corporation. However, with regard to a
1768policyholder of the corporation or a policyholder removed from
1769the corporation through an assumption agreement until the end of
1770the assumption period, the policyholder remains eligible for
1771coverage from the corporation regardless of any offer of
1772coverage from an authorized insurer or surplus lines insurer.
1773     (I)  If the risk accepts an offer of coverage through the
1774market assistance plan or an offer of coverage through a
1775mechanism established by the corporation before a policy is
1776issued to the risk by the corporation or during the first 30
1777days of coverage by the corporation, and the producing agent who
1778submitted the application to the plan or the corporation is not
1779currently appointed by the insurer, the insurer shall:
1780     (A)  Pay to the producing agent of record of the policy,
1781for the first year, an amount that is the greater of the
1782insurer's usual and customary commission for the type of policy
1783written or a fee equal to the usual and customary commission of
1784the corporation; or
1785     (B)  Offer to allow the producing agent of record of the
1786policy to continue servicing the policy for a period of not less
1787than 1 year and offer to pay the agent the greater of the
1788insurer's or the corporation's usual and customary commission
1789for the type of policy written.
1791If the producing agent is unwilling or unable to accept
1792appointment, the new insurer shall pay the agent in accordance
1793with sub-sub-sub-subparagraph (A).
1794     (II)  When the corporation enters into a contractual
1795agreement for a take-out plan, the producing agent of record of
1796the corporation policy is entitled to retain any unearned
1797commission on the policy, and the insurer shall:
1798     (A)  Pay to the producing agent of record of the
1799corporation policy, for the first year, an amount that is the
1800greater of the insurer's usual and customary commission for the
1801type of policy written or a fee equal to the usual and customary
1802commission of the corporation; or
1803     (B)  Offer to allow the producing agent of record of the
1804corporation policy to continue servicing the policy for a period
1805of not less than 1 year and offer to pay the agent the greater
1806of the insurer's or the corporation's usual and customary
1807commission for the type of policy written.
1809If the producing agent is unwilling or unable to accept
1810appointment, the new insurer shall pay the agent in accordance
1811with sub-sub-sub-subparagraph (A).
1812     c.  For purposes of determining comparable coverage under
1813sub-subparagraphs a. and b., the comparison shall be based on
1814those forms and coverages that are reasonably comparable. The
1815corporation may rely on a determination of comparable coverage
1816and premium made by the producing agent who submits the
1817application to the corporation, made in the agent's capacity as
1818the corporation's agent. A comparison may be made solely of the
1819premium with respect to the main building or structure only on
1820the following basis: the same coverage A or other building
1821limits; the same percentage hurricane deductible that applies on
1822an annual basis or that applies to each hurricane for commercial
1823residential property; the same percentage of ordinance and law
1824coverage, if the same limit is offered by both the corporation
1825and the authorized insurer; the same mitigation credits, to the
1826extent the same types of credits are offered both by the
1827corporation and the authorized insurer; the same method for loss
1828payment, such as replacement cost or actual cash value, if the
1829same method is offered both by the corporation and the
1830authorized insurer in accordance with underwriting rules; and
1831any other form or coverage that is reasonably comparable as
1832determined by the board. If an application is submitted to the
1833corporation for wind-only coverage in the high-risk account, the
1834premium for the corporation's wind-only policy plus the premium
1835for the ex-wind policy that is offered by an authorized insurer
1836to the applicant shall be compared to the premium for multiperil
1837coverage offered by an authorized insurer, subject to the
1838standards for comparison specified in this subparagraph. If the
1839corporation or the applicant requests from the authorized
1840insurer a breakdown of the premium of the offer by types of
1841coverage so that a comparison may be made by the corporation or
1842its agent and the authorized insurer refuses or is unable to
1843provide such information, the corporation may treat the offer as
1844not being an offer of coverage from an authorized insurer at the
1845insurer's approved rate.
1846     6.  Must include rules for classifications of risks and
1847rates therefor.
1848     7.  Must provide that if premium and investment income for
1849an account attributable to a particular calendar year are in
1850excess of projected losses and expenses for the account
1851attributable to that year, such excess shall be held in surplus
1852in the account. Such surplus shall be available to defray
1853deficits in that account as to future years and shall be used
1854for that purpose prior to assessing assessable insurers and
1855assessable insureds as to any calendar year.
1856     8.  Must provide objective criteria and procedures to be
1857uniformly applied for all applicants in determining whether an
1858individual risk is so hazardous as to be uninsurable. In making
1859this determination and in establishing the criteria and
1860procedures, the following shall be considered:
1861     a.  Whether the likelihood of a loss for the individual
1862risk is substantially higher than for other risks of the same
1863class; and
1864     b.  Whether the uncertainty associated with the individual
1865risk is such that an appropriate premium cannot be determined.
1867The acceptance or rejection of a risk by the corporation shall
1868be construed as the private placement of insurance, and the
1869provisions of chapter 120 shall not apply.
1870     9.  Must provide that the corporation shall make its best
1871efforts to procure catastrophe reinsurance at reasonable rates,
1872to cover its projected 100-year probable maximum loss as
1873determined by the board of governors.
1874     10.  The policies issued by the corporation must provide
1875that, if the corporation or the market assistance plan obtains
1876an offer from an authorized insurer to cover the risk at its
1877approved rates, the risk is no longer eligible for renewal
1878through the corporation, except as otherwise provided in this
1880     11.  Corporation policies and applications must include a
1881notice that the corporation policy could, under this section, be
1882replaced with a policy issued by an authorized insurer that does
1883not provide coverage identical to the coverage provided by the
1884corporation. The notice shall also specify that acceptance of
1885corporation coverage creates a conclusive presumption that the
1886applicant or policyholder is aware of this potential.
1887     12.  May establish, subject to approval by the office,
1888different eligibility requirements and operational procedures
1889for any line or type of coverage for any specified county or
1890area if the board determines that such changes to the
1891eligibility requirements and operational procedures are
1892justified due to the voluntary market being sufficiently stable
1893and competitive in such area or for such line or type of
1894coverage and that consumers who, in good faith, are unable to
1895obtain insurance through the voluntary market through ordinary
1896methods would continue to have access to coverage from the
1897corporation. When coverage is sought in connection with a real
1898property transfer, such requirements and procedures shall not
1899provide for an effective date of coverage later than the date of
1900the closing of the transfer as established by the transferor,
1901the transferee, and, if applicable, the lender.
1902     13.  Must provide that, with respect to the high-risk
1903account, any assessable insurer with a surplus as to
1904policyholders of $25 million or less writing 25 percent or more
1905of its total countrywide property insurance premiums in this
1906state may petition the office, within the first 90 days of each
1907calendar year, to qualify as a limited apportionment company. A
1908regular assessment levied by the corporation on a limited
1909apportionment company for a deficit incurred by the corporation
1910for the high-risk account in 2006 or thereafter may be paid to
1911the corporation on a monthly basis as the assessments are
1912collected by the limited apportionment company from its insureds
1913pursuant to s. 627.3512, but the regular assessment must be paid
1914in full within 12 months after being levied by the corporation.
1915A limited apportionment company shall collect from its
1916policyholders any emergency assessment imposed under sub-
1917subparagraph (b)3.d. The plan shall provide that, if the office
1918determines that any regular assessment will result in an
1919impairment of the surplus of a limited apportionment company,
1920the office may direct that all or part of such assessment be
1921deferred as provided in subparagraph (p)4. However, there shall
1922be no limitation or deferment of an emergency assessment to be
1923collected from policyholders under sub-subparagraph (b)3.d.
1924     14.  Must provide that the corporation appoint as its
1925licensed agents only those agents who also hold an appointment
1926as defined in s. 626.015(3) with an insurer who at the time of
1927the agent's initial appointment by the corporation is authorized
1928to write and is actually writing personal lines residential
1929property coverage, commercial residential property coverage, or
1930commercial nonresidential property coverage within the state.
1931     15.  Must provide, by July 1, 2007, a premium payment plan
1932option to its policyholders which allows at a minimum for
1933quarterly and semiannual payment of premiums. A monthly payment
1934plan may, but is not required to, be offered.
1935     16.  Must limit coverage on mobile homes or manufactured
1936homes built prior to 1994 to actual cash value of the dwelling
1937rather than replacement costs of the dwelling.
1938     17.  May provide such limits of coverage as the board
1939determines, consistent with the requirements of this subsection.
1940     18.  May require commercial property to meet specified
1941hurricane mitigation construction features as a condition of
1942eligibility for coverage.
1943     (m)1.  Rates for coverage provided by the corporation shall
1944be actuarially sound and subject to the requirements of s.
1945627.062, except as otherwise provided in this paragraph. The
1946corporation shall file its recommended rates with the office at
1947least annually. The corporation shall provide any additional
1948information regarding the rates which the office requires. The
1949office shall consider the recommendations of the board and issue
1950a final order establishing the rates for the corporation within
195145 days after the recommended rates are filed. The corporation
1952may not pursue an administrative challenge or judicial review of
1953the final order of the office.
1954     2.  In addition to the rates otherwise determined pursuant
1955to this paragraph, the corporation shall impose and collect an
1956amount equal to the premium tax provided for in s. 624.509 to
1957augment the financial resources of the corporation.
1958     3.  After the public hurricane loss-projection model under
1959s. 627.06281 has been found to be accurate and reliable by the
1960Florida Commission on Hurricane Loss Projection Methodology,
1961that model shall serve as the minimum benchmark for determining
1962the windstorm portion of the corporation's rates. This
1963subparagraph does not require or allow the corporation to adopt
1964rates lower than the rates otherwise required or allowed by this
1966     4.  The rate filings for the corporation which were
1967approved by the office and which took effect January 1, 2007,
1968are rescinded, except for those rates that were lowered. As soon
1969as possible, the corporation shall begin using the lower rates
1970that were in effect on December 31, 2006, and shall provide
1971refunds to policyholders who have paid higher rates as a result
1972of that rate filing. The rates in effect on December 31, 2006,
1973shall remain in effect for the 2007 and 2008 calendar years
1974except for any rate change that results in a lower rate. The
1975next rate change that may increase rates shall take effect
1976pursuant to a new rate filing recommended by the corporation and
1977established by the office, subject to the requirements of this
1979     5.  Beginning on July 15, 2009, and each year thereafter,
1980the corporation must make a recommended actuarially sound rate
1981filing for each personal and commercial line of business it
1982writes, to be effective no earlier than January 1, 2010.
1983     6.  Beginning on or after January 1, 2010, and
1984notwithstanding the board's recommended rates and the office's
1985final order regarding the corporation's filed rates under
1986subparagraph 1., the corporation shall implement a rate increase
1987each year which does not exceed 10 percent for any single policy
1988issued by the corporation, excluding coverage changes and
1990     7.  The corporation may also implement an increase to
1991reflect the effect on the corporation of the cash buildup factor
1992pursuant to s. 215.555(5)(b).
1993     8.  The corporation's implementation of rates as prescribed
1994in subparagraph 6. shall cease for any line of business written
1995by the corporation upon the corporation's implementation of
1996actuarially sound rates. Thereafter, the corporation shall
1997annually make a recommended actuarially sound rate filing for
1998each commercial and personal line of business the corporation
2000     (x)  It is the intent of the Legislature that the
2001amendments to this subsection enacted in 2002 should, over time,
2002reduce the probable maximum windstorm losses in the residual
2003markets and should reduce the potential assessments to be levied
2004on property insurers and policyholders statewide. In furtherance
2005of this intent:
2006     1.  The board shall, on or before February 1 of each year,
2007provide a report to the President of the Senate and the Speaker
2008of the House of Representatives showing the reduction or
2009increase in the 100-year probable maximum loss attributable to
2010wind-only coverages and the quota share program under this
2011subsection combined, as compared to the benchmark 100-year
2012probable maximum loss of the Florida Windstorm Underwriting
2013Association. For purposes of this paragraph, the benchmark 100-
2014year probable maximum loss of the Florida Windstorm Underwriting
2015Association shall be the calculation dated February 2001 and
2016based on November 30, 2000, exposures. In order to ensure
2017comparability of data, the board shall use the same methods for
2018calculating its probable maximum loss as were used to calculate
2019the benchmark probable maximum loss.
2020     2.  Beginning December 1, 2010 February 1, 2010, if the
2021report under subparagraph 1. for any year indicates that the
2022100-year probable maximum loss attributable to wind-only
2023coverages and the quota share program combined does not reflect
2024a reduction of at least 25 percent from the benchmark, the board
2025shall reduce the boundaries of the high-risk area eligible for
2026wind-only coverages under this subsection in a manner calculated
2027to reduce such probable maximum loss to an amount at least 25
2028percent below the benchmark.
2029     3.  Beginning February 1, 2015, if the report under
2030subparagraph 1. for any year indicates that the 100-year
2031probable maximum loss attributable to wind-only coverages and
2032the quota share program combined does not reflect a reduction of
2033at least 50 percent from the benchmark, the boundaries of the
2034high-risk area eligible for wind-only coverages under this
2035subsection shall be reduced by the elimination of any area that
2036is not seaward of a line 1,000 feet inland from the Intracoastal
2038     Section 11.  Section 627.3512, Florida Statutes, is amended
2039to read:
2040     627.3512  Recoupment of residual market deficit
2042     (1)  The Legislature finds and declares that all
2043assessments paid by an insurer or insurer group as a result of a
2044levy by any residual market entity, including regular
2045assessments levied on insurers by Citizens Property Insurance
2046Corporation and any other assessments levied on insurers by an
2047insurance risk apportionment plan or assigned risk plan under s.
2048627.311 or s. 627.351 constitute advances of funds from the
2049insurer to the residual market entity, and that the insurer is
2050entitled to fully recoup such advances. An insurer or insurer
2051group may recoup any assessments that have been paid during or
2052after 1995 by the insurer or insurer group to defray deficits of
2053an insurance risk apportionment plan or assigned risk plan under
2054ss. 627.311 and 627.351, net of any earnings returned to the
2055insurer or insurer group by the association or plan for any year
2056after 1993. A limited apportionment company as defined in s.
2057627.351(6)(c) may recoup any regular assessment that has been
2058levied by, or paid to, Citizens Property Insurance Corporation.
2059     (2)  The recoupment shall be made by applying a separate
2060recoupment assessment factor on policies of the same line or
2061type as were considered by the residual markets in determining
2062the assessment liability of the insurer or insurer group. An
2063insurer or insurer group shall calculate a separate assessment
2064factor for personal lines and commercial lines. The separate
2065assessment factor shall provide for full recoupment of the
2066assessments over a period of 1 year, unless the insurer or
2067insurer group, at its option, elects to recoup the assessments
2068over a longer period. The assessment factor expires upon
2069collection of the full amount allowed to be recouped. Amounts
2070recouped under this section are not subject to premium taxes,
2071fees, or commissions.
2072     (3)(2)  The recoupment assessment factor may must not be
2073more than 3 percentage points above the ratio of the deficit
2074assessment to the Florida direct written premium for policies
2075for the lines or types of business as to which the assessment
2076was calculated, as written in the year the deficit assessment
2077was paid. If an insurer or insurer group does not fails to
2078collect the full amount of the deficit assessment during one 12-
2079month period, the insurer or insurer group may apply
2080recalculated recoupment factors to policies issued or renewed
2081during one or more succeeding 12-month periods must carry
2082forward the amount of the deficit and adjust the deficit
2083assessment to be recouped in a subsequent year by that amount.
2084     (4)(3)  The insurer or insurer group shall file with the
2085office a statement for informational purposes only setting forth
2086the amount of the recoupment assessment factor and an
2087explanation of how the factor will be applied, at least 15 days
2088prior to the factor being applied to any policies. The
2089informational statement shall include documentation of the
2090assessment paid by the insurer or insurer group and the
2091arithmetic calculations supporting the recoupment assessment
2092factor. The office shall complete its review within 15 days
2093after receipt of the filing and shall limit its review to
2094verification of the arithmetic calculations. The insurer or
2095insurer group may use the recoupment assessment factor at any
2096time after the expiration of the 15-day period unless the office
2097has notified the insurer or insurer group in writing that the
2098arithmetic calculations are incorrect. The recoupment factor
2099shall apply to all policies described in subsection (3) that are
2100issued or renewed by the insurer or insurer group during a 12-
2101month period. If full recoupment requires the insurer or insurer
2102group to apply a recoupment factor over a subsequent 12-month
2103period, the insurer or insurer group must file a supplemental
2104informational statement pursuant to this subsection.
2105     (5)  No later than 90 days after the insurer or insurer
2106group has completed the recoupment process, it shall file with
2107the office a final accounting report documenting the recoupment.
2108The report shall provide the amounts of assessments paid by the
2109insurer or insurer group, the amounts and percentages recouped
2110by year from each affected line of business, and the direct
2111written premium subject to recoupment by year.
2112     (6)(4)  The commission may adopt rules to implement this
2114     Section 12.  Subsection (2) of section 627.711, Florida
2115Statutes, is amended, and subsection (3) is added to that
2116section, to read:
2117     627.711  Notice of premium discounts for hurricane loss
2118mitigation; uniform mitigation verification inspection form.--
2119     (2)  By July 1, 2007, the Financial Services Commission
2120shall develop by rule a uniform mitigation verification
2121inspection form that shall be used by all insurers when
2122submitted by policyholders for the purpose of factoring
2123discounts for wind insurance. In developing the form, the
2124commission shall seek input from insurance, construction, and
2125building code representatives. Further, the commission shall
2126provide guidance as to the length of time the inspection results
2127are valid. An insurer shall accept as valid a uniform mitigation
2128verification form certified by the Department of Financial
2129Services or signed by:
2130     (a)  A hurricane mitigation inspector certified employed by
2131the an approved My Safe Florida Home program wind certification
2133     (b)  A building code inspector certified under s. 468.607;
2134     (c)  A general, building, or residential contractor
2135licensed under s. 489.111;
2136     (d)  A professional engineer licensed under s. 471.015 who
2137has passed the appropriate equivalency test of the Building Code
2138Training Program as required by s. 553.841; or
2139     (e)  A professional architect licensed under s. 481.213; or
2140     (f)  Any other individual or entity recognized by the
2141insurer as possessing the necessary qualifications to properly
2142complete a uniform mitigation verification form.
2143     (3)  An individual or entity who knowingly provides or
2144utters a false or fraudulent mitigation verification form with
2145the intent to obtain or receive a discount on an insurance
2146premium to which the individual or entity is not entitled
2147commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as
2148provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
2149     Section 13.  Subsections (1) and (2) of section 627.712,
2150Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
2151     627.712  Residential windstorm coverage required;
2152availability of exclusions for windstorm or contents.--
2153     (1)  An insurer issuing a residential property insurance
2154policy must provide windstorm coverage. Except as provided in
2155paragraph (2)(c), this section does not apply with respect to
2156risks that are eligible for wind-only coverage from Citizens
2157Property Insurance Corporation under s. 627.351(6), and with
2158respect to risks that are not eligible for coverage from
2159Citizens Property Insurance Corporation under s. 627.351(6)(a)3.
2160or s. 627.351(6)(a)5. A risk ineligible for Citizens coverage
2161under s. 627.351(6)(a)3. or s. 627.351(6)(a)5. is exempt from
2162the requirements of this section only if the risk is located
2163within the boundaries of the high-risk account of the
2165     (2)  A property insurer must make available, at the option
2166of the policyholder, an exclusion of windstorm coverage.
2167     (a)  The coverage may be excluded only if:
2168     1.  When the policyholder is a natural person, the
2169policyholder personally writes and provides to the insurer the
2170following statement in his or her own handwriting and signs his
2171or her name, which must also be signed by every other named
2172insured on the policy, and dated: "I do not want the insurance
2173on my (home/mobile home/condominium unit) to pay for damage from
2174windstorms. I will pay those costs. My insurance will not."
2175     2.  When the policyholder is other than a natural person,
2176the policyholder provides to the insurer on the policyholder's
2177letterhead the following statement that must be signed by the
2178policyholder's authorized representative and dated: "...(Name of
2179entity)... does not want the insurance on its ...(type of
2180structure)... to pay for damage from windstorms. ...(Name of
2181entity)... will be responsible for these costs. ...(Name of
2182entity's)... insurance will not."
2183     (b)  If the structure insured by the policy is subject to a
2184mortgage or lien, the policyholder must provide the insurer with
2185a written statement from the mortgageholder or lienholder
2186indicating that the mortgageholder or lienholder approves the
2187policyholder electing to exclude windstorm coverage or hurricane
2188coverage from his or her or its property insurance policy.
2189     (c)  If the residential structure is eligible for wind-only
2190coverage from Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, An
2191insurer nonrenewing a policy and issuing a replacement policy,
2192or issuing a new policy, that does not provide wind coverage
2193shall provide a notice to the mortgageholder or lienholder
2194indicating the policyholder has elected coverage that does not
2195cover wind.
2196     Section 14.  Section 631.65, Florida Statutes, is amended
2197to read:
2198     631.65  Prohibited advertisement or solicitation.--No
2199person shall make, publish, disseminate, circulate, or place
2200before the public, or cause, directly or indirectly, to be made,
2201published, disseminated, circulated, or placed before the
2202public, in a newspaper, magazine, or other publication, or in
2203the form of a notice, circular, pamphlet, letter, or poster, or
2204over any radio station or television station, or in any other
2205way, any advertisement, announcement, or statement which uses
2206the existence of the insurance guaranty association for the
2207purpose of sales, solicitation, or inducement to purchase any
2208form of insurance covered under this part. However, this section
2209does not prohibit a duly licensed insurance agent from
2210explaining the existence or function of the insurance guaranty
2211association to policyholders, prospects, or applicants for
2213     Section 15.  By February 1, 2010, the Office of Program
2214Policy Analysis and Government Accountability shall submit a
2215report to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the
2216President of the Senate, the Commissioner of Insurance, the
2217Chief Financial Officer, and the Governor reviewing the laws
2218governing public adjusters as defined in s. 626.854, Florida
2219Statutes. The report shall include a review of relevant Citizens
2220Property Insurance Corporation claims and statistics involving
2221public adjusters, public adjuster claims submission practices,
2222and a review of the laws of this state and rules governing
2223public adjusters. The report shall also review state laws
2224governing public adjusters throughout the United States. The
2225review shall encompass a review of both catastrophe and
2226noncatastrophe related claims, with a specific focus on new and
2227supplemental or reopened catastrophe claims originated in 2009
2228which relate to hurricanes that occurred in 2004 and 2005. The
2229study shall review the effects on consumers of the laws of this
2230state relating to public adjusters.
2231     Section 16.  Subsection (4) is added to section 627.0628,
2232Florida Statutes, to read:
2233     627.0628  Florida Commission on Hurricane Loss Projection
2234Methodology; public records exemption; public meetings
2238WINDSTORM MITIGATION.--The commission shall hold public meetings
2239for the purpose of receiving testimony and data regarding the
2240implementation of windstorm mitigation discounts, credits, other
2241rate differentials, and appropriate reductions in deductibles
2242pursuant to s. 627.0629. After reviewing the testimony and data
2243as well as any other information the commission deems
2244appropriate, the commission shall present a report by February
22451, 2010, to the Governor, the Cabinet, the President of the
2246Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives,
2247including recommendations on improving the process of assessing,
2248determining, and applying windstorm mitigation discounts,
2249credits, other rate differentials, and appropriate reductions in
2250deductibles pursuant to s. 627.0629.
2251     Section 17.  Subsection (7) is added to section 624.46226,
2252Florida Statutes, to read:
2253     624.46226  Public housing authorities self-insurance funds;
2254exemption for taxation and assessments.--
2255     (7)  Reinsurance companies complying with s. 624.610 may
2256issue coverage directly to a public housing authority self-
2257insuring its liabilities under this section. A public housing
2258authority purchasing reinsurance shall be considered an insurer
2259for the sole purpose of entering into such reinsurance
2260contracts. Contracts of reinsurance issued to public housing
2261authorities self-insuring under this section shall receive the
2262same tax treatment as reinsurance contracts issued to insurance
2263companies. However, the purchase of reinsurance coverage by a  
2264public housing authority self-insuring under this section shall
2265not be construed as authorization to otherwise act as an
2267     Section 18.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.