1 | A bill to be entitled |
2 | An act relating to certification of public school athletic |
3 | coaches; amending s. 1012.55, F.S.; providing that |
4 | completion of a sports safety course shall meet certain |
5 | certification requirements; requiring the sports safety |
6 | course to be approved by the Florida High School Athletic |
7 | Association Board of Directors and to meet specified |
8 | requirements; providing an effective date. |
9 |
10 | Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: |
11 |
12 | Section 1. Subsection (2) of section 1012.55, Florida |
13 | Statutes, is amended to read: |
14 | 1012.55 Positions for which certificates required.-- |
15 | (2)(a) Each person who is employed and renders service as |
16 | an athletic coach in any public school in any district of this |
17 | state shall hold a valid temporary or professional certificate |
18 | or an athletic coaching certificate. The athletic coaching |
19 | certificate may be used for either part-time or full-time |
20 | positions. The provisions of this subsection do not apply to any |
21 | athletic coach who voluntarily renders service and who is not |
22 | employed by any public school district of this state. |
23 | (b) Completion of a sports safety course shall count for 6 |
24 | hours of required instruction for athletic coaching |
25 | certification if the course is approved by the Florida High |
26 | School Athletic Association Board of Directors and meets the |
27 | following requirements: |
28 | 1. The course consists of at least eight modules. |
29 | 2. The course immediately provides an individual with a |
30 | "merit" certificate at the time of successful completion. |
31 | 3. The course is delivered through hands-on and online |
32 | teaching methods. |
33 | 4. A hands-on course is taught by a health care |
34 | professional who is either a member of the National Athletic |
35 | Trainers' Association or a member of the American Academy of |
36 | Orthopaedic Surgeons. |
37 | 5. Hands-on course material is less than 120 pages. |
38 | 6. The course covers sports safety specifically, excluding |
39 | coaching principles and procedures for cardiopulmonary |
40 | resuscitation. |
41 | 7. The course is authored or approved by at least 10 |
42 | health care professionals, including doctors of medicine, |
43 | doctors of osteopathy, registered nurses, physical therapists, |
44 | and certified athletic trainers. |
45 | 8. The course is revised and reviewed for updates at least |
46 | once every 30 months. |
47 | 9. The course is available to the general public for a |
48 | retail price under $50. |
49 | 10. Each course examination is automated and taken online |
50 | with a score of 80 percent or better for successful completion. |
51 | Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2009. |