Florida Senate - 2009                          SENATOR AMENDMENT
       Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1616
                                Barcode 823812                          
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                Floor: 1/AD/2R         .                                
             04/23/2009 11:54 AM       .                                

       Senator Oelrich moved the following:
    1         Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
    3         Between lines 176 and 177
    4  insert:
    5         Section 8. By January 15, 2010, the Office of Program
    6  Policy Analysis and Government Accountability shall submit a
    7  report on workforce education programs to the Governor, the
    8  President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of
    9  Representatives. The report must:
   10         (1) Review student outcomes in workforce education degree
   11  and certificate programs offered by community colleges, school
   12  districts, and independent institutions which prepare students
   13  for occupations not included on the locally targeted occupations
   14  lists developed by Workforce Florida, Inc., or on the statewide
   15  occupational forecasting list developed by the Workforce
   16  Estimating Conference. The review must include an examination
   17  of:
   18         (a) Successful program completion and licensure passage
   19  rates.
   20         (b) Employment placement rates and wages earned according
   21  to industry. Such examination must:
   22         1. Survey a statistically reliable sample of former
   23  students to determine the rates at which students became
   24  employed, and the wages earned, in the occupation for which the
   25  workforce education program prepared the student. Survey
   26  responses shall be cross-checked against available state data.
   27         2. Consider the effect that students who became self
   28  employed have on the employment rates determined under
   29  subparagraph 1.
   30         3. Examine full-time, part-time, and contracted employment
   31  as compared to other professions.
   32         4. Examine how the percentage of commission impacts total
   33  wages as compared to other professions.
   34         5. Compare the demand rate resulting from job openings
   35  annually to the demand rate for other professions.
   36         6. Examine program enrollment demographics by gender and
   37  ethnicity as compared to such demographics for the occupation.
   38         (2) Examine the cost-effectiveness of state funding for the
   39  workforce education programs reviewed under subsection (1)
   40  versus the provision of state financial assistance to students
   41  for attendance at independent institutions that offer such
   42  programs. Such examination must consider the availability of
   43  tuition waivers, scholarships, and loans and the total cost to
   44  students for workforce education programs at public and
   45  independent institutions.
   46         (3)Examine the requirements for student enrollment in the
   47  workforce education programs reviewed under subsection (1) at
   48  public and independent institutions.
   49         (4) Review the funding model used to determine funding for
   50  school district workforce education programs and provide options
   51  for modifying the funding system which will ensure equity among
   52  districts and access to these programs for students statewide.
   54  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
   55         And the title is amended as follows:
   56         Delete line 25
   57  and insert:
   58         provisions to changes made by the act; requiring that
   59         the Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government
   60         Accountability review and provide a report on
   61         workforce education programs for occupations not
   62         included on specific occupation lists and on funding
   63         options; requiring that such report be submitted to
   64         the Governor and the Legislature by a specified date;
   65         providing requirements for the report; providing an