Florida Senate - 2009 SB 2322 By Senator Gaetz 4-01619C-09 20092322__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to military base closures; creating s. 3 288.984, F.S.; establishing the Legislative Oversight 4 Council on United States Department of Defense Base 5 Realignment and Closure Activities; providing the 6 council's mission; providing for membership; providing 7 for terms of appointment; providing for reappointment 8 of members; providing for election of a council chair 9 and vice chair; providing for members to be reimbursed 10 for expenses; providing for council committees and the 11 tasks of the committees; providing an effective date. 12 13 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 14 15 Section 1. Section 288.984, Florida Statutes, is created to 16 read: 17 288.984 Legislative Oversight Council on United States 18 Department of Defense Base Realignment and Closure Activities. 19 The Legislative Oversight Council on United States Department of 20 Defense Base Realignment and Closure Activities is established. 21 The council shall provide oversight of the initiatives and 22 actions taken on behalf of the state under this part. 23 (1) MISSION.-The mission of the council is to: 24 (a) Keep the state’s military installations and their core 25 missions off the Department of Defense's base realignment and 26 closure activities list. 27 (b) Know the capabilities of state military installations 28 in order to accommodate the realignment of bases from other 29 locations and the potentiality for realigning bases from this 30 state. 31 (c) Support local community efforts relating to the 32 realignment and closure of a military base by acting as a 33 liaison between the local communities and the Legislature. 34 (2) MEMBERSHIP.— 35 (a) The council shall be composed of six members. The 36 President of the Senate shall appoint three members, at least 37 two of whom shall be members of the Senate, and the Speaker of 38 the House of Representatives shall appoint three members, at 39 least two of whom shall be members of the House of 40 Representatives. 41 (b) Each of the legislative members appointed by the 42 presiding officer of each house of the Legislature shall be 43 appointed to a term of 2 years, commencing July 1 of each odd 44 numbered year. The offices of the legislative members become 45 vacant if the legislators cease to be members of the house of 46 the Legislature from which they were appointed. Each of the 47 other members shall be appointed to a term of 4 years, 48 commencing July 1 in the year of appointment. A vacancy shall be 49 filled for the remainder of the unexpired term in the same 50 manner as the initial appointment. All members of the council 51 are eligible for reappointment. 52 (c) Members of the council shall elect a chair and vice 53 chair to terms of 2 years and the chair and vice chair are 54 eligible to succeed themselves. 55 (d) The members of the council shall serve without 56 compensation, but are entitled to reimbursement from the 57 appointing legislative chamber for expenses in accordance with 58 s. 112.061. 59 (3) SUBCOMMITTEES.—The council shall establish the 60 following committees: 61 (a) The Intrastate Activities Committee. The task of the 62 committee is to: 63 1. Collect information about and become familiar with the 64 concerns and activities of local communities in protecting their 65 respective military bases. 66 2. Conduct an analysis of the probability of base 67 realignment and closure actions for each military base and share 68 that evaluation with the affected community and the council. 69 3. Obtain the latest base realignment and closure 70 information available from the Federal Government and ensure 71 that communities are updated on that information. 72 4. Collect effective methods and practices used by local 73 communities to address the issue of base realignment or closure 74 and disseminate such best practices among affected communities. 75 5. Ensure that no affected community or stakeholder is left 76 out of state-level efforts and that everyone sees the value in a 77 statewide coordination of information gathering, strategy 78 development, and best-practice sharing. 79 6. Educate the Legislature on the importance of supporting 80 legislation relating to the state’s military bases. 81 (b) The Federal Activities Committee. The task of the 82 committee is to ensure that the council has a presence at the 83 Pentagon and to have on-going dialogue with key Department of 84 Defense officials concerning the state's military bases. 85 (c) The Competitive Advantages Committee. The task of the 86 committee is to research and collect best practices and 87 strategies throughout the country with respect to other military 88 communities in order to leverage this state's competitive 89 advantage. 90 (d) The Public Communications Committee. The task of the 91 committee is to increase public awareness of federal base 92 realignment and closure activities and public investment in 93 preserving the state's military bases. 94 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2009.