HB 243

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to health care management; amending s.
3627.6044, F.S.; prohibiting certain insurers from engaging
4in actions that encourage insureds not to make payments
5before medical service is rendered; amending s. 627.6131,
6F.S.; providing additional circumstances in which a health
7insurer may not retroactively deny a claim; amending s.
8627.6141, F.S.; requiring a claimant whose claim is denied
9for failure to obtain an authorization under certain
10circumstances to be provided an opportunity for an appeal;
11requiring that the insurer reverse a denial under certain
12circumstances; requiring the insurer to submit a written
13justification for a determination that a service was not
14medically necessary; amending ss. 627.6474 and 641.315,
15F.S.; prohibiting a health insurer or health maintenance
16organization from modifying a policy or procedure that
17would affect underlying contract terms without having a
18written mutual agreement; amending s. 641.3155, F.S.;
19providing additional circumstances in which a health
20maintenance organization may not retroactively deny a
21claim; amending s. 641.3156, F.S.; requiring a health
22maintenance organization to conduct a retrospective review
23of the medical necessity of a service under certain
24circumstances; requiring the health maintenance
25organization to submit a written justification for a
26determination that a service was not medically necessary
27and provide a process for appealing the determination;
28amending s. 641.54, F.S.; prohibiting a health maintenance
29organization from engaging in certain actions that
30encourage subscribers not to make payments before medical
31service is rendered; creating a study group to evaluate
32increases in a patient's financial responsibility for
33hospital services; providing for membership; requiring the
34Office of Insurance Regulation, the Agency for Health Care
35Administration, and the organizations appointing members
36to the study group to provide organizational support;
37providing for the duties of the study group; providing for
38per diem and travel expenses for members; requiring the
39study group to present a final report to the Legislature;
40providing an effective date.
42Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
44     Section 1.  Subsection (3) is added to section 627.6044,
45Florida Statutes, to read:
46     627.6044  Use of a specific methodology for payment of
48     (3)  An insurer issuing a policy that provides for payment
49of claims based on a specific methodology may not take any
50action, such as providing a printed statement to an insured,
51that encourages the insured to refuse to pay a copayment,
52coinsurance, a portion of a deductible, or any other form of
53patient financial responsibility before a medical service is
54rendered or prior to receipt of an insurer's explanation of
56     Section 2.  Subsection (11) of section 627.6131, Florida
57Statutes, is amended to read:
58     627.6131  Payment of claims.--
59     (11)  A health insurer may not retroactively deny a claim
60because of insured ineligibility:
61     (a)  More than 1 year after the date of payment of the
63     (b)  If the health insurer verified the eligibility of an
64insured at the time of treatment and provided an authorization
65number; or
66     (c)  If, at the time of service, the health insurer
67provided the insured with a magnetic or smart identification as
68provided in s. 627.642 that identified the insured as eligible
69to receive services.
70     Section 3.  Section 627.6141, Florida Statutes, is amended
71to read:
72     627.6141  Denial of claims.--Each claimant, or provider
73acting for a claimant, who has had a claim denied as not
74medically necessary or for failing to obtain authorization or
75obtaining only partial authorization due to an unintentional act
76or error or omission must be provided an opportunity for an
77appeal to the insurer's licensed physician who is responsible
78for the medical necessity reviews under the plan or is a member
79of the plan's peer review group. If the insurer determines upon
80review that the service was medically necessary, the insurer
81must reverse the denial and pay the claim. If the insurer
82determines that the service was not medically necessary, the
83insurer shall submit to the provider specific written clinical
84justification for the determination. The appeal may be by
85telephone, and the insurer's licensed physician must respond
86within a reasonable time, not to exceed 15 business days.
87     Section 4.  Section 627.6474, Florida Statutes, is amended
88to read:
89     627.6474  Provider contracts.--
90     (1)  A health insurer shall not require a contracted health
91care practitioner as defined in s. 456.001(4) to accept the
92terms of other health care practitioner contracts with the
93insurer or any other insurer, or health maintenance
94organization, under common management and control with the
95insurer, including Medicare and Medicaid practitioner contracts
96and those authorized by s. 627.6471, s. 627.6472, or s. 641.315,
97except for a practitioner in a group practice as defined in s.
98456.053 who must accept the terms of a contract negotiated for
99the practitioner by the group, as a condition of continuation or
100renewal of the contract. Any contract provision that violates
101this section is void. A violation of this section is not subject
102to the criminal penalty specified in s. 624.15.
103     (2)  A health insurer may not modify, amend, or change any
104policy, procedure, or equivalent document adopted by reference
105in a contract in effect with a provider that would affect,
106directly or indirectly, the underlying contract terms without a
107mutual written agreement between the provider and the insurer.
108Written notice of any proposed change must be provided by the
109health insurer to the provider at least 45 days prior to the
110date the proposed change is implemented.
111     Section 5.  Subsection (11) is added to section 641.315,
112Florida Statutes, to read:
113     641.315  Provider contracts.--
114     (11)  A health maintenance organization may not modify,
115amend, or change any policy, procedure, or equivalent document
116adopted by reference in a contract in effect with a provider
117that would affect, directly or indirectly, the underlying
118contract terms without a mutual written agreement between the
119provider and the organization. Written notice of any proposed
120change must be provided by the health maintenance organization
121to the provider at least 45 days prior to the date the proposed
122change is implemented.
123     Section 6.  Subsection (10) of section 641.3155, Florida
124Statutes, is amended to read:
125     641.3155  Prompt payment of claims.--
126     (10)  A health maintenance organization may not
127retroactively deny a claim because of subscriber ineligibility:
128     (a)   More than 1 year after the date of payment of the
130     (b)  If the health maintenance organization verified the
131eligibility of a subscriber at the time of treatment and
132provided an authorization number; or
133     (c)  If, at the time of service, the health maintenance
134organization provided the subscriber with a magnetic or smart
135identification as provided in s. 627.642 that identified the
136subscriber as eligible to receive services.
137     Section 7.  Subsection (3) of section 641.3156, Florida
138Statutes, is renumbered as subsection (4), and a new subsection
139(3) is added to that section to read:
140     641.3156  Treatment authorization; payment of claims.--
141     (3)  If a hospital-service or referral-service claim is
142denied because the provider, due to an unintentional act of
143error or omission, failed to obtain authorization or obtained
144only partial authorization, the provider may appeal the denial
145and the health maintenance organization must conduct and
146complete within 30 days after the submitted appeal a
147retrospective review of the medical necessity of the service. If
148the health maintenance organization determines that the service
149is medically necessary, the health maintenance organization must
150reverse the denial and pay the claim. If the health maintenance
151organization determines that the service is not medically
152necessary, the health maintenance organization shall provide the
153provider with specific written clinical justification for the
155     Section 8.  Subsection (8) is added to section 641.54,
156Florida Statutes, to read:
157     641.54  Information disclosure.--
158     (8)  A health maintenance organization may not take any
159action, such as issuing a printed statement to a subscriber,
160that encourages a subscriber to refuse to pay a copayment, a
161coinsurance percentage, a deductible, or any other portion of a
162patient's financial responsibility before a medical service is
163rendered or prior to receipt of the health maintenance
164organization's explanation of benefits.
165     Section 9.  (1)  A 12-person study group is created for the
166purpose of evaluating increases in patient financial
167responsibility for hospital services and the resulting impact on
168the affordability and accessibility of private, employer-
169sponsored health insurance. A representative of an employer who
170purchases health insurance for its employees, appointed by the
171Florida Chamber of Commerce, and an employer who provides health
172insurance through a self-insured plan, appointed by Associated
173Industries of Florida, shall act as co-chairs of the study
174group. The remaining 10 members of the study group shall be
175appointed as follows:
176     (a)  Two members appointed by the Florida Hospital
178     (b)  Two members appointed by the Florida Chamber of
179Commerce representing purchasers of health insurance.
180     (c)  Two members appointed by Associated Industries of
181Florida representing purchasers of health insurance.
182     (d)  One member of the Florida Senate appointed by the
184     (e)  One member of the House of Representatives appointed
185by the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
186     (f)  Two representatives of health insurance plans
187appointed by the Chief Financial Officer.
188     (2)  Organizational support for the study group shall be
189provided by the Office of Insurance Regulation, the Agency for
190Health Care Administration, and the organizations appointing
191members to the study group.
192     (3)  The study group shall evaluate and develop findings
193and recommendations regarding the following:
194     (a)  Changes in patient financial responsibility associated
195with hospital services in the form of copayments, coinsurance,
196and deductibles over the last several years as data is
198     (b)  The effect of patient payment requirements on access
199to hospital services.
200     (c)  The effect of financial disincentives regarding the
201inappropriate use of hospital emergency rooms and ways to
202strengthen such incentives.
203     (d)  The effect of patient payment requirements on the cost
204of employer-sponsored health insurance.
205     (e)  Methods to ensure that patient financial requirements
206are met.
207     (f)  Impediments to collections from patients at the point
208of service.
209     (g)  Methods to improve accurate collections from patients
210at the point of service.
211     (4)  Members of the study group shall serve without
212compensation. The organizations appointing members shall pay per
213diem and travel expenses for their respective members for the
214meetings of the study group. All meetings shall be held in
216     (5)  The members of the study group shall be appointed by
217July 30, 2009, and shall hold their first meeting by September
2181, 2009. The final report of the study group shall be presented
219to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of
220Representatives no later than January 29, 2010.
221     Section 10.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2009.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.