Florida Senate - 2009                          SENATOR AMENDMENT
       Bill No. CS for CS for CS for SB 2630
                                Barcode 695278                          
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                Floor: 1/AD/2R         .                                
             04/30/2009 11:46 AM       .                                

       Senator Haridopolos moved the following:
    1         Senate Amendment 
    3         Delete line 425
    4  and insert:
    5  plot therein. The previous sentence, however, shall not be
    6  applicable in any protest of a proposal to establish an
    7  additional, or to relocate an existing, same line-make motor
    8  vehicle dealer by a distributor that is not a manufacturer, a
    9  division of a manufacturer, an entity that is controlled by a
   10  manufacturer, or a common entity of a manufacturer, and that is
   11  not owned, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, by a
   12  manufacturer. The burden of proof in establishing inadequate