Florida Senate - 2009 SB 2636 By Senator Dean 3-01789-09 20092636__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to the Department of Environmental 3 Protection; providing legislative intent; transferring 4 the Office of Coastal and Aquatic Managed Areas and 5 related state law enforcement officer positions within 6 the Bureau of Park Police in the Department of 7 Environmental Protection to the Fish and Wildlife 8 Conservation Commission; requiring the Department of 9 Environmental Protection and the Fish and Wildlife 10 Conservation Commission to prepare a specified plan 11 and submit the plan to the Legislature; directing the 12 Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government 13 Accountability to conduct a specified study and submit 14 the study to the Legislature; directing the Department 15 of Environmental Protection to issue a request for 16 proposals for a public-private land management 17 demonstration pilot project for state parks and 18 greenways and trails; specifying requirements for the 19 project; requiring the Office of Program Policy 20 Analysis and Government Accountability to prepare and 21 submit a report to the Governor, the Legislature, the 22 Acquisition and Restoration Council, and the 23 Legislative Budget Commission; directing the 24 Department of Environmental Protection, in 25 consultation with the Fish and Wildlife Conservation 26 Commission and the Department of Agriculture and 27 Consumer Services, to issue a request for proposals 28 for a public-private land management demonstration 29 pilot project for specified conservation lands; 30 specifying requirements for the project; requiring a 31 third-party certified auditor to prepare and submit a 32 report to the Governor, the Legislature, the 33 Acquisition and Restoration Council, and the 34 Legislative Budget Commission; amending ss. 20.331, 35 253.86, and 259.037, F.S.; conforming provisions to 36 changes made by the act; providing an effective date. 37 38 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 39 40 Section 1. The Legislature finds and declares: 41 (1) Land acquisition programs have provided tremendous 42 financial resources for purchasing environmentally significant 43 lands to protect those lands from imminent development or 44 alteration, thereby ensuring present and future generations’ 45 access to important waterways, open spaces, and recreation and 46 conservation lands. 47 (2) Over the past 30 years, Florida has invested more than 48 $6 billion to conserve approximately 3.8 million acres of land 49 for environmental, recreational, and preservation purposes. With 50 a total of 3.8 million acres of conservation land purchased in 51 Florida, 2.4 million acres were purchased under the Florida 52 Forever and Preservation 2000 programs. Much of this land is 53 open to the public for recreation, including a total of more 54 than 500 state parks, preserves, forests, wildlife management 55 areas, and other conservation and recreation areas. 56 (3) The Florida Legislature has declared that state 57 conservation lands shall be managed to maintain or enhance the 58 resources the state is seeking to protect by acquiring the land 59 and to accelerate public access to the lands as soon as 60 practicable. 61 (4) A long-term financial commitment to restoring, 62 enhancing, and managing Florida’s public lands is required to 63 implement land management plans to ensure that: 64 (a) The natural resource values of such lands are restored, 65 enhanced, managed, and protected; 66 (b) The public enjoys the lands to their fullest potential; 67 and 68 (c) The state achieves the full benefits of its investment 69 of public dollars. 70 (5) Most of the state’s conservation lands are managed by 71 the following state agencies: 72 (a) The Division of Forestry in the Department of 73 Agriculture and Consumer Services. 74 (b) The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. 75 (c) The Division of Recreation and Parks in the Department 76 of Environmental Protection. 77 (d) The Office of Greenways and Trails in the Department of 78 Environmental Protection. 79 (e) The Office of Coastal and Aquatic Managed Areas in the 80 Department of Environmental Protection. 81 (6) Land management expenditures have generally increased 82 over the last 7 years, increasing from approximately $173 83 million in fiscal year 2001-2002 to approximately $215 million 84 in fiscal year 2006-2007. The average expenditure per acre 85 managed in fiscal year 2006-2007 was $66, but expenditures per 86 acre managed varied greatly from agency to agency and parcel to 87 parcel. 88 (7) In its October report on the methodology and formula 89 for allocating land management funds, the Land Management 90 Uniform Accounting Council, created in s. 259.037, Florida 91 Statutes, concluded that the current level of land management 92 funding clearly will be insufficient to provide for the full 93 funding of land management needs. 94 (8) If the state is to achieve the full benefits of its 95 investment of public dollars in conversation lands, it must 96 manage these lands as effectively and efficiently as possible. 97 (9) With limited financial resources to fund competing 98 priorities and increasing funding needs to manage public lands, 99 the state cannot afford to fund unnecessary duplicative 100 management functions in multiple state agencies. Although the 101 five state agencies that manage the state’s conservation lands 102 all have different management approaches to address the missions 103 and purposes of each respective agency, the land management 104 approach should be governed by the purposes for which the 105 conservation lands were acquired. 106 (10) A privatization pilot program for land management 107 would allow the Legislature to better evaluate the effectiveness 108 and efficiency of the state’s land management activities by: 109 (a) Identifying and achieving cost efficiencies and 110 reductions in administrative and operating costs; and 111 (b) Reducing duplication. 112 Section 2. All powers, duties, functions, rules, records, 113 personnel, property, and unexpended balances of appropriations, 114 allocations, and other funds of the Office of Coastal and 115 Aquatic Managed Areas and any related state law enforcement 116 officer positions within the Bureau of Park Police are 117 transferred intact by a type two transfer, as defined in s. 118 20.06(2), Florida Statutes, from the Department of Environmental 119 Protection to the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. 120 Such transfer shall be completed by July 1, 2010. 121 Section 3. The Department of Environmental Protection and 122 the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission shall jointly 123 develop a transition plan, including a fiscal analysis, for the 124 transfer of the Office of Coastal and Aquatic Managed Areas and 125 any related state law enforcement officer positions within the 126 Bureau of Park Police from the Department of Environmental 127 Protection to the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. The 128 plan shall be submitted to the President of the Senate and the 129 Speaker of the House of Representatives no later than December 130 1, 2009. 131 Section 4. The Office of Program Policy Analysis and 132 Government Accountability is directed to conduct a study of the 133 Division of Recreation and Parks, excluding the Office of 134 Coastal and Aquatic Managed Areas and any related state law 135 enforcement officer positions transferred pursuant to this act, 136 the Bureau of Park Police, and the Division of State Lands in 137 the Department of Environmental Protection to determine the most 138 efficient means of centralizing the land management activities 139 of the state, including, but not limited to, recommendations for 140 restructuring or subdividing acquisition and management 141 responsibilities. The study shall be submitted to the President 142 of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives no 143 later than December 1, 2009. 144 Section 5. The Department of Environmental Protection shall 145 issue a request for proposals for a public-private land 146 management demonstration pilot project for a period of 5 years. 147 The pilot project area shall consist of existing state parks and 148 greenways and trails. The request for proposals shall be awarded 149 no later than December 31, 2009. Proposals shall not exceed an 150 average management cost of $75 per acre per year. Once awarded, 151 the contractor shall prepare a land management plan consistent 152 with the duties and responsibilities of the agencies and submit 153 this plan to the Acquisition and Restoration Council for 154 approval, and provide a copy of the plan to the Legislative 155 Budget Commission. Any funds appropriated for the land 156 management pilot program shall be held in budget reserve until 157 such time as the department submits and the Legislative Budget 158 Commission approves a plan which includes a recommended request 159 for proposals regarding the expenditure of the funds. The 160 contractor shall be responsible for all land management 161 activities except for law enforcement. The effectiveness of this 162 project shall be reviewed and compared to other state land 163 management results by the Office of Program Policy Analysis and 164 Government Accountability. The Office of Program Policy Analysis 165 and Government Accountability shall submit its report to the 166 Governor, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House 167 of Representatives, the Acquisition and Restoration Council, and 168 the Legislative Budget Commission. 169 Section 6. The Department of Environmental Protection, in 170 consultation with the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission 171 and the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, shall 172 issue a request for proposals for a public-private conservation 173 land management demonstration pilot project for a period of 5 174 years. The request for proposals must clearly state the 175 management goals for the conservation lands and allow private 176 contractors to propose how these goals would be met within the 177 prescribed budget. In addition, the Legislature is particularly 178 interested in how a contractor would account for and report 179 costs, activities, and achievements; and innovate the manner in 180 which management plans are formulated, presented, and 181 implemented. A performance bond of no more than $1 million will 182 be required for this contract, and the agency may not cancel 183 this contract unless the contractor is in default of the 184 contract. The pilot project area shall consist of approximately 185 250,000 acres and shall consist of existing state forests, state 186 wildlife management areas, state park lands not primarily 187 managed for recreation, submerged lands, and properties formerly 188 managed as coastal buffer preserves. To the maximum extent 189 practicable, the project area shall be proportionately 190 distributed across lands currently managed by the Department of 191 Environmental Protection, the Fish and Wildlife Conservation 192 Commission, and the Department of Agriculture and Consumer 193 Services and shall be located within reasonable proximity to 194 each other. The request for proposals shall be awarded no later 195 than December 31, 2009. To achieve cost savings to the state, 196 proposals may not exceed an average management cost of $25 per 197 acre per year. Once awarded, the contractor shall prepare a land 198 management plan consistent with the duties and responsibilities 199 of the agencies and the certification standard of the Forest 200 Stewardship Council, submit this plan to the Acquisition and 201 Restoration Council for review and approval, and provide a copy 202 of the plan to the Legislative Budget Commission. Any funds 203 appropriated for the land management pilot program shall be held 204 in budget reserve until such time as the department submits and 205 the Legislative Budget Commission approves a plan which includes 206 a recommended request for proposals regarding the expenditure of 207 the funds. The contractor shall be responsible for all land 208 management activities except for law enforcement. The 209 effectiveness of this project shall be reviewed, compared to 210 other state land management results, and certified by a Forest 211 Stewardship Council third-party certified auditor. The auditor 212 shall submit its report to the Governor, the President of the 213 Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the 214 Acquisition and Restoration Council, and the Legislative Budget 215 Commission. 216 Section 7. Subsection (4) of section 20.331, Florida 217 Statutes, is amended to read: 218 20.331 Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.— 219 (4) PROGRAM AND RESEARCH SERVICES.—Within the Fish and 220 Wildlife Conservation Commission, the principal unit for program 221 services is a “division” or an “office” headed by a “director.” 222 The principal subunit of the division is a “section” headed by a 223 “leader.” The principal subunit of the section is a “subsection” 224 headed by an “administrator.” 225 (a) The following divisions, sections, and officesection226 are created within the commission: 227 1. Division of Freshwater Fisheries Management. 228 2. Division of Habitat and Species Conservation. 229 3. Division of Hunting and Game Management. 230 4. Division of Law Enforcement. There is created within the 231 division the Boating and Waterways Section and the Coastal and 232 Aquatic Managed Areas Section with duties and responsibilities 233 as provided in paragraph (7)(e). 234 5. Division of Marine Fisheries Management. 235 6. Office of Coastal and Aquatic Managed Areas. 236 (b) The principal unit for research services within the 237 commission is the Fish and Wildlife Research Institute, which 238 shall be headed by a director. 239 Section 8. Subsection (1) of section 253.86, Florida 240 Statutes, is amended to read: 241 253.86 Management and use of state-owned or other uplands; 242 rulemaking authority.— 243 (1) The Office of Coastal and Aquatic Managed Areas of the 244 Fish and Wildlife Conservation CommissionDepartment of245Environmental Protectionshall have the authority to promulgate 246 rules to govern the management and use of state-owned or other 247 uplands assigned to it for management. Such rules may include, 248 but shall not be limited to, establishing prohibited activities 249 or restrictions on activities, consistent with the purposes for 250 which the lands were acquired, designated, or dedicated, and 251 charging fees for use of lands. All fees collected shall be used 252 for the management of uplands managed by the office. 253 Section 9. Subsection (1) of section 259.037, Florida 254 Statutes, is amended to read: 255 259.037 Land Management Uniform Accounting Council.— 256 (1) The Land Management Uniform Accounting Council is 257 created within the Department of Environmental Protection and 258 shall consist of the director of the Division of State Lands, 259 the director of the Division of Recreation and Parks,the260director of the Office of Coastal and Aquatic Managed Areas,and 261 the director of the Office of Greenways and Trails of the 262 Department of Environmental Protection; the director of the 263 Division of Forestry of the Department of Agriculture and 264 Consumer Services; the executive director and the director of 265 the Office of Coastal and Aquatic Managed Areas of the Fish and 266 Wildlife Conservation Commission; and the director of the 267 Division of Historical Resources of the Department of State, or 268 their respective designees. Each state agency represented on the 269 council shall have one vote. The chair of the council shall 270 rotate annually in the foregoing order of state agencies. The 271 agency of the representative serving as chair of the council 272 shall provide staff support for the council. The Division of 273 State Lands shall serve as the recipient of and repository for 274 the council’s documents. The council shall meet at the request 275 of the chair. 276 Section 10. This act shall take effect July 1, 2009.