Bill No. CS/CS/CS/HB 27
Amendment No. 645633
Senate House

1Representatives Skidmore and Ambler offered the following:
3     Amendment (with title amendment)
4     Between lines 488 and 489, insert:
5     Section 5.  Subsection (4) of section 718.5012, Florida
6Statutes, is amended to read:
7     718.5012  Ombudsman; powers and duties.--The ombudsman
8shall have the powers that are necessary to carry out the duties
9of his or her office, including the following specific powers:
10     (4)  To act as liaison between the division, unit owners,
11boards of directors, board members, community association
12managers, and other affected parties. The ombudsman shall
13develop policies and procedures to assist unit owners, boards of
14directors, board members, community association managers, and
15other affected parties to understand their rights and
16responsibilities as set forth in this chapter and the
17condominium documents governing their respective association.
18The ombudsman shall coordinate and assist in the preparation and
19adoption of educational and reference material, and shall
20endeavor to coordinate with private or volunteer providers of
21these services, so that the availability of these resources is
22made known to the largest possible audience. In conjunction with
23the division, included in the preparation and adoption of
24educational and reference materials shall be the publishing and
25updating of a "Florida Condominium Handbook" to facilitate
26understanding of chapter 718, the contents of which are stated
27in a clear, conspicuous, and easily understandable manner. The
28handbook shall be made publicly available on the ombudsman's
29Internet website.
T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T
33     Remove line 23 and insert:
34revising provisions relating to levy of fines; amending s.
35718.5012, F.S.; providing a responsibility of the ombudsman to
36prepare and adopt a "Florida Condominium Handbook"; requiring
37the publishing and updating of the handbook to be done in
38conjunction with the Division of Florida Condominiums,
39Timeshares, and Mobile Homes; providing the purpose of the
40handbook; requiring the handbook to be published on the
41ombudsman's Internet website; amending s.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.