HB 355

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to teacher retention; amending s. 1008.34,
3F.S.; requiring that the school report card that is
4delivered to parents in each school district include the
5district's teacher turnover rate; creating s. 1012.988,
6F.S.; creating the Florida Teacher Induction Initiative
7for the purpose of providing support to new teachers;
8requiring each district to develop and implement a teacher
9induction initiative; specifying required minimum elements
10of the initiative; requiring that districts report the
11teacher turnover rate to the Commissioner of Education;
12requiring that a district submit a plan to address its new
13teacher attrition rate under certain circumstances;
14requiring the Department of Education to establish a
15statewide data collection and reporting system to
16determine the annual district cost of replacing teachers;
17requiring the department to assist districts in developing
18initiatives and goals; requiring the department to conduct
19a study to determine the relationship of teacher retention
20and attrition to student academic achievement; providing
21an effective date.
23Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
25     Section 1.  Subsection (5) of section 1008.34, Florida
26Statutes, is amended to read:
27     1008.34  School grading system; school report cards;
28district grade.--
29     (5)  SCHOOL REPORT CARD.--The Department of Education shall
30annually develop, in collaboration with the school districts, a
31school report card to be delivered to parents throughout each
32school district. The report card shall include the school's
33grade, information regarding school improvement, an explanation
34of school performance as evaluated by the federal No Child Left
35Behind Act of 2001, the teacher turnover rate pursuant to s.
361012.988, and indicators of return on investment. Each school's
37report card shall be published annually by the department on its
38website, and the school district shall provide the school report
39card to each parent.
40     Section 2.  Section 1012.988, Florida Statutes, is created
41to read:
42     1012.988  Florida Teacher Induction Initiative.--
43     (1)  The Florida Teacher Induction Initiative is
44established to develop quality induction models in school
45districts to provide new teachers with professional support and
46guidance in the development of teaching skills, best practices,
47and classroom management skills and to provide new teachers with
48emotional and logistical support.
49     (2)  In the 2009-2010 school year, each school district
50shall plan for the implementation of a teacher induction
51initiative that includes the following minimum elements:
52     (a)  Provide each new teacher with an appropriate 2-year
53induction program that supports the teacher in achieving success
54in the classroom. A new teacher is defined as a teacher having
55less than 1 year of prior teaching experience or having a
56temporary teaching certificate. The plan shall include
57professional development opportunities for beginning teachers
58which are aligned to student achievement and classroom
59organization skills.
60     (b)  Implement strategies that include components such as
61mentoring and best practices for effective teacher induction in
62leadership training for principals.
63     (c)  Propose strategies to redirect existing financial and
64human resources to support and expand quality induction efforts
65and retain effective teachers.
66     (d)  Review the feasibility and fiscal impact of adjusting
67levels of teaching responsibility and providing mentoring in
68order to reduce teaching preparations and extracurricular
70     (e)  Calculate annual teacher turnover rates for the prior
712 school years, exclusive of retirements, by school and by
72school district, including data analysis of the level of teacher
73experience, teacher age, teacher ethnicity, teacher preparation
74pathway, in-state or out-of-state training, and in-field or out-
75of-field assignment. This information shall be reported to the
76Commissioner of Education.
77     (f)  Establish school goals and school district goals to
78reduce teacher attrition to no more than 10 percent, exclusive
79of retirements and approved leaves of absence, with special
80attention to the first 7 years of teacher service.
81     (3)  In the 2010-2011 school year and each school year
82thereafter, each school district shall:
83     (a)  Implement its teacher induction initiative.
84     (b)  Review and report to the commissioner the teacher
85turnover rate by school and school district along with
86associated data analysis and the progress made towards meeting
87its goal to reduce teacher attrition.
88     (c)  Use data from the Department of Education pursuant to
89subsection (6) to determine the cost effectiveness of school
90district teacher induction initiatives and report the school
91district's findings to the commissioner.
92     (4)  In 2011-2012 school year and each school year
93thereafter, if the teacher turnover report shows no improvement
94over the prior year in the retention of new teachers in schools
95having grades of "D" or "F," the school district must submit a
96specific plan to address the attrition rate of new teachers and
97must use mentoring and other strategies, such as reduced
98teaching loads for new teachers, to address teacher turnover.
99     (5)  If the school district goal to reduce teacher
100attrition is not met, the district must revise its teacher
101induction initiative and evaluate other methods of retaining
103     (6)  The Department of Education shall:
104     (a)  Develop and establish a statewide data collection and
105reporting system to determine the annual school district cost of
106replacing teachers and report the annual cost by district to the
107Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the
108House of Representatives.
109     (b)  Provide technical assistance to school districts in
110developing the teacher induction initiative and in establishing
111school and school district goals to reduce teacher attrition.
112     (c)  Report the teacher turnover rate at each school as
113part of the school report card as required in s. 1008.34(5).
114     (d)  Conduct a study to determine the relationship of
115teacher retention and attrition to student academic achievement
116and report the findings to the Governor, the President of the
117Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives by
118October 1, 2012.
119     Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2009.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.